The Samsara Tribe, a cursed race.

Because the Lord of Reincarnation left his post without authorization, causing the road of reincarnation to be broken.

So the Lord of Time placed a curse on the entire Samsara clan.

Within a hundred years, people from the Samsara clan will turn into monsters and hunt down their loved ones.

The Samsara Tribe was originally the most powerful race in the Chaos Void. However, precisely because of this curse, there are now very few members of the Samsara Tribe left.

Among them, many members of the Samsara clan have already left their hometown in order to avoid the curse.

Those who stay on the Samsara Star will have to bear this terrible curse.

In order to find the first clone, Zhuo Bufan's second clone came to the Samsara Star Territory.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he arrived in the Samsara Star Territory, he encountered the curse of the Samsara Clan.

Now, all the Samsara clan members have turned into monsters.

They show no mercy and only know how to kill.

Fortunately, Zhuo Bufan's second clone has mastered the powerful power of chaos.

Zhuo Bufan was not too afraid of these monsters.

After all, now, in the entire Chaos Void, there are only a handful of people who can be his opponents.

The only thing he fears is another Zhuo Bufan.

So Zhuo Bufan first used his ability to control the situation.

Under the control of the power of chaos, all the tribesmen who had turned into monsters in the entire Samsara Star were frozen in place, unable to move.

Later, Zhuo Bufan took Mo Chichi and Limei and walked on the streets of Samsara Star.

Along the way, they saw only monsters, not any humans.

These monsters have huge limbs and weird human faces.

These faces are undoubtedly their true colors.

But now, apart from their faces, they have no human appearance.

Even that face only had a black, empty pupil.

All the monsters showed extremely sad expressions.

It can be seen that their hearts are in pain at this moment.

But there was nothing they could do, they could not escape this cursed fate.

They are a race cursed by the Lord of Time. What awaits them is only endless pain and regret.

"What kind of curse are they under?"

Zhuo Bufan couldn't help but question.

Mo Chichi listened and replied.

"It is rumored that the leader of the Samsara Clan was originally the Lord of Samsara, one of the three overlords of the Chaos Void."

"He is also the third disciple of the Lord of Time."

"He is specifically responsible for guarding the road to reincarnation from the world of chaos to the world of reincarnation."

"However, later, the Lord of Reincarnation left his post without permission, causing the road to reincarnation to collapse."

"After the road to reincarnation collapsed, the Lord of Time was furious and punished the entire reincarnation clan."

"So, the Lord of Time placed this terrible curse on the Samsara clan."

"The cursed reincarnation clan turns into monsters every hundred years."

"And not only does it turn into a monster, but after turning into a monster, it will madly chase and kill its loved ones."

"It is because of this that the Samsara Clan continues to decline. So now, there are not many members of the Samsara Clan left."

Mo Chichi told Zhuo Bufan everything she knew.

Zhuo Bufan frowned deeply after hearing this.

He did not expect that his brother Gao Yangxu's race would experience such pain and torture.

The cursed race sounds so pathetic.

"Is there no solution to this curse?"

Zhuo Bufan asked.

After Mo Chichi listened, he nodded.

"I don't know about this. In fact, I also learned this news from the void merchant."

"However, I think since it is a punishment imposed by the Lord of Time, only the Lord of Time can lift it."

"And I also heard that if the reincarnation tribe wants to lift this curse, they can only repair the road to reincarnation."

"And it's simply impossible to repair the road to reincarnation."

"Because all the fragments of the road to reincarnation have been scattered to every corner of this world."

After hearing Mo Chichi's words, Zhuo Bufan couldn't help but feel tight inside.

He wanted to help his brother.

However, he may be unable to do anything about repairing the road to reincarnation.

Looking at the devastated land, Zhuo Bufan felt a little excited.

Obviously, there had been fierce fighting here before.

Now the entire ground only has traces of dilapidation after the battle.

"So what do we do now?"

Mo Chichi asked.

They have now arrived at the Samsara Star, but their goal is not the Samsara Star, but another clone of Zhuo Bufan.

"I can sense that he is in this star field. But after coming in, I found that my perception of him has become blurry."

"What do you mean? Mo Chichi asked!"

After Zhuo Bufan heard this, he continued.

"It means that I have another clone, which may not be in this world now."

"He must have gone to a world outside space, so he escaped my perception."

Zhuo Bufan replied.

He guessed correctly, his other clone was currently undergoing a trial in the Tower of Reincarnation.

The Reincarnation Tower is outside the space, so after Zhuo Bufan arrived in the Reincarnation Star Territory, he lost the perception of Zhuo Bufan's first clone.

"What should we do?"

"Now that the entire Samsara clan has turned into monsters, we can't even find out the whereabouts of your significant other."

Mo Chichi said.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan nodded and said.

"This is indeed a question. How long does it take for them to transform into monsters?"

Zhuo Bufan asked.

After Mo Chichi listened, he shook his head and said.

"I don't know, it seems like a year or a few years."

"In short, Samsara Star is a place of right and wrong now."

Mo Chichi said.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan nodded and said.

"Don't worry, as long as I'm here, nothing will happen to you."

Zhuo Bufan knew that Mo Chichi was worried.

But it's not the time to leave now.

"I'll sense it again."

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he activated the power of his soul to the limit.

But this time, Zhuo Bufan still didn't sense where his other half was.

However, Zhuo Bufan gained something else from this.

He discovered that there was actually a human being on this Samsara Star.

"I discovered humanity."

Zhuo Bufan was surprised.

After Mo JiDe listened, he was a little surprised.

"And there are humans? Is it your other half?"

"No, it's a woman. Their power is very weak."

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he released a stream of chaotic energy on Mo Chichi and Li Mei.

The energy of chaos enveloped the two of them.

Then, Zhuo Bufan took them and disappeared.

Zhuo Bufan took Mo Chichi and Li Mei and instantly teleported to the location of the human he perceived.

They came to a gray palace.

The entire palace is tall, majestic and very majestic. It should be the most iconic building in Samsara Star.

Arriving at the huge square, Zhuo Bufan found that there were many monsters that he had immobilized in the square.

Mo Chichi and Li Mei looked around and found nothing.

"Where are people?"

Mo Chichi asked.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan pointed to his feet.

"She's down there, hidden deep."

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he took Mo Chimo and Li Mei and continued to dive underground.

They came to a thousand meters underground and found that there was an underground palace underneath.

When they arrived at the underground palace, they saw a woman crying in the underground palace.

"No, my son! My poor son!"

In front of the woman, there was a little monster as big as a puppy.

That should be the smallest monster Zhuo Bufan has ever seen.

But the appearance still looks terrifying.

It was locked in an iron cage with a restraining spell.

It bared its teeth and roared at the woman.

The woman kept calling my son, which meant that the little monster in front of her was her son.

The appearance of Zhuo Bufan and Mo Chichi alarmed each other.

The other party looked back and saw Zhuo Bufan.

When she saw Zhuo Bufan, she was so excited that she cried.

"Brother Zhuo? Is it you? Is it really you who is back?"

The other party called Zhuo Bufan his younger brother.

Zhuo Bufan was slightly startled when he saw this.

"You, are you Donghuangqin?"

Zhuo Bufan's second clone recognized the other person at a glance as Dong Huangqin, the demon princess he had met in the world of cultivating immortals.

But he didn't know that Donghuangqin was his brother Gao Yangxu's wife at the moment.

After Donghuangqin heard this, she was stunned for a moment, then she nodded quickly.

"Yes, I am Dong Huangqin! It has been less than a year since we met. Have you forgotten us?"

Of course Donghuangqin didn't know that the Zhuo Bufan in front of him was not the same Zhuo Bufan before.

The current Zhuo Bufan has completely changed.

However, Zhuo Bufan knew that Donghuangqin must have mistaken him for another self.

In this regard, Zhuo Bufan made a mistake. He did not explain, but said.

"Sorry, I ran into some trouble. There was some confusion above the level, so I didn't recognize it."

"Do you know what's going on now?"

Zhuo Bufan wanted to pretend to be another person to see if he could get some information from Donghuang Qin.

After hearing this, Donghuangqin shook his head silently.

"The cursed day has come and everyone has turned into monsters."

"Even Xu is no exception!"

"In order to protect our mother and son, Xu built this underground palace. Before they turned into monsters, she hid me in the underground palace."

"He didn't want to hurt me."

Zhuo Bufan was secretly sad after hearing this.

At the same time, he also learned that Donghuangqin was the wife of his eldest brother Gao Yangxu.

"Then he is?"

Zhuo Bufan pointed at the little monster in the iron cage and said.

The monster screamed at Donghuangqin like crazy.

Donghuangqin closed her eyes silently, filled with tears.

She didn't answer, but she knew without guessing that the little monster in the iron cage was her just-born son.

Since Donghuangqin came to Samsara Star, she has experienced two curses from the Samsara Clan.

She spent the two curses hiding in this underground palace.

But this time, it was different from the previous two times.

Before, it was just Donghuangqin.

And now, Donghuangqin has a son, a son who turned into a monster due to a curse.

The reason why she shed tears was not because she was afraid of her son who had turned into a monster.

But it's heartache, helplessness, and suffering.

Watching her son turn into a monster was the greatest punishment for a mother.

"He is only six months old, only six months old!"

"He is just a baby who has not been weaned. Why, why should he suffer such pain?"

Donghuang Qin knelt on the ground and shouted jealously and resentfully.

She hated the Lord of Time because the Lord of Time cursed the Samsara Clan.

This curse has been passed down from generation to generation with the Samsara Clan.

Even the newly born babies are not spared.

This punishment is too cruel and too ruthless.

Zhuo Bufan, who saw this scene, also felt helpless. He was also a little uncomfortable in his heart.

"Ridiculous, ridiculous!"

"This bullshit curse doesn't even spare a child?"

Zhuo Bufan shouted ridiculous.

Looking at the child who had turned into a monster in the cage, his heart was broken.

It was just a six-month-old baby.

It didn't even know what happened to it.

Under the curse, he became a monster that showed no mercy.

It only wanted to eat its closest and dearest person. And its closest person was undoubtedly his mother.

It was precisely because of this that Zhuo Bufan felt extremely cruel.

"The Lord of Time, is he so cruel?"

This was the first time Zhuo Bufan doubted the Lord of Time.

He was not sure whether the Lord of Time was good or bad. Before this, he was looking forward to finding the Lord of Time.

But after seeing what happened to the Samsara Clan, Zhuo Bufan no longer had a good impression of the Lord of Time.

"Brother Zhuo, tell me quickly, what should I do? What should I do?"

At this moment, Donghuang Qin was already at a loss.

She had no idea how to face her child.

She was a mother, and no mother wanted to see her child become a monster.

She wanted to find Zhuo Bufan's help, but Zhuo Bufan shook his head helplessly after hearing this.

"Brother and sister-in-law, I'm afraid I can't do anything about it."

"This is the curse of the Lord of Time, and I can't change it."

"But I will let this child stop for a while."

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he released the chaotic energy towards the little monster.

Under the chaotic energy, the little monster slowly calmed down.

Seeing this scene, Donghuang Qin said gratefully.

"Thank you, thank you, brother Zhuo. That's enough, that's enough."

"Just wait until the curse ends, that's all."

Dong Huangqin was relieved to see the child calm down.

She knew that Zhuo Bufan could not change the curse of the Lord of Time, and this was the best choice for her.

Zhuo Bufan nodded and said.

"Don't worry, brother and sister-in-law, the situation outside has been controlled by me."

"May I ask brother and sister-in-law, how long will this curse last?"

Zhuo Bufan asked.

Dong Huangqin answered after hearing.

"In previous years, it would last for a whole year."

"I usually wait here until your brother reopens the door to the underground palace."

Zhuo Bufan asked again after hearing.

"Then brother and sister-in-law, how long has it been since the curse ended?"

"Dong Huangqin answered after hearing.

"Less than half a year! By the way, brother Zhuo, did you see your brother outside?"

Zhuo Bufan shook his head and said after hearing.

"I didn't see my brother, what happened to my brother? "

After hearing this, Dong Huang frowned.

"I'm afraid! In previous years, he would send his sister away before the curse broke out. "

"But this year, he didn't have time to send his sister away. The curse broke out. "

"I'm afraid, he went to hunt down his sister. "


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