Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1496 1497: Fighting for the Future

1497: Fighting for the Future

Zhuo Bufan finally found Qiankun, but as soon as they met, Qiankun suddenly attacked Zhuo Bufan.

Zhuo Bufan had no time to ask or explain, and started fighting with Qiankun without saying a word.

The two sides fought back and forth for three hundred rounds.

Zhuo Bufan was shocked to find that Qiankun's strength had increased a lot.

In the past, Qiankun didn't even have the qualifications to fight Zhuo Bufan.

But now, Qiankun can fight with him for three hundred rounds without losing too much.

Sure enough, Qiankun has also become stronger, which makes Zhuo Bufan feel very relieved.

Qiankun has become stronger, which means that the fighting power on his side will be stronger.

In the future, when they fight against the Eternal Heavenly Dao, they have more chances of winning.

Finally, after three hundred rounds, Zhuo Bufan took the initiative to stop fighting.

"Stop! Qiankun, that's enough?"

Zhuo Bufan had actually seen that Qiankun was fighting with him just to prove his strength.

In fact, Qiankun also wanted to see the gap between himself and Zhuo Bufan.

After the battle, Qiankun finally realized that although he had become much stronger, the gap between him and Zhuo Bufan still existed.

However, after listening to Zhuo Bufan's words, Qiankun also stopped.

"You are stronger than I thought. After so many years of hard work, I still can't compare to you."

Qiankun's tone was a little disappointed.

In fact, Qiankun has been practicing hard with Zhuo Bufan as his goal for so many years.

Qiankun will never forget the scene of Zhuo Bufan's battle with Ni Cangqiong.

Facing Ni Cangqiong, he had no power to fight back, but Zhuo Bufan easily killed the opponent with his own strength.

So from that time on, Qiankun regarded Zhuo Bufan as his goal and direction.

For so many years, he has been practicing hard here, just to be able to protect his relatives through his own efforts like Zhuo Bufan one day.

Now, when he sees Zhuo Bufan again, he is naturally very excited and can't wait to fight with Zhuo Bufan.

This battle also made Qiankun deeply understand Zhuo Bufan's powerful strength.

Sure enough, Zhuo Bufan was as powerful as ever. Even if he had mastered a stronger power, he was still not Zhuo Bufan's opponent.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan sighed slightly and said.

"No, you are stronger than I thought."

"There are only a handful of people in this world who can be your opponent."

"Qiankun, I need your strength now."

Zhuo Bufan stretched out his hand to Qiankun and asked for his help.

"You have practiced hard for many years, don't you want to take revenge on Ni Cangqiong?"

"Ni Cangqiong, still alive!"

When Zhuo Bufan said that Ni Cangqiong was still alive, Qiankun's forehead exploded, and he was immediately murderous.

"That guy, is he still alive?"

Qiankun has practiced here for many years and knows nothing about the outside world.

He didn't even know that the entire Daluo Tiandao had disappeared.

Qiankun has practiced until now, and there is only one purpose, that is, to prevent himself from regretting and to become powerful.

Back then, he failed to protect Li Mei, which led to her tragic death at the hands of Ni Cang Qiong.

It was a pity that he was not able to protect Li Mei at the time.

Qian Kun dreamed of being able to protect Li Mei and kill Ni Cang Qiong himself to avenge Li Mei.

Now when he heard that Ni Cang Qiong was still alive, his heart was more excited than anyone else.

"That's right, the guy who killed Li Mei and Mo Chi Chi back then is still alive."

"Qian Kun, now Ni Cang Qiong follows the Eternal Heavenly Dao. They are brewing a huge conspiracy."

"So, now we need your power."

"Follow me and destroy Ni Cang Qiong. This time, he will die without a burial place."

When Zhuo Bufan said this, he gritted his teeth, wishing to eat Ni Cang Qiong alive and chop him into pieces.

After listening to what Zhuo Bufan said, Qian Kun nodded immediately.

"I understand, this matter is an obligation."

Zhuo Bufan knew that Qian Kun's hatred for Ni Cang Qiong was beyond description.

It is not difficult to persuade him to join.

Moreover, Zhuo Bufan also intends to help Qiankun and revive Li Mei.

After all, now he has obtained the power of Daluo Tiandao.

Zhuo Bufan also reserves the power of the seven incarnations of Daluo Tiandao.

Zhuo Bufan used the same method to revive Mo Chichi before.

He can naturally use the same method to revive Li Mei.

Resurrecting Li Mei is not a difficult task for Zhuo Bufan, but Zhuo Bufan does not plan to revive now.

Perhaps out of selfishness, Zhuo Bufan thinks that reviving Li Mei now is not a good thing.

Perhaps Qiankun will lose the fighting spirit because of this.

After listening to what Zhuo Bufan said, Qiankun was very excited at first, but soon calmed down.

"Tell me the details."

Although Qiankun agreed to Zhuo Bufan's comeback, it does not mean that he does not want to know anything.

Since Zhuo Bufan said the matter so seriously, Qiankun also wants to hear what kind of existence the Eternal Heavenly Dao is.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan told Qiankun everything about the Eternal Heavenly Dao.

Qiankun frowned after hearing this.

"I didn't expect that the Daluo Heavenly Dao had been destroyed. Has the Eternal Heavenly Dao become the master of this chaos now?"

Because Qiankun has stayed in this place for too long, he knows very little about the outside world.

"In that case, let's kill Ni Qiong first, and then kill Eternal Tiandao. Let's restore peace to this world."

In this way, Qiankun joined Zhuo Bufan and his team.

With Qiankun, Zhuo Bufan and the others are a little stronger.

Of course, Qiankun and the others alone are not enough. Zhuo Bufan also needs more powerful partners.

Zhuo Bufan took Qiankun and returned to Yi Xing.

Yi Xing is the meeting place agreed by Zhuo Bufan and Yi Tianxing.

When Zhuo Bufan returned to Yi Xing, he found that Yi Tianxing had not returned yet.

Obviously, the Chaos Sword God Yi Tianxing is looking for is not easy to find.

On the other hand, Zhuo Bufan tried to contact Mr. Zhou to see if Mr. Zhou had gained anything.

Soon, news came from Mr. Zhou.

Mr. Zhou followed the traces left by Eternal Tiandao and the others, and after traveling through multiple time and space, he finally discovered the traces of Eternal Tiandao.

However, Mr. Zhou did not dare to catch up rashly, otherwise he would be discovered by Eternal Heaven.

Now Mr. Zhou and the others are obviously no match for the Eternal Heavenly Way. Once discovered, he would probably be killed by Eternal Heaven.

Of course Mr. Zhou is not afraid of death, but he hasn't found the Lord of Time yet, and he doesn't want to act rashly, lest he alert the enemy.

Mr. Zhou's purpose is obviously very simple, that is to find the Lord of Time.

He must first ensure the safety of the Time Lord before taking any action.

After Zhuo Bufan learned about Mr. Zhou's situation, he had to be prepared.

He needs to continue to look for more teammates. Once the war starts, Zhuo Bufan and the others must ensure that they have enough combat power to fight.

After staying in Yi Xing for three days, Zhuo Bufan finally got news from Yi Tianxing.

Yi Tianxing brought a mysterious black-robed man to Yi Xing.

Zhuo Bufan could tell at a glance that the black-robed man in front of him was terrifyingly powerful. He had a powerful soul and terrifying sword energy that was no less than his own.

Standing there, the whole person looked like a divine sword, with a powerful sword aura.

It was also the first time for Zhuo Bufan to see such a powerful sword energy. This man had already evolved the power to its peak.

Zhuo Bufan admitted that his swordsmanship was definitely no match for the man in front of him.

The opponent's energy and spirit are all condensed with fierce power.

"This person is the Chaos Sword God ranked eighth on the Qiankun List."

"The Chaos Sword God is willing to help us and deal with the eternal heaven together."

Zhuo Bufan was very excited after hearing this.

"That's great. I, Zhuo Bufan, have met the Chaos Sword God. This is the leader of the Ronin tribe, Qiankun."

Zhuo Bufan quickly introduced himself to the Chaos Sword God.

After listening to Zhuo Bufan's introduction, the Chaos Sword God couldn't help but his eyes lit up.

Immediately, he looked at Qian Kun next to Zhuo Bufan.

"Are you from the Ronin clan?"

Qiankun looked at the senior in front of him and replied.

"Yes, does it mean that senior knows my Ronin clan?"

After hearing this, the Chaos Sword God replied.

"I'm also a Ronin."

After hearing this, Qiankun couldn't help but be shocked.

"Are you also a Ronin?"

As the leader of the Ronin tribe, Qiankun knew the Ronin tribe very well, but he did not remember that there was such a powerful person in the Ronin tribe.

After hearing this, the Chaos Sword God replied.

"That's right! But I have already been expelled from the clan by the Ronin clan."

"I am a rebel of the Ronin clan."

Qiankun frowned deeply after hearing this.

He knew that there were some exiled members of the Ronin tribe. They often committed heinous crimes and were exiled from the Ronin planet.

In other words, the Chaos Sword God in front of him had done things that were sorry to the Ronin clan.

Sure enough, before Qiankun could ask, the Chaos Sword God said.

"A long time ago, in order to practice the Law of Chaos, I brought Ronin to the depths of chaos and almost destroyed Ronin."

"That time, I made an unforgivable mistake, so I exiled myself."

After hearing this, Qiankun's eyes suddenly lit up and he was surprised.

"You, are you the leader of the third generation, Lord Yuding?"

After Qiankun heard the other party's true self-report, he immediately thought of the other party's identity.

In the history of their Ronin clan, such an incident did happen.

That happened tens of thousands of years ago. Yuding, the third generation leader of their Ronin clan, was a monk obsessed with swordsmanship.

Yuding was so obsessed with swordsmanship that he didn't care about the development of the entire Ronin clan.

He led the Ronin tribe to a terrifying place.

As a result, this trip almost ruined the entire Ronin clan, and because of this, Yuding became the sinner of the Ronin clan.

Of course, Yuding was the leader at the time, and he only made decisions.

Logically speaking, he does not need to be exiled. At most, he will only lose his position as leader.

However, Yuding finally exiled himself and left Ronin.

Once he left, he never came back.

Unexpectedly, after so many years, the former swordsman genius is still alive today.

Not only that, he also became an unparalleled powerhouse in this chaotic void.

"The ancestors are above, and I will bow down to you."

After Qiankun learned the identity of Jade Cauldron, he couldn't wait to kneel down towards Jade Cauldron.

Qiankun never dreamed that one day he would be able to meet Legend again.

In some ways, Yu Ding is Qian Kun's ancestor.

After listening to Qian Kun's words, Yu Ding sighed.

"I am just a sinner of the Ronin tribe, and I cannot accept such a great gift."

"As the patriarch of the Ronin tribe, you cannot kneel down to others at will, do you understand?"

After hearing this, Qian Kun quickly stood up from the ground.

"The ancestor taught me that it was just that the younger generation was too excited to see the ancestor."

"For a moment, it was hard to express in words."

Zhuo Bufan, who was standing aside, couldn't help laughing when he saw this scene.

"Qian Kun, you should have a good chat with the Chaos Sword God. I have something to discuss with Brother Yi."

Zhuo Bufan handed the Chaos Sword God to Qian Kun, and he believed that Qian Kun would not neglect his ancestor.

Zhuo Bufan, with Yi Tianxing, began to discuss the next action.

"It's not enough, we don't have enough manpower now."

"Can you find more manpower?"

Zhuo Bufan asked.

Yi Tianxing replied after hearing this.

"I think friends from the Chamber of Commerce should be able to help."

"And I have already informed Ronin Shun. Ronin Shun knows a lot of masters. He can help us find the right people."

Zhuo Bufan nodded and replied.

"That's good. Now Mr. Zhou has clues about the Eternal Heavenly Dao. The war may break out at any time."

"Once Mr. Zhou calls, we must rush over as soon as possible."

"At that time, the war with the Eternal Heavenly Dao will start in full swing."

"So we must gather enough people as soon as possible."

Zhuo Bufan's mind is full of fighting now. He can't wait to have a big fight with the Eternal Heavenly Dao.

However, Zhuo Bufan is still waiting. He is still waiting for a very important person.

This person is his brother, the patriarch of the Samsara Clan, Gao Yangxu.

In the battle with the Eternal Heavenly Dao, Zhuo Bufan needs Gao Yangxu's power.

So Zhuo Bufan is waiting, waiting for Gao Yangxu to appear.

However, at this moment, Gao Yangxu is still in the infinite world, behind the Tai Chi Gate, accepting the test left by the Lord of Time.

The test that the Lord of Time left for Gao Yangxu was not an ordinary test.

This was a test of life and death. Gao Yangxu was facing tens of thousands of reincarnations.

This was much simpler than the eighteen reincarnations that Zhuo Bufan had undergone in the Samsara Tower.

Gao Yangxu was once the Lord of Samsara, and he had made a big mistake.

In order to lift the curse, the test he needed to take was far more difficult than he had imagined.

However, no matter how difficult the test was, Gao Yangxu would try his best to crack it.

Because Gao Yangxu knew very well that only if he passed the test could he lift the curse of their Samsara clan.

Therefore, Gao Yangxu had been fighting desperately, believing that in a short time, he would be able to pass the test, lift the curse, and return to the peak of Samsara.

Now, everyone is working hard for their future.

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