Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 194 Blood Butterfly Leads the Way [Sixth update, please subscribe]

It was less than an hour after Zhuo Bufan entered the cave entrance.

Wearing a black cloak, he looked dusty and white.

Holding a black paper umbrella, it flew from the sky. Then he floated like an immortal, like autumn leaves falling with the wind, and fell outside the entrance of the "Blood Bone Cave".

The moment he landed, Bai Su counted with his fingers and used the Five Finger Xiaoyan Technique to immediately calculate Zhuo Bufan's position.

"He's in there."

A smile finally appeared on Bai Su's face.

This time, her calculation was finally correct. Zhuo Bufan was in the cave of blood and bones.

"Watch where you run this time!"

After Bai Su finished speaking, he held the black umbrella and entered the Blood Bone Cave.

She could feel the dangers lurking in this cave of blood and bones, but in order to kill Zhuo Bufan, she couldn't care less.

At this moment, Zhuo Bufan didn't know that Bai Su had already arrived!

This terrifying woman stuck to Zhuo Bufan like a dog-skin plaster, and he couldn't shake it off. Even if you load the file and start over, it won't work.

The only way Zhuo Bufan can get rid of this woman is to load the "Mass Grave" file, redo everything, and then stop provoking this woman.

However, if Zhuo Bufan were to read "Mass Grave", everything Zhuo Bufan could say would be gone.

The gain outweighs the loss!

There is no way, now Zhuo Bufan can only rely on the save door and keep dealing with Bai Su until he grows up to the point where he is no longer afraid of this woman.

After walking for nearly an hour, Xiaomei stopped talking to Zhuo Bufan.

Because at this time, the dark cave became extremely eerie and terrifying.

The surroundings were eerily quiet and completely dark, and nothing could be seen. Only the glare mirror in Zhuo Bufan's hand could shine a little light.

Zhuo Bufan was afraid that the glare mirror would accidentally shine on the face of a terrifying creature. He could imagine the terrifying scene in a horror movie.

When the flashlight in his hand was shining around in the dark space, he suddenly illuminated a terrifying face. That scene was absolutely terrifying and exciting.

Of course, Zhuo Bufan couldn't scare himself. He quickly shook his head and got rid of those stupid thoughts of self-intimidation.

Picked up the dazzling mirror and continued to delve deeper.

Whirring whirring!

Another gust of cold wind came from the cave. The breathing sound in the depths of the cave became heavier and heavier. The cold wind that Zhuo Bufan felt became colder and colder, so cold that it made people shiver.

"We should be close to the truth." Zhuo Bufan said.

At this moment, he suddenly saw a faint red light flashing at the corner of the corridor.

It was a blood-red light, projected on the cave wall, flickering, following the rhythm of the cave's breathing. One on and one off, one on and one off.

"There is a situation."

Seeing this scene, Zhuo Bufan slowly approached the corner of the corridor.

As a result, after he passed the corner of the corridor, he discovered a dancing blood-colored butterfly.

The butterfly flew towards the depths of the cave, emitting red light from its body, illuminating the way forward for Zhuo Bufan.

Seeing this, Zhuo Bufan gained courage and followed the blood butterfly closely.

But the blood butterfly kept walking, and finally it simply landed on a rock. It was lying on the stone, with bright and dark lights emerging from its body, as if it was warning Zhuo Bufan something.

"Smelly, what is this moth doing?" Xiaomei asked.

"I don't know, it seems to be warning us something."

When Zhuo Bufan saw this, his eyes lit up.

"Let me listen and see."

Immediately afterwards, Zhuo Bufan's soul moved, and he activated the Soul Awareness Talisman mark deep in his soul.

The Soul Awareness Talisman allows Zhuo Bufan to hear the sounds deep in the soul of any creature.

All creatures have their own souls, but some are big or small, and different creatures have different soul fluctuations.

Even a small butterfly has its own unique soul vibration.

Zhuo Bufan activated the Soul Sense Talisman and began to listen to the voice deep in the soul of the butterfly.

"Leave quickly, the front is a restricted area for life."

What surprised Zhuo Bufan was that his Soul Sense Talisman could really sense the message that the blood butterfly wanted to convey.

"What's in it?"

Zhuo Bufan began to communicate with the blood butterfly.

The Soul Awareness Talisman can not only listen to the voice of the soul, but also communicate with the soul.

This is the power of the Soul Awareness Talisman.

Apparently, Zhuo Bufan's soul conversation shocked the butterfly. It flapped its wings and flew up.

"Are you talking?" Xuedie asked.

"Yes, I can talk to your soul. Tell me, what is in this cave, and why can't I move forward?" Zhuo Bufan replied.

"Amazing human being, since you understand what I mean, please leave as soon as possible. You cannot enter inside."

"Why not, I'd love to find out."

"Curiosity will kill you." Xuedie replied.

"I'm not afraid of death."

Zhuo Bufan's answer made Xuedie speechless and confused. His soul didn't respond for a long time.

"An interesting human being who can not only communicate with me, but is not afraid of death."

"Can I go in now?"

Zhuo Bufan thought this butterfly was also very interesting.

It was his first time talking to a butterfly, and that feeling was mysterious.

"Since you are not afraid of death, then come with me and I will show you something."

After the blood butterfly finished speaking, it flapped its wings and began to dance, moving further into the depths of the cave.

Soon, Zhuo Bufan followed the blood butterfly and came to a magical huge corridor.

The corridor was like a train tunnel, very wide, bottomless, flickering, and emitting a faint red light.

Zhuo Bufan took a closer look and found that there were countless blood-colored butterflies lying on the wall of the cave.

Their wings, following the rhythm of the cave's breathing, released flashes of light.

"Chou Bufan, be careful of these moths!"

Xiaomei's voice came from the curse, and Zhuo Bufan nodded slightly after hearing it.

Whether it was a moth or a butterfly, he knew very well that these things lying on the stone wall must not be provoked.

Soon, Zhuo Bufan saw that the ground of the narrow corridor in front of him was covered with white bones.

Under the illumination of the red light, the bones looked like blood, which was terrifying.

Zhuo Bufan finally understood why this cave was called Blood and Bone Cave Heaven. Isn't this scene full of blood and bones?

"These humans are our masterpieces. Do you still dare to move forward?"

The blood butterfly continued to fly in front of Zhuo Bufan, constantly warning Zhuo Bufan that he could not move forward.

Zhuo Bufan looked at the white bones on the ground and asked.

"Why did you warn me? You could have led me here and eaten me."

"Why should I eat you? Killing you is not our goal. Our goal is to guard this passage and not allow any life to enter."

"What are you guarding?" Zhuo Bufan continued to ask without giving up.

"I don't know. Since we were born, we have received the only mission, to guard this passage and not allow any life to enter."

"Really can't go in?" Zhuo Bufan still didn't give up.


After the blood butterfly finished speaking, it blocked Zhuo Bufan. At the same time, all the blood butterflies on the stone wall of the passage began to be awakened, and they flew up and blocked the passage.

One blood butterfly could not feel the threat, but there were at least hundreds of millions of blood butterflies in the endless tunnel.

If there were these things blocking Zhuo Bufan, Zhuo Bufan really didn't dare to move forward, and didn't even dare to step in.


Zhuo Bufan had no choice but to turn around.

He wanted to go deep into the cave to take a look, but the blood butterflies had warned him that if he dared to move forward, he would be crushed.

However, just as Zhuo Bufan turned his mind, a familiar face appeared under the illumination of his glare mirror.

When Zhuo Bufan saw the pretty and slightly pale face, he was almost scared to death.

"Oh my god, how come she caught up so quickly?"

Looking at the woman holding a black umbrella in front of him, Zhuo Bufan wanted to cry!


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