Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 174 Yaoguang [Fifth update, please subscribe]

On the main altar of the Star Hall, there are only three teams left: Tianji Peak, Tianshu Peak and Yaoguang Peak.

This star conference has finally reached the decisive moment.

After He Chen was exchanged to the sidelines by Ouyang Yu, he immediately rushed towards the location of the soul altar.

Qiu Wuhen of Tianshu Peak, with his two disciples, knocked down He Ruhai and Xiao Hu who had occupied the soul altar.

"Junior Brother Qiu, don't be too persistent! The winner of this competition is me, Tianji Peak."

Seeing Qiu Wuhen approaching step by step, He Ruhai, the leader of Tianji Peak, showed his green face and fangs and looked at him with a vicious expression.

"Senior brother, you are the one who is too persistent. You are dreaming about the soul altar. It belongs to us."

The battle for victory has come to an end, and no one is willing to admit defeat. Especially Qiu Wuhen, he didn't expect that they could stay at Tianshu Peak until now.

Since God has allowed them to stay until now, they cannot give up this opportunity.

Qiu Wuhen and his two disciples became more and more courageous as they fought, forcing He Ruhai to become furious and furious.

"Junior brother, you forced me, don't blame me for coming here without mercy. Star gun, sky-piercing thorn!"

He Ruhai suddenly jumped up and flew a hundred meters into the air.

For a moment, the people watching the battle in the sky could not help but sigh.

"The Sky-Piercing Thorn, is that the ability of the Tianji Peak Master's natal soul weapon?"

He Ruhai was seen flying high into the sky, tightly grasping the purple spear in his hand.

Powerful energy began to burn in the gun body.

"The sky-piercing thorn of the Star Gun can drain the master's soul power and cause a powerful charged blow."

Someone used the Xuanguang Baojian to identify the star gun in He Ruhai's hand. That purple star gun was an extremely terrifying Horcrux.

Seeing He Ruhai gathering strength above the sky, Qiu Wuhen, who was standing on the soul altar, saw this and raised the star ax in his hand.

prepare to resist

"You two, get on the stage quickly." He Ruhai, while conserving his strength, ordered his two disciples to get on the soul altar.

As long as they ascend to the Soul Altar, everything will be over. Even if he is killed by He Ruhai, it doesn't matter, at least all the people from Tianshu Peak have ascended to the altar.

However, just when Qiu Wuhen's two disciples were about to fly up to the soul altar.

That Xiao Hu suddenly released his disgusting Lotus Flying Blade, forcing the two of them not to dare to attack.

call out!

Above the sky, He Ruhai's star gun has condensed energy that can destroy the world.

With a whoosh, it penetrated the constraints of space and produced dozens of sonic booms in the air.

Bang bang bang bang!

The purple spear, carrying extremely terrifying destructive energy, stabbed Qiu Wuhen on the ground.

"Damn it!"

Facing He Ruhai's sky-piercing thorn, Qiu Wuhen had no power to fight back and could only choose to retreat.

But just when he was about to use other soul weapons and props, he disappeared from the soul altar.


"Miss Yun, do it!"

At that moment, Zhuo Bufan, Yunyun and Broken Moon Peak had already rushed out.

Suddenly, everyone present felt their souls tremble, and their whole bodies were fragmented for one to two seconds.

Whether it was Qiu Wuhen on the ground, He Ruhai in the sky, or their disciples, they were all broken into pieces.

It was only a short moment, but this moment was enough to change the situation of the battle.

That Qiu Wuhen, just because of this moment, could not escape the blast of the sky-piercing thorn.


The sky-piercing thorn directly penetrated Qiu Wuhen's body from the top of his head.

The whole person was nailed to death on the soul altar.

At the same time, Zhuo Bufan suddenly jumped to He Chen who was aside.

That guy He Chen saw Zhuo Bufan rushing over and was about to release Torrential Pear Blossoms towards Zhuo Bufan.

But a black flying sword cut off his head first.


Zhuo Bufan's sword cut off He Chen's head. For a moment, blood spurted out, and the death was extremely miserable.

"This sword is for Lao Duan."

After Zhuo Bufan killed He Chen with one sword, the whole place fell into silence.

It all happened so fast that no one could react.

Almost at the moment when He Ruhai killed Qiu Wuhen, Zhuo Bufan cut off He Chen's head at the same time.

When He Ruhai fell from the sky and saw Zhuo Bufan killing his precious son, he instantly became angry.

"Damn it, you little bastard, if you dare to kill Chen'er, you are seeking death!"

He Ruhai picked up the star gun stuck on the ground and was about to kill Zhuo Bufan.

However, a treasure light fell from the sky, once again sheltering Zhuo Bufan in the light.

"Tianshu Peak, Tianji Peak, out."

The fair and stern verdict from the Lord of the Star Hall made He Ruhai stand on the ground blankly as if he was overwhelmed.

"Master, what does this mean? The winner is Yaoguang Peak? They, Yaoguang Peak, have done nothing from the beginning to the end, so they are ranked first?"

He Ruhai looked up at the Master of the Star Hall above his head and asked with great dissatisfaction.

Not only him, but others who were eliminated were also very dissatisfied.

Tianshu Peak, Tianxuan Peak, Yuheng Peak, Kaiyang Peak and Tianquan Peak.

They all raised objections and petitioned to look at the Lord of Star Hall.

What a dramatic scene, Yaoguang Feng turned out to be the only team that survived intact.

"What a drama! I didn't expect it. No one expected that the final winner would be Yao Guangfeng."

"Yaoguang Peak, I almost forgot about it. The master of Yaoguang Peak didn't do anything from beginning to end!"

"How could he not do anything? He fought with Tianxuan Peak master Hua Ruyue for one round."

"If I have to say who I remember clearly, it's only the male disciple of Yaoguang Peak."

"That's right. The boy's several moves changed the situation of the battle. The first time, he severely injured Tianquan Peak master Ye Yongdong. The second time, he killed Tianquan Peak disciples, thus eliminating Tianquan Peak. The third time, he killed Tianxuan Peak disciple Tu Lei, thus eliminating Tianxuan Peak. The fourth time, he killed Tianji Peak disciple He Chen, thus eliminating Tianji Peak."

"Oh my, after analyzing it this way, Yaoguang Peak actually eliminated three teams invisibly. They didn't do nothing!"

After an analysis, people found that Yaoguang Peak seemed to be playing soy sauce from beginning to end, but while they were playing soy sauce, they actually eliminated three teams.

This is an amazing record!

"What happened? How could Yaoguang Peak eliminate three teams without anyone noticing? Why didn't I feel anything?"

"That's right. My focus from beginning to end in this Star Conference was on the battlefield in the inner circle. The battle between Tianji Peak, Yuheng Peak and Tianshu Peak was fierce."

"It's really interesting. Yaoguang Peak is really a hidden dragon! Keep a low profile and become the king."

The phrase "keep a low profile and become the king" became famous in this Star Conference.

However, no matter how everyone denied it. No matter how the other peaks were dissatisfied.

The final winner of this Seven Stars Competition was his Yaoguang Peak.

"Master, I don't accept it. I want to fight Duanyue Peak in a duel." He Ruhai was still angry.

However, the Star Hall Master shouted at him.

"Do you think my Seven Stars Competition is a joke? I declare that the final champion of this Seven Stars Competition is Yaoguang!"


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