Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1372: Invincible Jealousy

The Heavenly Dao assassin, Jealous Heaven, finally arrived at the hiding place of Mo Chichi and Li Mei.

Although they didn't want to admit it, Mo Chichi and Li Mei did feel fear after hearing Jealous Heaven's voice.

Even Mo Chichi was afraid.

It was because Jealous Heaven had just killed Ao Zhitian Ba ​​Tu, and Jealous Heaven was now stronger than ever before.

Mo Chichi had to admit that she and Li Mei were definitely not Jealous Heaven's opponents.

"Chichi, what should we do now? That guy is here."

Li Mei's inner fear was reflected in her expression.

At this moment, Li Mei's facial expression was a little distorted. Her face was very ugly.

Even if it was the incarnation of Heaven, she would be afraid.

Jealous Heaven's arrival almost sounded the death knell for them.

After hearing this, Mo Chichi was a little scared, but she didn't show it, she just said.

"At this point, we can only fight."

"Let's go out, we can't fight here."

Mo Chichi glanced at the Donghuang Qin in front of her.

Donghuangqin was innocent, and she couldn't involve Zhuo Bufan's brother and sister-in-law in this war.

"Are you leaving?"

Donghuangqin didn't know what happened.

But she could tell from the expressions on Mo Chichi and Li Mei's faces that Mo Chichi and the others must have encountered some crisis.

Otherwise, Li Mei's face wouldn't be so ugly.

After hearing this, Mo Chichi looked at Donghuangqin and said.

"Well, we're leaving."

"Can you please bring a message to Zhuo Lang?"

Mo Chichi was leaving, and she knew that she would never come back.

So, she wanted to leave a message for Zhuo Bufan.

"Tell him that I don't blame him. This time, it was my own choice."

"Also, I really can't forget him."

"Love comes from the heart, and it lasts forever! I will always remember this feeling."

After Mo Chichi finished speaking, he and Li Mei disappeared into the underground palace.

Donghuangqin sighed helplessly when she saw this.

"Hey, is she really a love-struck person?"

Donghuangqin could tell from the expression on Mo Chichi's face when she looked at Zhuo Bufan that Mo Chichi was serious about Zhuo Bufan.

That feeling was definitely born from the heart.

That is to say, Mo Chichi really liked Zhuo Bufan, not because of her inner love.

Donghuangqin didn't know what Mo Chichi and the others had experienced.

But she hoped that Mo Chichi could come back and tell Zhuo Bufan in person.

On the other side, Mo Chichi and Li Mei came to the ground.

Then she looked around and found that the monsters that were fixed by Zhuo Bufan and turned into monsters because of the curse were everywhere.

So, Mo Chichi said.

"They are also pitiful people. Let's leave this starry sky!"

Mo Chichi decided to leave this starry sky.

But Li Mei frowned after hearing this.

"Let's go find Zhuo Bufan! Didn't that guy say he would protect us?"

"I remember that woman said before that the Samsara Tower is in the north, let's go find him directly."

Li Mei didn't really want to die.

If there was a chance to survive, she would certainly fight for it.

And Zhuo Bufan was their chance to survive.

But Mo Chichi shook her head.

"Go if you want to! This time, I don't want to ask him to do anything for me."

"Jun Zhitian is right. It is because we disappointed our father so much that he sent Jun Zhitian to hunt us down."

"This time, I won't run away or back down again."

In Mo Chichi's heart, he didn't want Zhuo Bufan to help.

Perhaps it was out of self-esteem, or perhaps it was because he didn't want to drag Zhuo Bufan down.

In short, Mo Chichi now just wanted to fight with Jun Zhitian, and then life and death would be decided by fate.

Li Mei, who was standing aside, couldn't help but shook her head when she saw Mo Chichi's determination.

"Chichi, why are you doing this?"

"Isn't it good to be alive? Don't you like that boy? After you die, you will never see him again."

"Since he is now able to protect us, why don't you ask him for help?"

"What dignity, what a shitty father. Surviving is the most correct choice."

"Why do you have to be so stubborn?"

Li Mei couldn't figure it out. She didn't understand why Mo Chichi was so stubborn.

Obviously, she had promised Zhuo Bufan before that she would ask Zhuo Bufan for help when she encountered a situation.

But now, Mo Chichi gave up. She didn't want to have any contact with Zhuo Bufan anymore.

Because she didn't want to implicate Zhuo Bufan.

Seeing Mo Chichi's determination, Li Mei finally sighed helplessly.

"Hey, forget it, let's die together!"

"It's just death, I don't care."

"It's a pity that I can't see that person again."

In fact, Li Mei is not afraid of death. What she is afraid of is that she will never see the person in her heart again.

The person in Li Mei's heart was naturally Qian Kun, whom she had been thinking about day and night.

The two women who were obsessed with love and trapped by love finally decided to go to death at this moment.

They flew out of the Samsara Star because they didn't want to bring the war to the Samsara Star.

Then, they came to the void of the Samsara Star Region.

At this time, only a beam of light was seen coming from the sky, and it instantly appeared in front of Mo Chichi and Li Mei.

"You two, are you running?"

Finally, Jealousy Heaven arrived.

Wearing a black armor, he appeared in front of Mo Chichi and Li Mei.

At this moment, Jealousy looked extremely arrogant and arrogant.

He opened his hands with a mocking tone, mocking Mo Chichi and Li Mei in front of him.

"I'll give you a chance, run away!"

Obviously, Jealousy is not in a hurry to kill Mo Chichi and Li Mei.

He wanted to play with the two of them even more.

He wanted to feel the joy of chasing prey.

"Really, you guys run away! It's best to run away separately and let me feel the thrill of chasing you."

Because he devoured the Tyrant Map of Ao Zhi Tian, ​​Jealousy Sky has now become quite arrogant and arrogant.

This kind of arrogance and arrogance is exactly the personality of Aozhi Tianbatu.

"Tch! If you want to fight, fight! Why are you talking nonsense?"

After Mo Chichi finished speaking, he suddenly pulled out the moon knife and killed the person in front of him.

When the jealous man saw Mo ChiChi coming to kill him, he was unmoved.

Instead, he stood completely on the spot, waiting for Mo Chichi's sword to strike.

"Come on, let me see how much you can hurt me with a full blow?"

Jealousy is too arrogant and arrogant.

Now, he doesn't take Mo Chichi and Li Mei into consideration at all.


In the end, Mo Chichi's sword struck Jealousy Zhitian's body.

However, Jealousy was completely unmoved.

Mo Chichi's knife struck at Jealousy's body, but it failed to cut off Jealousy's body.


Mo Chimo was shocked when he saw this scene.

"How is it possible? How can it be possible for my separation knife to cut continuously?"

Mo Chichi's divine weapon of heaven is called the Separation Knife.

It was an artifact that could separate everything between heaven and earth.

So far, there is no such thing as Mo Chichizhan.

However, Mo ChiChi is indeed unable to cut off the jealousy now.

After jealousy saw this scene, he sneered.

"Innocent Mo Chichi!"

"Are you shocked and desperate?"

"Before, you could take your moon knife and cut me into pieces. But now, your separation knife can't even hurt me."

Jealousy laughed at Mo Chichi.

Once upon a time, he regarded Mo Chichi as his biggest enemy.

But now, Mo Chichi is not worth mentioning in front of him.

"You, how much power of heaven have you obtained?"

Mo Chichi looked at the jealousy in front of her in shock.

There is nothing in this world that Mo Chichi cannot cut off. That must be Da Luo Tiandao.

In other words, the current Jealousy Heaven already has a lot of Daluo Tiandao abilities.

Once he swallows Mo Chichi and Li Mei, then Jealousy will become the only Da Luo Tiandao clone.

Although it does not have the complete power of Daluo Tiandao, there is absolutely no problem in reaching 70% to 80% of the power of Daluo Tiandao.

When the time comes, I'm afraid even Zhuo Bufan won't be able to stop it.

"Chichi, let me help you."

Seeing that Mo Chichi's Moon Sword could not cut off the Heaven of Jealousy, Li Mei also pulled out her Heavenly Artifact from her own spine.

This time, the Heavenly Artifact opened fire directly and released all its power at once.

That sword, with earth-shattering energy, struck at Jealousy.

With that sword, even the stars were instantly wiped out.

That sword was enough to wipe out the entire starry sky.

However, that sword that shocked the world and made the gods cry was indeed caught by Jealousy Zhitian with one hand.


To be precise, not one hand, but two fingers.

Jealousy Zhitian only used two fingers to receive Li Mei's strongest blow.

"How can it be?"

Li Mei was stunned when she saw the sword held between jealous Zhitian's hands.

The jealous man looked at Li Mei's shocked expression and smiled calmly.

"You seem surprised? Why, no one told you that you are weak?"

As soon as Jealousy Zhitian finished speaking, his fingertips suddenly trembled.


Only a crisp sound was heard.

The next second, Li Mei's divine weapon of heaven was instantly shattered.


The moment the Heavenly Artifact shattered, Li Mei let out a heartbreaking scream.

The Divine Artifact of Tiandao is a natal Horcrux made by Da Luo Tiandao using the soul of the clone of Tiandao.

Once the heavenly artifact is destroyed, the owner's body will be fatally wounded.

Li Mei hugged her heart and screamed in agony.

Jealousy Zhitian didn't even look at Li Mei.

To him, Li Mei was just a small character.

Jealousy Tian only admires Mo Chichi a little.

After all, Mo Chichi had defeated him three times before.

It can be said that the only time Jealousy suffered was Mo Chichi.

Therefore, Jealousy admired Mo Chi Chi so much that he was even reluctant to devour Mo Chi Chi.

The Heaven of Crazy is the most special incarnation of Daluo Heavenly Dao.

He is not the incarnation of negativity, she is just the embodiment of Da Luotian's obsession.

"Mo Chichi, your companion has fallen, what should you do?"

"It's still too late to escape now."

Jealousy Zhitian really wanted to let Mo ChiChi continue to run away, and then let him enjoy the fun of chasing Mo ChiChi.

But this time, Mo Chichi had no intention of running away.

And not only will she not run away, she will fight with all her strength.

"Even if you die, I won't let you live a good life."

As soon as Mo Chichi finished speaking, the aura on his body suddenly started to become strange.

Immediately afterwards, her complexion turned a little dark, her lips even turned completely black, and her whole person was filled with a terrifying evil spirit.

Mo Chi Chi is Mo Chi Chi's strongest form.

Mo ChiChi, in his demonic state, possesses strength comparable to that of Ao Zhi Tian Ba ​​Tu.

Of course, Aozhitian Tyranny had died in the hands of Jealousy.

Therefore, even if Mo Chichi is in the devilish state, he is no match for Jealousy Zhitian.

Technology is like this, and Mo Chichi must fight with all his strength.

She wanted Jealousy to understand her consciousness.

"Separating Knife!"

In Mo Chi Chi's demonic state, the separation knife became two!

Each of his left and right hands held a crescent-shaped moon knife, with terrifying black energy lingering on the blade.

The next second, Mo Chichi headed towards Jealousy and killed him.

Then Mo Chichi started slashing at Jealousy Sky crazily.

Every cut with the knife would leave a wound on Jealousy's body.

However, this wound will heal quickly before it has time to separate and tear.

That's right, the most powerful thing about Jealousy is probably his excellent healing ability.

It's not that Mo Chichi's separation knife can't hurt Jealousy Zhitian, but the speed at which she can break through Jealousy Zhitian's body cannot match the speed at which Jealousy Zhitian's body can recover itself.

This kind of recovery ability has even reached the level of heaven.

Tiandao imparted most of his power to Jealousy.

It can be said that Jealousy is almost invincible now.

Mo ChiChi in the devilish state is already extremely powerful.

But after tens of thousands of cuts, none of them could cause substantial damage to Jealousy.

"Damn, damn, damn!"

In the end, Mo Chichi was starting to feel powerless.

Her movements began to become sluggish, her fighting spirit began to become negative, and a feeling of powerlessness flooded into Mo Chichi's heart.

Mo Chichi understood that it would be impossible for her to kill Jealousy Zhitian after all.

Everything he did was just in vain.

"Is it really not possible?"

Mo Chichi looked helplessly at the jealous man in front of him and said.

Jealousy looked at Mo Chichi, who was almost desperate, and couldn't help but laugh.

"Hehehe, are you at your wits' end?"

After he finished speaking, he grabbed Mo ChiChi's hair and twisted Mo ChiChi, who was no longer interested in fighting.

It was like twisting a corpse.

"Just kill me!"

Mo Chichi no longer even had the desire to live.

After all, she really had nothing to do. Facing the nearly invincible Jealousy, she felt like she was facing the real Daluo Tiandao.

"Chichi! No."

Not far away, Li Mei was still clutching her heart and wailing.

Sure enough, everything turned out just as they had imagined. Facing the jealousy, the two of them would end up completely defeated.

Jealousy Zhitian looked at Mo Chichi and Li Mei, and really lost interest in playing with them.

So he said.

"Forget it, it's boring, let me eat you!"

Seeing that Mo Chichi and Li Mei had no desire to live, Jealousy had no intention of playing tricks anymore.

He planned to devour Mo Chichi and Li Mei directly.

However, at this moment, suddenly a ray of light came from the sky.

That brilliant light lit up the entire void.

The light of the red flames made Jealousy Zhitian couldn't help but close his eyes.

"let's go!"

In the light, a voice suddenly came.

Although it was only for a moment, when Jealousy Zhitian opened his eyes again, he found that Mo Chimo and Li Mei in front of him had disappeared.

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