Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 222 Mysterious Bone Ring [First update, please subscribe]

The world is bustling, and everyone is going there for the benefit of others. The world is full of hustle and bustle, all for profit.

The dragons raising their heads in the bloody desert is a grand event of adventure that is rare in a thousand years, and can be said to be no less than the emergence of the Yunmeng Realm.

The Blood Desert is an ancient battlefield, a place where countless great powers have fallen, and where countless giants are buried.

Here, there are saints from ancient times who left a legacy that reaches heaven and earth.

Here, there are secret treasures left by the powerful men who glorified the world in ancient times.

Here, there are the fallen bodies and bones of great men who were once invincible in the world.

Here, the opportunities are endless, and it is not impossible to reach the sky in one step.

So, it's just a guess, just a sign.

It is not certain whether Wanlong raised his head is true or not, but people all over the world can't wait to rush to the far east place - the Blood Desert.

I am afraid that if I am half a step too late, my opportunity will be taken away by others.

After all, Yunmengjie is a lesson learned from the past.

First come, first served, the faction that "seals the true name" is still hated by thousands of people.

Now, everyone in the world has gone to the Blood Desert.

However, Zhuo Bufan had no idea what was going on in the outside world.

He continued to hone his fighting skills in the Black City.

Now, his body skills are floating around, and his sword energy is carried with him like catkins in the wind. Wherever it passes, countless dead bones are cut down.

It seems that Zhuo Bufan has perfected his fighting skills to the current extreme.

He believed that it would be difficult to rival someone at the same level.

Not to mention that he has two unparalleled special skills, "Life and Death" and "Demon Eye of Life and Death".

His understanding of combat skills alone makes him no weaker than a warrior who has experienced hundreds of battles.


With one swing of the sword, the last skeleton wearing a crown was struck by Zhuo Bufan with twelve sword blows. The swords broke its bones, and finally disintegrated into powder and disappeared into the air.

On the ashes of the skeleton, a white bone ring dazzled.

The white bone ring is very strange. The ring is made of two small bones hugged together, and the diamond is a small black skull.

Zhuo Bufan picked up the skull ring and looked at it carefully for a moment. His intuition told him what he had to do to take the skull ring as his own.

Divine Soul, he tried to engrave it with Divine Soul, but there was no response.

"Smelly, try it with your blood." Xiaomei reminded.

"I once saw in the Yunmeng Pearl that some humans used part of their own bodies to refine a natal weapon that only they could use."

"This kind of natal weapon is very powerful, because it is made from one's own blood and bones, and it even has strong lethality against the body."

"With a part of your own body? Is it similar to Old Crow's 'Black Hunter' Crow Feather Sword?"

"No wonder the old crow was killed by his own knife, that strange weapon."

Zhuo Bufan thought of the crow feather knife, which was made by the old crow using his own blood and crow feathers.

Only Old Crow himself can display the true ability of the Crow Feather Sword.

Zhuo Bufan was unable to use his true abilities and could only use it as a sharp dagger.

"But if that's the case, how can my blood awaken this bone ring?"

Zhuo Bufan frowned.

This is a natal weapon refined by others using their own bones and blood. It is different from talismans and secret treasures and is a universal commodity.

The bone ring in front of you can only be used if you are in the correct position.

"Haven't you noticed that you are smelly? This city, this tower, whatever my aunt thinks, it has nothing to do with your evil physique."

Xiaomei reminded.

When Zhuo Bufan heard this, he was stunned for a moment.

Xiaomei didn't say anything, he hadn't discovered it yet. Now Zhuo Bufan felt that he and the bone ring in his hand did have a blood connection.

how so?

Zhuo Bufan didn't understand that he had never practiced such a mess before!

"Don't think so much, just give it a try and you will know."

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he bit his finger and dropped a drop of blood on the bone ring.

The moment the blood dripped onto the white bones, the drop of blood was completely absorbed into the bones, and then a white light instantly began to flicker along the outline of the bone ring.

At that moment, a wonderful memory appeared in Zhuo Bufan's mind.

"Xuan Bone Ring! The key to the Black Tower, the original spiritual ring refined with the bones and blood of Xuan Emperor."

After Zhuo Bufan inexplicably learned this piece of information in his mind, his soul trembled.

"Xuan Emperor, Xuan Emperor, Xuan Emperor's mysterious bone ring?"

Zhuo Bufan was shocked. He didn't expect that this ring turned out to be Emperor Xuan's Mysterious Bone Ring.

Before Zhuo Bufan could react, the mysterious bone ring automatically slipped into Zhuo Bufan's index finger and put it on himself.

Not only that, once it was put on, the bones took root and were connected to Zhuo Bufan's body.

It's like it has a life of its own.

"Life, what is this?"

Just when Zhuo Bufan was amazed that the Mysterious Bone Ring was as miraculous as life, suddenly, he really felt that there was still life fluctuation in the Mysterious Bone Ring.

"Come out!"

Zhuo Bufan shouted, and saw a black light flashing in the white bone ring, and then, a small skeleton less than half a meter tall appeared in front of Zhuo Bufan.

That height is less than half of Xiaomei's.

After the little skeleton appeared in front of Zhuo Bufan, he knelt down towards Zhuo Bufan with a snap.

"Master Xuan Emperor, please spare your life, Master Xuan Emperor, please spare your life!"

The little skeleton man knelt down in front of Zhuo Bufan tremblingly, shouting at Emperor Xuan to spare his life.

It sounded like a five or six year old boy.

"What the hell, I'm not Emperor Xuan!"

Zhuo Bufan was stunned for a moment. He didn't know why the little skeleton shouted that he was Emperor Xuan.

After Zhuo Bufan said this, the little skeleton man raised his head.

I saw black flames burning in the eyes of its two skeletons.

It shook its head left and right, then looked at Zhuo Bufan, stunned for a moment.

"If you are not Master Xuan Emperor, then how can you wear the Mysterious Bone Ring? Only Master Xuan Emperor can wear the Mysterious Bone Ring in this world."

The little skeleton man questioned, although Zhuo Bufan still didn't know what it was.

"I also want to know why I can wear a mysterious bone ring. Could it be related to my body?"

Zhuo Bufan suddenly realized that the mysterious body of life and death he cultivated was created by Emperor Xuan, wasn't it?

In other words, his physique is exactly the same as Emperor Xuan.

They have the same physique, so they can wear the mysterious bone ring.

Somewhere in the dark, there seemed to be a force calling him.

"If I'm not Master Xuan Emperor, can I stand up?"

The little skeleton man continued to speak tremblingly.

When Zhuo Bufan saw this, he couldn't laugh or cry.

"This question doesn't require my consent, right? It's you, who the hell are you? How can a little skeleton speak?"

Zhuo Bufan knelt down, raised his finger and tapped the little skull's forehead.

Xiaomei on the side rushed forward and hugged the little skeleton.

"Shang Bufan, this little skeleton is so interesting. I want it to be my pet."

Zhuo Bufan rolled his eyes at her, then he caught the little skeleton man and asked.

"Tell me, who are you? Is the living shadow I just saw you?"

The little skeleton man replied with trembling legs like a coward.

"I, I am Xuan Xuan, the blood of Emperor Xuan, the spirit of Xuan Bone Ring."

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