Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 147 A group of cute little ones [10-8, please subscribe]

It is said that Zhuo Bufan followed Duan Xinghe and finally arrived at the boundary of Xingchen Mountain after flying the spaceship for nearly a day.

Star Mountain is obviously not just a mountain, but a huge mountain range.

This mountain range winds in a spoon shape, like a dragon lying prone.

The entire mountain range consists of seven towering peaks:

Tianshu, Tianxuan, Tianji, Tianquan, Yuheng, Kaiyang, Yaoguang.

Each of the Seven Stars Peaks has a peak master.

Duan Xinghe’s father, Duanyue Peak, is the peak master of Yaoguang Peak.

As soon as their spaceship entered the airspace of Xingchen Mountain, they saw spaceships flying everywhere in the sky with shaking wings, flying towards various mountains.

When Zhuo Bufan saw this, he couldn't help but exclaimed: "Is this what the big sect feels like? It's really majestic."

Their spaceship shuttled among those spaceships, looking very small.

"Hey, Lao Zhuo, you don't know! Our Xingchen Mountain is the fourth mountain of the Righteous Path, second only to the Taishang Sword Sect. After the death of that old man from the Taishang Sword Sect, our Xingchen Mountain will be ranked third. Three, the big sect, that’s what it feels like.”

Duan Xinghe said very proudly. In fact, his pride was more about wanting to impress Zuo Fuan and join Xingchen Mountain.

However, after hearing this, Zhuo Bufan asked: "Xingchen Mountain is so good, then why do you still go to Four Seasons Mountain and River? To work as an undercover agent?"

"My cultivation has encountered a bottleneck. I originally just wanted to go out and travel, but I didn't expect that I ended up in the Four Seasons Mountains and Rivers by accident."

Duan Xinghe replied.

"Is it that simple?" Zhuo Bufan asked.

"Yes, it's that simple. What if it's not the case?" Duan Xinghe said.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan asked no more questions.

Their small spaceship flew slowly to the airport terminal halfway up Yaoguang Peak.

Zhuo Bufan walked onto the platform of the airport, looked behind him, and frowned.

"Why do you feel that your Yaoguang Peak family is so neglected? It's not very popular."

What Zhuo Bufan could see were large spaceships flying in and out of the airport terminals of other peaks, but they only had a small boat on Yaoguang Peak.

When Duan Xinghe heard this, he smiled helplessly.

"Hey! Let's not talk about it. If you want to blame it, it's my good-for-nothing dad. He only has a few months left! After he steps down, I will be in charge of Yaoguang Peak, and it will naturally be full of people."

"Let's go. The top of the mountain is my Yaoguang Peak Hall. Within the sect, there are eight lovely junior sisters and junior brothers who have prepared a banquet and are waiting for you, a rare guest."

After Duan Xinghe finished speaking, he headed towards the mountain path leading to the top of the mountain.

Eight lovely junior sisters and junior brothers, what a down-and-out mountain sect!

Zhuo Bufan sighed and followed closely.

When they arrived at the top of the peak, they saw a huge palace on top of the peak, but outside the palace gate, there were overgrown weeds.

There was a little girl who looked to be three or four years old, wearing a blue gauze dress and holding a sickle in her hand, weeding.

When Duan Xinghe saw this, he quickly shouted: "Mo Mou, your brother Duan is back."

The little girl called Mou Mou turned her head after hearing Duan Xinghe's call.

A round little face with red ears and red cheeks faced Duan Xinghe, then she dropped her hoe and ran towards Duan Xinghe with a smile.

"Brother Dan, are you back?" The little girl ran towards Duan Xinghe and hugged his thigh.

"It's not Brother Dan, it's Brother Duan."

Duan Xinghe squatted down and guided Mou Mou.

As a result, Mou Mou continued to shout: "Brother Dan."

"It's not that the egg is broken, it's that the egg is not broken. Ah, you can call it whatever you want!"

Duan Xinghe gave up the idea of ​​wanting Moumo's accent, then hugged her and said.

"Why are you weeding, Hua Hua Doudou, what are they doing?"

"Huahua is cooking and Doudou is doing the punishment stand." Mou Mou replied.

"Doudou is standing for punishment? What's going on?"

"Doudou wanted to practice sword practice, but he killed the rhubarb you raised. Yunyun asked him to stand and said he would wait until you come back to see."

Zhuo Bufan was stunned for a moment after hearing this. This girl named Mou Mou actually had the magical ability to rhyme when she spoke.

"Hey, little girl." Zhuo Bufan greeted the little girl. He wanted to hear if the little girl could really rhyme when she spoke.

As a result, the girl lay in Zhuo Bufan's arms, staring with big eyes, and said harmlessly.

"Brother, who are you? You are so fat!"

The little girl's words made Zhuo Bufan stand messy in the wind.

"You're so fat, so fat, so fat, fat, fat, fat..."

Zhuo Bufan was speechless. He had lacked exercise recently and had gained a little weight, so he wouldn't be ignored like this!

"Lao Zhuo, don't mind, this girl talks like this, she's so nagging." Duan Xinghe comforted Zhuo Bufan and said.

"Such a young girl is also a disciple of your Yaoguang Peak?" Zhuo Bufan asked.

"Yes, but they were not recruited, but my father picked him up outside and said he was his illegitimate son."

"Illegitimate child? Is your father so powerful?"

"Who knows, but these little ghosts are very interesting and I like them very much. It would be nice to be younger siblings."

Duan Xinghe was really big-hearted, and Zhuo Bufan was speechless.

Then the two of them walked through the door and walked into the inner courtyard.

At this time, I only saw a little boy about three years old in the courtyard. He was made to stand in the center, motionless, with a water bowl placed on his head.

There were snot and tears on his face, and he was so painful that it was heartbreaking and funny at the same time.

"Doudou, you guy! I tell you not to play with swords."

Duan Xinghe quickly walked over and took off the water bowl on Doudou's head.

As a result, Doudou grabbed Duan Xinghe's thigh and cried loudly.

"Boss Duan, I killed your rhubarb. Sister Yunyun asked me to stand for a long time. I know I was wrong! Wuwuwu!"

Duan Xinghe touched Doudou's head and said, "If you die, just die!"

"Woo hoo, can I bury it then?"

Doudou stretched out a pair of chubby hands. In his hands, there was a yellow daffodil.

Seeing this, Zhuo Bufan was silent.

He thought the rhubarb was a dog or some kind of pet, but he didn't expect it to be a flower.

"Brother Duan is back. Everyone, come out quickly. Brother Duan is back."

At this moment, a group of cuties ran out of the kitchen, all with gray faces and very happy smiles on their faces, and they rushed towards Duan Xinghe.

In addition, there was a very pure woman wearing a light yellow floor-length dress who walked out of the door and looked at Duan Xinghe, Zhuo Bufan and the others quietly.

Seeing this scene, Zhuo Bufan suddenly felt warm inside, like a warm current flowing into his heart.

These cuties made him feel a warmth that he had never experienced before in this world.

This group of cuties made him suddenly want to give up the hustle and bustle outside and retreat to the mountains and forests.

"Yunyun, I'm back." Duan Xinghe was surrounded by a group of cuties and looked at the woman standing at the door of the kitchen.

When the woman in the yellow skirt saw this, a quiet and elegant smile appeared on her face.

He whispered back: "Welcome back."

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