Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1461 1462: Servant of Time

Thanks to Zhuo Bufan's efforts, the servants of the earth god and the forest god both joined Zhuo Bufan's team.

Of course, if you want to punish Tianmeng, these powers are obviously not enough.

Although Zhuo Bufan has not officially fought against Tianmeng now, Zhuo Bufan has to pay attention to Tianmeng's record so far.

With a mortal body, he was able to destroy three or four worlds. Such an unnatural human being would naturally attract attention.

So Zhuo Bufan still needs more power now.

After listening to Zhuo Bufan's request, the Servant of the Earth God decided to help.

Help Zhuo Bufan continue to search for other servants of God.

Their second target is Puluka, the God of the Sea!

Gaia and Naruka were relatively familiar with each other. Under the leadership of Gaia, Zhuo Bufan and the others came to the depths of the sea.

Pluka, the god of the sea, is a giant creature in the form of an octopus, even larger than Gaia.

Luka was very excited when he saw Gaia's arrival.

"Old friend, why did you come to see me? And you brought a human with you?"

Luka had already noticed their arrival from the moment Zhuo Bufan and the others entered the water.

After all, the sea is his domain, and within this domain, it can perceive everything.

After hearing this, Gaia replied.

"Luca, our world is in danger and we need your help."

Gaia got straight to the point and spoke straightforwardly.

Luka asked immediately after hearing this.

"It makes you so panicked. It seems that this matter is very serious. Is it related to the humans you brought?"

After hearing this, Luka stepped aside and said to Zhuo Bufan behind him.

"It's up to you to tell me!"

Zhuo Bufan looked at the giant octopus in front of him, looking very calm and without any fear.

The giant octopus Luka seemed a little surprised after seeing Zhuo Bufan.

This was the first time he had seen such a calm human being.

When other people saw him, they were all frightened out of their wits, but Zhuo Bufan was obviously no ordinary human being.

"Interesting human, you are the first human to see me without fear."

"Tell me, what do you want to tell me?"

"Why do you say the world is in danger?"

Luka asked looking at Zhuo Bufan in front of him.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan immediately replied.

"It's a long story, but the bottom line is that there is a world destroyer who is trying to destroy all worlds."

"Currently, from World No. 1 to World No. 4, everything has been destroyed by him."

"He is now in World No. 5, holding four space keys in his hand."

"Once he gets the space key to world No. 5, the world will soon be destroyed."

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, Gaia on the side continued.

"Ruka, I believe what he said."

"Not long ago, I did feel a force from another world coming to our world."

After hearing this, Luka replied.

"If what you said is true, why did you come to this world? And why do you want to help us protect this world?"

This was the first time Zhuo Bufan was asked why he wanted to save the world.

Zhuo Bufan was stunned for a moment after hearing this.

To be honest, he himself didn't know why he wanted to protect the world.

But Zhuo Bufan knew very well what he had to do. He couldn't just watch the world be destroyed.

"I pursued him from World No. 1. I have some grudges with that person."

Gaia on the side quickly helped Zhuo Bufan.

"Luca, whether this matter is true or false, I think we all need to be on guard."

"So I suggest that we call all the servants of God immediately and hold a meeting to discuss it."

"You are relatively familiar with Maya, and you should know where Maya is now."

"Find Maya and convene a meeting of the servants of God. Our world must be protected."

After hearing this, Luka was silent for a while, and then answered.

"Maya is sleeping, and I don't know where he is."

Zhuo Bufan frowned slightly, he didn't know who the Maya they were talking about was.

He quickly asked Gaia.

"Who is Maya?"

Gaia replied.

"Maya is the servant of time who controls the time power of this world."

"At the same time, he is also the leader of all our servants of God. He can command all our servants of God."

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan couldn't help but his eyes lit up.

"So, as long as you find Maya, you can command the space god's servant?"

Zhuo Bufan felt that the most difficult thing to deal with was the Space God Servant.

After all, they had just suffered a loss from the Space God Servant, but the space key was in the hands of the Space God Servant.

Therefore, if the Space God Servant is not allowed to cooperate with them as soon as possible, Tianmeng will probably take advantage of the current split of everyone to kill the Space God Servant and then take away his space key.

The Servant of Time has the power to command all the servants of God. If Zhuo Bufan and the others can find the Servant of Time, they may be able to force the Servant of Space to cooperate with them.

This is Zhuo Bufan's current thinking, and it is also the best method he can think of.

However, after listening to Gaia's words, Luka said.

"Maya's time power has always been unstable. She needs to stay as quiet as possible, so she has been sleeping on the Floating World Island."

"Only in a sleeping state can he stably maintain the time power of this world."

Luka said to Zhuo Bufan and Gaia.

After hearing this, Gaia sighed and replied.

"That's a shame. I thought Maya could summon all our servants of God to jointly defeat the Destroyer."

After hearing this, Luka replied.

"Although we can't contact Maya, we can work with other servants of God to take countermeasures."

"Since the other party wants to find the space key, we will immediately cooperate with Chonglong."

"Chonglong? Who is that?" Zhuo Bufan asked quickly.

After hearing this, Luka replied.

"Chonglong is the divine servant of space, Fire Phoenix."

When Zhuo Bufan heard this, he frowned.

"It's useless. I just dealt with the Space God Servant. It will not accept help or cooperation from anyone."

"I have a friend who is a space god servant from the second world. He was beaten to autism by it."

After hearing this, he gave an extraordinary answer, and both Luka and Gaia fell silent.

"Chonglong is indeed a proud guy, but he also has his own ability to be proud."

"Zhonglong's strength is second only to Maya among us servants of the gods."

"If it's him, maybe he can really kill the world-destroyer you call him."

Luka said to Zhuo Bufan.

It seems that they believe in the strength of the Space God Servant Fire Phoenix.

Indeed, that guy was very strong, and even Zhuo Bufan and Maka couldn't take advantage of him.

It can be said that if Fire Phoenix really meets Tian Meng, it is really hard to say who will live and die between the two parties.

But just in case, Zhuo Bufan still can't think too highly of Huo Phoenix.

After all, so far, everything in Tianmeng's development has been extremely smooth.

No matter it is World No. 2, World No. 3 or World No. 4.

Tianmeng destroyed three worlds in a row and killed countless servants of gods.

This guy definitely has a power that no one can match.

Therefore, if Zhuo Bufan wants to fight Tianmeng, he must be fully prepared.

And the most complete preparation is undoubtedly to cooperate with all the servants of God in this world.

At this time, Gaia, the servant of the earth god, said to Luka, the servant of the ocean god.

"Luca, so you agree to join us, right?"

"With you joining us, we will be stronger."

"Now besides Maya, the only ones left are the Servant of the Space God Chonglong, the Servant of the Chaos God Du En and the Servant of the Sky God Qiongcang."

"Since Chonglong is unwilling to cooperate with us, then we will go look for Duen and Qiongcang next."

"Luca, do you know the whereabouts of Duen and Qiongtian?"

Gaia and the others have to find all the servants of the gods, and the servants of the gods of chaos and the servants of the sky are obviously the two most indispensable combat forces.

After Luka listened to Gaia's question, Li Kuan answered.

"I only know that the sky is on his ghost mountain. As for where Du En is, you can only find it yourself."

After hearing this, Gaia quickly replied.

"Okay, if that's the case, let's make an agreement to gather at Taitai Mountain where Chonglong is located in ten days."

“All of our servants of God gathered at Mount Tai, and I believe that Zhonglong will choose to have a good talk with us.

Gaia said.

After hearing this, Luka replied.

"Although I think you are a bit fanciful, but you have nothing to do anyway, so I can cooperate with you."

In this way, Zhuo Bufan roped in the third servant of God to cooperate with him.

After that, Zhuo Bufan and Gaia left the sea, and next they had to look for the two powerful servants of God, Duen and Qiongqiang.

"Then which servant of God should we look for next?"

Zhuo Bufan asked Gaia.

With Gaia's help, Zhuo Bufan and the others made much faster progress.

Zhuo Bufan did not expect that among the servants of the gods, there would be such a kind-hearted servant who would help him without any regrets.

After listening to Zhuo Bufan's words, Gaia looked up at the sky.

"Since Du En is nowhere to be found, we can only look for Qiongtian first."

"The sky, the servant of the sky god?"

Zhuo Bufan asked.

Gaia nodded and said: "Yes, the sky is the servant of the sky. The next thing we have to do is find him."

"Compared to Luka, Qiongqian is just as difficult to deal with as Chonglong."

"Both of them are incredibly stubborn guys."

"And it's very difficult to find them."

Gaia said.

Zhuo Bufan remembered what Luka had said before, and he was grateful to ask.

"The sea god Servant Luka said before that the sky may be in the Ghost Mountain. Do you know where the Ghost Mountain is? Let's go there now."

Zhuo Bufan said.

However, after hearing this, Gaia replied.

"It's just like you heard, Ghost Mountain, Ghost Mountain. The whole mountain is like a ghost that comes and goes without a trace."

"Finding the sky is not as easy as you think."

"That guy has been floating in the sky his whole life. Who knows if he will be under that cloud?"

Even Gaia finds it difficult to find the firmament.

Zhuo Bufan asked quickly after hearing this.

"What should we do?" Now Zhuo Bufan can only rely on Gaia. After all, Gaia is the servant of God, and only he knows where the other servants of God are.

Gaia was silent for a long time, and then said to Zhuo Bufan.

"We still have to go find Maya."

Zhuo Bufan replied.

"Time God Servant Maya? Didn't Luka say he was sleeping?"

After hearing this, Gaia replied.

"Yes, Maya is indeed sleeping. So he should not be able to help us. But we can borrow the Time Seal from him."

"Time Seal? What is that?"

Zhuo Bufan asked quickly.

Gaia replied.

"Time Seal is the sacred artifact left by the Ancient God of Time to Maya, which is equivalent to the space key in the hands of the Space Servant."

"Time Seal has the power to command our other servants. Through Time Seal, we can find Qiong Cang and Duen."

"I think this is our only way at present."

"It should be okay to disturb Maya a little."

Gaia said to Zhuo Bufan.

Zhuo Bufan nodded after listening.

"Then let's go find Maya now as you said."

Gaia responded after listening.

"Okay, let's go to Floating World Island now."

Afterwards, Zhuo Bufan and Gaia set off for Floating World Island.

As the sleeping place of the Time Servant Maya, Floating World Island is naturally the only way to find Maya and the Time Seal.

Zhuo Bufan agreed to look for the Time Seal because Gaia said that the Time Seal could command other servants.

If they could get the Time Seal, they might be able to command the stubborn and arrogant Fire Phoenix.

Force him to cooperate with them.


Soon, Zhuo Bufan and Gaia came to the Floating World Island.

This Floating World Island is extremely large, just like a small continent.

But strangely, there is no other life on the entire Floating World Island.

This seems to be a restricted area for life, and no fish even approach within a radius of ten miles.

And the entire Floating World Island is covered by a protective shield.

So Zhuo Bufan and Gaia were directly blocked outside the shield.

"It's troublesome. I didn't expect Maya to be so cautious and set up such a shield!"

Gaia sighed as she looked at the shield in front of her.

They have come to the outside of the Floating World Island, but they are blocked by the shield set up by the servant of the time.

As the servant of the time, Maya's shield is naturally the time shield.

Gaia could only sigh at the shield with the power of time.

Just when he thought they couldn't get in, Zhuo Bufan stood up and put his hands on the shield.

"I'll try."

Zhuo Bufan said, clapped his hands, and then put them under the shield.

Then, Zhuo Bufan began to mobilize the time power in his body and began to rewrite the mechanism of the time shield.

Since the shield in front of him is a time shield, only a time arcanist like Zhuo Bufan can unlock it.

Moreover, Zhuo Bufan is not an ordinary time arcanist, he is a powerful time arcanist who has mastered the revolutionary time rewriting.

Therefore, it doesn't take too long for Zhuo Bufan to unlock this shield.

Sure enough, after a while, the time shield in front of Zhuo Bufan began to slowly dissipate.

Finally, the shield disappeared completely.

Seeing this scene, Gaia couldn't help but exclaimed.

"You, actually mastered the power of time, you are an amazing human being!"


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