Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1374 Unworthy [New book, please collect it]

Mo Chichi finally chose to self-destruct!

The power of tens of thousands of clones self-destructing at the same time was enough to disintegrate the entire void.

All space was completely destroyed.

It was impossible to use space to evade.

No matter how powerful Jealousy was, he was severely injured in the face of this earth-shattering self-destruction.

Of course, Jealousy did not die in this sensation.

But he did suffer unprecedented trauma.

Even his soul was in danger of falling apart.

"Cough cough cough!"

Blood and flesh began to fall from Jealousy's body.

The armor on his body had long been destroyed.

The whole person was unrecognizable and had no human appearance at all.

Nearly half of his body was white bones, because his soul could no longer sustain the collapse of his body.

It can be said that Jealousy was almost dying. This was the most serious trauma he had suffered so far.

"Mo Chichi, you crazy woman."

Jealousy said painfully.

However, seeing that Mo Chichi was dead, he couldn't help laughing again.

"Dead, you are finally dead."

Jealous Heaven began to absorb the remaining Heavenly Dao power of Mo Chichi in the void, wanting to use this power to restore his injured body and soul.


On the other side, at the other end of the distant void.

Li Mei and Qiankun, who were running away, suddenly stopped.

Then, Li Mei let out a heart-wrenching cry.

"No! Chichi, Chichi."

As a clone of Heaven, Li Mei naturally found out that Mo Chichi was dead at the first time.

Li Mei, who learned the news, was naturally in great pain and discomfort.

She collapsed in Qiankun's arms, uttering bursts of grief and crying.

"Chichi! Why, Chichi~!"

Li Mei now understood why Mo Chichi chose to leave her and run away from her.

From the beginning, Mo Chichi chose to leave in order to cover her.

So when Li Mei learned all this, she felt extremely painful and uncomfortable.

"Asshole, I'm going to fight that beast."

Li Mei let out a heart-wrenching roar.

Then she planned to fight with Jealousy Heaven.

However, Qiankun stopped her in time.

"Don't go!"

"Do you want her to sacrifice in vain?"

Qiankun also understood that Mo Chichi's sacrifice was actually to give Li Mei more opportunities to escape.

Therefore, they must not let Mo Chichi's sacrifice down.

However, Li Mei couldn't accept it.

She couldn't accept that Mo Chichi died to save her.

"No, we have to die together. I want to avenge Chichi."

Li Mei insisted on avenging Mo Chichi.

However, after hearing this, Qiankun tried to stop her even more. Because Qiankun knew that Li Mei was acting on impulse now.

So at this time, they should be calmer.

"I won't let you die in vain."

"Then do you want me to live with guilt forever?"

Li Mei's words made Qiankun silent.

After a moment of silence, Qiankun slowly put down his arm and said.

"I understand! If we want to go back, let's go back together."

"If we want to die, let's die together."

Since Qiankun had already prepared to live and die with Li Mei, there was nothing for him to hesitate about at this point.

As long as Li Mei's wish could be fulfilled, he would not be afraid even if he died.

So, in the end, Qiankun decided to return with Li Mei and then fight to the death with Jealous Heaven.

"Let's go back to the Samsara Star Domain first and find that man."

"Chi Chi is dead, I don't believe he will be indifferent."

Li Mei thought of Zhuo Bufan.

Mo Chi Chi was unwilling to seek Zhuo Bufan's help at the beginning. She would rather die than drag Zhuo Bufan down.

At that time, Li Mei respected Mo Chi Chi, so she did not seek Zhuo Bufan for help.

However, now, Mo Chi Chi is dead, and her dearest Chi Chi is dead.

Li Mei must let Zhuo Bufan know about this matter no matter what.

So, Li Mei planned to return to the Samsara Star Domain first and find Zhuo Bufan.

After all, she thought that Zhuo Bufan had this responsibility.

He once said that he would protect Mo Chichi.

However, when Mo Chichi needed him again, he disappeared again.

Twice, Zhuo Bufan failed Mo Chichi twice.

If we talk about who Zhuo Bufan failed the most in this world, it might be Mo Chichi.

Unlike Bai Su, Xuan Su, and Meng Chanyi.

The person who owed Meng Chanyi was Luo Tian.

And the one who failed Xuan Su was Ji Xuanhao.

And Bai Su was failed by Ji Xuanhao and Zhuo Bufan.

However, Mo Chichi was probably the person Zhuo Bufan failed the most.

Mo Chichi was Zhuo Bufan's love debt in this life.

Now, the love debt is dead, but Zhuo Bufan still doesn't know it.

He is indeed guilty of the other party and this woman.

At this moment, Zhuo Bufan still doesn't know that Mo Chichi is dead.

His second clone is still trying his best to refine the Samsara Tower.

Now, he has refined 80% of the Samsara Tower. Seeing that he is getting closer and closer to completely refining the Samsara Tower, Zhuo Bufan's second clone is naturally extremely excited.

For the second clone, refining the Samsara Tower is indeed a very important matter.

Because only by refining the Reincarnation Tower can he win this battle between clones.

Therefore, it is no wonder that Zhuo Bufan would let down Mo Chichi.

After all, Zhuo Bufan still has a more important mission to complete.

Of course, failure is failure, and no words can be used as excuses.

Zhuo Bufan failed Mo Chichi, this is an indisputable fact.

Finally, half a month later, Li Mei and Qian Kun found the void of the Samsara Tower where Zhuo Bufan was.

When Li Mei found Zhuo Bufan's second clone, she also discovered that he was refining the Reincarnation Tower.

But at that moment, Li Mei didn't care whether her appearance would disturb Zhuo Bufan.

She just rushed towards Zhuo Bufan, and not even Qian Kun could stop him this time.

Li Mei suddenly appeared in front of Zhuo Bufan. When Zhuo Bufan saw Li Mei, he couldn't help but be stunned.

"Li Mei? Why are you here?"

At this moment, Zhuo Bufan was at the critical moment of refining, and he really didn't have time to receive Li Mei.

But he was quite happy to see Li Mei, at least Li Mei was safe now.

However, after hearing this, Li Mei rushed to Zhuo Bufan without hesitation and slapped him hard.


That slap used 12% of Li Mei's strength. It was so powerful that it could blow up a star.

But hitting Zhuo Bufan was like scratching an itch.

However, Zhuo Bufan was slapped inexplicably. Even if he was tickling, it still made Zhuo Bufan a little angry.

"What are you doing? Are you crazy?"

Zhuo Bufan shouted.

Of course, he still did not stop the refining work at hand.

After hearing this, Li Mei's eyes filled with tears, and tears fell down her cheeks like a fountain.

"Crazy, I am indeed crazy!"

"You bastard, you're still here, are you worthy of Chichi?"

Li Mei roared at Zhuo Bufan.

Although Zhuo Bufan felt that Li Mei was a little confused, after listening to Li Mei's words, he realized that things might not be that simple.

"Chichi? What's wrong with Miss Mo?"

Zhuo Bufan asked in surprise.

Only then did Zhuo Bufan realize that Mo Chi Chi did not come with Li Mei.

You know, the two of them are inseparable now.

But this time, it was Qiankun of the Ronin clan who came with Li Mei.

He knows Qiankun, but now is not the time to reminisce.

After hearing this, Li Mei covered her cheeks and cried bitterly.

"Chichi, Chichi was killed by that beast of Jealousy."


When Li Mei told the news that Mo Chichi was dead, Zhuo Bufan was stunned on the spot.

Even the chaotic energy he was refining in his hand collapsed instantly.

The refining paused, and Zhuo Bufan then grabbed the painful Li Mei and asked.

"Tell me again, what's wrong with Miss Mo?"

After hearing this, Li Mei roared angrily.

"Let go, you bastard! Do you know how to care about Chichi now?"

"Where were you when we needed you?"

"Do you sound like farting when you talk?"

"Didn't you promise to protect us and protect Chi Chi?"

"You bastard!"

Li Mei pushed Zhuo Bufan away.

Zhuo Bufan stood there blankly.

Judging from Li Mei's reaction and excited tone, Zhuo Bufan had seen the truth.

The truth is that Mo Chichi has been killed by Jealousy.

That's right, she died. The woman who was extremely infatuated with him was gone.

I didn't protect her well.

Li Meishou didn't say a single word wrong when she scolded him.

He is just an irresponsible man.

Twice, he had failed Mo Chichi twice.

For the first time, Mo Chichi's most beloved brother Hun Chao died tragically, and he fell into Hun Chao before he showed up in time.

Mo Chichi was very disappointed with him.

And for his own benefit, he shamelessly begged Mo Chichi to give him another chance.

He also swore that he would protect her safety.

However, everything he said was regarded as fart.

The second time, Mo Chichi died.

Mo Chi Chi died!

This was like a thunder blow to Zhuo Bufan.

He couldn't believe that this was true, and he couldn't believe that he didn't protect her.

He could imagine how much Mo Chichi wished to see him again before he died.

However, he didn't even see her last glance.


Zhuo Bufan let out a roar, a roar that even shook his soul.

"What am I doing? What am I doing?"

Zhuo Bufan felt so much self-blame and so much pain.

I agreed to protect Mo Chichi, but why, why didn't I protect him?

He failed Mo Chichi time and time again, and this regret from the depths of his soul made Zhuo Bufan roar hysterically again and again.

"Where is he?"

Zhuo Bufan squinted his eyes, and infinite murderous intent flashed in his eyes.

At this moment, Zhuo Bufan had no intention of refining the Reincarnation Tower in front of him.

His heart had already been burned with endless anger.

Now, he just wants to find Jealousy and kill him.

He wanted to avenge Mo Chichi and atone for himself.

That's right, at this moment, Zhuo Bufan felt that he was a wicked man with sins on his hands. He killed Mo Chichi and the woman who loved him the most.

So, now in his mind, there is no Lord of Time, Samsara Tower, First Avatar, or Daluo Tiandao.

He was only full of anger, hatred, endless regret, and shame of living in vain.

Now Zhuo Bufan just wanted to kill Jealous Heaven, and then end it confidently. With death, atone for Mo Chichi's sins.

Maybe at this moment, he really has no face to live in this world.

If he can't even protect a woman, what world can he protect? It's ridiculous.

At this moment, Zhuo Bufan's second avatar finally realized that he was not worthy of being the real Zhuo Bufan.

The real Zhuo Bufan would never be irresponsible and would never let Mo Chichi die.

Once the real Zhuo Bufan made a promise, he would protect the other person even at the cost of his life.

The real Zhuo Bufan is a man who does what he says, a man who knows how to give back and be grateful.

The real Zhuo Bufan will never disappoint others' expectations and trust.

He is completely crazy now.

In order to gain the dominance of the two souls, he is madly pursuing that kind of vanity.

But now he understands that he is not worthy at all.

He is not worthy of being Zhuo Bufan, or even a human being.

What qualifications does a person like him have to find the Lord of Time?

What qualifications does a person like him have to protect the world of heaven?

At that moment, the second clone finally realized that he was not that Zhuo Bufan, and he had not been that for a long time.

Li Mei was scared when she saw Zhuo Bufan's crazy look.

She didn't know what happened to Zhuo Bufan, but looking at his eyes, Li Mei felt that Zhuo Bufan had changed and became a little scary.

"Tell me, where is that bastard now?"

Zhuo Bufan roared at Li Mei again.

However, Li Mei Li Mei shook her head hurriedly after hearing this.

"How do I know?"

"Chichi led that bastard away alone to protect me."

"After that, I could no longer feel her power of heaven."

"I came here this time just to tell you. What you should do next is none of my business."

"Qiankun, let's go!"

"I will avenge Chichi myself."

Li Mei obviously would not forgive Zhuo Bufan just because of his current appearance.

Just as she said, she just came to tell Zhuo Bufan that Mo Chichi was dead.

What should Zhuo Bufan do next? Should he hide here and continue to refine his Samsara Tower, or go to find Jealous Heaven to avenge Mo Chichi.

All this is irrelevant to Li Mei.

After Li Mei finished speaking, she took Qiankun and left the Samsara Star Region, embarking on a revenge journey to find Jealous Heaven.

And Zhuo Bufan's second clone gritted his teeth after seeing Li Mei's leaving back.

Then, he looked back at the Samsara Tower behind him, and said silently.

"You win!"

"You're right, I don't deserve to be the real Zhuo Bufan."

"When I get my revenge, I'll return the other half of my body and soul to you."

The second clone said, and turned away.

In the end, he gave up absorbing the Samsara Tower.

Now he only wants to do one thing, kill Jealousy Heaven.


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