Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1455 1456: Space God Servant of World No. 3

1456: Space God Servant of World No. 3

Zhuo Bufan did not expect that the Saint Tianmeng he had been chasing was actually a world destroyer.

Could it be that the Saint Tianmeng was the one who destroyed the space barrier between World No. 1 and World No. 2?

The six-winged snake took Zhuo Bufan through the world wall between World No. 2 and World No. 3.

Then he chased to World No. 3.

When they came to World No. 3, they suddenly found that this world had fallen into the brink of doomsday.

On the earth, there was a scorched earth and a sea of ​​fire. As far as the eye could see, there was no breath of life.

There were erupting volcanoes and collapsing earth everywhere. The whole world looked like the end of the world.

Seeing this scene, Zhuo Bufan frowned deeply, thinking that the scene in front of him was too miserable.

He could see that this world was once full of vitality and vigor.

There were still many ruins of cities on the earth.

However, the former glory born on this land has now been burned down and turned into ashes.

"It's over, this is a big deal."

The six-winged snake Maka looked at the miserable scene in front of him and couldn't help but say.

Zhuo Bufan saw this and couldn't help but ask.

"Is this the light from the space key?"

Maka nodded.

"It seems so. That guy first used the space key of World No. 1 to come to World No. 2."

"Then he collided the space keys of World No. 1 and World No. 2, causing the destruction of the two worlds."

"But before that, he used the space key of World No. 2 to open the space door to World No. 3."

"Obviously, he has now got the space key of World No. 3 and has already gone to World No. 4."

"So, what is destroyed now is not only World No. 3, but also World No. 4."

"Now I don't know which world that kid went to, but it is clear that he is deliberately destroying these worlds."

"The worlds that the ancient gods created with great effort are now all destroyed by that bastard kid."

"It's really hateful! Damn humans, damn humans."

After seeing this scene in front of him, Maca was extremely angry.

Its hatred for humans in his heart increased a bit.

And Zhuo Bufan obviously refreshed his view of the Yunmen Saint.

"What is that guy doing?"

Zhuo Bufan obviously didn't understand.

He couldn't understand why the Yunmeng Saint wanted to destroy these worlds. You know, this is a world with countless lives in it.

The Yunmeng Saint is the Great Saint of the Jiaozhu Clan and a hero in everyone's mind.

However, their hero is now frantically destroying all the worlds.

"Could it be that he is really the Lord of Time?"

"Perhaps only the Lord of Time would be so indifferent to so many lives."

Zhuo Bufan doubted.

Because for the Lord of Time, the countless worlds in the entire Arcane Divine Realm are just his playgrounds.

Destroying these worlds is just a game in his eyes.

In any case, Zhuo Bufan obviously couldn't watch so many worlds destroyed.

"What should we do now?"

Zhuo Bufan said, looking at the six-winged snake Maka on the side.

Maka shook his head after hearing this.

"I am the Space God Servant of World No. 2. I don't have the authority to open the space barrier from World No. 3 to World No. 4."

"If you want to catch up to World No. 4 now, you must either find the space loopholes that have been destroyed in the two worlds, or find the Space God Servant of World No. 3."

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan hurriedly said.

"What are you waiting for? Go find it now."

The situation is urgent. Zhuo Bufan knows that he must find the Yunmeng Saint as soon as possible.

The six-winged snake Maka responded after hearing this.

"Then I'll try."

Maka was obviously very anxious, but he also knew that there was no point in being anxious now.

Through space sensing, Maka quickly found the Space God Servant of World No. 3.

"I found it."

Then he took Zhuo Bufan and rushed towards the Space God Servant of World No. 3.

Soon, they came to the lakeside of a magma lake.

At this time, Maka said to Zhuo Bufan.

"I sensed that there is a special space under this magma lake."

"I guess he hid after encountering some danger."

As a servant of the ancient god of space, Maca obviously knew how the servant of space would react when encountering danger.

After all, Maca had done this before.

"Knock on the door!"

After Maca said that, he flew over the magma lake, then vibrated his wings and used his claws to tear a space crack above the magma lake.

"Is this what you call knocking on the door?"

Zhuo Bufan said speechlessly.

After hearing this, Maca replied.

"It doesn't matter, let's go in and take a look. This guy is hiding quite deep."

It seems that the servants of space are so timid.

After Zhuo Bufan and Maca entered the space of the magma lake, they found that the entire space was abnormally distorted.

Everything in the space was broken and bent, as if they had entered an abstract space.

After seeing this scene, Maca frowned deeply.

"This guy must have been frightened."

Maka knew very well that this alien space actually reflected the inner thoughts of the servant of the space god.

It was so twisted that the space god servant who created this alien space was obviously frightened.

After passing through a control that looked like a swarm of meteorites, they came to a temple.

At this time, Maka discovered a creature in the temple.

"Huh? What is that?"

Before Maka could fly over, the eyes of Federer, the mouse on Zhuo Bufan's shoulder, lit up.


Mouse Federer's eyes flashed, then turned into a ray of light and flew towards the temple.

Zhuo Bufan and Maka followed closely and landed on the platform.

At this time, I only saw a blue mouse that looked exactly like Federer in the temple, hiding in the corner, shivering.

"Could this thing be the Space God Servant of World No. 3?"

Maka said looking at the mouse in front of her.

Although I can't believe it, the mouse in front of me does have powerful space energy hidden in it.

This space energy is only slightly weaker than Maka.

So Maka was very shocked when she saw this scene.

And the beauty Federer talks about is naturally this female mouse.

"Sister? Why are you hiding here and crying secretly? Who bullied you? Tell me and I will help you peel it."

Federer automatically turned on the pick-up mode.

However, as soon as this guy finished speaking, Maka grabbed him and threw him aside.

"Little one, go aside."

Zhuo Bufan caught Federer who was thrown by Maka, and then hurriedly shouted towards Maka.

"Hey, don't hurt her."

Zhuo Bufan didn't know why he said this. Maybe he was afraid that Maka would hurt him again.

Namaka looked back at Zhuo Bufan, then without saying anything, he stretched out his paws to grab the female mouse on the ground.

As a result, just when its paw was about to touch the mouse, the mouse suddenly disappeared.

"Who are you? Don't come here, get out, get out."

The female mouse disappeared, and there were waves of panicked sounds.

After seeing this scene, the six-winged snake Maka smiled coldly.

"Good guy, it seems he is really a servant of the Space God."

"I didn't expect that the Space God Servant of World No. 3 is actually a mouse."

The Six-Winged Serpent was very sure that the mouse that just disappeared was the Space God Servant of World No. 3 that they were looking for.

Unexpectedly, the Space God Servant of World No. 3 would be so timid. After seeing Maka, he was so frightened that he ran away.

After listening to the other party's weak threat, Maka actually laughed wildly.

"Hahahaha, little one, do you want to play hide and seek with me?"

"Let me see where you are going."

As soon as the words fell, Maka disappeared from the place.

Immediately afterwards, a space chase battle took place throughout the different space.

The two space gods are constantly traveling through space.

The female mouse was so frightened that she howled and screamed.

"Why are you chasing me? It's so scary. Stop chasing me."

The six-winged snake Maka became even more excited after hearing the other party's begging for mercy.

"Hahahaha, run, keep running, wait until I catch up with you and eat you!"

The six-winged snake laughed wildly.

Standing on Zhuo Bufan's shoulders, Federer really couldn't stand it anymore.

He quickly shouted to Zhuo Bufan.

"Help that mouse, don't let him really eat her!"

Federer knew that only Zhuo Bufan could stop Maca now.

When Zhuo Bufan saw this, he felt a little uncomfortable.

He clapped his hands and activated the time chain effect.

Bang bang bang bang!

Suddenly, dozens of time chains grew from the body of the six-winged snake, trapping it firmly.

"Hey, brat, what are you doing?"

"You trapped me again. Didn't you agree not to trap me?"

"Hurry up and let me go, uncle, I will catch up with this little mouse soon."

Maka said excitedly to Zhuo Bufan.

Zhuo Bufan was speechless after hearing this.

"Have you had enough fun?"

"Don't forget your current mission."

"We are here to help her, not to persecute her. You scared her, what if she doesn't help you later?"

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, Namaka calmed down.

"What you said seems to make sense."

"Sorry, I just got drunk."

At first glance, Maka's personality is that of a very stubborn person.

Zhuo Bufan saw that Maka had calmed down, and then he released the time shackles to help him.

However, after being chased by Maka like this, the mouse was obviously too frightened to show his face or even make a sound.

Seeing this, Zhuo Bufan quickly comforted him.

"We came from World No. 2, specifically to track the human being who took away your space key."

"This big snake has no malicious intent. It's called Maka. Like you, he is the servant of the space god of World No. 2. You are all the servants of the ancient god Yug."

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, the excited voice of the female mouse came from the air.

"Lord Yog, you, everything you said is true?"

The other party said cautiously, he was really too timid.

It is hard to imagine that such a timid person could be the servant of the Ancient God of Space.

Even Maka couldn't help but sneer.

"This little thing is so timid. No wonder her key was taken away."

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan rolled his eyes at him and said.

"Speak as if your key has not been taken away from you."

"If your space key hadn't been taken away, would the world be like this now?"

When Maka heard this, she was suddenly embarrassed and silent.

Zhuo Bufan was right. The world has become like this, and Maka is obviously to blame.

In this regard, Maka herself did not say much.

The scene was left to Zhuo Bufan to talk to the small space god servant in front of him.

"Everything we say is true, please believe us."

"You lost your key, you must be very anxious too!"

"We can help you find your keys, but now we need your help."

Zhuo Bufan said to the air.

After a while, the voice of the female mouse came.

"The space key is lost, Master Yug will blame me."

"I want it back."

After Zhuo Bufan heard this, he quickly answered.

"Leave it to us, we can help you get it back. But now, we need you to help us open a space passage to World No. 4."

"can you do it?"

Zhuo Bufan said to the female mouse.

After a while, a small blue vortex slowly appeared in the sky.

Then, out of the whirlpool, a blue mouse came out.

"I can help you."

The other party agreed to Zhuo Bufan's request and helped Zhuo Bufan and the others open a space passage to World No. 4.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan was extremely surprised.

"That's great, thank you for your help."

"By the way, can you tell us how you lost your space key? And how long has it been lost?"

Zhuo Bufan still wanted to find out more about Saint Tianmeng.

After listening to Zhuo Bufan's words, the female mouse said to Zhuo Bufan.

"Eight years ago a human suddenly found me."

"That human, he threatened me with the lives of other servants of God."

"Said that if I don't give him the space key, he will kill them."

"But after I gave him the key, he still killed everyone."

"I was frightened, and then I opened up a different space and hid."

After hearing what the female mouse said, Zhuo Bufan frowned deeply.

He did not expect that Saint Meng would be so powerful that day, and even the servants of the ancient gods were no match for him.

Although Zhuo Bufan also felt that these divine servants were not as powerful as he thought.

But it would be really terrifying to deal with all the servants of the gods in a world by oneself.

Now Zhuo Bufan obviously has one more thing to worry about.

That is, after finding Saint Tianmeng, can they defeat each other?

When the time comes, how can we get the space key back from the hands of Saint Tianmeng?

Zhuo Bufan said with some worry.

However, worries are worries, so we should not be timid or hold back from moving forward.

"I understand, then please open a passage to World No. 4! I hope it's not too late."

Zhuo Bufan said towards the mouse.

"By the way, I don't know your name yet."

After hearing this, the mouse answered cautiously.

"My name is Annie!"

"Well, thank you, Annie."

In this way, Zhuo Bufan and the others, with Annie's help, opened the space passage to World No. 4.

This pursuit across time and space has obviously just begun.

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