Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1482 1483: Resurrection failed

1483: Resurrection failed

After being inspired by Tian Meng, Zhuo Bufan decided to resurrect Meng Chanyi on his own.

However, it is not easy to resurrect Meng Chanyi.

Meng Chanyi now only has an extremely weak soul power.

This soul force does not even have a consciousness of itself. Even if Zhuo Bufan mastered the Sky Mending Technique, it would be difficult to resurrect Meng Chanyi.

After all, Meng Chanyi is not an ordinary person. If he were a simple ordinary person, Zhuo Bufan could easily resurrect him using the Heaven-Mending Technique.

Therefore, Zhuo Bufan was actually not relaxed inside, and even felt a little uneasy.

Because he didn't have much confidence, Huan Zhuo Bufan didn't know whether he could succeed this time.

But Zhuo Bufan will try his best to resurrect Meng Chanyi.

With the experience of resurrecting Mo Chichi for the first time, Zhuo Bufan was obviously more comfortable.

After he released Meng Chanyi's remnant soul from the Sky Mending Stone, he began to carefully fuse the energy of the Sky Mending Technique with Meng Chanyi's remnant soul.

However, immediately afterwards, Zhuo Bufan began to reshape Meng Chanyi's body.

The process of reshaping the physical body is not simple, and may even be difficult. After all, Meng Chanyi's soul is a divine soul. It is impossible for an ordinary mortal body to withstand Meng Chanyi's soul.

If the physical body is too weak, the body will explode and die. By then, maybe Meng Chanyi's remaining soul will be wiped out.

Now Meng Chanyi's remnant soul is too weak and can be said to be in a dying state.

Zhuo Bufan not only had to be cautious, he also had to consider whether Meng Chanyi could survive.

Fortunately, with Zhuo Bufan's efforts, Meng Chanyi's physical body was also recovering bit by bit.

Seeing this scene, Tian Meng clenched his hands excitedly, his palms sweating.

In this world, besides Zhuo Bufan, the person who hopes most for Meng Chanyi to be resurrected is Tianmeng.

It's a pity that Tianmeng himself doesn't know how to mend the sky, otherwise he would definitely help Zhuo Bufan.

Of course, Tian Meng was also very excited as he watched Meng Chanyi resurrected.

Zhuo Bufan looked at Tian Meng's expectant face, and he secretly worked hard to resurrect Meng Chanyi.

Mo Chichi on the side looked at this scene and didn't say much.

Mo Chichi knew that Zhuo Bufan must be resurrecting a very important person, just like resurrecting himself.

"It must succeed!"

Mo Chichi clutched her fists tightly and prayed for Meng Chanyi.

As Meng Chanyi's body recovered bit by bit, Zhuo Bufan felt indescribable joy in his heart.


Finally, with Zhuo Bufan's efforts, Meng Chanyi's body was finally created using the Sky-Mending Technique.

However, this is only the first step.

The body was resurrected, but Zhuo Bufan was not sure whether this body could withstand the remnant soul of Meng Chanyi.

"The next steps are critical, and I need your help if you can."

Zhuo Bufan said to Tianmeng and Mo Chichi in front of him.

Tianmeng said to Zhuo Bufan unceremoniously.

"What do you need me to do?"

Mo Chichi on the other side also said.

"Just ask."

"Okay, I need you to work together to control her body. Once her soul enters this body, there will be an adaptive fusion."

"And this process may produce serious rejection."

"Once this phenomenon occurs, you need to control it. If you can't control it, I'm afraid it will explode and die."

Zhuo Bufan informed Tianmeng and Mo Chichi of the seriousness of the matter.

After Mo Chichi listened, he said without hesitation.

"I understand, then let me do it!"

Although Mo Chichi has not recovered her memory, she possesses the original power of Daluo Tiandao.

Its strength is naturally extraordinary.

With Mo ChiChi's help, Zhuo Bufan is more confident.

Next, Zhuo Bufan began to slowly integrate the remaining soul of Meng Chanyi into the body that Zhuo Bufan had just created.

As soon as he entered the physical body, the physical body had a tendency to collapse.

Zhuo Bufan frowned deeply when he saw this scene.

Of course, he did not rush because of this, but extremely calmly helped Meng Chanyi stabilize her body and remnant soul.

The whole process was like an operation that couldn't go wrong.

Zhuo Bufan was in charge of the surgery, allowing Meng Chanyi's soul and body to be perfectly integrated.

And Mo Chichi and Tian Meng are his best stoppers, helping him stabilize Meng Chanyi's body and soul.

This process lasted for a long time. Since he didn't dare to make any mistakes, Zhuo Bufan concentrated on integrating his soul from beginning to end.

"What kind of damage did he suffer? Not even the Sky Mending Technique can restore the pain in this soul."

Zhuo Bufan knew very well that the Heaven-Mending Technique was a magical technique that could restore even the remaining souls.

But he couldn't recover Meng Chanyi's remaining soul.

There seemed to be countless powerful seals in Meng Chanyi's remnant soul, imprisoning her and preventing her soul from being released.

"Damn it, are they those ancient gods?"

"When I do this, I will definitely crush you chaotic people into ashes."

Zhuo Bufan guessed that it must be the seals of those ancient gods that imprisoned Meng Chanyi's soul and could not be released.

Therefore, Zhuo Bufan must unlock these seals no matter what, so that Meng Chanyi can be freed.

However, it is not easy to break these seals, even more difficult than resurrecting Meng Chanyi.

Sure enough, when Zhuo Bufan tried to unlock these seals, he found that one move would affect his predecessor.

These seals were completely integrated with Meng Chanyi's soul. Once a seal was unlocked, it would have an inestimable impact on Meng Chanyi's residual soul.

In this way, Zhuo Bufan could not unlock these seals at all.

The result of forcibly unlocking the seals would be the extinction of Meng Chanyi's residual soul.

After thinking about it, Zhuo Bufan felt that it was inappropriate.

In the end, he had to give up and concentrate on letting Meng Chanyi's soul merge with his body.

After several days of hard work, Zhuo Bufan finally got his wish to perfectly merge Meng Chanyi's soul and body.

However, after the final fusion, Zhuo Bufan and Tianmeng found that Meng Chanyi still hadn't woken up.

"Why hasn't she woken up yet?"

Tianmeng asked.

Zhuo Bufan shook his head and said after hearing this.

"I don't know either."

"Did the fusion fail?"

Mo Chichi asked from the side.

Zhuo Bufan shook his head and replied.

"Impossible, it should be a perfect fusion."

"This body is perfectly integrated with this soul, without any rejection."

"Why hasn't she woken up yet?"

Tianmeng asked. Tianmeng looked at Meng Chanyi lying in front of him, feeling extremely anxious.

He now hoped that Meng Chanyi could wake up, but Meng Chanyi didn't react at all.

At this time, Zhuo Bufan said.

"It's probably because of the seal in her soul."

"I have sensed that there are countless soul seals deep in her soul."

"This seal makes her drown forever and unable to revive."

"Her soul is still a remnant soul after all, and she can't break through this soul seal by herself."

Tianmeng hurriedly said after hearing this.

"Then let's help her unlock these soul seals."

Zhuo Bufan shook his head.

"It's not as simple as you think. These soul seals, even I can't do anything about it."

Zhuo Bufan said helplessly to Tianmeng.

Tianmeng was anxious after hearing this.

"Even you are helpless? Aren't you the strongest man in the world? What do you mean even you are helpless?"

"Save her for me, didn't you promise me that you would save her?"

At this moment, Tianmeng seemed a little excited.

In fact, Zhuo Bufan could understand Tianmeng's emotions. After all, for Tianmeng, Meng Chanyi was everything to him.

It was Meng Chanyi who brought him to this world. Meng Chanyi was equivalent to his mother.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan shook his head helplessly and said.

"Sorry, maybe my ability to mend the sky is not enough."

"Perhaps only by finding Queen Wa can we save her."

"Now the problem is not only the seal, but also that her soul is too weak. Such a weak soul can be said to be a candle in the wind, which may be extinguished at any time."

"All we can do now is to help Meng and consolidate her soul in this body."

"Don't worry, I will find a way to seal it."

"I will definitely be able to save her."

After listening to Zhuo Bufan's promise, Tianmeng looked at Meng Chanyi lying in the jade coffin with a look of concern.

"I will believe you one last time. What are you going to do now?"

Tianmeng looked at Zhuo Bufan and asked.

After listening, Zhuo Bufan replied.

"According to the plan, I will send you to my world first."

"But before that, we need to settle accounts with the ancient gods of the Arcane Divine Realm."

"The seal in Meng's soul was branded by them, and they are needed to remove it."

Zhuo Bufan said to Tianmeng.

After listening, Tianmeng said nothing more.

Since Zhuo Bufan has his plan, he will fully support it.

"Okay, next, you come and I go."

Zhuo Bufan looked at the somewhat emotional Tianmeng and couldn't help sighing.

In his opinion, Tianmeng was still a little childish. As expected, Tianmeng was just a child.

"Well, you guys go into my inner world and have a good rest. I'm going to settle accounts with those ancient gods now."

Zhuo Bufan snapped his fingers, and a space vortex emerged in the void in front of him.

This space vortex is connected to the inner world in Zhuo Bufan's body.

The inner world in Zhuo Bufan's body is the world similar to the earth.

When Zhuo Bufan threw a fortune tree into the inner world, it caused the spiritual energy of the inner world to revive.

Zhuo Bufan didn't care about it anymore.

Over the years, none of the cultivators in his inner world have ascended.

After all, Zhuo Bufan is the world god of this inner world, so he knows very well whether there are ascenders in this world.

However, there are already Mahayana cultivators in the inner world, and perhaps in a few hundred years, they will have the opportunity to impact the Ascension.

Of course, Zhuo Bufan will not interfere too much.

In fact, this inner world was originally created by Ji Xuanhao.

This world is different from the Yin-Yang world that Zhuo Bufan now controls.

This world does not belong to the world in the infinite world.

In fact, it is at most a small world, a secondary world of the Yin-Yang world.

Therefore, both the rules of the Great Dao and the level of spiritual energy are relatively weak.

Relying on a tree of good fortune alone may not be enough.

Zhuo Bufan thought that after these things were over, he would classify this inner world in his body into the Yin-Yang world.

It formed a subsidiary world of the Yin-Yang world and officially entered the infinite world.

Of course, before that, Zhuo Bufan still had a lot to do.

So after Zhuo Bufan placed Tianmeng, Mo Chichi and Meng Chanyi, who was still sleeping, in the inner world, he set off for the infinite world.

The reason why Zhuo Bufan wanted to go to the infinite world was naturally to have a decisive battle between the ancient gods of the Arcane God Realm and the gods of creation.

Zhuo Bufan had learned from Zhou Lao, the servant of the Lord of Time, that the infinite world was the arena of the gods of creation.

Zhuo Bufan wanted to summon the ancient gods of creation in the Arcane God Realm, and he had to go to the infinite world.

Zhuo Bufan still retains the passage from the chaotic world to the infinite world.

This passage was discovered by Meng Chanyi back then.

Zhuo Bufan snapped his fingers, and suddenly a huge black dragon flew out of the void in front of him.

The dragon spread its wings, carrying the powerful power of time and space, and began to fly around Zhuo Bufan.

Seeing this, Zhuo Bufan smiled faintly and said.

"Little Nightmare, long time no see."

The black dragon summoned by Zhuo Bufan was his former mount, the Space-Time Nightmare Dragon.

After seeing Zhuo Bufan, the Space-Time Nightmare Dragon excitedly rushed towards Zhuo Bufan.

"Boy, you haven't summoned me for a long time. I thought you were dead."

Zhuo Bufan and the Space-Time Nightmare Dragon have indeed not seen each other for many years.

Ever since Zhuo Bufan entered the infinite world, he placed the out-of-control Nightmare Dragon in his inner world.

Now that so many years have passed, the Space-Time Nightmare Dragon is naturally very excited to summon it again.

Zhuo Bufan also looked at Little Nightmare and smiled.

"Yes, I haven't summoned you for a long time. But now, I'm back."

"Take me to the passage to the world of reincarnation that we marked that year."

Zhuo Bufan said to the Space-Time Nightmare Dragon.

After hearing this, Xiaoyan excitedly took Zhuo Bufan and headed towards the space-time crack that got the mark.

Along the way, Zhuo Bufan began to think and speculate about the whereabouts of Queen Wa and others.

Queen Wa led the last group of humans who escaped from Daluotian and wandered in this desolate chaotic void.

Perhaps to avoid something, Queen Wa kept her whereabouts very secret.

So far, even the void merchants with the most powerful intelligence in the chaotic void don't know where they went.

So, Zhuo Bufan may have to find Queen Wa himself.

However, this chaotic void is so huge, where is Queen Wa?

"Boy, we are about to pass by the reincarnation star field."

"It won't be long before we can reach the space-time crack that was marked that year."

The Space-Time Nightmare Dragon suddenly said.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan's eyes lit up.

"Samsara Star Region? Wait a minute, Xiaoyan, let's go to Samsara Star Region."

"Go to Samsara Star Region? What for?"

Time and Space Nightmare Dragon asked.

Zhuo Bufan replied.

"To see an old friend."


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