Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1480 1481: The Final Will of Daluotian

1481: Da Luotian’s final will

With the help of void merchant Yi Tianxing, Zhuo Bufan finally obtained the coordinates of the Three Emperors Star Territory.

"Brother Zhuo, do you really plan to go?"

Yi Tianxing looked at Zhuo Bufan and asked.

Zhuo Bufan nodded after hearing this.

"Now that things have happened, I have to go back and take a look."

"Besides, the main purpose of my coming back this time is also for Da Luotian."

Zhuo Bufan made a special trip back this time just to find Emperor Wa and resurrect Meng Chanyi.

But now tell him that Daluotian has been destroyed and Emperor Wa is missing.

This made Zhuo Bufan not know what to do for a moment.

The top priority is that Zhuo Bufan just wants to return to Daluotian to see what happened in Daluotian.

After listening to what Zhuo Bufan said, Yi Tianxing sighed helplessly and replied.

"Since Brother Zhuo has made up his mind, it's hard for me to keep him."

"I have invited Ronin Shun. Let's have a drink when Brother Zhuo comes back."

When Zhuo Bufan heard the name Ronin Shun, he was particularly kind.

Ronin Shun is Zhuo Bufan's best friend in this world. Brothers who fought side by side in the past.

Zhuo Bufan was naturally a little excited when he heard his old friend's name.

However, Zhuo Bufan has more important things to do now.

After saying goodbye to Yi Tianxing, Zhuo Bufan took Tianmeng with him on the road back to Daluotian.

On the way, Tian Meng looked at Zhuo Bufan who was silent and couldn't help but ask.

"The Daluotian you mentioned was destroyed. Can she be resurrected?"

Tian Meng doesn't care whether Da Luotian is destroyed, he only cares about whether Meng Chanyi can be resurrected.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan sighed, and then said to Tianmeng.

"Don't worry, even if Da Luotian is destroyed, I will definitely be able to resurrect Meng Chanyi."

Zhuo Bufan knew what Tianmeng was worried about.

Since Zhuo Bufan brought Tianmeng back, he must keep his word and resurrect Meng Chanyi.

This is why Zhuo Bufan insisted on coming back to see Da Luotian.

He wanted to see what was going on with Da Luotian now, and wanted to investigate whether Emperor Wa and the others were still alive.

"Let's go, let's go to Daluotian to see what happened?"

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he opened a space passage based on the coordinates given by Yi Tianxing and using the Devouring Law.

Later, Zhuo Bufan took Tianmeng into the passage.

After they passed through the space passage, they came to a dark and chaotic space.

Zhuo Bufan stared blankly at the dark starry sky in front of him.

The radiant golden paradise that should have existed has now become a starry ruin.

All that was left in front of him was an extremely broken galaxy. There are no longer any shining stars.

"How could this happen? Is this world really ruined?"

As far as the eye can see, there is no breath of life, as if life has been completely deprived here.

He came to the ruins of the stars, wanting to feel the breath of life in this dark and dead starry sky.

However, life seems to have collapsed here, there is nothing, only despair, only darkness, only cold.

"Really, there's nothing left!"

Zhuo Bufan raised his hand and wanted to restore what had happened here.

During his stay in the Arcane Divine Realm, Zhuo Bufan obviously gained a deeper understanding of the laws of time.

Although he cannot reverse time and space, he can replay everything that has happened in this space.

Under Zhuo extraordinary magical power, the space in front of him soon began to undergo drastic changes.

The stars turn around and the stars shift.

Scenes from the past reappeared before Zhuo Bufan's eyes.

In the picture, three divine lights towering over the sky illuminated the most dazzling galaxy in the once chaotic void.

"What's this?"

Tianmeng, Tianmeng asked, pointing to the three peerless divine lights in the starry sky.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan replied.

"Those are the Three Emperors, the three most powerful gods in the world."

"In some ways, they're stronger than me."

Zhuo Bufan was not joking. The Three Emperors in front of him were indeed the most powerful beings among the people he knew.

After hearing this, Tian Meng showed an extremely fascinated look.

"Is that human being?"

"This is bigger than the sky."

Tianmeng looked at the three emperors in front of him and said.

Indeed, the Three Emperors have infinite height, and they are the most powerful existences in the world.

Their divine light shines on the three thousand worlds of Da Luotian, making Da Luotian the most powerful existence in the chaotic world.

However, now, the three emperors have disappeared, and the entire Daluotian, together with the three thousand worlds in the starry sky where it is located, has disappeared.

"what is that?"

At this moment, Tian Meng suddenly pointed at the picture shown by Zhuo Bufan and said.

Zhuo Bufan looked in the direction pointed by Tianmeng and saw a black figure suddenly attacking Panhuang.

Zhuo Bufan took a closer look and couldn't help but his eyes lit up.

"That's Ni Qiong?"

In the picture, only a man in black was seen, charging towards Panhuang.

Zhuo Bufan recognized at a glance that the man in black was his old enemy Ni Qiong.

"Impossible, I have already killed Ni Qiongqiong."

Zhuo Bufan showed an incredulous look.

Because back then, he had indeed killed Ni Qingqiong.

Zhuo Bufan still remembers that Ni Cangqiong was fucked to pieces by him. Zhuo Bufan even turned him into a fan.

In order to avenge Mo Chichi and to allow his second clone to merge with him willingly, Zhuo Bufan absolutely went all out in that battle and did not give Ni Qiangqiong any chance of resurrection.

In short, after that battle, Zhuo Bufan believed that Ni Qiangqiong could not still be alive in this world.

However, Ni Qianqiong is indeed still alive, and it seems that he has not been affected at all.

He unexpectedly attacked Panhuang, which Zhuo Bufan couldn't believe at all.

"What's going on with this guy?"

"Why is he still alive?"

Zhuo Bufan didn't want to believe it, but the facts were in front of him and he couldn't stand it.

"Is this guy really a disaster?"

Zhuo Bufan seems to have understood why the world will be destroyed.

Ni Cangqiong must have helped Da Luotian secretly.

Ni Qiong deviated from the truth and embarked on a road of no return, becoming Da Luotian's greatest evil and Da Luotian's most powerful clone.

"The bastard who transformed into Jealousy Sky not only betrayed Panhuang, but also betrayed the entire world."

"Inexcusable, this guy is inexcusable."

Zhuo Bufan at this moment was filled with endless anger.

After watching time reappear, he realized that the enemy he had spared was the culprit of destroying the world.

In Zhuo Bufan's eyes, Ni Cangqiong is no longer his old enemy, but just a villain.

It can be clearly seen in the picture that it was Ni Cangqiong who caused the entire world to collapse after sneak attack on Panhuang.

After Panhuang was attacked by Ni Qiong again, the seal became extremely unstable.

It was at that moment that Da Luotian found the opportunity and broke free from the seal.

As soon as Da Luotian broke the seal, he activated the rules for world restart without hesitation.

When the three emperors saw this, they naturally wanted to stop it at all costs.

As a result, the Three Emperors and Da Luotian died together.

The entire Daluotian world no longer restarted, but directly began to collapse and destroy.

Emperor Wa took the opportunity to save many creatures and transferred them to the chaotic void.

"Emperor Wa has escaped!"

In the picture, Panhuang and Fuhuang can be seen entrusting the last hope of mankind to Emperor Wa.

Emperor Wa, on the other hand, took the humans and escaped from Daluotian.

Seeing this scene, Zhuo Bufan felt deeply sad and helpless.

Obviously the Three Emperors placed their hopes on him, hoping that he could save the world.

However, Zhuo Bufan ultimately failed to complete this task or mission.

Now he can only watch the world being destroyed, and there is nothing he can do.

"Sure enough, I still failed to live up to their expectations."

Zhuo Bufan felt a little guilty in his heart.

If only he hadn't slacked off and found the Time Lord.

If he could become stronger and stop Da Luotian.

If he killed Ni Qianqiong and didn't resurrect Ni Qianqiong.

Everything made Zhuo Bufan feel regretful.

He came to the three thousand worlds of Daluotian, looked at the ruins of the galaxy, and fell into deep thought.

While Zhuo Bufan was deep in thought, suddenly a faint voice came from his mind.

"You're finally here, I've been waiting for you for a long time."

The moment he heard this voice, Zhuo Bufan couldn't help but widen his eyes.

"This is……"

Then, Zhuo Bufan immediately followed the sound and flew towards the depths of the ruined galaxy.

Soon, Zhuo Bufan came to the depths of the galaxy, but there was nothing here.

"My reincarnated body, you are finally here."

Hearing this, Zhuo Bufan's eyes widened.

"Is it you, Daluo Tiandao? Are you still alive?"

Zhuo Bufan was shocked.

Although he couldn't see the person speaking, Zhuo Bufan could understand from the other person's tone that the other person was Da Luo Tiandao.

Because only he would call Zhuo Bufan his flesh body.

"Yes, I am still alive, but my will will disappear soon. I have been waiting for you, always waiting for you."

Hearing this, Zhuo Bufan was stunned for a moment.

He didn't expect that Da Luotian was still waiting for him.

"What do you mean? Why are you waiting for me?"

"You destroyed your own world and wiped out all living things. Are you satisfied with the result now?"

Zhuo Bufan was angry and angry at the moment, but unfortunately he couldn't see where the Great Luo Tiandao was, so he had nowhere to vent his anger.

At this time, Daluo Tiandao slowly spoke and continued to speak to Zhuo Bufan.

"I didn't want to destroy the world, I just wanted to restart it."

"Isn't this the same thing?"

Zhuo Bufan said angrily.

As a result, the other party continued.

"It's different. Restarting the world is just to bring life back to reincarnation. Daluotian is still the cradle of life in the three thousand worlds."

"The current result is not what I want."

Daluo Tiandao said to Zhuo Bufan.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan fell silent.

He actually understood what Daluo Tiandao meant.

Just like the theory of human annihilation he heard when he was in the Arcane God Realm.

The humans of Da Luotian are so powerful that they have seriously affected the balance of life in this world.

Humans even possess power that rivals the power of heaven.

The Three Emperors, in human form, were actually able to seal the way of heaven.

It can be seen how terrible human beings are. It can be said that Daluo Tiandao has always been living under the hostage of the Three Emperors.

Da Luo Tian Dao just wants to make his world balanced and equal to all things.

With human beings completely dominant, he must restart the world and make everything start again.

This is the true purpose of Daluo Tiandao.

However, what happened in the end was something he never expected.

His world was completely destroyed.

Even if there is still a trace of the will of heaven left, it is not enough to re-establish a Daluotian world, let alone regain its former glory.

"Humans are terrible!"

"They will really destroy the world."

"I didn't destroy this world, it was them."

After listening to Da Luo Tiandao's words, Zhuo Bufan fell into silence.

Because he didn't know how to refute. Any words of rebuttal seemed so feeble at this moment.

After all, humans actually have an unshirkable responsibility for the destruction of Daluotian.

Of course, the Three Emperors actually have good intentions. They just don’t want all humans and lives in the Three Thousand Worlds to be cleansed.

All I can say is that everyone has their own position and no one is right or wrong.

"Then you shouldn't let that beast Ni Qiongqiong sneak attack Panhuang."

"Can't you guys discuss it carefully and come up with a perfect way to allow all life to continue to survive?"

"Do we have to restart the world?"

"Do you know that for you, restarting the world is just a thought. But for humans and even all life, this is destruction and the end of the world."

Zhuo Bufan wanted to reprimand Daluo Tiandao, but the world had changed beyond recognition, so what was the use of scolding him?

Maybe he was the one who could solve this crisis, but he still couldn't stop it after all.

So in the final analysis, Zhuo Bufan is also responsible.

"The jealous sky is against the sky?"

"He was not instructed by me. That guy was out of my control."

"He is a more terrifying human being, driven by his own ambitions."

"This apocalypse is all his fault. He is the culprit."

"It was he who orchestrated the final battle between the Three Emperors and me. He made us both lose. In the end, he deprived me of my heavenly will."

Hearing this, Zhuo Bufan was stunned for a moment.

"What? Ni Qiong, deprived you of the will of heaven?"

Zhuo Bufan asked incredulously.

Da Luotian continued.

"Yes, he took away most of the power from me and the Three Emperors when we were both defeated."

"He is the biggest profiteer."

"Jealousy is my biggest failure."

Da Luotian's words undoubtedly made Zhuo Bufan unbelievable.

He didn't expect that the source of all evil was actually the jealous sky.

In order to gain more power, this guy provoked this final battle.

"After all, didn't you create that guy?"

Zhuo Bufan said angrily towards Daluo Tiandao.

Daluo Tiandao sighed after hearing this.

"I admit, it was my failure. So I'm waiting for you."

"Wait for me? What are you waiting for me to do?" Zhuo Bufan asked in confusion.

Da Luotian continued.

"Waiting for you to save this."

As soon as Da Luotian finished speaking, a flash of singularity slowly condensed in the void in front of Zhuo Bufan.

Then, in the light, an eyeball was born.

Those eyes slowly drifted towards Zhuo Bufan, and then fell towards the center of Zhuo Bufan's eyebrows.

"Don't refuse, this is the final will I reserve."

"Take him with you and open up a new world!"

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