Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 154 Ambush [Fifth update, please subscribe]

The funny Zhuo Bufan treated the entire Yunmeng Realm as his live broadcast stage.

The Tianwu League was overbearing and wanted to monopolize half of the resources in the Yunmeng Realm. How could Zhuo Bufan do as he wished?

So, Zhuo Bufan confronted the Tianwu League, and he was quite satisfied and happy.

The people of the Tianwu League hated Zhuo Bufan so much that they wanted to eat him alive.

Under the instruction of "Kanshui", one of the eight kings, the people of the Tianwu League hid around the seven soul altars, ready to wait for the rabbit.

After waiting for nearly two days, the rabbit they were waiting for finally came!

"That hero went to Longya Valley, is he going to live broadcast the occupation of the soul altar in Longya Valley again?"

"He has already occupied more than a hundred soul altars planned by Tianwu League. He is totally unscrupulous!"

"This must have pissed off the Tianwu League. Who made the Tianwu League so domineering? It deserves it. It doesn't deserve sympathy at all."

Seeing that Zhuo Bufan was about to occupy the new soul altar, people all over the world cheered for him.

"Here it comes."

Zhuo Bufan's live broadcast was naturally known to everyone in the Yunmeng Realm, including Qiantian and others who were ambushing in Longya Valley.

"Kanshui's 'Five Finger Small Evolution Technique' is really powerful. He really calculated the guy's next route of action."

"Everyone pay attention. When he appears, use all means to kill him for me."

Qiantian led dozens of elites and had already set up their palaces around Longya Valley, waiting for Zhuo Bufan to take the bait.

For a moment, the "Kanshui" girl at the Tianwu League headquarters smiled slightly.

"Longya Valley is guarded by Qiantian. If you dare to go there, you will surely die."

"I'll kill you once, and I'll keep you quiet for half a month. When you enter Yunmeng Realm again, half of Yunmeng Realm's resources will already be in the hands of my Tianwu League."

This Kanshui girl has practiced a "Five-Finger Small Derivative Technique" that can deduce some things that may happen in the future.

She can deduce the next soul altar that Zhuo Bufan will occupy through Zhuo Bufan's disorganized action plan.

Sure enough, there are countless capable people in this world, and no one can be underestimated.

At this moment, Zhuo Bufan has no idea that there is an ambush ahead of him.

Of course, this is not because Zhuo Bufan is not alert, but because he does not need to be alert at all.

"Everyone, I will enter the valley immediately and seize the soul altar. If you like it, please go to the designated soul altar to contribute soul power to me and give me six six six. Thank you very much."

Zhuo Bufan is very good at playing, and he can play the fantasy world of Yunmeng Realm like a live broadcast room.

"A thousand words cannot express my admiration for you, hero. I just killed a soul beast and earned 300 soul powers, which I will contribute to you."

"One thousand soul powers, I will contribute to you, you are welcome to accept it."

"Soul power 666, please occupy the soul altar of Tianwu League immediately."

"Every time the hero occupies a soul altar, I will contribute 1,000 soul powers. Go, hero."


Unexpectedly, someone really ran to the soul altar designated by Zhuo Bufan and contributed soul power to him, and the amount was huge. These soul powers were fed back to Zhuo Bufan, making him even more powerful.

"This damn guy dares to be so arrogant, let me kill him with my own hands later."

Listening to Zhuo Bufan's arrogant report, Qiantian, one of the eight kings, gnashed his teeth with disgust.

At this time, Zhuo Bufan rode the black light falcon horse and flew into the valley.

As soon as he flew into Longya Valley, Fuan on the left saw a round soul altar in the center of the valley.

The Soul Altar was not occupied, only some ancient ruins existed.

When they reached the Soul Altar, the Black Light Falcon did not dare to approach, so Zhuo Bufan jumped off the horse and walked towards the Soul Altar alone.

As soon as Zhuo Bufan stepped into the Soul Altar, he frowned.

"No, there is an ambush."

Buzz buzz buzz!

A golden grid suddenly appeared on the ground under Zhuo Bufan's feet, and then a ground net flew up, trapping Zhuo Bufan in the ground net.

Zhuo Bufan was tied up by the golden ground net and entangled into a round meat ball.

Seeing this scene, Qiantian and others walked out of the surrounding ambush circle proudly.

"A soul-binding golden net with 50,000 soul power! In order to catch you, a bastard, I have spent a lot of money."

Qiantian stretched out his claws with black metal gloves and walked towards Zhuo Bufan very proudly.

He squatted down, looked at Zhuo Bufan who was tied up like a meat dumpling, and said in surprise.

"So it's a kid? You little beast, you dare to be an enemy of my Tianwu League, you are tired of living, right?"

Qiantian raised his leg and stepped on Zhuo Bufan and said.

"So you are that bastard Qiantian, you look serious, with thick eyebrows and big eyes. I didn't expect you to be a sinister villain."

Zhuo Bufan was caught, but he didn't seem to show any fear at all.

When Qiantian heard it, he was furious and said: "Just relying on you, a little beast, you dare to comment on this king, you are looking for death."

Qiantian flipped open the soul book in front of him, and then pulled out a poisoned magic sword from the soul book.

Zhuo Bufan was not moved at all when he saw Qiantian pulling out the poisoned sword.

Then, Qiantian used a "Let the World Hear" from the soul book. He caught Zhuo Bufan, so he naturally wanted to let the whole world know.

"Listen to me, the little bastard who dared to be the enemy of Tianwu League has been caught by me. Didn't he want to play some live broadcast of the Soul Occupation Altar? Now I will broadcast to the world how to kill him."

When Qian Tian's smug laughter came from the sky, everyone in the world was extremely shocked.

"No way, the hero was caught?"

"Damn it, he must have been ambushed by the people of Tianwu League. These guys in Tianwu League are quite shameless!"

"What should we do now? The hero should have been caught in Longya Valley. Let's rush to Longya Valley to save him!"


When they heard that Zhuo Bufan was caught, all the people who were listening to the live broadcast were excited and wanted to rescue Zhuo Bufan.

"Do you really want to save him? It's too late. I'll show you what will happen if you go against my Tianwu League."

"Boy, are you scared now? Beg for mercy from me and I can give you a quick death."

The Qiantian raised the poison sword in his hand and waited for Zhuo Bufan to say his last words.

But Zhuo Bufan said in a very annoying way after hearing it.

"Are you annoying? If you want to kill him, just kill him. What nonsense are you talking about?"

The Qiantian was so angry that he blew his beard and glared.

"Ah, ah, ah, ah, die."

He slashed his sword and chopped off Zhuo Bufan's head.


Zhuo Bufan's eyes went black, and the next second he appeared in the save space.

"Damn it, it turned out that they set a trap for me in Longya Valley. It seems that I can't go to that damn place."

Then Zhuo Bufan looked up at the three save doors in front of him, which were:

Yaoguang Peak, Jingcao Plain (Yunmeng Realm), and Mass Grave.

Fortunately, Zhuo Bufan saved the game in the Strong Grass Plain before coming to the Dragon Tooth Valley.

Then, he pushed open the second save door and walked in.

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