Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1357 Self-Sacrifice

Zhuo Bufan came to the bottom of the Demonic Tree, but found that there was an endless mysterious ocean below.

In this ocean, what was surging was not water, but a strange energy.

Zhuo Bufan had never seen such power before.

When he approached, he found that his body and soul began to suffer unconsciously.

Especially the soul, at that moment, it seemed that countless negative emotions surged.

Zhuo Bufan felt loneliness, sadness, loneliness, jealousy, anger, greed, etc.

These emotions were all negative emotions, which made his heart and soul suffer a great impact.

Zhuo Bufan never thought that he would be affected by such power.

This is not a single negative emotion, but a very large one. It seems that countless messy emotions are condensed together.

This reminds Zhuo Bufan of the Heavenly Dao incarnations of Daluo Tiandao.

Those Heavenly Dao incarnations are not the negative emotions of Heavenly Dao!

Heavenly Dao separated all its negative emotions and made them into clones one by one.

And now, there are so many negative emotions in front of him again, which makes Zhuo Bufan a little confused.

"Could it be that this demon tree is completely bred by negative emotions?"

"If so, then the so-called demons are actually some negative forces?"

"Where do these negative forces come from?"

Just as Zhuo Bufan was thinking about where these negative forces came from.

Suddenly, the mysterious ocean under his feet began to rotate, creating a huge vortex.

Then, a black ball of light slowly rose in the vortex.

The ball of light appeared in front of Zhuo Bufan.

Then, two eyes suddenly grew on the black ball of light.

Then, four limbs grew.

He looked like a black elf.

Zhuo Bufan had never seen such an elf.

When Zhuo Bufan saw this scene, he couldn't help but prepare for battle at the first time.

"What is it?"

Zhuo Bufan frowned deeply.

At this time, the black ball of light grew a hideous big mouth.

Then the big mouth bared its teeth and howled at Zhuo Bufan.

"I am the collection of all the power in this world, Elf King, I finally waited for you."

When Zhuo Bufan heard the other party's voice, he was stunned.

"Elf King? Have you been waiting for me?"

"Yes, you used all your strength to seal me and saved the elf world from destruction."

"Now, I have collected all the negative energy I need again."

"I finally broke through the fate of the seal and came to you for revenge."

After hearing the other party's words, Zhuo Bufan narrowed his eyes slightly.

He naturally felt a little strange, because the other party seemed to say that they had been absorbing negative energy.

They relied on absorbing enough negative energy to destroy the entire seal.

In other words, the other party is now absorbing negative energy in secret.

Where does the negative energy it absorbs come from?

Why is there such inexplicable negative energy?

Since it can become so powerful by relying on negative energy, what kind of creature is the other party?

Many questions linger on Zhuo Bufan's head.

However, Zhuo Bufan did not show too much confusion, but answered calmly.

"Do you dare to come back and shout after being defeated?"

The other party has made it very clear.

They are actually a collection of all negative emotions.

In the invasion a long time ago, the Elf King stopped them with his life.

So these negative emotions are hatred for the Elf King.

Now Zhuo Bufan has inherited all the power of the Elf King, so after seeing the Elf King incarnated by Zhuo Bufan, the other party immediately appeared and prepared to fight Zhuo Bufan.

"Elf King, let's avenge the old hatred, new hatred and old hatred together!"

"We have been waiting for this moment for a long time."

"That's right, we have condensed thousands of years of energy just to be able to kill you with our own hands."

"Elf King, wait for death!"

Hundreds of different voices came from the black light ball.

Some were angry, some were sad, some were excited, and some were vicious.

In short, Elf King Zhuo Bufan could not avoid this battle.

Of course, Zhuo Bufan had no intention of hiding.

"It seems that only by killing you can this battle end, right?"

"In that case, I will help you, get ready for the battle."

When Zhuo Bufan was worrying about what to do next, he suddenly saw hope.

The Elf King sealed this mess of things in the past, so that he could save Changsheng and Zhuo Bufan himself.

So, Zhuo Bufan decided to fight head-on.

He wanted to kill the other party and end this meaningless battle.

After saying that, Zhuo Bufan raised the holy sword and chopped at the group of black elves.

The holy sword was so powerful that it directly split the sea of ​​negative energy in half.

However, Zhuo Bufan's opponent was obviously not simple.

The other party was furious and began to fight back.

He also grabbed a huge black sword in his hand and chopped it towards Zhuo Bufan.


Two peerless swords collided with each other. It startled the endless waves of the sea.

After a fight, Zhuo Bufan found that the opponent was not as terrible as he imagined.

I have to admit that this black elf is very powerful, but it is still a little worse than him.

Of course, the most important thing is that Zhuo Bufan has combat experience that his opponent does not have.

Zhuo Bufan has rich combat experience so far.

Even if he is at a disadvantage, Zhuo Bufan is still fearless.

"Come again!"

Zhuo Bufan raised the holy sword and killed the black elf again.

This time, the black elf directly summoned the power of the sea of ​​emotions and began to throw energy balls at Zhuo Bufan.

Boom boom boom boom!

For a time, the entire sea of ​​emotions was turbulent.

Zhuo Bufan began to actively look for opportunities and take the initiative to fight against it.

The holy sword in his hand wielded the power of various elf kings that he had just obtained.

Zhuo Bufan relied on his rich combat experience to suppress the powerful opponent.

"That's it, suppress him, and then kill him."

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, the fire of fighting spirit began to burn.

He did not give the other party a chance to react, and suppressed the other party again and again.

The black elf never expected that this Elf King was more powerful than he imagined.

"How is it possible? How can you be so powerful?"

"I have been preparing for thousands of years, can't I still be better than this Elf King?"

The black elf began to lose control of his emotions.

As his emotions lost control, his energy began to surge.

This guy is a collection of all negative emotions. Once his negative emotions begin to increase, his abilities will also become stronger.

Although the black elf did not want to admit it, facing Zhuo Bufan, he had to burst out his most powerful power.

The other party carried a violent force and rushed towards Zhuo Bufan.

Zhuo Bufan saw this, raised the holy sword, and also rushed towards the black elf.

For a while, the two sides kept colliding on the sea of ​​emotions.

Every time they collided, Zhuo Bufan felt all kinds of complex emotions.

There was sadness, sorrow, jealousy, pain, and so on.

Until the end, Zhuo Bufan's spirit was exhausted by this negative energy.

His movements began to slow down, his spirit began to become sluggish, and his strength began to be a little powerless.

Most importantly, he found that his fighting spirit was getting weaker and weaker.

He had a fear of fighting in his heart.

"Are you affected?"

Zhuo Bufan reacted immediately and realized that he should be affected by the black elf.

The opponent's constant use of the power of negative emotions on him caused him to completely lose his fighting spirit.

Until the end, Zhuo Bufan completely gave up the idea of ​​fighting.

He had only one feeling, that is, decadence and fatigue.

Whether it was physical or mental, he was extremely tired.

He could not find a reason to fight, he gave up fighting, and he even gave up the holy sword in his hand.

Seeing Zhuo Bufan's dying state, the black elf became excited.

"It worked. You, after all, couldn't resist the power of these countless negative emotions."

"Do you know where these powers come from?"

"They all come from your elf world, from every one of you elves."

"You threw the negative emotions here like throwing garbage. They gathered into a sea here, and then gave birth to self-consciousness."

"Now, they are united to destroy you humble and simple lives."

It turns out that the so-called alien demon world is actually the other side of the elf world.

The negative emotions of all lives in the elf world have been absorbed into this world.

No wonder all lives in the elf world are very happy.

Because their negative emotions have long been absorbed by this world.

However, this world has absorbed more and more negative emotions, which has exceeded its carrying limit.

More importantly, these countless negative emotions have gathered together and actually gave birth to self-consciousness.

These arrogant consciousnesses want to destroy the real world and want to destroy the elf world.

This is the origin of the alien demon world.

Of course, these are no longer meaningful to Zhuo Bufan.

Because Zhuo Bufan now completely lost all his fighting spirit.

Zhuo Bufan now floated on the sea of ​​emotions, and there were still countless negative emotions wrapped around him.

Under the wrapping of this negative emotion, he completely fell and couldn't extricate himself.

The black elf laughed triumphantly after seeing this scene.

"Hahahaha, Elf King, have you finally done it?"

"Very good, now it's time to finish you off."

The black elf came in front of Zhuo Bufan and raised his hand.

In his hand, a huge sword condensed.

The next second, he slashed towards the top of Zhuo Bufan's head as the Elf King.


As soon as the voice fell, the sword descended and chopped on Zhuo Bufan's head.

However, at this critical moment, Zhuo Bufan suddenly raised the holy sword in his hand and pierced the body of the black elf.

All this happened too suddenly, and the black elf obviously didn't expect it.

He looked at the holy sword on his body with a dull look.

"How, how is it possible?"

"Don't you have no will to fight?"

The black elf had clearly used all the negative energy to corrode Zhuo Bufan's soul.

Even the most powerful enemy could only be slaughtered at that moment.

But Zhuo Bufan gave him an unexpected sneak attack at that moment.

The black elf was pierced by the holy sword in Zhuo Bufan's hand on the spot.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan's dull eyes began to slowly recover.

He then squinted and said.

"I have indeed lost all my will to fight."

"But there are other motivations to urge me to regain my fighting spirit."

"Other motivations?" The black elf asked puzzledly.

"That's right, you are just my reincarnation mission after all."

"I haven't forgotten my mission."

"For the mission, I must kill you."

The way Zhuo Bufan stayed rational at the last moment was because he remembered his mission.

Indeed, Zhuo Bufan had a mission he could not refuse, which was the reincarnation mission.

At the most critical moment, Zhuo Bufan thought that everything he did was for the mission.

So for the mission, even if he no longer had the will to fight, he had to grab the holy sword in his hand and cut the enemy in front of him in half.

The holy sword pierced the body of the black elf.

Soon, the power of the black elf began to collapse, and the entire sea of ​​emotions began to roll.

The huge alien demon tree also began to rot.

Sure enough, the black elf was the key to everything. As long as he was killed.

Then the world would collapse.

It is a collection of all negative emotions, equivalent to the most important nerve hub.

Zhuo Bufan eliminated him, and naturally the world began to self-destruct.

"It's over."

Zhuo Bufan laughed triumphantly.

He watched the world collapse, and a hint of smile flashed in his eyes.

Then, Zhuo Bufan flew out of this world.

However, when Zhuo Bufan returned to the elf world, he found that the creatures in the entire elf world had long been slaughtered.

With the collapse of the alien demon tree, all the alien demons began to die.

For a time, no life survived in the elf world.

On the earth, there were all kinds of strange corpses.

After seeing this scene, Zhuo Bufan's heart trembled.

"Is it still a step too late?"

Zhuo Bufan couldn't believe it.

He didn't expect that all the elves died in the battle.

"What's next? Where is my guiding holy light?"

Zhuo Bufan looked up at the sky, waiting for his guiding holy light.

However, the guiding holy light did not appear for a long time, and Zhuo Bufan frowned deeply.

"The mission has not been completed yet? How is it possible?"

"Now I am the elf king. And now I have destroyed the entire alien demon world."

"Liang Xu has completed the two most earth-shaking events in this world, why haven't I completed the mission yet?"

Zhuo Bufan suddenly didn't understand what the reincarnation mission of this world was.

Just when Zhuo Bufan was confused, he saw the withered tree of life of the wood clan.

Suddenly, Zhuo Bufan's eyes lit up.

"I understand!"

Zhuo Bufan seemed to understand something.

Then, he began to pass all his strength to the tree of life.

For a moment, the Tree of Life began to recover its life with the help of Zhuo Bufan's power.

At the same time, the powerful life force radiated the whole world.

Gradually, all the dead elves began to revive.

"Huh? Didn't I die?"

"Are you alive again?"

"Look, it's the Elf King. The Elf King brought us back to life."

"No, the Elf King sacrificed himself and resurrected all of us."


At this time, all the elves found that the Elf King sacrificed himself and then resurrected all the dead elves.

Zhuo Bufan's body began to slowly disappear.

At this moment, a guiding holy light was cast from the sky.

Zhuo Bufan guessed correctly that when he decided to sacrifice himself, it was the completion of a reincarnation!

This is the fate of the Elf King, and also the reincarnation of the Elf King.


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