Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1459 1460: Arrogant Fire Phoenix

1460: Arrogant Fire Phoenix

The City in the Sky produced by Zhuo Bufan has become the last hope for all humans in this world.

However, the future of this world is still not optimistic.

"This world can't last much longer."

"If the space key cannot be retrieved as soon as possible, these people will still have no choice but to die.

Maka said this to Zhuo Bufan.

Zhuo Bufan frowned after hearing this.

He also knew that what Maka said was true. If they could not find the space key as soon as possible, then the world would be really in danger.

Therefore, Zhuo Bufan must find the space key to this world before it collapses.

Time is running out, Zhuo Bufan must seize the time.

But now, there was no point in him being anxious.

After all, they cannot open up the wall of the world in front of them for the time being. This will only be possible after their strength is fully restored.

So now, Zhuo Bufan can only continue to wait in this world.

Of course, Zhuo Bufan did not waste time.

While waiting for the recovery of the arcane energy in his own space, Zhuo Bufan also took the time to learn about Tianmeng from the servants of God in this world.

"We don't know much about that human being. We only know that that human being suddenly appeared in our world. At first, we didn't pay attention to the appearance of this human being, until he suddenly found the Space God Servant, then killed him and took away got his key.”

"Yes, after he took away the space key, he immediately collided the space key of world three with the space key of world four."

"Once the space keys of the two worlds collide with each other, it will cause the consequences of space collapse."

"After that, he killed the servants of the earth god and the forest god, and released the fire in the core of the earth. Then he burned the whole world."

From Glitter Butterfly and others, Zhuo Bufan learned the cause and effect of the matter.

He was obviously quite indignant about this.

"This guy is simply crazy."

"By the way, besides him, have you seen any other humans?"

Zhuo Bufan said, taking out Meng Chanyi's portrait.

He didn't see Meng Chanyi, but Zhuo Bufan was very concerned about her situation.

According to Zhuo Bufan's deduction, Meng Chanyi should have some connection with Tian Meng.

The reason why Zhuo Bufan chased here was to find Meng Chanyi, not to find Tianmeng.

But now, Meng Chanyi has not been found, but Tianmeng is in big trouble.

After seeing the portrait given by Zhuo Bufan, Glitter Butterfly shook his head.

"I have never seen this person."

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan was slightly disappointed.

However, at this time, the Chaos Servant Thunder Dragon said.

"Wait a minute, are you looking for this human too?"

Zhuo Bufan's eyes lit up and he said.

"What do you mean? Is there anyone else looking for this person?"

The Brontosaurus replied.

"It's the World Destroyer. The World Destroyer also held this portrait and asked me this question."

"You two look exactly the same. Are you even looking for the same person now?"

Zhuo Bufan was stunned for a moment after hearing this.

"Tian Meng is also looking for Meng Chanyi?"

Zhuo Bufan was very puzzled.

He thought Meng Chanyi should be with Tian Meng, but now it seems that Tian Meng is also looking for Meng Chanyi.

And Zhuo Bufan can now confirm that Tianmeng did know Meng Chanyi on this day. Otherwise, he wouldn't be looking for Meng Chanyi.

So, where is Meng Chanyi now?

Zhuo Bufan said, taking out the Sky Mending Stone.

He looked at the Mending Stone and showed a trace of sadness.

"Where are you anyway?"

He came after the Sky-Mending Stone given by Meng Chanyi, but now, he is involved in this world-destroying crisis, but he still can't get any news from Meng Chanyi.

Now not only Zhuo Bufan is looking for Meng Chanyi, but Tianmeng is also looking.

So where is Mengchanyi?

If Tian Meng traveled through so many worlds just to find Meng Chanyi, then it means that Meng Chanyi may no longer be in these worlds.

"It seems that only by finding Tian Meng can we know what happened."

Zhuo Bufan has no news about Meng Chanyi at all. But he knew that Tianmeng must know something.

The top priority now is to wait until his strength recovers, and then quickly go to World No. 5 to pursue Tianmeng.

A few months later, Zhuo Bufan fully recovered.

Finally, he had enough strength to open a space channel.

"We are leaving, don't worry, I will definitely get your space key back."

"These humans still need a lot of help from you."

Zhuo Bufan looked at the flashing butterfly and the thunder dragon and said.

After hearing this, Glitter Butterfly replied.

"Don't worry! Although the space of this world has begun to collapse, it will take at least 180 years to completely destroy it."

"You have enough time to get the key back."

Zhuo Bufan nodded after hearing this.

"Don't worry, I will definitely get it back."

"Maka, let's go."

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he looked at Maka behind him.

Then he took Maka into the space channel he opened and headed to World No. 5.

When they arrived at World No. 5, Zhuo Bufan finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Because he saw that the world was still green with green mountains and clear waters, without any doomsday scenes.

In other words, Tianmeng has not yet found the spatial key to this world.

"Great, we caught up."

Zhuo Bufan said in surprise.

"Maka, hurry up and sense your space key."

Since the space key of this world has not been found by Tianmeng, it means that Tianmeng is still in this world.

So as long as Tianmeng is found, the pursuit will end here.

After hearing this, Maka silently closed her eyes and began to sense her space key.

However, after Maka felt it for a while, he did frown.

"what happened?"

Seeing Maka's serious expression, Zhuo Bufan asked quickly.

After hearing this, Maka replied.

"I don't know, I can't feel where the key to my space is."

"That guy, I don't know what means he used to block my perception of the space key."

Hearing this, Zhuo Bufan frowned again.

"It seems that he has guessed that we will catch up soon, so after he came to this world, he immediately found a way to block the space key in his hand."

Zhuo Bufan had actually guessed that Tianmeng would do this. After all, he would do the same thing if it were him.

As a result, it will be even more difficult for Zhuo Bufan to find Tianmeng.

In the vast world, it is difficult to find someone who is deliberately hidden. What's more, the other party will also change his appearance.

"Now what?"

Maka looked at Zhuo Bufan and said.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan squinted his eyes in confusion and quickly thought of countermeasures.

Quickly, he replied.

"Let's go find the Space God Servant of this world now. Since we can't find Tianmeng, let's sit back and wait."

"If Tianmeng wants the space key, he must go back to find the space god's servant. As long as we unite with the space god's servant and capture Tianmeng when the time comes, all problems will be solved."

After hearing this, Maka nodded immediately.

"It makes sense. Instead of searching for that guy all over the world, it's better to wait for him to come to your door."

"Well, I will look for the space god servant of this world now."

After Maka finished speaking, she began to contact the space god servant in this world.

After a while, there was a reaction.

"found it."

Maka shouted excitedly.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan raised the corner of his mouth slightly, finally gaining something.

"Then what are you waiting for? Let's go right away."

Then, under the leadership of Maka, Zhuo Bufan and he quickly arrived at the top of a mountain towering into the clouds.

On the top of the mountain, there is a Tianchi.

In the middle of Tianchi, which is as calm as the vast sea and as calm as a mirror, a small island shrouded in green brilliance instantly condensed the atmosphere of the entire island.

In an instant, all the spiritual light disappeared, the thick fog dissipated, and what was reflected under the sky was an astonishingly large fiery red tree, with fiery red aura, fiery red leaves, and fiery red branches. This was a flaming island.

A tree, an island, with countless creatures living on the tree, countless fish swimming under the tree, spiritual energy circulating, and countless attractive spiritual fruits growing on the tree.

This tree covers the sky and the sun, forming a spiritual island of its own.

And at the pinnacle of the spiritual tree, a huge firebird protects life on the entire island like a phoenix.

This phoenix-like firebird is the space god servant of this world that Zhuo Bufan and the others are looking for.

"Space God Servant from the Second World, why are you bringing a human here with you?"

The firebird spoke human words with a terrifying aura, which made Zhuo Bufan and Maka feel an invisible pressure.

This firebird seems to be far more powerful than Maka.

Although they are all space divine servants, there is also a strength gap between the divine servants.

Just like the mouse Annie that Maka met in World No. 3 before.

That mouse is also a space god servant, but it is far inferior to Maka.

But now, in the eyes of the fire phoenix, Maka is just a pitiful little mouse.

So much so that Maka's tone became a little lower after seeing the Fire Phoenix.

"We are chasing a world destroyer."

"I came here specifically to remind you that the World Destroyer has come to this world. It won't be long before he comes to this mountain and takes away the space key in your hand."

After listening to Maka's words, unexpectedly the fire phoenix burst into laughter.

"Hahahaha, just a mere human wants to take away my space key?"

"Are you two here to make fun of me?"

Obviously, Fire Phoenix does not believe Zhuo Bufan and Maka.

Maybe because it's so powerful, he's also arrogant.

It simply ignored Mian Du Zhuo Bufan and Maka's kind reminders.

Zhuo Bufan saw this and said quickly.

"I hope we can work together to catch the World Destroyer."

"So we need your power."

Zhuo Bufan also pleaded towards the fire phoenix.

However, after hearing this, the Fire Phoenix laughed even more unscrupulously.

"Hahahaha, you need my power? But I don't need your power."

"What a world destroyer, I think it's just a lame lie designed by you."

"I think it's you two who really want to steal my key, right?"

The arrogant Fire Phoenix made Zhuo Bufan and Maka feel helpless.

Maka quickly persuaded.

"I hope you can listen to our advice seriously. That destroyer is definitely not an ordinary human."

"So far, he has destroyed four worlds. We just came from World No. 4, and the space servant of World No. 4 has been killed by him."

Maka said this in the hope of attracting the attention of the arrogant Fire Phoenix in front of him.

However, the Fire Phoenix was furious after hearing this.


It roared long, and the overwhelming fire sprayed towards Zhuo Bufan and Maka.

Seeing this, Zhuo Bufan quickly created an earth wall to block the terrifying fire.

But what shocked Zhuo Bufan was that the fire actually passed through his earth wall and rushed towards Zhuo Bufan.

"Be careful, that's not an ordinary fire."

Fortunately, at the critical moment, Maka created a space channel in time to swallow the fire in front of them.

"That is the fire of space, regardless of any space, it can be ignited."

"This guy wants to kill us."

Maka gritted his teeth and said to the Fire Phoenix in front of him.

Zhuo Bufan frowned after hearing this.

"What do you mean? Do you doubt us?"

The Fire Phoenix replied.

"Why should I believe you?"

"Do you really think I will believe what you say? What kind of destroyer? Can you destroy four worlds in a row?"

"If these worlds are really destroyed by different people, it can only mean that you are too weak. You can't even protect your own world."

"Then you deserve to be destroyed."

The Fire Phoenix said mercilessly.

Hearing this, the anger in Maka's heart was completely ignited.

"Damn it, you want to fight, right? Then I'll play with you."

The six-winged snake Maka was not a guy to be messed with.

After being mocked by the Fire Phoenix again and again, his anger in his heart could no longer be concealed and broke out completely.

So, the six-winged snake disappeared instantly, and then rushed towards the Fire Phoenix.

Seeing this scene, Zhuo Bufan screamed in his heart that it was not good.

"Not good."

They didn't come to fight, but to discuss cooperation.

Now that the cooperation has not been negotiated, the two sides are still fighting each other. Isn't this directly becoming enemies?

"Maka, stop."

Zhuo Bufan was about to stop Maca, but it was too late.

Because the next second, the fire phoenix directly released the terrifying space fire and sprayed it on Maca.

At that moment, Maca's whole body was burning with terrible fire.

That kind of fire can't be extinguished at all.

They are like maggots on the tarsal bones, burning Maca's body.

Zhuo Bufan saw this and quickly released the secret of time rewriting.

He returned time to before Maca launched the attack, so that Maca also avoided the tragedy of being burned to charcoal by the fire phoenix.

Although Zhuo Bufan saved Maca with time rewriting, Maca still experienced the burning dreamily.

"Damn it, damn it. Let's go."

Maca knew that he was no match for the fire phoenix, but he didn't want to see the fire phoenix again.

So, it turned around and flew away without waiting for Zhuo Bufan to answer.

Seeing this, Zhuo Bufan had no choice but to quickly catch up with Maka. As for the matter of the fire phoenix, we can only talk about it later.

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