Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1451 1452: Gate of Space

The island turtle Caesar was moved by Zhuo Bufan's persistence, and he also wanted to see what the result of Zhuo Bufan's persistence would be.

They are servants of God, serving the ancient gods.

In fact, these servants of God did not target humans.

On the contrary, because humans are greedy and want to become gods, they began to hunt servants of God.

This is why Caesar is disgusted with humans.

However, servants of God will not persecute humans for this reason.

Because God is compassionate.

No matter how rebellious humans are, they are pitiful lives in the eyes of God.

Therefore, Caesar will help Zhuo Bufan only because he has a kind of pity for Zhuo Bufan in his heart.

In Caesar's view, Zhuo Bufan is just a small human.

What can such a small human do?

How can a small human change the world?

He really wants to see how Zhuo Bufan will persuade Maka, the servant of Yog, and how to solve this heavy rain that destroys the world.

Zhuo Bufan boarded the island turtle and headed towards the Calori continent under the leadership of the island turtle Caesar.

Fortunately, Caesar did not let Zhuo Bufan drink his turtle blood.

Zhuo Bufan also avoided the danger of being controlled by the other party.

Not only that, Zhuo Bufan also became a distinguished guest on Lula Island.

Turtle Island is also called Lula Island.

There are a group of lives that Caesar has kept in captivity. There are humans and other creatures.

Caesar told Zhuo Bufan that this is the fire he has preserved.

After this heavy rain, there are very few people who can survive in the world.

And on its turtle island, the last batch of lives will be preserved.

Zhuo Bufan understood Caesar's good intentions after hearing this.

Caesar's Lula Island is like Noah's Ark in the Bible.

It preserves the fire of life, at least so that the life of this world will not disappear in this great flood.

As Caesar said at the beginning, the gods did not intend to destroy the entire world from the beginning.

They just want to restore the balance of this world.

So Caesar preserved the fire of life early.

After the catastrophe, let the life on Lula Island create a new world.

"Death is rebirth."

"You humans like to talk about personality and human nature."

"But for the Creator, humans are just like flowers and plants. If their existence breaks the rules, they can only be restricted."

"The Creator doesn't care about personality and human nature. What the Creator cares about is that there are several big trees in his back garden. These big trees deprive the garden of all nutrients, causing other flowers and plants to have no nutrition."

"The Creator's garden does not need bare trees."

"So, he will pick up a knife and cut down the big tree."

"After the big tree falls, it will turn into nutrients in the soil, allowing other flowers and plants to grow again."

Caesar's metaphor is very interesting.

He compared the world to the Creator's back garden.

He compared humans to the towering tree that robbed all the living resources.

Although the big tree is tall, it deprives other flowers and plants of their living territory.

Not only that, trees that are too tall will also threaten the owner.

So the Creator can only cut down the big tree and renovate the garden.

After hearing this metaphor, Zhuo Bufan actually had an indescribable sense of identity in his heart.

Because what Caesar said was not wrong at all.

In the eyes of the Creator, humans and all living beings are equal.

In the final analysis, Zhuo Bufan has only regarded himself as a human being until now.

He put himself in the position of a human being, so any thoughts of Zhuo Bufan are for the service of mankind.

Any anti-human things are sinful in Zhuo Bufan's eyes.

However, Zhuo Bufan is no longer a human being.

He is a god, he is the creator god of the yin and yang world.

As the Creator, as the Creator God, it is obvious that his thoughts and realm have not yet left the scope of humans.

This is why Zhuo Bufan is still struggling until now.

If you want to become the Creator, then one thing Prime Minister Zhuo Bufan has to do is to lose his humanity and his personality.

Treat humans as ants and make humans equal to all living beings.

At that moment, Zhuo Bufan suddenly understood the behavior of Daluo Tiandao and the behavior of the ancient gods.

But just when Zhuo Bufan was immersed in it, he quickly shook his head.

The human nature deep in his subconscious made him feel that his thoughts just now were extremely dangerous.

"Damn it, I almost lost my personality."

Zhuo Bufan came back to his senses and quickly blamed himself.

Zhuo Bufan now cannot completely lose his humanity.

Even though Caesar had been madly instilling the truth of the Creator's back garden into Zhuo Bufan, Zhuo Bufan still controlled his heart and held on to the last bit of his personality.

Seeing that Zhuo Bufan's mentality was so determined, Caesar stopped making things difficult for Zhuo Bufan.

"You are a very special human being."

"I allow you to stay on my Lula Island and become the spark of the new human race."

Caesar planned to keep Zhuo Bufan, but Zhuo Bufan did not intend to stay.

"No, I'm just a passer-by in this world."

"One day, sooner or later, I will leave this world."

Zhuo Bufan was not originally from the Arcane Realm. He came to this world only to pursue the Lord of Time.

But now, Zhuo Bufan doesn't know whether he should continue to look for the Lord of Time.

Zhuo Bufan plans to leave this world after solving the heavy rain in this world.

He wants to return to the Daluotian world and have a good discussion with Daluotian Dao.

Perhaps, he has misunderstood Daluotian from the beginning.

In short, although Zhuo Bufan has maintained his humanity now, he has begun to doubt his life.


After that, Caesar no longer said anything to Zhuo Bufan.

It took Zhuo Bufan to the depths of the sea.

A few months later, Caesar took Zhuo Bufan to a deep sea.

"We are here. This is where Dilan Island sank."

Caesar's voice reached Zhuo Bufan's ears.

Zhuo Bufan frowned slightly after hearing it.

There was only the endless sea and the heavy rain in front of him.

Zhuo Bufan found that this heavy rain was really frustrating.

He had only been in this world for a few months, but he was already upset by this heavy rain.

He finally understood why people in this world like to go to Furong Store and casinos.

Because in this kind of upset, only casinos and Furong Store can prevent people from breaking down.

"Are you saying that the underwater is where the Yug Temple is now?"

Zhuo Bufan asked.

Caesar responded.

"Yes, the Yug Temple you are looking for is 10,000 meters deep underwater."

"But I want to tell you that it is not easy to enter the temple."

"The ancient god Yug is the god of space, and his temple is hidden in the alien space."

Hearing this, Zhuo Bufan frowned slightly.

"Then how do I enter the temple?"

Zhuo Bufan didn't expect that things were not as simple as he thought.

It is not easy to enter the temple, after all, the Yug Temple is in the alien space.

If Zhuo Bufan was in the Yin and Yang world, he could split the alien space with a casual wave of his hand.

But now Zhuo Bufan is in the Arcane God Realm. The rules of this world are different, and everything depends on the arcane.

If you want to enter the alien space, you can only use the space arcane.

However, Zhuo Bufan is only an earth-type arcane mage, and he has no understanding of space-type arcane.

So with his ability, it is impossible for him to enter the Yug Temple in the other dimension.

Fortunately, Caesar told Zhuo Bufan a way.

"The mouse following you is a space-type."

"You can use its power to help you travel into the other dimension."

Caesar's words made Zhuo Bufan stunned.

"You mean, Federer?"

Zhuo Bufan didn't expect that Caesar had known that Federer was following him.

Federer, who was hiding in Zhuo Bufan's pocket, trembled with fear after hearing Caesar's words.

At this time, Caesar continued.

"Do you really think I don't know?"

"This mouse drank my blood, and no matter what he did, he couldn't escape my eyes."

"The scientific name of that mouse is the light-escape sea mouse! It has space-type arcane energy quanta in its body."

"As long as its power is stimulated, it can help you."

It turned out that Caesar really knew about the existence of the mouse Federer.

However, Caesar did not take Federer seriously.

In Caesar's eyes, Federer was no different from an ordinary mouse.

Although it was a servant of God, it was at least a demigod. In the eyes of God, all beings were equal.

After listening to Caesar's words, Federer quietly crawled out of Zhuo Bufan's pocket and climbed onto Zhuo Bufan's shoulder.

"Dear Lord Caesar, I apologize to you. I shouldn't have concealed it from you."

Federer knew that he could not escape Caesar's eyes now, so he had to beg for mercy.

After seeing Federer, Caesar just said.

"You promised this human to help him find the Temple of Yug."

"Now is the time for you to keep your promise."

"Go, help him find the Temple of Yug."

After Caesar finished speaking, a golden light suddenly fell from the sky and landed on the mouse Federer.

For a moment, Federer was wrapped in golden light.

Then, Federer felt a strong energy surging inside his whole body.

"I have activated the mysterious energy quantum in your body for you. Now you can smell the existence of the other space."

"Go and complete your mission."

After Caesar finished speaking, Federer suddenly jumped up, turned into a golden light, and jumped into the sea.

Zhuo Bufan was stunned when he saw this.

At this time, the entire Turtle Island began to sink.

A huge energy shield enveloped the entire Turtle Island.

Zhuo Bufan knew that Caesar was also taking action.

Caesar followed the trajectory of Federer's light and sank all the way down.

Soon, they sank to the bottom of the sea.

At this time, Zhuo Bufan saw that there were indeed some buildings similar to ruins on the seabed.

It seems that they have indeed come to the legendary Calori Continent.

At this time, Zhuo Bufan only saw the mouse Federer, as if he had found his favorite food, and began to swim towards the depths of the seabed.

"We are here."

Finally, they came to the deepest part of the seabed.

At this time, a huge flat land appeared in front of Zhuo Bufan.

It can be seen that this flat land is obviously not formed naturally.

Although it has been tens of thousands of years, there are still traces of artificial carving on it.

"Is this the Temple of Yug?"

"What should we do next?"

Zhuo Bufan looked at the flat ground in front of him and couldn't help asking.

At this time, Caesar's voice came to his mind again.

"Wait, this mouse will help you find the entrance."

"I can't go in with you later. But I can give you something that may help you."

After Caesar finished speaking, a piece of purple scale as thin as a cicada's wing suddenly fell from the sky.

Zhuo Bufan was stunned after seeing the scale.

"What is this?"

At this time, Caesar said.

"This is one of my inner scales."

"With this scale, Maca at least knows that I brought you to him."

"Maca doesn't like humans very much, so if you take this scale, he should not embarrass you for my sake."

Caesar said to Zhuo Bufan.

Zhuo Bufan was shocked after hearing this.

He was shocked that Caesar would help him so much, and it can be said that he had no selfish motives at all.

Zhuo Bufan suddenly realized that he was indeed biased in his view of Caesar.

Caesar was a kind servant of God. He said he hated humans, but he helped him everywhere.

Not only did he personally send Zhuo Bufan to the door of the temple of the ancient god Yog, but for his own safety, he also gave him a scale.

"Thank you!"

Zhuo Bufan could only say thank you, of course he should say thank you to Caesar.

If it weren't for Caesar, Zhuo Bufan would never have found the temple of Yog so quickly.

"Found it, I found it!"

At this time, the mouse Federer below also sent good news. He found the space passage to enter the temple.

Federer began to circle on the seabed, and the golden tail behind it began to form a golden halo.

As it turned faster and faster, an energy vortex began to form in the golden halo.

The first time he saw the energy vortex, the island turtle Caesar said to Zhuo Bufan.

"Okay, you should go."

"Go through that golden light hole and you will reach the Temple of Yug."

"If you see the servant of God, Maka, take me to say hello to him. I haven't seen him for tens of thousands of years."

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan nodded.

"Okay, I'll pass it on."

"Thank you again for your help. I'll go first."

Zhuo Bufan thanked Caesar again, then jumped into the water and swam towards the light ring on the bottom of the sea.

"Federer, thank you."

Zhuo Bufan did not forget to express his gratitude to Federer.

"Kid, come on, I believe you will succeed."

"I'll wait for you outside."

Although they didn't spend much time together, Federer and Zhuo Bufan have established a friendship.

Federer knows that Zhuo Bufan is doing something, a great thing, something to save the world.

So he is very supportive of Zhuo Bufan.

Faced with Federer's support, Zhuo Bufan was very encouraged.

After Federer created the space door, he resolutely went in.

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