Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1499 1500: The Invincible Law of Words

1500: The invincible law of speech and spirit

Mr. Zhou knew that he could not defeat Eternal Heaven, but in order to cover Emperor Wa's escape, he had to stay and entangle with Eternal Heaven.

Now Mr. Zhou is thinking about various ways to escape.

It is absolutely impossible to confront the eternal way of heaven head-on.

The moment the Blade of Illusion slashed out, Mr. Zhou instantly opened up a gate to the void.

Mr. Zhou wanted to escape through the Void Gate, but as soon as the Void Gate appeared, it disappeared instantly.

Although Eternal Heavenly Dao cannot eliminate the power of void in Mr. Zhou's body, once the power of void is used, Eternal Heavenly Dao can use the Law of Word Spirit to erase it.

Therefore, as soon as Mr. Zhou's Void Gate was opened, the Eternal Heavenly Dao took the lead to eliminate it.

Seeing this scene, Mr. Zhou frowned tightly.

Sure enough, the power of eternal heaven was beyond his imagination.

No matter how many times I use the power of the void, Eternal Heaven will be able to erase it in the first place. This is the power of eternal heaven.

"Your Excellency, since you have decided to stay and fight, why are you thinking of escaping?"

"I'm looking forward to what it will be like to fight with the gods of this world, so please don't disappoint me!"

After Eternal Tiandao finished speaking, a forbidden word came out of his mouth.

For a time, the entire space was blocked.

Obviously, Eternal Heaven has no intention of letting Mr. Zhou go.

Mr. Zhou, who had wanted to run away before, sighed helplessly after seeing this scene and gave up the option of escaping.

Eternal Heaven spared Emperor Wa from pursuing him just to leave Mr. Zhou with nowhere to escape.

It can be seen that Mr. Zhou really has trouble flying this time.

Of course, Mr. Zhou will not sit still and wait for death.

Faced with the pursuit of eternal heaven, Mr. Zhou decided to give it a try.

Win or lose, Mr. Zhou is also a happy person.

Without saying much, he escaped into the darkness, and then only saw a strange light passing through the darkness.

"Void Escape Technique?"

Eternal Tiandao narrowed his eyes slightly as he felt the murderous intent that might appear around him at any time.

The Void Escape Technique is the most powerful type of escape technique. Even the Eternal Heavenly Dao cannot capture the opponent's figure and can only roughly lock Mr. Zhou's position.

Obviously, Mr. Zhou wants to take advantage of his void escape method to launch a surprise attack on the eternal heaven.

As long as he can react faster than Eternal Heaven's reaction, then he will not lose.

Eternal Tiandao obviously understood this, so before facing Mr. Zhou's possible sneak attack at any time, Eternal Tiandao launched an attack first.

"Hide, hide, come out!"

As soon as Yan Lingfa finished speaking, Mr. Zhou, who was originally hiding in the void, was suddenly forced to break free from the void.

The moment he broke free, Zhou Lao formed a void sword and hit the eternal heaven at the speed of light.

Eternal Tiandao obviously did not expect that Mr. Zhou would turn from defense to attack, but it appeared on his face in an instant.

Not only that, Mr. Zhou also struck at the body of the Eternal Heavenly Dao at the fastest speed.

Although the knife didn't cut deeply, it crippled Ni Qingqiong's hand.

Not only that, the power of the void remained on Ni Qiong's body.

This power of the void was difficult to recover. Ni Qianqiong could only watch the back of his hand being corroded by the power of the void. Even with the power of the Law of Words and Spirits, he could not recover it.


Eternal Tiandao shouted towards his injured arm.

However, he was surprised to find that the injured arm was indifferent and showed no signs of healing.

"Oh? You actually condensed the power of the void into your cells, and then left your own cells in me?"

"You actually used this method to prevent the injury from being cured by my Word Spirit Law. You are really amazing."

Eternal Heaven can eliminate the power of void, but it is limited to the power of void outside Mr. Zhou's body.

As the Lord of the Void, Mr. Zhou, the power of the Void in his body cannot be eliminated by the power of heaven.

At the same time that Mr. Zhou had just struck the sword, Mr. Zhou had already poured his own blood on his Void Blade.

The blood contained Elder Zhou's void power.

So when Mr. Zhou struck Ni Cangqiong, who was possessed by Eternal Heavenly Dao, with his sword.

At the same time, he also left his void power in Ni Qianqiong's body.

This resulted in Ni Cang Qiong's wounds being unable to be healed, not even by the eternal heaven.

Seeing the blood rolling, Eternal Tiandao was slightly angry.

"It seems that I have to take your opponent seriously."

"After all, you are a god from the upper world. I recognize your strength."

Eternal Tiandao shouted in shock.

"Sword of Heaven, come!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a divine sword appeared in Ni Qingqiong's other hand.

That sword has a compelling sword energy and is extraordinary. This is the sword of heaven, the supreme sword.

When Eternal Tiandao picked up the Sword of Tiandao and slashed at Mr. Zhou. Mr. Zhou suddenly discovered that he could not avoid this slash.

"Avoid it? You can only carry it!"

When he realized that he could not avoid it, Mr. Zhou immediately concentrated a powerful force of void on his body, forming a powerful protective shield.

However, even the shield condensed with the power of the void instantly collapsed under the sword of eternal heaven.


Mr. Zhou had no way to avoid this sword, and was finally struck on the shoulder by a sword.

Using the powerful power of the void, he could only barely withstand this slash.

However, the power of the Sword of Heaven still penetrated the power of the void and slashed into the depths of Zhou Lao's soul.

Zhou Lao's soul trembled on the spot and almost fainted.


His blood surged and he couldn't help but spit out blood.

Seeing this scene, Yongheng Tiandao smiled proudly at Zhou Lao.

"The target locked by the Sword of Heaven will have nowhere to escape. He can only withstand the slash of the Sword of Heaven."

"And the slash of the Sword of Heaven is the most powerful sword slashing skill in the world. The fact that you can withstand the slash of the Sword of Heaven is enough to prove your strength."

"But, as strong as you are, how many of my swords can you take?"

As soon as Yongheng Tiandao finished speaking, the Sword of Heaven in his hand slashed down again frantically.

Just as he said, the sword slashing skill of the Sword of Heaven cannot be avoided, and can only be endured.

However, not everyone can bear it. Even Zhou Lao was seriously injured when facing this powerful Heavenly Sword.

This Heavenly Sword is indeed the strongest sword in the world. Each sword has the power to destroy the world.

Zhou Lao believes that the power of this sword can flatten the galaxy.

After taking a few swords, Zhou Lao began to lose.

For each sword, he could only use his soul to resist.

Soon, his soul was too fragile to bear it.

Seeing this scene, Yongheng Tiandao shook his head and sighed.

"So, this is the power of the gods in the upper realm, nothing more."

The reason why Yongheng Tiandao fought with Zhou Lao was nothing more than wanting to understand the power of the upper realm.

As the servant of the Lord of Time, Zhou Lao is the best opponent.

After fighting with Zhou Lao, Yongheng Tiandao also roughly understood Zhou Lao's strength.

Regarding the matter of the upper realm, Yongheng Tiandao still got the information from Daluotian.

Eternal Heavenly Dao has always wanted to know about the upper world, and now he has learned more about it from Old Zhou.

"It's time to end this game."

"I'm having fun playing with you. Tell me, what's your name?"

Eternal Heavenly Dao said to the seriously injured Old Zhou with a superior attitude.

Of course, he is indeed a superior. As the Heavenly Dao, he is the superior of all living beings.

So he can completely look down on everything with the attitude of a superior.

Even though Old Zhou came from a higher infinite world.

Old Zhou looked at the Daluotian in front of him and smiled disdainfully.

"Arrogant, self-defeating. As the will of the Lord of Time, you are really corrupt."

Old Zhou knew very well that the Heavenly Dao was just an incarnation of the Lord of Time's will, just like the incarnation of the Heavenly Dao was differentiated according to the temperament of the Heavenly Dao.

Whether it is the Eternal Heavenly Dao or the Daluo Heavenly Dao.

They were all born because of the Lord of Time.

In other words, they are actually the incarnations of the Lord of Time.

Now the clone wants to kill the original body and replace it, which is really audacious.

Seeing that Zhou Lao refused to say anything, Yongheng Tiandao shrugged helplessly.

"If you don't want to say it, forget it. It's a pity that a strong man like you will only be an unknown person who is not remembered by this Tiandao until you die."

As soon as Yongheng Tiandao finished speaking, the sword of Tiandao in his hand slashed down.

This time, the sword of Tiandao fell with destructive energy.

Zhou Lao could feel the power of that sword.

Once hit, death is inevitable.

But now, even if it comes to death, Zhou Lao is not afraid.

"Come on! Let me see the strongest blow of your Tiandao sword."

After Zhou Lao finished speaking, the power of the void began to wrap around his body.

The powerful power of the law began to distort the entire space blocked by the Eternal Tiandao.

Zhou Lao obviously intended to fight with all his strength, and the powerful power of the void had covered the entire starry sky.

It can be clearly seen that the momentum of the sword of heaven has begun to be distorted under the influence of the power of the void.

This is the strength of the power of the void.

The so-called power of the void, also known as the power of the void, is a power that can distort reality.

All powerful forces in reality will appear extremely weak in front of the power of the void.

Because the power of the void can change reality and change the truth.

The truth in front of us is that the sword of heaven has been cut down.

And Zhou Lao wants to use his power of the void to change reality.

Sure enough, under the influence of the power of the void, the trajectory of the sword of heaven has shifted.

In the end, the sword slashed directly next to Zhou Lao, and did not hit Zhou Lao at all.

You must know that the ability of the sword of heaven is an unstoppable slash. Once locked, it is 100% certain to hit.

And it is unstoppable, unavoidable, and hits the soul directly.

As the sword of heaven, the sword of the king, this sword can completely determine the outcome.

However, he never expected that such a powerful move of the Heavenly Sword would be in vain.

This point shocked and surprised even the Eternal Heavenly Dao himself.

"You actually used the power of the void to distort my peerless sword."

"I really underestimated you."

The Eternal Heavenly Dao once again looked at Mr. Zhou in front of him with a new look.

Mr. Zhou closed his eyes and gritted his teeth secretly.

Only he knew how much he had consumed by using that move just now.

It can be said that just now, it was a move that he had to use with all his strength.

However, it was impossible for Mr. Zhou to use the same move again. In other words, the move just now was already Mr. Zhou's last tenacious resistance.

If Eternal Heaven were to deliver such a powerful killing blow again, then General Zhou would have absolutely no power to resist.

Eternal Tiandao had obviously seen Mr. Zhou's unsustainable embarrassment, and he smiled.

"It seems that you can only use the move like that once."

"In other words, you have no chance of winning this battle."

After hearing this, Mr. Zhou showed embarrassment on his face.

He didn't answer, because Mr. Zhou almost didn't have the strength to speak now.

Seeing Mr. Zhou's embarrassed appearance, Eternal Tiandao suddenly withdrew the Sword of Tiandao.

"I changed my mind. There is no point in killing you. I decided to keep you alive."

"When I become the new Lord of Time, how about you still be my divine servant?"

After hearing this, Mr. Zhou gritted his teeth and spat.


The one word he barely spat out already expressed his attitude.

However, after Eternal Heaven heard this, instead of getting angry, he actually laughed.

"You'll change your mind."

"Before you change your mind, just stay in the little world I prepared for you."

"Heaven's Cage!"

After Eternal Tiandao finished speaking, he snapped his fingers.

The next second, pieces of steel forged with the power of heaven began to appear around Mr. Zhou, and then formed into a prison, trapping Mr. Zhou inside.

No matter how hard Mr. Zhou tried to break this heavenly prison, it had no effect.

Even using the power of the void is of no avail.

Eternal Heaven saw this and smiled.

"I advise you not to resist needlessly."

"Witness my legend honestly."

After speaking, Eternal Tiandao waved his backhand and pulled Mr. Zhou into Qiankun in his sleeve.

Seeing this scene, Mr. Zhou finally gave up the resistance.

Just like what Eternal Heaven said, no matter how hard you try, it's all pointless resistance.

In this heavenly prison, he could only let himself be slaughtered.

Mr. Zhou sat cross-legged in the cage, then silently closed his eyes and stopped talking.

He didn't know how the eternal heaven would deal with him, but now, Mr. Zhou only hoped that Emperor Wa could break the seal in his soul as soon as possible and find the Lord of Time.

Now, only the Lord of Time can solve the eternal way of heaven.

Meanwhile, on the other side.

With the help of Mr. Zhou, Emperor Wa escaped through the Gate of Void.

Emperor Wa who escaped immediately hid all the energy fluctuations in his body.

Later, Emperor Wa sighed with emotion.

"I will definitely not live up to your expectations."

Emperor Wa knew very well that Mr. Zhou fought against the eternal heaven alone in order to save himself.

This stop is full of misfortunes.

All of Emperor Wa's hearts were extremely grateful and moved to Mr. Zhou.

Of course, in addition to being grateful, Emperor Wa must also unlock the seal in his soul as soon as possible.

Now that Mr. Zhou is gone, the only one who can break the seal and find the Lord of Time is himself.

Therefore, Emperor Wa calmed down and began to look for a way to unlock the soul seal.

Only by finding the Lord of Time can we live up to Mr. Zhou’s expectations.

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