Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 206 The Third Turn of the Nine Turns of Life and Death [Second update, please subscribe]

In the end, Xiaomei did not answer how she brewed these two pots of plum wine.

She returned to the cursed seal and began to fall asleep!

Zhuo Bufan looked at the two bottles of plum wine in his arms and felt warmly moved in his heart.

No matter what, he was extremely grateful to Xiaomei for her efforts.

"Treat her better in the future!"

Zhuo Bufan can only treat Xiaomei well to repay Xiaomei's efforts.

"Silly brother, stop at the mountain in front, and then you can go hunting."

Zhuo Bufan used the Soul Awareness Talisman and spoke to the sitting Dapeng Golden Eagle.

After hearing this, the Dapeng Golden Eagle responded stupidly.

"I just want chicken."

The Dapeng golden eagle was already having sex with the pheasant in front of it.

Zhuo Bufan suddenly felt that this Dapeng golden eagle was pitifully stupid.

"Hey, okay, I'll give you some chicken. After I finish practicing, I'll let you eat as much as you want tonight."

"I want to eat chicken, I want to eat chicken."

The Dapeng golden eagle excitedly landed on the top of a rocky mountain designated by Zhuo Bufan. After putting Zhuo Bufan down, the Dapeng golden eagle began to pounce on the jungle, causing a scene in the entire jungle.

Zhuo Bufan, on the other hand, was sitting cross-legged on the top of the rocky mountain!


Zhuo Bufan has covered his own archive door. The current archives are:

Unnamed Stone Mountain, Seal True Name Eight (Yunmengjie), Mass Grave

The save file in Yunmeng Realm was saved when he returned to Yunmeng Realm a few days ago to cause trouble in the Tianwu Alliance.

He was about to start practicing the Nine Revolutions of Life and Death. Zhuo Bufan knew that this would be another life-and-death process, so he had to save the files in advance.

After archiving, Zhuo Bufan sat on the stone mountain, and then looked at the two pots of plum wine placed in front of him.

He picked up one of the bottles and uncorked it.

For a moment, an intoxicating fragrance of plum blossoms and a light fragrance came to the nostrils, which was intoxicating.

The evaporated wine molecules poured into Zhuo Bufan's nostrils, making him fascinated and his spiritual platform clear.

"That's right, this is plum wine, real plum wine."

Zhuo Bufan felt the excitement of the aroma of the wine and had endless aftertaste, which reminded him of the first time he drank plum wine.

Plum wine is really a rare wine.

Although its brewing process is somewhat less beautiful.

Then, Zhuo Bufan picked up the wine gourd and pointed the mouth of the gourd at his mouth.

Gulu gulu!

He drank the whole bottle of wine in one go!

The sweet and delicious plum wine poured into Zhuo Bufan's body with a powerful energy.

Those energies were continuously absorbed by Zhuo Bufan's Mysterious Body of Life and Death.

And Zhuo Bufan's body also began to undergo qualitative changes.

Soon, a golden air flow began to appear in Zhuo Bufan's body, and the golden air flow slowly formed a golden little man.

The villain of the Nine Revolutions of Life and Death technique appears again.

Once the physique reaches the standard approved by the martial arts, the golden man of the martial arts will appear again, forcibly controlling Zhuo Bufan's body and forcing him to practice.

Under the control of the little golden man, all the meridians in Zhuo Bufan's body began to tremble, and the profound energy of life and death began to rotate rapidly.

"Here we go, the third round of the nine-turn battle of life and death. Survive from death."

As soon as he finished speaking, the galaxy-like nebula of life and death in his body began to rotate rapidly.

And it was spinning faster and faster, like a spinning top that was out of control, becoming extremely violent.


Zhuo Bufan didn't even have time to prepare. The extremely violent and out-of-control nebula of life and death exploded inside his body with a bang.

The next second, Zhuo Bufan's eyes went dark.

"Damn, this third turn is terrible! I died before I even started practicing?"

"What happened to the profound energy of life and death? Why did you suddenly go crazy, like a wild horse running wild?"

Zhuo Bufan died and returned to the archive space again.

Recalling what had just happened, he still looked confused.

His current physique is in the second stage, and the profound energy of life and death in his body is in the shape of a nebula.

The vitality swirls in the middle of the nebula, balancing with the dead energy in stable control.

This kind of balance allows Zhuo Bufan to reach a state of balance when using the profound energy of life and death, no matter how much he uses, without going berserk.

But just now, as soon as he started preparing for the third round of practice, this balance was broken.

The rotation speed of the nebula of life and death was so fast that it was so fast that it was out of control.

As soon as it got out of control, it exploded!

"If I could do it all over again, I would definitely not choose this cheating technique. One hundred lives is not enough to play like this!"

Complaints are complaints, Zhuo Bufan has embarked on a road of no return.

From the moment he decided to practice the Nine Transformations of Life and Death, he was destined to step on his own body and climb up step by step.

Of course, it's not impossible to start over, after all, he still has an original archive. He can restart his life.

However, now is not the time to restart life.

"It seems that I am going to die eleven or twelve times this time, so be prepared mentally, Zhuo Bufan."

Zhuo Bufan adjusted his mentality. After all, it was not the first time he died. He had died many times, so he had a good mentality and experience.

After opening the first save door, Zhuo Bufan returned to before his training.

The process of drinking is delicious, so Zhuo Bufan deliberately saved the archive before drinking this time.

After all, the plum wine is indeed extremely delicious. The more times you die, the more times you can drink the plum wine.

Thinking of this, Zhuo Bufan felt a little proud in his heart.

Now Ah Q's extraordinary self-comfort spirit has reached its peak.

"Just think of it as drinking plum wine a few times again. Not everyone can drink such a delicious thing in the world."

"One pot is not enough, I will die a few more times and drink a few more sips."

After thinking about it like this, Zhuo Bufan's mentality was adjusted to a perfect state again.

Then he closed his eyes again and entered a state of cultivation.

"We can't die inexplicably this time. We must find out the reason why the Nebula of Life and Death went berserk. Every death must be valuable."

Zhuo Bufan can tolerate death over and over again, but he cannot tolerate that every death is meaningless.

After all, life is precious, and precious life should be exchanged for precious gains. This is the law of the world of immortality.

Before returning to practice again, the ray of golden light in the body slowly appeared and turned into a golden villain, dominating Zhuo Bufan's body.

This time, Zhuo Bufan was mentally prepared for the rampage of Life and Death Nebula.

Sure enough, soon, he felt all the meridians in his body surging.

These surging meridians are urging the rotation of the nebula of life and death in the body. The nebula of life and death rotates faster and faster, and then begins to rotate whirringly.

"The third turn is a close call, a close call, and I have to control this out-of-control situation."

"In other words, compared with the second turn, the third rotation speeds up the rotation speed of the life and death profound energy in the body. In this way, when I use the life and death profound energy, the speed and power will be faster, and the recovery speed will also be faster. "

"Control it. As long as I can control this violent situation, I will succeed."

Zhuo Bufan understood the true meaning of the third turn of the nine-turn life and death battle almost as quickly as possible.

His current life and death profound energy will be very slow to recover once used.

But after the third turn, the recovery speed of life and death profound energy will increase rapidly. As long as he frantically vents life and death profound energy, his life and death profound energy will be continuously provided.

"The third round is called Survival from Death. Obviously this process is quite difficult. How can we control this rampant life and death energy?"

Zhuo Bufan's brain was spinning rapidly, looking for ways to control the profound energy of life and death.

As a result, at the moment when he was thinking hard, the profound energy of life and death completely lost control again, and then with a bang, it exploded again!

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