Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1408 Collective Reincarnation

The reincarnation column began to rotate, and Zhuo Bu Yao's reincarnation was about to begin.

Xuan Su stood aside and wiped her tears secretly.

Watching her son being sent to reincarnation, it would be difficult for anyone to accept it, even if she was the Queen of Heaven.

However, for the sake of her child, she had to be cruel.

"Mother, I have caused you trouble over the years."

"Don't worry, I will reflect on myself in the reincarnation. I will never let you down again."

Zhuo Bu Yao was surprisingly calm at this moment.

He understood his parents' intentions.

Letting him enter the reincarnation was actually to help him grow up.

Xuan Su was deeply moved after hearing this.

"Lian'er, mother is sorry for you."

"Don't worry, mother will definitely watch you and protect you in heaven."

"Go with peace of mind, my son! Mother will definitely wait for you to come back."

Although it was not a farewell of life and death, the gods who saw this scene were still very moved.

At this point, many gods seemed to understand something.

If the Emperor and Empress really wanted to save the little emperor, no one could stop them.

But they didn't do it.

This can only mean that the Emperor and Empress, perhaps from the beginning, were ready to send the little emperor into reincarnation.

This was the decision of the Emperor and Empress, and none of the priests present dared to object.

However, just as all the gods watched the little emperor enter reincarnation.

Suddenly, a report came from outside the main hall of the Reincarnation Palace.

"Report! The lower-level official Feng Yexiu requests an audience."

For a moment, all the priests looked back at Feng Yexiu and others who had returned.

Feng Yexiu and other officials were ordered to go down to the world to capture the little emperor, but in the end the little emperor ran away.

After the little emperor ran away, they were also planning to return home.

However, the little girl Meng Hongchen in the human world begged them hard, hoping that they could take her to heaven.

She wanted to save the little emperor.

Feng Yexiu thought about it, and finally agreed in a rush.

So, Feng Yexiu took Meng Hongchen back to the Samsara Tower.

That's right, he brought a mortal to the Heavenly Palace, which caused quite a stir.

"Feng Yexiu, how can you bring a mortal to this Heavenly Palace?"

"Feng Yexiu, you are violating the Heavenly Rules, do you know?"

Just when all the priests were accusing Feng Yexiu.

Suddenly, the girl from the mortal world saw the little emperor tied to the Samsara Pillar.

"Brother Lian'er."

Seeing this scene, Meng Hongchen couldn't wait to run towards Zhuo Buyao.

Zhuo Buyao saw Meng Hongchen coming and hurriedly shouted at him.

"Why are you here?"

"This is not the place you should come, go back quickly."

Zhuo Buyao didn't expect that Meng Hongchen actually came to the Heavenly Palace.

This is the Heavenly Palace, not a place for mortals to play.

Mortals coming to the Heavenly Palace is originally an act that violates the Heavenly Rules.

But Meng Hongchen couldn't care less.

She looked at Zhuo Bu Yao in front of her, and then looked at the Emperor of Heaven and the Three Lords sitting on the immortal platform, and said.

"Wait, I will definitely save you."

Meng Hongchen came to the Three Lords after saying that, and then knelt down without hesitation.

"Your Majesty, the Emperor of Heaven, the mortal Meng Hongchen has something to report."

"The death of the Dragon Prince of the South China Sea has nothing to do with Brother Lian'er."

"It was me, I killed the Dragon Prince."

At this time, Meng Hongchen took the initiative to stand up and wanted to take the blame for Zhuo Bu Yao.

However, she didn't know that this was not the Dragon Prince's problem at all.

A little Dragon Prince didn't have the energy to pull a little emperor off the altar.

This calculation was obviously operated by the Emperor of Heaven and the Queen of Heaven.

Even when Meng Hongchen went to the South China Sea to steal the dragon ball, it was the Queen of Heaven who arranged it behind the scenes.

Therefore, it didn't make much sense for Meng Hongchen to appear here.

At least her appearance would not affect the verdict on Zhuo Bu Yao.

"It was me, because I went to the South China Sea to steal the dragon ball. The Dragon Prince came to kill me."

"Brother Lian'er fought with the Dragon Prince to save me."

"In the end, I was behind the scenes and gave the Dragon Prince a fatal blow."

"So, I killed the Dragon Prince, and it has nothing to do with Brother Lian'er."

Meng Hongchen planned to take the initiative to take responsibility for this matter.

Zhuo Buyao on the Samsara Pillar shouted at her after hearing this.

"What are you talking about? The Dragon Prince was killed by me, what does it have to do with you?"

"Can you kill that demon dragon?"

Meng Hongchen gritted her teeth and said after hearing this.

"I killed her, yes, because you severely injured her, and then I gave her the final blow."

"Okay, it has nothing to do with you!"

"Don't disturb my reincarnation journey."

Zhuo Buyao shouted at Meng Hongchen.

Although there will be no changes with Meng Hongchen's arrival.

But this guy may get himself involved. This is not what Zhuo Buyao wants to see.

"It's not like that, Your Majesty. This matter has nothing to do with Brother Lian'er. He is still young, so if you want to punish me, punish me!"

"No matter what kind of punishment or suffering, I am willing to bear it."

"I only ask you to let Brother Lian'er go."

"I am the one who killed Prince Long, so let me bear the punishment I deserve."

Meng Hongchen simply wanted to save Zhuo Buyao.

At this time, Zhuo Bufan, who was on the fairy platform, looked at Meng Hongchen and just smiled faintly and said.

"Little girl, you are despising the Heavenly Court!"

Zhuo Bufan suddenly put a huge pot on Meng Hongchen.

Despising the Heavenly Court is not an ordinary crime, it will be sent to reincarnation.

Meng Hongchen was frightened and shook her head quickly.

"No, no, I didn't despise the Heavenly Court."

Zhuo Bufan laughed after hearing it.

"No? You are clearly questioning the ability of my Heavenly Court."

"What you meant by that just now, isn't it questioning that my Heavenly Court wrongly accused your brother Lian'er?"

"Who killed the Dragon Prince? Do you think this emperor doesn't know?"

Hearing these words, Meng Hongchen instantly collapsed to the ground. She realized that she was indeed presumptuous.

It was ridiculous that she wanted to confuse the gods and immortals with just a few words.

"I, I don't want to see my brother Lian'er being punished."

"He is only three years old, why punish him like this?"

"Aren't you his father? Why don't you protect him?"

Meng Hongchen knelt on the ground and shouted helplessly.

Seeing this scene, Zhuo Bufan replied.

"It is precisely because I am his father that he can't do such a thing."

"Okay, the time has come. Lian'er, let's go!"

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he started the reincarnation column again.

The reincarnation column began to rotate again.

Seeing this scene, Meng Hongchen suddenly rushed towards the reincarnation column without hesitation.

"Don't come over."

Zhuo Buyao was shocked when he saw Meng Hongchen not coming over.

He wanted to stop him, but it was too late.

Because Meng Hongchen had already jumped into the reincarnation platform and hugged Zhuo Buyao tightly.

"Brother Lian'er, let's die together."

Meng Hongchen grabbed Zhuo Buyao's body and said her last words before she died.

The soul of a mortal simply cannot withstand the crushing of the Samsara Pillar.

Almost instantly, Meng Hongchen's soul was crushed to pieces.


Seeing Meng Hongchen's soul crushed in an instant, Zhuo Buyao let out a heart-wrenching roar.

For a moment, an extremely terrifying energy burst out from his body.

It instantly penetrated the entire heaven of the Samsara Heavenly Palace.

Even the Samsara Pillar could hardly withstand his destruction and began to show signs of collapse.

Zhuo Bufan frowned slightly when he saw this scene.

"This kid actually burst out with such power."

Obviously, Zhuo Bufan himself was also a little shocked.

He didn't expect that Zhuo Buyao would burst out with such earth-shaking power because of Meng Hongchen.

"Why, why didn't you save her?"

Zhuo Buyao's powerful power even stopped the Samsara Pillar from rotating.

He looked at Zhuo Bufan on the fairy platform with boundless anger.

He knew that if the father emperor wanted to save her, he would have been able to save her just now.

But he didn't save Meng Hongchen.

He watched Meng Hongchen die in front of his eyes.

"Why? You could have saved her!"

The angry Zhuo Buyao had already rebelled.

Seeing Zhuo Buyao so angry, Zhuo Bufan couldn't help shaking his head and said.

"This is her own choice."

"Because she doesn't want to forget you."

"If she doesn't do it, then I can only erase all her memories of you."

"Maybe she understands this, so she will enter the reincarnation with you."

"Don't worry, I will let her accompany you on your reincarnation journey."

"If you can successfully complete the reincarnation mission, I will give her a divine position and give her a divine nature."

"After all, she is your only friend!"

Zhuo Bufan's words calmed down the originally furious Zhuo Buyao.


He didn't expect that his father would find a companion for him on his reincarnation journey.

"Okay, kid, go to reincarnation honestly!"

"I hope that when we meet again, you will not be as reckless as you are now."

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he raised his hand and waved, sending Zhuo Buyao decisively into reincarnation.

So far, Zhuo Buyao's affairs have finally pressed the pause button.

However, as soon as Zhuo Buyao's affairs stopped, Xuan Hou suddenly stood up from the side and knelt in front of Zhuo Bufan.

"Your Majesty, Xuan Su knows that he has committed a serious sin, so he came to ask for forgiveness."

Zhuo Bufan was undoubtedly confused when he heard this.

All the other gods present also looked at each other, not understanding why Xuan Hou did this.

"Xuan Hou, what do you mean by this?"

Zhuo Bufan asked.

Zhuo Bufan's question was obviously also the question of all the gods present.

At this time, only Xuan Su said.

"I framed Lian'er. As a mother, I really can't feel at ease."

Xuan Su's words startled Zhuo Bufan.

He seemed to understand what Xuan Su was going to say next.

"Enough, Queen Xuan, this matter ends here."

Zhuo Bufan didn't want to make a big deal, but Xuan Su said stubbornly.

"No, this matter is not over yet."

"I'm sorry, husband, this is my first time being a mother, I'm scared and terrified. So I'm not a competent mother."

"I lured that girl just now to go to the South China Sea to steal the dragon ball."

"I arranged for Lian'er to go to help that girl."

"It was me who saw Lian'er kill the Dragon Prince and did nothing to save him."

"Not only am I not worthy of being a mother, I am even less worthy of being the Queen of Heaven."

"So, I beg His Majesty the Emperor of Heaven to reincarnate me. Let me also accept the suffering of the six reincarnations!"

Xuan Su suddenly did this to Zhuo Bufan, leaving him at a loss.

Even the three masters couldn't help shaking their heads.

Bai Su, who was standing aside, even stood up and said.

"I am also responsible for this matter. If you want to punish me, punish me."

Bai Su also knelt down to Zhuo Bufan.

For a moment, the two Queens of Heaven knelt on the ground at the same time.

All the other gods present did not dare to stand and knelt down one after another.

"Your Majesty, you must not do this. The Heavenly Court cannot be without the Emperor of Heaven, nor can it be without the Queen of Heaven."

"Yes, Your Majesty, let's stop here!"

"Your Majesty, please think twice. Let's stop here!"

"Your Majesty, please think twice!"


All the gods pleaded with Zhuo Bufan.

Zhuo Bufan had never thought of blaming Xuan Su?

Because he was the one who planned the whole thing from the beginning!

Xuan Su did this just to protect her.

If Xuan Su was not worthy of being the queen, then how could he be worthy of being the emperor?

Just when Zhuo Bufan was about to reject Xuan Su, Xuan Su went straight to the reincarnation platform.

"Husband, please help me! On the road of reincarnation, I want to learn how to be a good mother."

"I want to accompany my son and grow up."

"I only have two conditions. First, I hope my husband can revive the Dragon Prince, after all, he is innocent."

"Second, I hope that I can be Lian'er's mother in these six reincarnations."

After hearing these words, Zhuo Bufan understood Xuan Su's intentions.

"I understand! Well, I agree to your request."

After listening to what Zhuo Bufan said, Xuan Su smiled silently.

Then he looked at Bai Su and said.

"Sister, I'll trouble you with my work in the future."

"Assist your husband well and wait for me to come back."

After Xuan Su finished speaking, she jumped down to the reincarnation platform without hesitation.

Zhuo Bufan, who saw this scene, shook his head helplessly after all.

Unexpectedly, the final development of the matter was far beyond his expectations.

Perhaps from the beginning, only Xuan Su had expected the current ending of the whole thing.

The final ending is Zhuo Buyao, Meng Hongchen, and Xuan Su.

The three of them entered the reincarnation together.

According to Xuan Su's final request, Zhuo Bufan resurrected the dragon prince who was burned to death by Zhuo Buyao.

The old dragon king of the South China Sea was naturally very happy, after all, his dead son was back.

Although up to now, the old dragon king has not yet reacted to what happened.

But he knew that the whole thing was not under his control.

The Emperor of Heaven and the Queen of Heaven were the promoters of this matter from beginning to end.

At this time, the other gods also understood that the whole thing was the layout of the Emperor of Heaven and the Queen of Heaven.

The purpose is to allow the little emperor to grow up in the six reincarnations.

"Then, the first reincarnation is set up like this."

"Lian'er and Xuanhou were reduced to demons. They became two white fox mothers and sons who depended on each other for survival."

"As for that girl, she was reduced to human. She became a rich girl."

"Twenty years later, the rich girl saved the white fox mother and son in the snow."

"What will happen next depends on fate."

Zhuo Bufan set the plot of the first reincarnation.

He would no longer intervene in how it would develop later.

The reincarnation journey of the three of them began from this moment.

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