Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 208 Life and Death [Fourth update, please subscribe]

Until now, the life and death qi have been interdependent, and they are inseparable.

But now, he must completely separate the life and death qi from each other, without any influence on each other, and become a separate operating system.

"Try to condense the death qi nebula into a ring."

Zhuo Bufan is a man of action. When he has that idea in his mind, he immediately puts it into action.

The current situation is that the life qi is condensed into a white light ball, which is rotating violently alone.

And the death qi is a turbid nebula, rotating around the life qi.

Zhuo Bufan's current idea is to condense the black nebula into a black death ring to surround the white light ball.

Putting the idea into action, Zhuo Bufan slowly condenses the cloud layer of the black nebula.

This process is very difficult, because the speed of the life qi light ball in the center is getting faster and faster, and the influence on the death qi is getting stronger and stronger.

However, Zhuo Bufan is no longer a newbie. Facing this life and death situation, he can completely calm the situation.

He resisted the swallowing of the life qi and started a tug-of-war with the life qi.

As Zhuo Bufan's concentrated dead gas nebula moved more and more tightly, the dead gas slowly formed a ring.

The living gas formed a ball, and the dead gas formed a ring! Life and death were decided by each other, and they did not interfere with each other.

As Zhuo Bufan continued to compress the dead gas nebula.

In the end, a black dead ring appeared in the air.

The dead ring reached a certain balance and did not collapse.

In the center of the dead ring, the white living gas light ball was spinning faster and faster.

But the amazing thing was that the living gas ball and the dead gas ring were not affected at all.

The movement of the dead ring was no longer a single horizontal plane rotation, but a 360-degree quiet rotation around the living gas ball.

It looked like a single-ring armillary sphere (those who don't understand can search Baidu).


Seeing this scene, Zhuo Bufan himself was shocked.

He didn't expect that his idea that came to his mind could actually be realized.

He succeeded, successfully passed the "survival from death", and cultivated the life and death body to the third turn.

Life and death, this is the name Zhuo Bufan gave to the mysterious picture in his body.

When this "Life and Death" took shape, Zhuo Bufan felt that his physique had been improved to an unprecedented level.

He raised his left hand, and a white life energy slowly gathered and rotated in his palm, finally forming a white ball of light.

He raised his right hand, and a black death energy quickly wrapped around his arm, and finally formed a death ring.

The left hand formed a ball of life energy, and the right hand formed a ring of death energy!

Zhuo Bufan held it in both hands, and then slammed his left and right hands into the middle!

Chi chi chi chi!

The white ball was embedded in the black ring, forming an unimaginable energy.

Zhuo Bufan's signature skill, Life and Death, was born!

Zhuo Bufan threw the Life and Death in his hand towards a vast forest not far away!


There was a loud noise between heaven and earth!

Then, in the forest where the Life and Death landed, a huge white light with a diameter of 10 to 20 meters was born.

Around the periphery of the white light, there was a black light like a dragon and a shadow.

The rolling energy made all creatures within a radius of 100 miles tremble.

The huge power formed by the vitality and death energy exploded in an instant.


The rolling air waves turned into a level 10 gale, instantly razing all the surrounding trees to the ground.

Zhuo Bufan, standing on the nameless stone mountain a thousand meters away, stood with his hands behind his back, quietly pretending to be cool, watching the terrifying power caused by the two-pole of life and death he threw.

After the gale, at the center of the explosion, a huge tiankeng with a diameter of more than 50 meters suddenly appeared on the ground.

All the trees within a radius of 500 meters around the tiankeng turned into powder and loess.

Died twelve times, died twelve times!

Zhuo Bufan looked at his achievements, his face was calm, but his heart was almost crazy.

"I'm awesome, I'm awesome, I'm finally awesome."

The two-pole of life and death, Zhuo Bufan's heaven-defying skills were born after he practiced the third turn of the Nine Turns of Life and Death.

Zhuo Bufan finally has his own signature skill, he is no longer a weakling.

That kind of excitement is naturally difficult to express with an expression.

His only expression now is indifference. Looking at the masterpiece in front of him, he stood indifferently on the nameless stone mountain.

Close your eyes, let the breeze blow on yourself, let me quietly pretend to be awesome!

"Smelly Bufan, what terrible kung fu have you practiced? How come you are so powerful all of a sudden?"

Xiaomei flew out of the plum blossom mark and looked at the huge tiankeng and the mess under the stone mountain.

The ball of energy that Zhuo Bufan just threw out made Xiaomei feel a little palpitated.

That ball of violent energy is a mixture of life and death, an explosion of two absolutely opposite energies.

"Xiaomei, thank you."

Zhuo Bufan opened his eyes, suddenly knelt on one knee and hugged Xiaomei tightly.

"Smelly Bufan, what are you doing, you want to tease me, bite you to death."

Xiaomei bit Zhuo Bufan's neck.

"Thank you for your plum wine. You must have paid a lot to make it, right?"

Zhuo Bufan realized it later.

How could a hundred-year-old plum wine be born just like that? Xiaomei can't change the flow of time. She must have made her own sacrifice.

After hearing Zhuo Bufan's words, Xiaomei slowly opened her mouth and said through gritted teeth.

"Exactly, it means that my aunt has spent two hundred years of demonic power."

As soon as these words came out, Zhuo Bufan's body froze on the spot.

Then he hugged the little Loli in his arms even more tightly.

He thought that Xiaomei must have sacrificed something, but he didn't expect that what Xiaomei sacrificed was her own demon power.

Two hundred years, a pot of plum wine can give you one hundred years of demonic power.

In order to satisfy Zhuo Bufan's wish, Xiaomei used her two hundred years of demon power in exchange for two pots of plum wine.

This feeling and meaning made Zhuo Bufan feel indescribably warm and moved in his heart.

"From now on, you don't have to make plum wine for me anymore."

"I command you in my name to stop brewing plum wine for me."

Zhuo Bufan hugged Xiaomei tightly, and the four plum blossom marks on the back of his hand withered again, leaving only three.

In the first piece, Zhuo Bufan used it to order Xiaomei to brew plum wine for him for a lifetime.

In the second film, Zhuo Bufan used it to cancel the first order.

There is no waste, Zhuo Bufan just doesn't want to put any more shackles on Xiaomei.

"You, you lifted the first order?"

Xiaomei was obviously a little surprised. She didn't expect Zhuo Bufan to waste a petal and cancel the first order.

"Yes, from now on, I will never order you to do anything you don't want to do."

Zhuo Bufan said that Xiaomei's act of losing two hundred years of demonic power made it difficult for Zhuo Bufan to repay her.

After hearing this, Xiaomei pushed Zhuo Bufan away, threw her little head to the side, and then hummed.

"Hmph, how do you know that my aunt and I don't want to make plum wine?"

Zhuo Bufan was stunned for a moment, and then a warm smile appeared on his face.

He raised his hand and gently placed it on Xiaomei's head!

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