After searching for a long time, Zhuo Bufan's second clone finally found the Samsara Tower.

At this moment, his other half was undergoing trials in the Samsara Tower.

"Do you really want to become stronger and then devour me?"

Zhuo Bufan's second clone sighed as he looked at the Samsara Tower in front of him.

He didn't expect that his other half would be so persistent in wanting to become stronger.

And the other party's purpose of becoming stronger was obvious, which was to defeat him and gain sovereignty.

The two clones were originally from the same body.

But now they have to kill each other for sovereignty.

Mo Chichi may never have thought that he used the separation knife to save Zhuo Bufan.

But now it has caused irreversible trouble to Zhuo Bufan.

"In that case, don't blame me for being cruel."

Zhuo Bufan finished speaking and prepared to break into the Samsara Tower.

However, as soon as he rushed outside the Samsara Tower, he was blown away by the powerful force of the Samsara Tower.

You know, Zhuo Bufan got the power of his first life, but he was still blown away.

It can be seen how powerful this Samsara Tower is.

"This Samsara Tower is not an ordinary thing."

"Could it be made by the Lord of Time?"

Now the only thing Zhuo Bufan can think of is that the Lord of Time created this Samsara Tower.

After all, looking at the entire chaotic void, the only one who can stop Zhuo Bufan with a pagoda is probably the Lord of Time.

"If this Samsara Tower was built by the Lord of Time, then it may not work to force it."

"It seems that we have to find another way."

After the first failure, Zhuo Bufan did not act rashly, but calmed down and looked for a way to crack it.

He must enter this Samsara Tower to stop the trial of his other half.

After all, even he is afraid that his other half will become stronger and unable to resist.

The two clones once fought a battle and were evenly matched.

So if one of them becomes stronger, then the result is self-evident.

Zhuo Bufan released the chaotic energy and began to wrap the entire Samsara Tower.

The energy of chaos is the most primitive power, higher than everything, higher than the Lord of Time.

So the Samsara Tower will not reject the shroud of the energy of chaos.

Not only that, after the Samsara Tower felt the energy of chaos, it actually developed a sense of affinity.

This sense of affinity made Zhuo Bufan's second clone brighten his eyes.

"This Samsara Tower is actually close to my power of chaos."

"In this case, maybe I can refine it and make it my artifact!"

"This Samsara Tower is originally an ownerless thing. As long as I refine it, it is possible to refine it into my artifact."

Zhuo Bufan's second clone obviously found a way to break the deadlock.

He wanted to use his own energy of chaos to refine the Samsara Tower into his artifact.

In this case, the other Zhuo Bufan in the Samsara Tower would be in danger.

Once the Samsara Tower becomes the artifact of the second clone.

The second clone can use the Samsara Tower to trap and kill the first clone in the Samsara Tower.

You know, the first clone in the Samsara Tower lost all his power and grew up again in the endless reincarnation.

So, this is an opportunity.

For the first clone, it is a unique and great opportunity.

"Very good, while he is practicing in it, I will quickly refine this Samsara Tower into my own name."

After the second clone finished speaking, he began to release all the chaotic energy in his body, and then reported the huge Samsara Tower into it.

The Samsara Tower is different from other artifacts. It was created by the Lord of Time.

So in some ways, it is not easy for Zhuo Bufan to refine it.

But it is not impossible, it just takes some time.

Now Zhuo Bufan's first clone is practicing in the Samsara Tower and becoming stronger and stronger.

Then the second clone must do something.

Refining the Samsara Tower is undoubtedly the best choice.

"I can do it, I can do it."

"When I refine this Samsara Tower, you will be my turtle in the jar."

The second clone knew that this opportunity was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, so he began to refine the Samsara Tower at all costs.

At this moment, as Zhuo Bufan’s first clone, he has completed the reincarnation missions of sixteen reincarnation worlds.

Now, he is reincarnating in the seventeenth reincarnation world.

This reincarnation is different from the past.

In the past, Zhuo Bufan’s reincarnations all started from the beginning, from weak to strong, from weak to big.

He has been constantly counterattacking and growing.

But this time, Zhuo Bufan came to a reincarnation world similar to the world of immortal cultivation.

Moreover, this time Zhuo Bufan did not start from the beginning, but directly reincarnated into the world’s number one demon—Lan Ying!

Lan Ying, the master of Tianmo Mountain, the strongest man in the nine states, four seas, five divisions and eight wastelands.

The most powerful demon in the history of the Demon Cult.

Once fought against the so-called righteous million alliances with his own strength.

Holding the world’s number one demon sword—Hao Shen Sword, he swept across the world, and no one dared to disobey.

And Zhuo Bufan reincarnated into such a demon who had reached the peak.

That’s right, Zhuo Bufan is now the world’s number one strong man, Lan Ying.

When Zhuo Bufan reincarnated as Lan Ying, he was completely confused.

He was the best in the world right from the start, which made Zhuo Bufan a little uncomfortable.

Because until now, every time he reincarnates, he has grown from weak to strong. In many cases, he even counterattacked.

Now that you are invincible as soon as you appear on the stage, how can you do this?

"I am invincible as soon as I appear, so what is my reincarnation mission?"

The reincarnation mission needs to be discovered by Zhuo Bufan himself.

But until now, Zhuo Bufan was a little confused.

If he reincarnates and becomes an ordinary person, then he can practice step by step from an ordinary person and grow into the best in the world.

But now, he is number one in the world, so what should he do?

Do you want him to go from being the best in the world to becoming an ordinary mortal?

"Why do you make me the best in the world? Then what fun can I have in reincarnation?"

"what should I do?"

Zhuo Bufan sat in the main hall of Tianmo Palace, feeling lost.

Above the main hall, hundreds of demons were seated on both sides, facing Lan Ying. They sat upright and did not dare to speak at will.

However, everyone looked at Tianmo Lanying and didn't know what to do for a while.

At this time, a golden-clothed demon with two dragon horns sitting first on Lan Ying's left stood up and boldly asked.

"Lord Tianmo, this quarter our Tianmo Sect has wiped out thirteen more so-called righteous sects. And we have accepted their support."

"According to this progress, we will definitely be able to complete the achievements you have given us, Lord Demon, by the end of the year."

Seeing the golden-robed dragon-horned demon standing up, the silver-winged demon sitting on the right also stood up and reported to Lan Yinghui.

"Lord Demon, our recruitment department has recruited 5,200 disciples this quarter."

"At this rate, we can recruit about 20,000 disciples today. All of this is thanks to the great blessing of Lord Heavenly Demon. How great is our Heavenly Demon Sect!"

Jinjiao Yinyi are the two great elders of Tianmomen!

Golden Horn refers to the golden-horned dragon demon, and Silver Wings refers to the silver-winged eagle demon.

The status of the two demons in Tianmo Sect is second only to Tianmo Lanying.

But even so, the gap between the two of them in front of Tianmo Lanying is not even a tiny bit.

So the two of them didn't even dare to say a word when facing Lan Ying.

Facing Jinjiao Yinyi's report, Zhuo Bufan, who turned into Lan Ying, had no intention of listening.

Just still immersed in self-thinking.

He was thinking, what is the mission of this reincarnation? How can we complete the reincarnation mission?

Zhuo Bufan felt dizzy when he thought of this.

The demons in the main hall saw Lord Heavenly Demon sitting on the throne and didn't say a word.

It was obvious that the atmosphere was inexplicably tense.

The two elders thought that the demon was not satisfied with the results of their report.

So the golden-horned dragon demon quickly knelt on the ground, cupped his fists and said.

"Don't worry, Lord Demon, my subordinates will speed up the invasion and strive to kill fifteen sects in the next quarter. No, twenty sects."

"One day, I must let our demon flag be planted on every mountain in the world."

"My Heavenly Demon Sect shall rule the world."

After Jinjiao finished speaking, Yinyi also said quickly.

"Lord Tianmo, I also promise you that we will try to recruit eight thousand disciples next quarter to accelerate the development of our Tianmo Sect and expand the territory of our Tianmo Sect."

"As the number one sect in the world, our Tianmo Sect should have disciples all over the world."

"The devil is invincible, number one in the world!"

After the silver-winged eagle demon finished speaking, the demons behind him knelt down and shouted in unison.

"The devil is invincible, number one in the world!"

"The devil is invincible, number one in the world!"

"The devil is invincible, number one in the world!"

"The devil is invincible, number one in the world!"

Zhuo Bufan was brought back from his wandering thoughts by these excited guys.

Looking at these impassioned demons, Zhuo Bufan frowned slightly.

He obviously didn't know what was going on, and he didn't understand why these demons were suddenly so excited.

But when he saw these demons shouting in unison, Zhuo Bufan realized that he was now the number one demon in the world.

"Devil, devil?"

"Am I a big bad devil?"

"Could it be that my mission this time is to change my mind and change from a bad guy to a good guy?"

Zhuo Bufan suddenly thought of this.

Considering his current identity and status, the only reincarnation task Zhuo Bufan could think of was to abandon his demons and turn to the Tao and change his mind.

Therefore, Zhuo Bufan suddenly looked at the large group of demons in front of him and said.


Zhuo Bufan's voice was not loud, but it shocked all the demons in the room.

All the hundreds of demons immediately fell silent.

Among them, the two elders, Golden Horn and Silver Wing, stood respectfully in front of Zhuo Bufan, then lowered their heads and said.

"Lord Demon, what are your orders?"

After Zhuo Bufan heard this, he half-asleep and squinted his eyes slightly.

"This Demon Lord was just thinking about something very important!"

"Now I am number one in the world, but I don't feel happy."

"This demon lord wants to be respected and loved by the world, but the world curses me behind my back. I hope this demon lord will reach bliss as soon as possible."

When the golden-horned dragon demon heard this, he immediately said.

"Let me see who dares! Whoever dares to speak ill of you, Lord Demon, behind your back, I will let him die with no body intact."

The golden-horned dragon demon was very excited and wanted to defend the demon.

But Zhuo Bufan rolled his eyes at him.

"Did I let you speak?"

"Shut up if this demon lord says anything."

When the golden-horned dragon demon heard this, he was so frightened that he quickly shut his mouth.

At this time, Zhuo Bufan continued.

"Do you think those people will be afraid of you if you say this?"

"On the surface they obey our Heavenly Demon Sect, but secretly they hate our Heavenly Demon Sect deeply."

"In the past two years, our Tianmo Sect has developed too fast, which has caused dissatisfaction among many people."

"I don't know how many forces are secretly colluding to destroy my Heavenly Demon Sect."

"Of course, this demon lord is the best in the world and has nothing to fear from these chickens and dogs."

"But this is not what this Demon Lord wants. Do you understand?"

"What this Demon Lord wants is for the world to respect my Heavenly Demon Sect."

"What is awe?"

"The so-called awe, first of all, is respect, and secondly, fear!"

"Our Heavenly Demon Sect must establish a respectable image in front of the world."

"But now my Heavenly Demon Sect is fighting and killing people all day long."

"Today we will destroy Dongshantou, and tomorrow we will destroy Xishantou!"

"Destroy this sect today, and kill that sect tomorrow."

"Our Heavenly Demon Sect is indeed getting stronger and stronger, but it has made countless enemies."

"What's more important is that in the eyes of the world, we no longer have awe, only hatred!"

"In their eyes, we are no better than bandits."

When Zhuo Bufan said these words, all the demons in the room looked at each other in confusion.

Zhuo Bufan snorted when he saw the discussion in the audience.

"I know what you are thinking. You are thinking that we are the devil."

"What kind of awe does a demon need?"

"The devil just needs others to be afraid."

"But let me tell you, this is not what this Demon Lord wants to see!"

"It is true that this demon lord is a demon, but this demon lord acts with integrity and respects martial arts."

"Those villains who lost to me slandered me behind my back and gave me a bad name!"

"Now that I'm tired of being a devil, I want to become a hero respected by everyone in the world!"

"So, from now on, I will reform the Tianmo Sect."

When Zhuo Bufan said he wanted to reform the Tianmo Sect, all the demons were in an uproar.

Golden Horn and Silver Wing showed incredible expressions.

"Change, reform?"

"Lord Demon, do you really want to reform the Demon Sect?"

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan replied.

"Yes, reform starts now."

"From now on, you are not allowed to call me Heavenly Demon anymore. I want you to call me Heavenly Lord!"

When Zhuo Bufan claimed to be Tianzun, all the demons were excited.

"Tianzun? Tianzun! Tianzun!"

"Tianzun sounds more domineering!"

"Tianzun, Tianzun!"

These demons seemed to like Zhuo Bufan's new title.

"The Heavenly Lord is invincible, number one in the world!"

"The Heavenly Lord is invincible, number one in the world!"

"The Heavenly Lord is invincible, number one in the world!"

The demons began to cheer, cheering for the new title of Zhuo Bufan!

The entire Demon Sect didn't seem to have much objection to Zhuo Bufan's sudden reform.

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