Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1349 Drawing the Sword

The Jin Clan decided to use the Holy Sword as a dowry, but it left Zhuo Bufan and his team with a difficult problem.

Because not everyone can pull out the Holy Sword of the Jin Clan.

Otherwise, the Holy Sword of the Jin Clan would not have been placed in their Jin Clan for such a long time.

The Jin Clan's play-acting was undoubtedly intended to make Zhuo Bufan retreat.

After listening to the words of the Jin Clan, Zhuo Bufan sneered.

"Interesting! So, I have to pull out the Holy Sword myself?"

Although the result was somewhat unexpected, it was still within Zhuo Bufan's acceptable range.

Zhuo Bufan had originally planned to pull out the Holy Sword of the Jin Clan, after all, he and Chi Yan had a bet.

So when he heard that he had to pull out the Holy Sword himself, Zhuo Bufan was actually very excited. He also wanted to try and see if he could pull out the Holy Sword of the Jin Clan.

"Although it's a bit embarrassing, it seems to be like this."

"Your Excellency may only be able to pull out the Holy Sword yourself."

The chief of the Jin Clan said to Zhuo Bufan.

Zhuo Bufan nodded and said.

"I understand! Okay, I'll go see how difficult it is to pull out the holy sword of your Jin clan."

Anyway, Zhuo Bufan and his team's goal is also the holy sword.

This holy sword will be pulled out sooner or later.

No matter whether it is the Jin clan's little trick, Zhuo Bufan and his team can only pull out the sword by themselves in the end.

Although it may be in vain to stop the flood, the process of pulling out the sword is quite exciting.

Zhuo Bufan is looking forward to pulling out the sword, while Chi Yan is looking forward to the princess of the Jin clan who is willing to marry him.

"May I ask the princess, are you serious?"

"Have you really decided to marry me?"

Originally, Chi Yan just regarded this as a play.

But after he saw the princess of the Jin clan, he actually felt moved.

It seems that he has obviously fallen in love with this princess!

After hearing what Chi Yan said, the princess of the Jin clan replied lightly.

"As long as your Highness doesn't mind."

The Princess of the Jin Clan actually didn't have any feelings for Chi Yan, the fake prince, but she had to agree because of her family.

If she didn't agree, it might bring crisis to her tribe.

To put it bluntly, the Princess of the Jin Clan actually had a sense of mission to sacrifice herself and protect her family.

It had nothing to do with Chi Yan.

However, Chi Yan was very wishful.

"Princess, please rest assured that I will treat you well in the future and will not let you suffer any grievances."

"I will definitely make you the happiest elf in the world."

Chi Yan was very glib at the moment.

After all, he met his beloved, and he wanted to try his best to show it.

When Zhuo Bufan saw Chi Yan like this, he sighed helplessly.

"Hey, it seems that this guy is unreliable after all."

Zhuo Bufan was originally thinking about whether to rely on this guy to pull out the holy sword.

But now it seems that Chi Yan has long been obsessed with sex and has forgotten his mission.

It seems that the task of pulling out the holy sword can only be done by oneself.

"Take me with you! I want to see how difficult it is to pull out the holy sword of your Jin clan."

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, the Jin clan leader nodded.

"Okay, please follow me."

Then, under the leadership of the Jin clan leader, Zhuo Bufan and Chi Yan came to a platform.

In the center of the platform, there was a pure black boulder.

On the boulder, there was a big sword with chains all over it.

"That is the holy weapon, the Holy Sword, that my Jin Clan has guarded for generations."

"After the Elf King gave the Holy Sword to my ancestors, it has been inserted into this diamond star."

"Legend has it that this stone is a meteorite from outer space. It is indestructible."

"My Jin Clan has tried countless methods for generations, but in the end it was useless."

"So far, this Holy Sword has never moved while inserted into this diamond star."

"So we can only marvel at it."

"This Holy Sword is the most precious thing of my Jin Clan. After thinking about it, only the Holy Sword is suitable as my daughter's dowry."

"But, as you can see, if you want the Holy Sword, we are powerless."

"So, you can only rely on yourself to pull it out. Whether you can succeed or not depends on your own luck."

The Jin Clan leader completely cleared himself of his responsibility with one sentence.

To put it bluntly now, the Holy Sword is placed in front of Zhuo Bufan.

As long as he pulls it out, the Holy Sword is his.

If he can't pull it out, it's not the fault of the Jin Clan. He must retreat when he sees the difficulty.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan slowly approached the diamond star.

It was a huge black stone, which was indeed indestructible.

Just when Zhuo Bufan was about to fly onto the boulder, a white shadow suddenly flashed before his eyes.


"I'll try!"

Only to see Chi Yan actually took the lead and flew onto the boulder.

"Princess sister, you watch, I'll pull out the holy sword for you and give it to you."

Chi Yan wanted to show off in front of his princess sister, so he was so prominent.

Seeing this, Zhuo Bufan smiled secretly and didn't say much.

"Okay, let you have fun."

Zhuo Bufan didn't intend to stop Chi Yan. After all, Chi Yan was full of confidence now, and he couldn't destroy the other party's confidence at this time.

Maybe Chi Yan can really pull out the Holy Sword?

Anyway, they are in the same group, no matter who pulls it out, it will be the same.

So it doesn't matter if this guy tries first.

Zhuo Bufan still has some confidence in Chi Yan.

At this moment, Chi Yan is silently looking at the Holy Sword in front of him.

The Holy Sword looks plain and even a little rusty.

But Chi Yan knows that the more inconspicuous things are, the more unimaginable power they contain.

"This is the weapon that the Elf King used to unify the world."

"Holy Sword, here I come."

Chi Yan grew two small hands, and then suddenly grabbed the hilt, trying to use brute force to pull out the Holy Sword.

However, no matter how hard he tried, the Holy Sword was indifferent.

"Damn, can't it move? Move it for me!"

For Chi Yan, this is his highlight moment.

All the elves are looking at him, including his fiancée, the person he loves.

If he couldn't pull it out, wouldn't it be too embarrassing?


Chi Yan screamed, and the whole ground began to tremble.

After all, Chi Yan had been baptized by the eternal fire and irrigated by the holy water of the Holy Grail.

He possessed power beyond ordinary elves and a small part of the power of the Elf King.

However, no matter how he gritted his teeth and tried his best to pull out the holy sword, the holy sword was indifferent.

"Damn it!"

At this moment, Chi Yan felt that he was embarrassed.

He originally wanted to perform well in front of his beloved princess.

As a result, the scene was awkward for a while.

Even the enemy began to tremble, but the whole holy sword was still inserted into the diamond star.

"No, no."

The chief of the Jin clan saw that Chi Yan used all his strength but couldn't move the holy sword at all.

He knew that the holy sword would definitely stay, because no elf could shake its existence.

After seeing this scene, the other elders of the Gold Clan also breathed a sigh of relief.

Originally, they were still worried that the Holy Sword of the Gold Clan would be taken out by the Fire Clan.

Now it seems that they were obviously worrying too much. The Holy Sword of the Gold Clan will not be shaken by any elf.

"Hahahaha, the prince is indeed born with divine power, even the earth is shaking."

"It's a pity that this holy sword seems to be integrated with this diamond star and cannot be shaken at all."

"The prince has done a good job. I am relieved that my daughter can marry a strong man like the prince."

"Your Excellency the clan leader, how about this~! I will change the dowry."

"Our Jin clan once imitated a holy sword with meteorite iron according to the appearance of the holy sword."

"Although it is a replica, I assure you that it is definitely the second only to the holy sword in the whole world."

"If the clan leader doesn't mind, how about I give the holy sword as a dowry?"

When the clan leader of the Jin clan saw that the prince of the Fire Clan failed, he knew that the holy sword could not be pulled out.

He can indeed breathe a sigh of relief now, but he must not let the clan leader of the Fire Clan get nothing.

At least give him a way out, otherwise, the Fire Clan clan war may still be angry.

Therefore, the chief of the Jin tribe decided to give Zhuo Bufan the replica made by their Jin tribe.

However, Zhuo Bufan replied after hearing this.

"Let me try first."

Although Chi Yan failed to pull out the holy sword, Zhuo Bufan was not disappointed at all.

After all, he did not have much expectation from the beginning.

Compared with himself, Chi Yan was still a little worse.

Therefore, Zhuo Bufan had to pull out the holy sword himself.

When he flew to the diamond star, he looked at Chi Yan.

Chi Yan shook his head at him and said cautiously.

"No, this sword seems to have grown out of this stone."

"It is impossible to pull it out."

Only after trying, did he know that this was an impossible task.

No elf could pull out the holy sword, unless it was the Elf King.

"What, do you want to give up?"

Zhuo Bufan looked at Chi Yan and said.

The holy sword was the holy weapon they had to get. If they did not get the holy sword, they would not be able to become the Elf King.

Collecting all the holy artifacts is a prerequisite for becoming the Elf King.

When Chi Yan heard Zhuo Bufan's words, his eyes lit up.

"Give up? How is that possible?"

"I won't give up. I'll leave it to you next. I believe you can definitely draw the Holy Sword."

Chi Yan suddenly began to cheer Zhuo Bufan up.

Zhuo Bufan smiled after hearing this.

Then he slowly flew towards the Holy Sword.

Zhuo Bufan looked at the Holy Sword and stretched out his two small hands.

Then, he slowly grasped the Holy Sword with both hands.

For a moment, all the elves present held their breath and waited for Zhuo Bufan to draw his sword.

However, Zhuo Bufan did not draw his sword immediately, but was silent for a moment.

Then, a white liquid flame suddenly left from his body.

This liquid flame began to slowly flow down along the hilt of the Holy Sword.

The white liquid flame was the fusion of holy water and holy fire.

Under the fusion power of holy water and holy fire, the rust on the sword began to disappear, and then bloomed with an extremely dazzling light.

At the same time, the chains tied to the sword began to disappear under the white liquid flames.

In the end, the white liquid flame actually flowed along the sword body and into the diamond stars below.

The fusion of the power of the two sacred weapons, the Eternal Fire and the Holy Grail and Holy Water, is naturally stronger than the Holy Sword.

Therefore, under the fusion of the two major abilities, the diamond stars began to slowly melt.

"Melt? Look, the diamond stars have melted."

Many Jin clan ministers below exclaimed.

Obviously, they also saw the melted diamond stars immediately.

You know, the diamond star has been standing here for thousands of years.

During these thousands of years, countless people have studied its secrets one after another, but they are completely unable to understand it.

The diamond stars are even more indestructible and cannot even be picked out.

However, he didn't expect that such a hard diamond star would slowly begin to melt.

This is indeed incredible!

As the diamonds and stars melted, the holy sword soon began to loosen.

"It's moving, it's moving, look, the holy sword is moving."

When Zhuo Bufan moved the holy sword bit by bit, the elves below all screamed in surprise.

This was the first time they saw the Holy Sword move.

That is a holy sword, a holy sword that no elf can pull out.

Now, it seems that the holy sword is about to be drawn out.

"Come on, he can really pull out the holy sword."

He saw the holy sword being pulled out bit by bit by Zhuo Bufan.

At this time, the people of the Jin clan didn't know whether to be happy or sad.

I was happy because the holy sword was finally being pulled out, but sad because the one who pulled it out was not a member of their Jin clan, but a member of the Fire clan.

The ministers hoped that Zhuo Bufan could take out the holy sword and let them see its true appearance.

But there was hope on one side, but Zhuo Bufan couldn't pull it out.

After all, the Holy Sword is the holy weapon of their Jin clan. If it is really pulled out by the foreign elves, then the holy sword will have to bid farewell to their Jin clan.

Ever since, all the elves of the Jin clan, amidst this entanglement and contradiction, began to watch helplessly as Zhuo Bufan pulled out the holy sword from the diamond star bit by bit.

"Come, come, dad, I called you dad, you must pull it out!"

Seeing that the holy sword was about to be pulled out, Chi Yan was also excited.

He even called Zhuo Bufan dad shamelessly.

Now, Chi Yan naturally hoped that Zhuo Bufan could pull out the holy sword, and he was willing to lose the bet.

So he shouted to his father and waited for Zhuo Bufan to draw the holy sword.

But when Zhuo Bufan heard Chi Yan calling him daddy, his power suddenly surged.


Zhuo Bufan was inspired by Chi Yan's "Daddy" all his strength.

He shouted angrily, and all his strength burst out in an instant.

The next second, there was only a clang sound, and the Jin clan's holy sword was drawn out.

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