Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1436 1436: The Age of Leaking Sea

After Zhuo Bufan arrived at the Taotie Sea Area, he immediately supported the Octopus Man and killed the Lizard Man of the Sea Dragon Clan.

But this matter is obviously not over yet.

The Lizardmen are just a relatively weak army of the Sea Dragon Tribe, even weaker than the previous Mephit Tribe.

Octopus Island is a very important fortress base and has very important military significance.

So Zhuo Bufan can't leave now, at least he has to stay here, waiting for the second attack of the Sea Dragon Clan.

Before that, Zhuo Bufan was treated as a distinguished guest and received warm hospitality from the Octopus Man.

"Thank you very much this time. If it weren't for you, we might not be able to defend Octopus Island."

The octopus leader still doesn't believe that Zhuo Bufan is here to help them.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan smiled.

"I was entrusted by the Lord of the Demonic Abyss to go to the Taotie Sea to help you."

"This is a deal between me and the Lord of the Demonic Abyss, so you don't need to take it too seriously."

"And this war is far from over."

"I think it won't be long before the Sea Dragon Clan will attack again. When the time comes, we will have to face even more terrifying enemies."

After hearing this, the octopus leader nodded.

"I understand, I will let my men strengthen the defenses."

"We received an order from the Lord of the Demonic Abyss to defend this place, so no matter what, we must defend Octopus Island."

Zhuo Bufan didn't want to know the other party's reasons or requirements, because Zhuo Bufan came here just to cause damage.

"By the way, I'm curious. You octopus people should live under the deep sea. Why are you living on this island now?"

"Are you octopus people also amphibious creatures?"

After hearing Zhuo Bufan's words, the octopus leader smiled and replied.

"We did originally live in the abyss of the sea, but a large whirlpool appeared in the Demon Sea and the sea began to leak. We were forced to evolve as a last resort."

"In order to adapt early to the future where we can only live on land, we have now slowly lived on land."

Zhuo Bufan couldn't help but be surprised when he heard this answer.

"The big whirlpool under the sea? What's going on? Are you Demon Abyss tribe really escaping from the bottom of the sea?"

Before Zhuo Bufan came, he had indeed heard about it from Hai Hongbo, the king of Jiao Zhu Kingdom.

The creatures of the Demon Abyss tribe originally lived in the abyss of the Demon Sea.

However, the Demon God suddenly fused, so the creatures of the Demon Abyss tribe began to flee from the Demon God Sea.

After hearing this, the octopus man replied.

"Yes, the era of the Great Leak has arrived."

"We had no choice but to escape from the Demonic Sea. We never thought about invading other sea tribes' places of survival."

"We are also willing to live together with other sea tribes. It's just that the Sea Dragon Tribe and the Ten Thousand Claw Tribe don't accept our existence, so they joined forces to destroy us."

"We have to rise to the challenge in order to survive."

"If war is necessary to gain a place for survival, then our Moyuan clan is willing to fight."

From the words of the octopus leader, Zhuo Bufan roughly understood why the Demon Abyss tribe wanted to escape from the Demon Sea.

However, he still didn't understand what the big leak in the octopus leader's mouth meant.

"Big leak? What the hell is that?"

"Is the sea really leaking?"

"How could the sea leak? Where did the leaked water go?

Hearing this, the octopus leader nodded and replied.

"Yes, the sea does leak."

"As for where the water went, I don't know."

"However, according to the legend of our Moyuan tribe, there was indeed an era of great leakage hundreds of thousands of years ago."

"The Red Earth Continent and the Offa Continent where you humans live now are both continents that emerged from the bottom of the sea after that great sea leak."

"Our ancient god Cohen also predicted that the Great Leak will come again."

"And just ten years ago, our Lord of the Demonic Abyss Clan discovered that mysterious whirlpools appeared in many abyss."

"The sea has started leaking again."

"If the legend is true, half of the world's seawater will leak out this time."

"There will once again be several new continents in this world."

"We were forced to escape from the Demonic Sea just to avoid being swallowed by more and more large whirlpools."

The leader of the octopus men told Zhuo Bufan a lot of unexpected information.

Zhuo Bufan really didn't expect that there would be such a big change in this world.

A big leak will leak half of the world's sea water.

This is no joke.

If the ocean really leaks half, then most of the life in this world will probably die.

"Can you tell me more about this big leak?"

"If this matter is true, you Moyuan clan should tell the world so that the world can prepare early."

Zhuo Bufan had a vague feeling that this big leak might not be that simple.

After hearing this, the octopus leader continued.

"The Great Leak is the apocalypse in the legend of Cohen, our Demon Abyss clan."

"Cohen is our Moyuan tribe's name for Poseidon."

"He is the most respected ancient god of our Moyuan tribe."

Zhuo Bufan thought to himself after hearing this.

"It turns out that Cohen is the Poseidon. The Poseidon I'm looking for should be this ancient god."

"It seems that in this world, there is not only Yug, the ancient god, but also many other ancient gods."

When Zhuo Bufan heard about the ancient god Korn, he thought of the ancient god Yog in Famri.

What role do the ancient gods play in this world?

Zhuo Bufan didn't have the time to think about this issue. What he wanted to know was more information about the big leak.

"In our Korn legend, the Great Leak is a punishment from Poseidon to the entire sea."

"When the creatures in the ocean exceed the limit that it can bear, Poseidon Cohen will open the plug on the seabed and start releasing water. Thereby controlling the life of the ocean."

Zhuo Bufan only thought it was ridiculous when he heard this legend.

He was certain that this was indeed a fabricated legend.

What opens the plug on the ocean floor and what controls life in the ocean.

This water leaks into the ocean and it decreases accordingly. Is there something wrong with this Poseidon that would reduce his living environment?

Obviously, if the big leak really exists, then things are not as simple as you think.

The water in the entire ocean will leak, so where does the leaked water go?

Of course, this is not the biggest problem. The biggest question is, why was it leaked?

"We're not sure whether the legend is true, but the Great Leak does exist."

"The Lord of the Demonic Abyss sent many subordinates into the whirlpool to investigate, including many strong men. However, after they went to the whirlpool, they never came back."

"So, we have reason to believe that this maelstrom may really go away without any return."

"And we also found that sea levels have indeed dropped by a few points in the past decade or so."

"Now the number of large whirlpools is increasing, and the large whirlpools are getting bigger and bigger."

"At this rate, it won't be long before seawater will leak out over a large area."

"At that time, the Sea Clan will usher in an apocalypse."

"In order to use the life on land in advance, our Moyuan tribe had to evolve to live on land."

"As for why we, the Moyuan Clan, didn't tell the world about this news, it's because even if we told it, not many people would believe it."

"The creatures on land don't care about the life and death of our oceans."

"And the creatures of the ocean, as you've seen now, will only wage endless wars."

"Besides, what if we tell the world? No one can stop the big leak."

"This is Poseidon's punishment. Who can stop it?"

The octopus leader said excitedly.

What he said does make sense.

Even if it is said, it has no meaning.

Let’s not talk about whether anyone believes it. Even if someone believes it, so what?

No one can stop the big leak that is about to happen.

Since it can be stopped in accordance with the law, the only option is to escape.

Even such a powerful creature as the Demon Abyss Clan can only escape. What can other creatures do?

So Zhuo Bufan expressed sympathy on this point.

"It seems that it is necessary to go to the maelstrom to investigate."

Zhuo Bufan has been taking risks all his life, and he has a feeling that perhaps Saint Tianmeng and Meng Chanyi should go investigate the maelstrom.

More likely, they have reached the other side of the maelstrom.

After roughly understanding the situation in the sea, Zhuo Bufan also made certain plans for the next action.

Of course, before taking action, Zhuo Bufan had to do one more thing, and that was to play with the people of the Sea Dragon Clan again.

One day later, the Sea Dragon Clan's revenge army arrived as expected.

On the order of Emperor Hailong, the leader of the lizardmen brought the man named Guli to Octopus Island.

Guli, one of the four heavenly kings of the Hailong clan.

He is also a powerful ten-star water arcanist!

Moreover, he is also a militant and a powerful enemy.

The Sea Dragon Emperor obviously thought that sending this Guli would be enough to conquer Octopus Island.

And Gu Li's arrival did bring strong pressure to the Octopus Man.

When the octopus leader heard that Guli was coming, his body was shaking nervously.

"No, no, Gu Li is here, the big devil is here."

Hearing this, Zhuo Bufan couldn't help but frown.

"Big Demon King? Is that Guli very powerful?"

After hearing this, the octopus leader said in fear.

"Not only is it awesome, it's simply terrifying."

"Gu Li is one of the four heavenly kings under Emperor Hailong. They are extremely terrifying."

"So far, countless warriors from the Moyuan tribe have died at the hands of Gu Li."

"This Guli is extremely cruel. He has mastered a powerful acidic water that can corrode everything."

"Any enemy of Naguli will eventually be dissolved into water by him, and he is extremely cruel."

Hearing this, even Zhuo Bufan frowned deeply.

It seems that Gu Li is really troublesome.

However, Zhuo Bufan was obviously ready to deal with any enemy.

Soon, the army of the Sea Dragon Clan attacked again.

Hundreds of warships arrived outside Octopus Island and surrounded Octopus Island.

This time, the lizardmen did not launch an attack immediately, because the commander of this battle was no longer the lizardman leader, but General Guli.

General Guli came to the bow of the ship and looked down at the octopus men on the beach.

At this time, he saw the human he was looking for among the crowd of octopuses.

Of course, Zhuo Bufan also saw Gu Li immediately.

"Sir, that human being is the helper invited by their Moyuan clan."

The leader of the lizardmen stood beside Na Guli and pointed at Na Zhuo Bufan and introduced him.

At the same time, the octopus leader on the beach also spoke to Zhuo Bufan.

"That is Gu Li of the Sea Dragon Clan."

Zhuo Bufan and Naguli looked at each other for a long time.

Finally, Gu Li looked at Zhuo Bufan and said.

"Human, in order to avoid greater casualties, I have a proposal."

"The next battle will be between me, representing the Sea Dragon Clan, and the Demon Abyss Clan, represented by you."

"If you win, we, the Sea Dragon Clan, will never set foot on Octopus Island."

"If you lose, take the Octopus Man away from here and give Octopus Island to us."

"what do you think?"

As soon as the opponent came up, he actually wanted to fight Zhuo Bufan directly.

Zhuo Bufan smiled softly after hearing this.

"Okay, that's what I mean."

"The outcome of a war is determined by the outcome of two people's battles."

"This prevented further casualties."

"It's just that I need the consent of the octopus leader behind me for this matter."

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he looked back at the octopus leader behind him.

After hearing this, the octopus leader nodded without hesitation.

"Okay, but will it put too much pressure on you?"

Zhuo Bufan shrugged and said.

"There's no pressure because there's no way I'm going to lose."

Zhuo Bufan is very confident.

The Gu Li on the other side laughed loudly after hearing this.

"I appreciate your confidence. I hope you can still be so confident when you kneel in front of me later."

After Gu Li finished speaking, he looked back at the lizard man leader, and then said.

"Take your men and move back ten miles."

"Lest you get involved in the battlefield and die unexpectedly."

After hearing this, the lizardman leader was impatient and quickly drove his men back in the battleship for more than twenty miles.

Zhuo Bufan also asked the octopus leader to retreat to the other side of the island with his people.

The next battle is a battle between arcanists.

By then, the arcane power between the two sides may have spread to the entire island.

Since neither side wanted to cause too many casualties, they would naturally let these irrelevant people leave to leave a battlefield for them.

After the lizard people and octopus people left, only Zhuo Bufan and Gu Li were left on the entire beach.

There was little nonsense from both sides.

Gu Li clapped his hands directly, and then opened his hands.

As his hands slowly rose, the entire sea level began to rise.

Soon, waves hundreds of meters high were rolling over the sea.

As soon as the opponent takes action, it will be a super move. According to this trend, it will directly submerge the entire island.

However, after Zhuo Bufan saw this scene, he also used super arcane magic immediately.

For a time, a high wall slowly and quickly rose up from around the island, and then directly blocked the high waves that came over.

"Can you block my wave?"

At this time, suddenly the Guli once again swept up several high waves and rushed towards the island.

And this time, one wave is higher than the other.

The highest wave even exceeded the island.

Seeing this scene, Zhuo Bufan didn't think much and gave up his resistance without hesitation.

He directly made a hard earth bag and wrapped himself up.

Then, a super tsunami hundreds of meters high came over,

The entire Octopus Island was flooded instantly.

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