Because the other sect leaders were silent, Zixiao decided to agree to allow Tianmo Lanying to participate in this Wulin Alliance Leader Conference.

Faced with Tianmo Lanying's appearance, they had no choice.

Lanying's strength was too strong.

If they didn't obey, the consequences would be unimaginable.

People would be greedy for life, and even those sect leaders who claimed to be righteous would not dare to resist Lanying at this time.

Seeing Zixiao walk out, a group of sect leaders behind him sighed silently.

"Hey, what about electing the Wulin Alliance Leader, Gong Tao Momen scum."

"Now it's good, the big devil is about to become the Wulin Alliance Leader, and he has the final say in the whole world."

"Can we only watch the big devil do whatever he wants?"

The remaining sect leaders sighed one by one.

There was no way, they were not Lanying's opponents.

Just when everyone was wailing, a sect leader suddenly said.

"Everyone, I think this is an opportunity!"

The sect leader who spoke was named Qinggui, the sect leader of Qingshan Sect.

He was wearing a green shirt and looked very young.

This man had an evil aura that made people unwilling to get close to him, but the Qingshan Sect he belonged to was indeed a righteous sect with a long history.

That's why he was invited by Zixiao to participate in this Wulin Alliance Conference.

After hearing what Qing Gui said, everyone present turned their heads to look at him, and then asked.

"It seems that the leader of Qingshan Sect has a plan!"

Qing Gui smiled after hearing this.

"It's not a plan, but a means to effectively prevent the big devil from becoming the leader of the martial arts world."


Everyone was surprised.

"Yes! You should not have forgotten that the final election of the martial arts leader actually relies on the anonymous election of the leaders."

"Although he, the big devil, can fight alone, if we don't vote for him in the end, he still can't sit on the position of leader."

After Qing Gui finished speaking, the leaders present shook their heads.

"No, no, this method is not advisable!"

"Yes, this demon came here to become the leader of the martial arts world. If we don't let him take the position of leader, do you think he will let us go?"

"When the demon is angry, I'm afraid there will be corpses everywhere."

Everyone nodded.

Obviously, they all agreed with this statement. After all, no one can guess what the demon does. He is a big demon who kills without blinking an eye.

"If we make him unhappy, do you think we can survive?"

"That's right, it's too risky and not advisable."

Everyone said that this is a dangerous idea and no one dared to agree.

After hearing this, the green ghost showed a confident expression.

"Hehe, everyone, if you believe me, I can guarantee that the demon will not be angry."

After hearing this, everyone frowned.

"You promise? What do you mean?"

"What do you promise? What is the conspiracy?"

After hearing this, the green ghost said with a smile.

"You don't have to worry about it, but I can make it clear to you."

"This demon will never embarrass us in the end."

"But I have a condition!"

Not only did the green ghost not make any guarantees, but he also put forward a condition.

After hearing this, everyone frowned.

"What do you mean?"

"You want us to agree to a condition?"

"What do you want?"

A group of people didn't understand what the green ghost wanted to do.

But the green ghost said with confidence.

"Everyone, my condition is very simple!"

"I just hope that you will vote for me in the final election."

The green ghost finally revealed his wolfish ambition.

After hearing this, everyone frowned.

They didn't expect this guy to be so shameless and want to get the position of leader.

"You are so courageous!"

"Master Qingshan really has some selfish intentions! I didn't expect that you coveted our position as the leader?"

"Hmph, the position of the leader is for the capable and the virtuous. Master Qingshan, you have only been the leader for three years, what virtue and ability do you have?"

The many masters present were obviously a little unconvinced.

They all wanted to be the leader, after all, the leader is the most powerful person in the entire martial arts world.

Everyone wants to command the world, and everyone wants to sit on the position of the leader.

But now, the demon Lanying came to compete for the position of the leader, who dared to compete with the demon for this treasure?

It must be said that this Qinggui is courageous, at least in this regard, he was recognized by all the masters present.

When all the masters avoided the demon and were extremely afraid of it.

This Qinggui was so bold that he wanted to compete with the demon for the position of the leader.

Just based on this point, Qing Gui is far superior to many leaders.

However, if these leaders want Qing Gui to be the leader, they will obviously not agree.

When Qing Gui saw that all the leaders were full of contempt and hostility towards him, he sneered.

"It seems that you all want to be ruled by that big devil."

"Do you think that the big devil is more suitable to be the leader than me?"

At this time, the leader of the Zhengqi Sect suddenly said.

"Humph, now it's not about whether Tianmo is qualified to be the leader, but you!"

"With your current qualifications, you are indeed not qualified to be the leader."

After hearing this, Qing Gui retorted.

"So, you, the leader of Zhengqi Sect, want to be the leader, right?"

"How about this, we elect the leader of Zhengqi Sect as the leader, what do you think?"

Qing Gui suddenly looked at the others present and said.

After hearing this, the other leaders nodded.

"Master Gao, you are highly respected and are indeed qualified to be the leader."

"Zhengqi Sect has always been the representative of the righteous path, and I also agree that Master Gao should be the leader."

"Among us, Master Gao's martial arts is certainly one of the best, and I have no objection to him being the leader."

After hearing this, everyone elected Master Gao of Zhengqi Sect as the leader.

And Master Gao also looked very proud, and of course he also wanted to be the leader.

But just when he was dreaming of being the leader, Qing Gui suddenly said.

"I have no objection to Master Gao being the leader."

"But, Master Gao, have you really decided to compete with the big devil Lan Ying for the position of leader?"

"If Master Gao is elected as the leader with a unanimous vote in the end, I really don't know how the big devil will vent his anger on the new leader."

"Maybe, he will be skinned and bones will be pulled out, and his bones will be crushed to ashes!"

When the green ghost said this, Master Gao trembled and almost fell to the ground.

He quickly put away the smug look on his face, and then quickly answered.

"Haha, thank you all for your kindness. How can I dare to be the leader!"

"Moreover, I am old, my thoughts are decadent, and I am a little pedantic. I am really not suitable to be the leader."

"So, I think that the position of leader should be handed over to a younger person."

"Everyone, don't vote for me, don't."

When Master Gao heard the green ghost's words, he was so scared that he quickly refused.

Qing Gui was right. If he really took the position of leader, the big devil would definitely vent his anger on the new leader.

At that time, wouldn't he, the so-called leader Gao, become a thorn in the eyes of the demon?

The leader of Zhengqi Sect, who knew this, immediately decided to push the position of leader out.

"I think the leader of Jinshan Sect is suitable to be the leader of the martial arts world."

"The leader of Jinshan Sect is in his prime, has enough qualifications, and can convince the world."

"So I recommend the leader of Jinshan Sect as the leader of the martial arts world."

The leader of Zhengqi Sect directly pushed the position of leader to the leader of Jinshan Sect.

The leader of Jinshan Sect naturally knew that this was a trap, so he quickly pushed it away.

"Master Gao, you are joking. I really dare not be presumptuous in front of you. I must not be the leader. Masters, please do not elect me the position of leader."

"I think Master Sun of Nantianmen is more suitable."

When Master Sun heard this, his hair stood on end.

"No, no, I can't do it!"

"I can't bear it, I can't bear it!"

"I think Master Xu of Bilian Sect is more suitable."


For a while, the masters began to push the position of leader to each other.

This position of leader obviously became a hot potato for a while.

Anyone who dared to covet the position of leader would be seeking death.

These masters are now afraid that other masters will vote for him, so they are so scared that they quickly push it to others.

But now no one dares to take the position of leader.

At this time, the green ghost on the side laughed.


"Masters, it seems that none of you want to be the leader."

"So, why don't you consider giving your votes..."

Before this one and that Qingshan Sect Master Qing Gui finished speaking, all the masters on the side shouted.

"I vote for you!"

"Master Qingshan, it seems that you are young and promising, and you are indeed the material for the leader."

"Master Qingshan is brave and resourceful, and is the best choice for the leader."

"The waves behind push the waves ahead, and the world will be ruled by the younger generation in the future, so I think Master Qingshan is the most suitable for the leader."

These cowardly masters turned against each other in the fastest time, and this time they all decided to vote for him as the leader.

Qing Gui sneered when he saw this scene.

"Very good, then Xia will take the responsibility!"

"Xia will leave first. If you don't want the devil to rule the world, please choose carefully whether to vote for me."

After Xia Qinggui finished speaking, he spread out his robe and left the venue with a smile.

Watching Xia Qinggui leave, all the leaders present had dark faces and gritted their teeth.


"Since this kid is looking for death, we will send him to death."

A group of leaders are planning to send Qinggui to death.


On the other hand, Zixiao left the meeting angrily because he didn't discuss the result he wanted and came to the outside of the courtyard.

At this moment, the demon Zhuo Bufan outside the courtyard had been waiting for a long time.

Of course, the demon would definitely not stand and wait.

The Silver Wing Eagle King directly asked his servants to build a luxurious version of the pergola for their Tianzun.

Zhuo Bufan was so leisurely, lying on the recliner in the pergola, waiting for Zixiao to come out and report the results.

"Tianzun, come out!"

The Eagle King saw Zixiao coming out of the courtyard at the first time.

Because of Zhuo Bufan's order, the Eagle King did not dare to act rashly.

At this time, Zixiao slowly walked forward, then came to Zhuo Bufan respectfully and bowed.

"Your Majesty! I have discussed this with all the leaders."

"Since Tianzun Mountain has decided to abandon darkness and join the right path, it will naturally be eligible to participate!"


"Just what?" Zhuo Bufan asked.

He was very happy when he heard that he was eligible to participate.

However, when Zi Xiao changed the subject, he knew that things were not that simple.

At this time, only Zi Xiao said.

"You Yu Tianzun is too powerful!"

"It can be said that if the previous ring competition is followed, Tianzun will win the final championship without any suspense."

Hearing this, the Eagle King on the side hurriedly said.

"Then what are you still competing for? Just move the throne of the leader out and let our Lord Tianzun sit on it. Do you understand?"

As soon as the Eagle King finished speaking, Zhuo Bufan raised his hand and said.

"Hey, Eagle King, you can't say that! The leader is not decided by you or me alone!"

"Since you are the leader, you must obey the people!"

"Listen to what Master Zixiao has to say!"

Eagle King quickly shut up after hearing what Zhuo Bufan said.

Zixiao continued.

"Lord Tianzun is famous for his reputation. Obeying the people is the most important rule for us to elect the leader!"

"After all, only the most obedient person can command the heroes of the world to unite!"

"So our leader will go through layers of selection, and finally, under the joint vote of more than 20 sects, we will decide who can become our leader."

"This is also the rule we have always followed in electing the leader!"

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan narrowed his eyes slightly, and then smiled.

"So, Master Zixiao is here to persuade people to quit?"

"No, I have no such intention." Zixiao quickly explained.

Zhuo Bufan continued.

"Master Zixiao meant this in his words. After all, you know very well that if there is a vote, I will have no chance."

"After all, I am the leader of the Demon Cult! Who will vote for me?"

"Are you kidding me?"

Zhuo Bufan said to Zixiao with a dagger hidden in his smile.

Zixiao was frightened when he saw this.

"Tianzun, I definitely don't mean to tease you."

Just when Zixiao was at a loss for words, a voice suddenly came from behind him.

"Tianzun, since you want to participate in the Alliance Leader Conference, you must abide by the rules of this conference."

"Even if you are Tianzun, you can't change it!"

"The Alliance Leader must convince the public, otherwise who will obey you?"

"Or, Tianzun thinks that with your personal charm, you can't convince the public, right?"

Hearing this, the whole audience exploded!

Everyone turned around and looked at the person who spoke, only to see a man in a green shirt coming with the wind.

It was Xia Qinggui who had just followed Zixiao's footsteps from the courtyard.

The Eagle King exploded on the spot after hearing this.

"Little beast, what did you just say?"

"Dare to provoke my Lord Tianzun, are you looking for death?"

Just as the Eagle King was about to make a move, Zhuo Bufan suddenly raised his hand to stop him.

"Eagle King, did I ask you to make a move?"

"A little provocation makes you jump up and down. Do you want to fight with this jumping clown?"

Zhuo Bufan has experienced so many storms.

From the other party's cunning face, Zhuo Bufan saw his despicable conspiracy.

After hearing this, Xia Qinggui was stunned for a moment.

But he quickly said to Zhuo Bufan without changing his face or heart.

"Lord Tianzun, do you want to be the leader for fun? Or do you really want your Tianmo Sect to turn over a new leaf?"

Just a few words actually stopped Zhuo Bufan.

After Zhuo Bufan was stunned for a moment, he suddenly looked at Xia Qinggui and smiled slightly.

"Interesting! I will follow your bullshit rules and attend this alliance leader meeting."

"Don't worry, I will accept the loss and will never vent my anger on others."

Hearing this, Xia Qinggui's face became cunning again.


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