Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 138 Meeting an old friend [10-9, please subscribe]

Zhuo Bufan passed the boundary monument and stepped onto the stairs leading to the top of the mountain.

Walking on the mountain road in the forest, Zhuo Bufan looked at the changes around him in disbelief.

Stairs, mountain paths, shrines, street lamps...

Where do these things come from?

He clearly remembered that there were no such stairs when he left. Who on earth transformed his territory into what it looked like?

After Zhuo Bufan stepped onto the top of the mountain, it would be even more exciting.

On the top of the originally bare mountain, a huge wall was built. The mountain gate of more than 20 meters stood in front of him, looking extremely majestic.

If Zhuo Bufan hadn't seen the name of the "Sealed True Name" camp at the foot of the mountain, Zhuo Bufan would have really thought he was in the wrong place.

After entering the gate, I saw that the ground was completely paved with white stone bricks, and a three-story palace was located on the left and right.

On the front, there is a majestic earth-yellow fortress, towering into the clouds.

"Go and confirm again, this place is my territory!"

The more Zhuo Bufan looked, the more confused he became. Just when he was about to turn around and leave, a familiar voice suddenly came from behind him.

"Lao Zhuo, is this you?"

When Zhuo Bufan heard this, he immediately turned back to look at the person calling.

"Lao Duan?"

Isn't that person called Zhuo Bufan none other than Duan Xinghe?

Duan Xinghe didn't expect to see Zhuo Bufan here, so he quickly stepped forward and gave Zhuo Bufan a warm hug.

"Lao Zhuo, where did you go to be free?"

Duan Xinghe looked at Zhuo Bufan, who looked dusty and dusty, as if he hadn't taken a shower in months.

Zhuo Bufan grinned and chuckled.

"This world is too dangerous, and we can only live here and there."

When Duan Xinghe heard this, he patted Zhuo Bufan on the shoulder and smiled.

"Lao Zhuo, follow my brother and me from now on! Do you see, this is my territory."

"Your territory?" Zhuo Bufan said blankly.

"That's right, do you know where this is? The largest camp in the Yunmeng Realm, the main forum that seals the true name!"

Duan Xinghe said triumphantly as he stepped on his feet and swayed his body.

Zhuo Bufan nodded, indicating that he understood.

Isn't this nonsense? He named the camp himself, how could he not know it?

"Is this really your territory?" Zhuo Bufan asked.

After hearing this, Duan Xinghe replied.

"That's it. Our altar leader is not here. I am the chief senior brother of this main altar. Did you see that the pavilions, pavilions, pavilions and pavilions here are all the masterpieces of me, the chief senior brother."

When Zhuo Bufan heard this, he suddenly realized. No wonder his camp had a completely new look and there were many palaces. It turned out that this guy Duan Xinghe had decorated it.

"Haha, Lao Duan, you really care."

Zhuo Bufan didn't expect that Duan Xinghe would spend so much energy building his camp.

As the master of this camp, Zhuo Bufan felt deeply ashamed.

"You can't say that. Although these are facade jobs, if you don't do the facade work well, how can you recruit disciples?"

"Lao Zhuo, join us in 'Sealing the True Name'! Now we have more than 9,000 disciples. We will be full soon."

"Join us and build our camp together."

Zhuo Bufan was almost moved to tears!

He did not expect that Duan Xinghe would be more enthusiastic than him, the altar leader, and would recruit disciples from all over the place, and would jointly develop the power of this camp.

Duan Xinghe is indeed a warm-hearted person. If it weren't for him, this barren mountain might still be a barren mountain today.

After becoming the chief senior brother of "Sealing the True Name", he began to recruit disciples everywhere.

Then he collected a large amount of soul power from those disciples and purchased many buildings from the Soul Altar.

In just two months, this barren mountain has really been transformed into a decent mountain gate.

"How about it? No need to think about it, do you know that our camp has the only three blessings in the Yunmeng Realm, and it also has the only blessing of increasing soul power."

"Join us, it will be your honor."

Duan Xinghe used the same method and recruited countless ignorant boys and girls.

Once he joined, he began to collect soul power from these boys and girls in the name of building the mountain gate.

This guy already has the potential of a profiteer.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan smiled and replied: "No, in fact, I have already joined other camps."

"Other camps?"

"Yes, the camp I joined is the 'Sealing the True Name One', and I am also the leader."

Upon hearing this, Duan Xinghe said with admiration to Zhuo Bufan.

"Oh, yes, Lao Zhuo, are you also the chief?"


"Hahaha, you are indeed my brother, yes! Although the names of the camps are different, we are all from the same force. By the way, have you met the altar leader?"

Now Duan Xinghe is proud to have joined the "Sealed True Name".

After all, the power of sealing the true name is too huge, and now more than 1,800 soul altars are occupied by this power.

Many people began to speculate who was the altar owner who sealed his true name, and who was the founder of this unknown dynasty?

Zhuo Bufan shook his head and said, "Who knows!"

"You guys are pretending to be mysterious." Duan Xinghe hit Zhuo Bufan on the chest again and said, "By the way, where did you go after you left the Four Seasons Underground Palace? Why can't I contact you?"

"My soul was injured, so I went to Tianxiang City." Zhuo Bufan replied with ease.

He had already planned how to deal with Duan Xinghe and the others after seeing them.

"What's going on with Four Seasons Mountains and Rivers?"

Zhuo Bufan changed the topic and could not let Duan Xinghe continue to ask.

Duan Xinghe replied: "Siji Shanhe is really disbanded."

"The Holy Lord disappeared, and the twenty-four Holy Envoys also left. However, they all seem to be active in the Yunmeng Realm. They have established a 'spring, summer, autumn and winter' camp, and want to use another way to continue the spirit of the Four Seasons Mountains and Rivers."

Upon hearing this, Zhuo Bufan nodded slowly, it was almost as planned with him.

Four Seasons Shanhe will definitely not be disbanded easily.

Even if it is disbanded in the world of immortality, it can still exist in the world of Yunmeng.

After all, it was the Holy Lord who restarted the Yunmeng Realm, and the order of the Yunmeng Realm will be guarded by the "Spring, Summer, Autumn, and Winter" camp.

"Lao Zhuo, let's leave the boundary together later. I'll go to Tianxiang City to find you. I just have something to do with you."

Duan Xinghe suddenly changed the subject and spoke to Zhuo Bufan with a serious expression.

"What's the matter?" Zhuo Bufan frowned slightly.

"It's not convenient to tell you here. I'll ask after I find you. Tell me your address in Tianxiang City."

"Don't stay in this world for too long, otherwise your body will become moldy."

Zhuo Bufan felt that it was time to go out.

"Okay then, you can find me at Tianxiang City Peony Garden."

For Zhuo Bufan, the first phase of his mission in Yunmeng Realm has basically been completed, and it is time to leave. If I don’t go back, I’m afraid Xiaomei will go crazy!

Afterwards, the two of them arrived at the Soul Altar, with Duan Xinghe standing on it first.

"Out of bounds!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the nine-level soul altar slowly rotated, and the next second, a ray of light soared into the sky from the soul altar. The Broken Star River slowly disappeared in the river of light.

After Duan Xinghe left the realm, Zhuo Bufan stood on the soul altar again.

As soon as he stood on the soul altar, he heard a familiar voice.

"Altar Master, welcome back."

As the altar leader, Zhuo Bufan was naturally recognized by the soul monument immediately after he stood on the soul altar.

"Need to leave the boundary or trade?" Soul Monument asked.

"No, choose to practice."

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