Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 149 The Demon of Occupying the Forum (Part 2) [10-10, please subscribe]

Now the outer soul towers of Yunmeng Realm have been completely occupied.

All the major forces have begun to search for the soul altars in the middle layer.

However, the soul beasts in the middle layer of Yunmeng Realm are basically between level 30 and level 60, and ordinary soul cultivators are not capable of entering this dangerous place.

Even a force like the Supreme Sword Sect can only transfer all its resources to the nine peak masters.

Let the nine peak masters' soul tools be upgraded to more than level 30, and then bring various soul tools, talismans and other props to form a vanguard team to enter the middle layer to occupy the soul altar.

In Yunmeng Realm, it doesn't mean that you are powerful just because your soul is strong.

If you don't have a powerful means of attack, no matter how high your soul level is, you are just a meat shield that can be beaten.

On the contrary, even if your soul level is not enough, but your means of attack are very powerful, you can thrive here.

For example, Zhuo Bufan, Zhuo Bufan's soul tool, the Sword of Life and Death, has now been upgraded to level 65.

He can basically kill any soul beast below level 65 now.

And his own soul level is only level 40.

Now there are almost no soul beasts in the middle layer of Yunmeng Realm that can threaten him.

It is precisely because Zhuo Bufan is fearless that he dares to enter the middle layer again alone to occupy the soul altar.


"Start with this goal first."

Zhuo Bufan unfolded the Yunmeng Map, selected a soul altar, and then rode the black light falcon horse towards the target.

This time the soul altar is located deep in a jungle.

When Zhuo Bufan arrived, he suddenly found that a battle was breaking out in the jungle.

A middle-aged man was fighting with a level 44 iron feathered snake.


Turning to the fifth page, Xuanguang Treasure Mirror, he checked the basic information of the snake.

Soul beast: Iron feathered snake

Level: Level 44

Introduction: A kind of ferocious soul beast living in the thorny iron forest. The venom sprayed from its mouth can melt steel. It has a strong sense of territory and will never let go of any creature that enters the territory without permission.

After learning about the information of the iron feathered serpent, Zhuo Bufan shone the Xuanguang Treasure Mirror on the man, and then the Xuanguang Treasure Mirror obtained the information.

Soul Codex: Vicious Demon Codex

Cultivation: Divine Wandering Realm

Level: Level 48

When Zhuo Bufan saw the other party's basic information, he didn't pay much attention.

The other party was entangled by the iron feathered serpent and couldn't get away at all.

So Zhuo Bufan took this opportunity to fly towards the soul altar in the jungle.

Almost at the same time, the guy who was fighting with the iron feathered serpent also found Zhuo Bufan riding a flying horse and soaring in the sky.

Of course, he couldn't see his face clearly because he was too far away.

He only saw the man riding a flying horse flying directly into the soul altar in the jungle.

Not long after, the voice of Tianzun's announcement came from the sky.

"Notice, the new camp 'Sealed True Name 1821' has been established, and 10,000 soul power points have been established for basic construction."

The man who fought with the Iron Feathered Snake was so angry that his blood surged and he almost spurted out blood after hearing this notice.

"Damn it! Damn bastard, who are you to steal my soul altar?"

"Seal True Name, are you the bastard who established the Sealed True Name? I remember you."

The elder He Suogu from the Poison Demon Island screamed after Zhuo Bufan robbed his soul altar.

Just when he was annoyed, he lost consciousness and was sprayed in the face by the black venom sprayed from the mouth of the Iron Feathered Snake. The next second, He Suogu disappeared in the world of Yunmeng Realm in regret and anger.

Zhuo Bufan didn't care about He Suogu's death at all.

He only had the soul altar in his eyes. After occupying the soul altar in the jungle, he immediately flew towards the next target.

Less than half an hour later, Zhuo Bufan rode his black falcon horse to a valley. This time, the soul altar was in the depths of the valley.

When Zhuo Bufan arrived, he found that there was also a group of people rushing towards the valley.

They rode fierce horses, and it was obvious that their speed could not be faster than Zhuo Bufan's flying horse.

"Great elder, look, will that guy in the sky also go to the soul altar in the upper valley?"

The great elder of Tianyuan Sect heard it and immediately looked at the sky and shouted.

"Not good, that guy is going to get there first. Go!"

The great elder galloped and rushed madly towards the inside of the valley. However, when they just ran to the valley entrance, they heard a report from the sky.

"Report, the new camp 'Seal True Name 1822' has been established, and 10,000 soul power points have been established for basic construction."

As soon as the report was over, only a black shadow flew out of the upper valley and flew towards the east.

When the three elders of Tianyuan Sect arrived at the soul altar in the valley, they saw the words "Sealed True Name 1822" written on the boundary monument.

The three of them were so angry that they vomited blood.

"Damn it, is that guy the creator of 'Sealed True Name'? Did you see what he looked like?" the elder asked.

The two elders beside him shook their heads and said they didn't see it.

"But the horse he rode seemed to be a black light falcon horse. There are not many people in Yunmeng Realm who ride this kind of horse."

After hearing this, the elder said angrily: "Check it out for me, and make sure to find this bastard. He is so hateful."


Next, Yunmeng Realm once again ushered in the fear of being shrouded by Zhuo Bufan's camp.

Relying on the extreme speed and endurance of the Black Light Falcon Horse, Zhuo Bufan often leads others, occupies the soul altar first, and then walks away, making those people vomit blood in anger.

Soon, the title of "Altar Occupation Maniac" spread among many camps.

"I'm so angry! I almost occupied the soul altar today, but that altar occupier got there first."

"My soul altar was also robbed. That little thief robbed the soul altar in front of me. It really pissed me off!"

"In front of you, did you see his face clearly?"

"I didn't see it clearly. That guy was wearing a ghost mask and a weird Horcrux."

"This guy is so scary. He was in the east one moment and appeared in the west the next. Is he just one person or a group of people?"


The people whose soul altars were occupied by Zhuo Bufan formed a victims' alliance and complained bitterly about Zhuo Bufan's crimes.

They were also very frightened by Zhuo Bufan's elusiveness.

Zhuo Bufan had performed several hat tricks recently, and many times he was the first to occupy the soul altar, which made those who had the opportunity to occupy the soul altar very angry.

And his reputation as a soul altar occupier spread like wildfire.

In order to facilitate the crime, he wore a mask.

And in order to avoid being ambushed and hunted by other forces, he did not look for soul altars in the same area. Instead, after occupying a soul altar, he immediately used the soul altar's teleportation ability to teleport to the location of other soul altars that had been occupied.

Then he looked for soul altars that had not been occupied nearby.

In less than three days, Zhuo Bufan occupied more than 300 soul altars.

Every occupation of a soul altar is a competition and contest of wisdom and conspiracy.

The soul altar occupier became a feared existence for a while in all major sects.


I can't stand it anymore, I'm going to sleep and continue tomorrow!!!

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