Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1488 1489: All Seal

Tense, tense!

The battle between Zhuo Bufan and the ancient god of time Hertz is about to start.

Although the Devouring Law is powerful, Zhuo Bufan is somewhat helpless in the face of the mystery of time.

The ancient god of time is worthy of being the strongest among the ancient gods, and his control over time is so powerful that it is suffocating.

Facing the power of Zhuo Bufan's law, he easily resolved it with the mystery of time.

Not only that, it divides every second of time, causing Zhuo Bufan's body to fall into various different time and space.

This move, called the Judgment of Time, instantly dismembered Zhuo Bufan's body into countless fragments.

Let each piece of Zhuo Bufan's body be divided into different time and space.

For ordinary strong men, this is a means of killing, but fortunately, Zhuo Bufan's Heaven Repairing Technique has reached perfection.

It is constantly growing under the power of Daluo Tiandao.

Now Zhuo Bufan's Heaven Repairing Technique can completely guarantee that he will not die.

No matter what he is like, Zhuo Bufan can use the Heaven Repairing Technique to resurrect himself.

So after being cut by time, Zhuo Bufan used the Heaven Repairing Technique to restore his body as soon as possible.

This scene shocked Zhuo Bufan's opponent, the Lord of Time.

"Interesting, no wonder you are so confident, it turns out that you have great means."

The Lord of Time obviously discovered that Zhuo Bufan possessed a powerful resurrection power.

"I remember that woman seemed to have this strange resurrection ability like you."

"It's a pity that in the end, I tortured her to death."

"This ability seems perfect, but the energy is limited. Once the energy is exhausted, you can't be resurrected. I will kill you until you can't be resurrected."

The words of the Ancient God of Time obviously angered Zhuo Bufan.

When Zhuo Bufan thought that Meng Chanyi was killed by the bastard in front of him, he couldn't suppress his anger in his heart.

"His time power is not the highest level, I can do it, I can do it."

"I want to devour him, devour him!"

Zhuo Bufan howled in his heart!

Zhuo Bufan can be sure that the time power of the Ancient God of Time is not comparable to that of the Lord of Time.

After all, the Lord of Time's time power is the highest level, and this Ancient God of Time can only be regarded as mastering the secondary time power.

As long as it is not the highest level of time power, Zhuo Bufan believes that his law of swallowing can swallow the opponent's time together.

So Zhuo Bufan began to strive to surpass himself at this time. He wanted to raise his law of swallowing to the highest infinite level.

Zhuo Bufan released a swallowing light ball with all his strength.

The powerful swallowing light ball began to spread to the Ancient God of Time.

However, the Ancient God of Time used the mystery of time again to reverse time.

However, this time, the Ancient God of Time was surprised to find that his time reversal power could not weaken Zhuo Bufan's swallowing light ball.

This time, Zhuo Bufan's swallowing light ball collided with the time mystery of the Ancient God of Time.

The two supreme powers began to entangle and collide with each other.

The swallowing light ball actually began to frantically devour the time power of the Ancient God of Time.

"How is this possible? It can even swallow time?"

The Ancient God of Time was shocked and a little scared.

All his means are the power of time. If his power cannot suppress the opponent, then only death is waiting for him.

Zhuo Bufan, seeing that his swallowing light ball suppressed the opponent's time power, a smile appeared on his face.

"Yes, the limit of swallowing power can swallow time together."

Zhuo Bufan could not feel that this time his swallowing power could obviously compete with the opponent's time power.

Although the opponent's time reversal is very powerful, it cannot return Zhuo Bufan's swallowing light ball to zero.

In this way, Zhuo Bufan's swallowing light ball became a threat to the opponent.

The powerful swallowing power began to swallow the surrounding space and time.

In this way, the space collapse caused a powerful dimensionality reduction attack.

Even Zhou Lao outside the infinite arena was shocked by the scene before his eyes.

"The power of swallowing time? Where did this kid get such a powerful ability?"

Zhou Lao knew very well that time was the most powerful power in this world.

Time constitutes the most important dimension.

If there is no time, then the entire void will directly become a painting, and all life will cease to exist.

The devouring power that Zhuo Bufan now possesses has reached a limit.

It can devour the power of time below the limit.

The power of time is also divided into levels.

The Lord of Time undoubtedly possesses the highest level of time power, which is the power of time that cannot be erased or devoured.

This is why the Lord of Time can control the entire infinite world.

The entire infinite world is born from the time power of the Lord of Time.

And under the Lord of Time, there are also the time powers mastered by the world gods of various major worlds.

This kind of time power is a branch of the time power born from the long river of time.

The creator gods of various worlds have their own full power to change the time power of their own worlds.

This kind of time power is actually born from the time power of the Lord of Time and belongs to the secondary level.

That is, the time power currently mastered by the ancient gods of time in the arcane domain.

Although Zhuo Bufan's devouring law cannot devour the time power of the Lord of Time.

But if it is a secondary power of time, it can still be swallowed.

The result of swallowing up time is a powerful dimensionality reduction blow.

For a moment, the entire space and time of the infinite arena began to collapse.

It is developing towards two-dimensionality bit by bit.

The ancient time god Hertz became anxious when he saw this scene.

If this continues, they will all be flattened into paintings, into a two-dimensional plane.

"Yug, this human is so powerful! What should we do?"

"The world is falling apart."

The ancient forest god Youya asked the ancient space god Yug beside him.

After hearing this, Yuge said very calmly.

"He is indeed a powerful man, but his opponent is Hertz. This guy Hertz will not be killed so easily. "He is the God of Time, a being who controls the power of time. "

"Even if the world is destroyed, he can turn back time and restart everything."

Yug, the ancient god of space, seems to believe in Hertz, the ancient god of time.

Seeing that the infinite arena was about to collapse into two dimensions, Zhuo Bufan was ready to escape.

However, at this moment, a huge light wheel suddenly appeared around the ancient god of time Hertz.

Under the light of the halo, a huge clock began to turn backwards.

As the light wheel reversed, the entire swallowing power of the light ball was once again suppressed.

For a moment, on the infinite arena, the time light wheel faced off against the swallowing light ball.

Two supreme energies collided together.

Cutting into each other, colliding with each other, and then completely detonating the surrounding space.

"No, let's retreat first."

Upon seeing this, the Ancient God of Space Yug immediately opened the door to space and fled away.

However, no matter how he ran away, he could not escape this infinite arena.

This infinite arena was arranged by Mr. Zhou. No matter how powerful Yuge is, he is still no match for Mr. Zhou.

Therefore, it is impossible for him to break through the infinite arena arranged by Mr. Zhou.

Seeing the time light wheel and the devouring light ball, the world is about to be completely destroyed.

Suddenly, Zhuo Bufan's swallowing light ball grew larger again.

Zhuo Bufan once again exceeded the limit and let his swallowing light ball be swallowed together with Hertz's most powerful time power.

Seeing this scene, Hertz was instantly dumbfounded.

He didn't expect that Zhuo Bufan would be able to explode with such terrifying power until now.

The reversal of the universe that he just released is the most powerful power he can use.

However, even so, he was still suppressed by Zhuo Bufan's power.

How powerful is this human being in front of me?

Hertz felt that the energy in this man's body was endless.


Hertz instinctively felt that he would be swallowed up by the human being in front of him in the next second.

As expected, after Hertz's time power was completely suppressed by Huando Bufan, what was left was swallowed up by Zhuo Bufan's devouring light ball.

At the same time, the infinite arena prepared by Mr. Zhou also began to collapse.

At this time, Mr. Zhou suddenly opened a passage and brought out Zhuo Bufan and the others who were still alive in this world.

When Zhuo Bufan and the others just escaped from the infinite arena, the next second the entire arena world collapsed!

The only ones who escaped were Zhuo Bufan, Youya and Yuge.

In addition, all other ancient creation gods were swallowed up by Zhuo Bufan's swallowing light ball.

Looking at those swallowing light balls in the air, Zhuo Bufan had a stern look on his face.

These devouring light balls will swallow up all the power of these ancient gods, until they all die tragically in the devouring light balls.

Although they are not dead yet, Zhuo Bufan knows very well that they will not live for long.

Yog and Elegance, who escaped and ascended to heaven, looked at the scene in front of them in stunned silence. They never dreamed that as the seven ancient creation gods of the Arcane God Realm, they would be killed to pieces by a human being.

Now, only two of them are left among the seven ancient creator gods of the Arcane God Realm.

But the two of them still showed great mercy to Zhuo Bufan and did not take action.

"Yug, what should we do?"

Youya looked at Yuge beside her and became a little scared.

The elf never dreamed that the human in front of him could be so vicious. Even strong men like Hertz were killed.

After hearing this, Yug did not show too much fear, but became very excited.

"Very good, really good!"

"I didn't expect you to be so powerful. Fight with me. Come and fight with me."

Yuge looked at Zhuo Bufan, his eyes filled with extremely sincere and fiery eyes.

"Yug, what are you doing? You will be killed by him."

Youya pulled this militant man, she knew that Yuge was a very aggressive guy.

However, he couldn't even beat Hertz, so how could he be Zhuo Bufan's opponent.

Therefore, in Youya's view, Yuge would die if he went to fight Zhuo Bufan.

After Zhuo Bufan glanced at Yuge, he also narrowed his eyes and said.

"She's right, you are no match for me."

"I've killed enough today. I don't want to fight anymore."

This time, Zhuo Bufan fought against the five ancient creation gods alone.

Although they were all singled out one by one, Zhuo Bufan also consumed a lot of money.

And Zhuo Bufan didn't want to kill them all. After all, a world as big as the Arcane God Realm still needed to be protected by a world god.

After being rejected by Zhuo Bufan, the ancient god Yuge became a little autistic and hid aside silently.

At this time, Mr. Zhou came to Zhuo Bufan and asked.

"What do you do with these ancient gods?"

Mr. Zhou asked this crucial question. This question also made Yuge and Youya very concerned.

They also wanted to know what Zhuo Bufan planned to do with these ancient gods after he captured them.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan replied without hesitation.


After saying this, the atmosphere instantly became a little tense.

The elf Youya was so frightened that she covered her mouth, while the ancient god Yuge looked at Zhuo Bufan again and said.

"If you want to kill them, there will be a battle between us."

It can be seen that these seven ancient gods are of the same spirit, and they will naturally not watch Zhuo Bufan kill Hetz and the others.

However, after Zhuo Bufan heard this, he put down his harsh words and said.

"I said I would avenge her."

"This is my promise."

"You killed that girl just because of a word. Now you have to pay the price for what you did."

Zhuo Bufan is serious. If Yuge and Youya really want to stop them, then he doesn't mind killing them.

At this time, Mr. Zhou on the side said to Zhuo Bufan.

"Are you really going to kill them?"

"You should know very well that they are the ancient creator gods of the Arcane God Realm. They are also the creators of that world."

"Once they die, the world of Arcane God's Domain will probably collapse soon."

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan replied resolutely.

"That's none of my business. Besides, didn't I still have two people alive?"

"Of course, if they want to die, then I will not refuse."

After hearing this, Mr. Zhou shook his head and sighed.

"You are still too murderous!"

"To be honest, I don't recommend you do this. There is still room for reversal of this matter."

Mr. Zhou said.

Zhuo Bufan hummed after hearing this.

"Room for turning back? Unless Meng Chanyi is resurrected."

"No, even if he is resurrected, I still hate the boys' school."

After hearing this, Mr. Zhou quickly said to Zhuo Bufan.

"In this case, I can help you resurrect the girl you mentioned. Please look at my face and let them go."

Mr. Zhou interceded with Zhuo Bufan, which surprised Zhuo Bufan deeply.

He didn't expect that the majestic Lord of the Void would intercede with him for this group of evil gods.

"Why are you helping them?"

Zhuo Bufan said in confusion.

After hearing this, Mr. Zhou replied.

"Didn't I say it before? The Arcane God Realm is the Lord of Time's favorite world."

"If this world is destroyed and the Lord of Time comes back, I can't afford to be held accountable."

"Besides, you don't want to be questioned by the Lord of Time!"

Hearing this, Zhuo Bufan hesitated.

Indeed, he could ignore the life and death of these ancient gods.

But he had to consider many other issues.

Killing these ancient gods may cause a series of uncontrollable chain reactions.

Of course, Meng Chanyi cannot die in vain, so Zhuo Bufan must figure out how to deal with these ancient gods.

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