Fifteen years have passed in the blink of an eye.

Jiang Meng has grown into a graceful young lady.

Zhuo Bufan, who reincarnated as Jiang Meng, is about to celebrate her twentieth birthday.

Birthdays are a day of great joy. The whole Jiang Kingdom celebrates Zhuo Bufan's birthday.

But as the birthday girl, Jiang Meng is not happy at all.

Because, on her twentieth birthday, Jiang Meng will be pregnant.

Yes, this is the most sacred day for all women in this world.

No matter who you are, as long as you reach your twentieth birthday, you will definitely get pregnant.

Twenty years, Jiang Meng has been worried about this day for twenty years, and it will finally come.

"Meng'er, your twentieth birthday will be in two days."

"This is the most important day for us women."

"On this day you will be pregnant with your offspring, and you will be ready to be a mother."

When Jiang Meng heard this, her eyes turned green.

"No, I don't want it!"

At this moment, she must be 100% nervous and terrified.

Pregnancy, this is something she dare not even think about.

Although her body is a woman, her soul is a man!

And Zhuo Bufan is a straight man. It is more painful to let this straight man get pregnant and have a child than to kill him.

Seeing her daughter so hesitant, Jiang Yun quickly comforted her.

"Silly child, I know you are a little nervous."

"The Queen Mother was as nervous and afraid as you were, but when I got pregnant with you, I suddenly became very happy."

"So don't be afraid, child. When you get pregnant with your child, you will feel unprecedented happiness."

Jiang Yun comforted Jiang Meng.

However, Jiang Meng could not understand it at all. After all, she was a man in her heart.

How could a man get pregnant and have a child?

However, no matter how much Jiang Meng feared and how much she avoided, what was coming would eventually come.


Two days later, Jiang Meng woke up early in the morning and found that something was wrong with her.

She was soft and weak all over, her chest was stuffy, she felt nauseous, and wanted to vomit.

"No way, is she really pregnant?"

Jiang Meng immediately realized that she must be pregnant.


She screamed, and the sound spread throughout the palace.

Soon, Queen Jiang Yun came to Jiang Meng's room with the imperial physician.

The imperial physician took Jiang Meng's pulse, and then said to the queen happily.

"Congratulations, Queen, your highness is pregnant."

Queen Jiang Yun was excited when she heard it.

"Really? That's great, it's really great."

"Pass the order down, the whole country celebrates today, and prays for the princess and her child."

Although everything was expected, Jiang Yun was still a little excited when he learned that Jiang Meng was pregnant.

However, when Jiang Meng heard the news again, she wanted to hit her head and die.

"Oh my God, I'm really pregnant."

Even if she didn't want to, she was still inexplicably pregnant.

The queen looked at Jiang Meng's face full of pain and quickly persuaded her.

"Meng'er, it's a good thing that you're pregnant!"

"Today your sister Yan'er is coming to celebrate your birthday. Your sister Yan'er is already eight months pregnant and will give birth soon. Let's go outside the palace to greet them!"

After the queen finished speaking, she took Jiang Meng to greet Ji Yan.

At this moment, although Jiang Meng felt a little ashamed, she had to endure this sense of shame from her soul.

Because Jiang Meng suspected that her reincarnation mission this time might be related to her pregnancy when she was twenty years old.

Each of my reincarnations actually has a theme.

Courage, persistence, sacrifice, dedication, etc.!

Zhuo Bufan guessed that the theme of his reincarnation this time might be childbirth or maternal love.

The only thing Zhuo Bufan had never experienced was pregnancy and childbirth.

After all, he was a man and could not experience it.

Now that he has returned to this matriarchal world, he can finally experience what it is like to be pregnant and have children.

No matter what civilization it is, their development must have started from the matriarchal era.

Because great mothers can breed brilliant civilizations.

So giving birth is the greatest thing in the world.

At least Zhuo Bufan thinks so.

As a reincarnationist, as someone who wants to master the law of reincarnation.

Zhuo Bufan must experience giving birth once. He must experience the pain of giving birth before he can thoroughly feel the difficulty of reincarnation.

After all, any reincarnationist starts from birth.

So Zhuo Bufan believes that his reincarnation mission in this life is to complete the test of giving birth.

Only by experiencing the pain of giving birth can Zhuo Bufan truly understand reincarnation.

In this case, Zhuo Bufan has no reason to oppose this pregnancy.

After all, he must complete the reincarnation mission now.

So Zhuo Bufan will understand this pregnancy and will wait for the birth of a child a year later.

Although it is a little difficult to accept in his heart, in order to complete the reincarnation mission, Zhuo Bufan, as Jiang Meng, still overcomes his inner sense of shame.

She is ready to give birth, and now she just hopes that day will come soon.

Led by the Queen, Jiang Meng came to the outside of the palace to meet her best friend, Princess Ji Yan of the Ji Kingdom.

As soon as she arrived outside the hall, Jiang Meng saw Ji Yan walking towards her with a big belly.

Jiang Meng looked at Ji Yan and sighed that time flies.

Back then, Ji Yan was still a crazy girl in the eyes of people, and a snake was given to her as a birthday gift.

But I didn't expect that fifteen years had passed in a blink of an eye, and Ji Yan had now become a gentle and virtuous woman.

She was pregnant with a big belly, and her eyes were full of happiness. She was ready to be a mother.

This time, Ji Yan's mother Ji Xue did not come with her.

When Ji Yan saw Jiang Meng, she was so excited that she trotted towards Jiang Meng.

"Sister Meng'er, I'm here!"

Seeing Ji Yan stumbling and trotting with a big belly, Jiang Meng hurried forward to greet her.

"Slow down, why are you running with a big belly, what if you run away?"

"Bah, bah, bah, what nonsense are you talking about! Sister is not excited!"

Ji Yan took Jiang Meng's little hand and said with a smile.

Jiang Meng was speechless after hearing this.

"Why are you so excited? It's not like I haven't seen it before. She lived with me for half a year some time ago."

Ji Yan replied.

"That's different, because from today on, sister Meng'er is the same as her sister, and she also has a baby!"

Ji Yan said, reaching out to touch Jiang Meng's belly.

Jiang Meng rolled her eyes at this.

"Why are you talking so corny!"

If others don't say it, Jiang Meng can still accept it.

But when others talk about the baby, Jiang Meng can't help but get goose bumps all over her body.

Ji Yan laughed at this.

"Sister Meng'er is shy?"

"Haha, don't be shy, you don't feel anything now. Wait two months, and you will feel it."

"When you feel that there is a little life in your belly, you will be happier than anyone else."

Looking at Ji Yan's happy face, Jiang Meng believed what she said.

You know, Ji Yan was a carefree woman before.

She was crazy all day long, not solemn or reserved at all.

But since she got pregnant, Ji Yan has completely changed.

She began to like needlework and knitting.

For Ji Yan, the happiest thing is to wait for the birth of the child.

"By the way, sister Meng'er, today is your birthday and also the day you are pregnant. This is a good day for double happiness. Sister has prepared a gift for you."

After Ji Yan finished speaking, a female servant beside her came forward with a huge gift box.

Seeing this, Jiang Meng frowned deeply.

"What is it this time? Snake? Turtle? Little tiger?"

When Jiang Meng thought of the gifts Ji Yan gave every time, she was deeply worried.

For twenty years, Ji Yan's birthday gifts every year have been extremely strange.

Including last year, she actually gave herself an elephant as a mount.

Although Ji Yan's gifts were a bit strange, Jiang Meng was most looking forward to Ji Yan's gift.

Because she could never guess what gift this mysterious woman would give her.

Ji Yan saw Jiang Meng teasing her, so she quickly said.

"Don't worry, it's not a small animal this time."

Then, she signaled the maid to open the gift box.

When she opened the gift box, she saw a pile of small clothes inside.

When Jiang Meng saw the clothes, she was stunned.

"What is this?"

Seeing this, Ji Yan hurriedly explained.

"These are some clothes I knitted by hand in the past six months."

"But I made too many, and I don't think the baby can wear so many by himself."

"Now that my sister is pregnant, she will need them sooner or later. So I'll give some to my sister."

After hearing this, Jiang Meng took out a small piece of clothing from it, and then looked at Ji Yan in amazement.

She could see that Ji Yan was not joking.

This was the first time Ji Yan gave a very formal gift, but in Jiang Meng's opinion, it was a bit unexpected.

Now she seemed to have to accept the fact that she was pregnant.

Seeing this, Jiang Yun on the side was so excited that he stepped forward to accept the gift box, and then said to Ji Yan.

"Xiao Yan is really thoughtful. I thank you on behalf of Meng'er."

"This must be the most meaningful gift Meng'er has received today."

Jiang Meng is pregnant, and the happiest person is of course Jiang Yun.

Because she is about to become a grandmother.

But Jiang Meng feels extremely nervous and confused about the situation in front of her.

Because the topics that Ji Yan and Jiang Meng chat about next are all about childcare.

Ji Yan is no longer the crazy, willful and naughty little princess.

It seems that pregnancy can really change a woman.

Ji Yan talked a lot about children with Jiang Meng.

It can be seen that Ji Yan is full of expectations for the role of becoming a mother.

Jiang Meng also saw full of happiness in her eyes.

Although Jiang Meng does not have that kind of sympathy now, I believe that Jiang Meng will feel happy in a short time.


That night, a big thing happened in the palace of Jiang State.

That is, Ji Yan suddenly gave birth prematurely.

When Jiang Meng learned about this situation, she was scared and at a loss.

She stood outside Ji Yan's delivery room like an anxious father.

Perhaps it would be more appropriate for Jiang Meng to play a father-like role.

Listening to Ji Yan's screams of pain in the delivery room, Jiang Meng actually felt that he could feel the pain too.

This strange feeling finally made her realize that one day she would also face the pain of childbirth.

That night, Jiang Meng guarded Ji Yan outside the delivery room all night.

In the early morning, when it was almost dawn, there were bursts of cries from the delivery room.

"It's born, it's born, the princess is born!"

The midwife ran out of the delivery room to inform Jiang Meng and the others of the important news.

After hearing this, Jiang Meng rushed into the delivery room immediately, and then looked at Ji Yan, who was lying on the bed without any strength.

The moment she saw Ji Yan, Jiang Meng was shocked to find that Ji Yan's body was actually exuding divine brilliance.

At that moment, Jiang Mengde felt a spontaneous admiration for Ji Yan deep in his heart.

She admired Ji Yan for completing a great mission.

This is the greatest moment of being a mother.

This is also the moment when a woman changes from a woman to a mother.

So Jiang Meng was sincerely happy for Ji Yan.

She gave a thumbs up to Ji Yan and then said.

"You are amazing and a great mother."

Jiang Meng said from the bottom of his heart.

From that moment on, Jiang Meng no longer had any fear, fear, or embarrassment in her heart.

And no shame in being pregnant.

On the contrary, I am looking forward to the moment when I give birth to a child.

She wants to be a great mother like Ji Yan.

Perhaps this is Jiang Meng, or Zhuo Bufan's happiest moment.

Ji Yan gave birth to her child in the Jiang Kingdom Palace, and her birthday was the same as Jiang Meng's.

So Jiang Meng took it upon himself to name Ji Yan's daughter Ji Xiaomeng.

Ji Yan liked the name very much, so she had no objection and let her daughter be called Ji Xiaomeng.

Next, Jiang Meng no longer refused to talk to Ji Yan about topics related to children.

Instead, she took the initiative to communicate with Ji Yan some precautions before giving birth.

Ji Yan's premature birth this time was actually very dangerous, and she could pass on some experience to Jiang Meng.

After Ji Yan stayed with Jiang Meng for a month, the leader of Ji Kingdom finally came to take her back in person.

Before leaving, Ji Yan said to Jiang Meng.

I hope Jiang Meng can be strong and not be afraid of giving birth. The most glorious moment is when she becomes a mother.

Because of these words of encouragement, Jiang Meng actually started to look forward to it.

After Ji Yan left, Jiang Meng began to follow her experience, eat well, sleep well, and raise the baby with peace of mind.

Perhaps Zhuo Bufan never dreamed that one day he would lie on the bed and raise his baby with peace of mind.

Time passes like this day by day.

During the pregnancy period, Jiang Meng fed herself until she was fat.

Because Ji Yan said that only when the mother eats and drinks well can she give her child enough nutrition.

When you are pregnant, you must eat and drink well.

In this way, Jiang Meng's belly got bigger day by day.

Now the whole country is paying attention to Jiang Meng's belly.

Because the child in Jiang Meng's belly is the future of the entire Jiang country.

Finally, the time came after ten months of pregnancy.

Jiang Meng is about to give birth.

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