Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 219: Sifang Tianjiao [Sixth update, please subscribe]

Buzz buzz buzz!

In the western sky, the clouds flowed like a vast river, with thousands of sails racing and hundreds of boats competing for the current.

The spaceship spread its wings and cloud sails and shuttled through the clouds.

Thousands of cloud-swaying oars slid in the air, pushing Shenzhou forward.

Its momentum was so great that the entire mountain, river and earth were shaking.

Here they come, the large force chasing Bai Su is coming!

Boom boom boom boom!

A black chariot flew down from a huge ship.

It was so powerful, like thunder and lightning, and it came at lightning speed.

The black chariot was pulled by three long-horned dragon rhinos.

This dragon rhinoceros, as the name suggests, is another evil done by a dragon in heat.

Not a dragon, not a rhinoceros!

Its long horns were like swords, and it was covered with scales, rolling in with a great momentum.

On the golden chariot, there was a black-bearded man holding the reins, majestic and crushing.

"Old Third, are you injured?"

The black-bearded man's voice was like thunder and like a loud bell, which was deafening.

He drove the car to the side of Yi Yun, the chief elder of the Hualong Sect, and saw Yi Yun's seriously injured right hand.

Then, his eyes turned cold and he saw Bai Su standing on the blood sacrifice platform, and he was furious.

"Did this witch hurt you?"

"Damn witch, Dragon Rhino Chariot, crush her for me."

The black-bearded man wanted to drive the chariot and crush Bai Su without saying a word.

Fortunately, Yi Yun acted in time to stop his hot-tempered second brother.

"Second brother, calm down. I am not as skilled as you. Don't act rashly."

Yi Yun grabbed the black-bearded man in time, which prevented another war from breaking out.

But the hot temper of the black-bearded man attracted the attention of other people in Shihuang City.

"Who is that? He is so arrogant that he wants to drive the chariot and crush the White King."

"The third elder of the Hualong Sect calls him the second brother. Could this madman be the Black Dragon Yishan of the Hualong Sect?"

"That's right, he is Yishan, who is known as the Black Dragon. He has a very irritable temper, just like a black dragon."

"The third elder is the Golden Dragon Yiyun, the second is the Black Dragon Yishan, and the eldest is the Purple Dragon Yihai! Yiyun and Yishan have both appeared. Could it be that the Chief Elder Yihai has also arrived?"

Everyone looked up at the sky. A huge ship flew over their heads and finally stopped over the sky of Shihuang City.

On the cloud sail of the huge spaceship, there were three large characters written in a long and flowing style: Hualong Sect.

"The Hualong Sect has come with such a huge momentum?"

"Not only the Hualong Sect, you see over there, the Exiled Immortal Sect has also come. And over there, the Shenxiao Sect. Look at that big ship, there is no name written on it, but the style is simple and vigorous, with palaces and pavilions, like a sky attic, is it the ship of the Ancient Temple?"

"The Ancient Temple is the largest force in the East Region and the only ancient sect that can suppress the evil sect!"

When someone heard that the people of the Ancient Temple had come, it naturally caused a huge shock.

"Oh my God, in order to kill a Bai Su, do you need to mobilize such a huge energy?"

"It is worthy of being the Fuzhu Temple. Now all the sects in the world want to kill Bai Su and give the Fuzhu Temple a great gift."

"But there is only one Bai Su, who can kill her?"


Swish, swish, swish, swish!

Just when everyone was shocked by the ship coming from the west.

On the other side, from the north of the earth, a series of sky swords came across from the void.

For a moment, thousands of swords flew together, dazzling the eyes.


On the leading Heavenly Sword, stood a man in black.

He had long flowing hair, a prominent figure, and looked down on everything.

"What a young master."

Everyone present was shocked when they saw this.

The man in black stepped on the Heavenly Sword and appeared above the Stone Wasteland City, looking down at Bai Su on the blood sacrifice platform, and said with a smile.

"King Bai, we meet again?"

The man's voice was loud and full of energy, and it fell into Bai Su's ears with overwhelming majesty.

Bai Su frowned slightly when he heard it.

"Wuji Sword Sect, Zhong Shenxiu?"

When Bai Su opened his mouth slightly and said the man's name, the whole audience shouted.

"Did I hear correctly? The leader of the ancient sect in the Northern Territory, Wuji Sword Sect, is Zhong Shenxiu?"

"Is it the youngest sword master in history, Zhong Shenxiu?"

"That's right. There is a giant in the Northern Territory, who entered the Buddha at birth. The creation of Zhong Shenxiu, the sword of heaven and earth is unmatched! This poem of Shenxiu, which is the best in the world, praises this boy."

"The legendary giant of swordsmanship has come. We are afraid that our Shihuang City will usher in a great trend that is rare in a thousand years."

The appearance of Zhong Shenxiu caused a big stir in Shihuang City.

Because Zhong Shenxiu is too legendary, it is said that he was born with a sword.

On the day of his birth, purple light entered the blue sky, and above the sky, a Shura battlefield evolved, with a sea of ​​blood and a Buddha world.

A powerful fighting fairy king, holding a Buddha sword, swept thousands of troops with his sword, and the world was in chaos. He killed people and gods.

Legend has it that Zhong Shenxiu is the reincarnation of the Fighting Immortal King. Wuji Sword Sect trained him as the leader. At the age of 20, he ascended to the position of leader.

Later, he closed his eyes for a hundred years. When he came out of the closed-door retreat, the entire northern region was shaken and gave orders.

Then he announced to the world that he had broken through the Great Unleaked Golden Pill and became the leader of Wuji Sword Sect under the real person.

Some people are born extraordinary, and you have to admit it.

Zhong Shenxiu is such a person, born with a natural talent.

"Even Zhong Shenxiu showed up, which reminds me of the latest popular saying, the theory of the genius of the four directions."

"Sifang Tianjiao theory? What is that? Why haven't you heard of it?"

"You don't even know about the Four Directions Celestial Theory? Those are the four recognized geniuses in the southeast, northwest and northwest. They have all practiced for less than two hundred years, but their cultivation is beyond the reach of countless people. They are already recognized as extremely powerful."

"Dong Xuanyuan, Xidaoxian, Beishenxiu, and Nan Haotian. The four of them can succeed the legendary Eastern Evil, Western Demon, Southern Demon and Northern Emperor."

The theory of Sifang Tianjiao is a long-standing statement in the world of immortality.

Each generation of immortal cultivators will select the most outstanding figures in this generation.

Of course, the generation referred to here represents a full ten thousand years.

The most dazzling generation in the history of the world of immortality is known as the era of the Four Emperors Conferring Heaven. In that era, it seemed as if the fate of the world for hundreds of millions of years was concentrated in that generation.

There were four great emperors in ancient times: Red Emperor, Qing Emperor, White Emperor, and Xuan Emperor.

They are the most amazing generation, the most terrifying generation, the most outstanding generation.

After them, for hundreds of thousands of years, the entire world of cultivating immortals had no spiritual energy. It was cut off and unable to cultivate for a full two hundred thousand years. No more dazzling geniuses appeared in the world.

Until the previous generation!

In the last generation, that is, the last ten thousand years, the spiritual energy of this land began to recover, and the practice began to restart.

The four most outstanding figures are "Eastern Evil, West Demon, Southern Demon and Northern Emperor".

Today, these four still dominate this land.

However, for them, this stage is no longer suitable for them.

Therefore, many people have chosen this generation, that is, the four great figures who will be able to rule the world of immortality for ten thousand years in the future. They are these four geniuses.

Xuanyuan in the east, Daoxian in the west, Shenxiu in the north, and Haotian in the south.

Among them, Bei Shenxiu is naturally the leader of the Wuji Sword Sect in front of him, Zhong Shenxiu!

One can imagine how terrifying his status is!

In the blink of an eye, the elders of the sect and the proud descendants of the sect came one after another.

In the sky of Shihuang City, there are flying ships, flying swords, chariots and mounts, to name a few.

What a big scene!

Red Emperor, Green Emperor, White Emperor, Xuan Emperor

Eastern Evil, Western Demon, Southern Demon, Northern Emperor

Xuanyuan in the East, Daoxian in the West, Shenxiu in the North, Haotian in the South

[For the convenience of everyone’s memory, let’s write down the twelve characters who will be important to write about in the middle and later stages of this book. Of course, the protagonist and the heroine are not as important! 】

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