Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 227 The Two Qiaos [Sixth update, please subscribe]

Zhuo Bufan was having lunch with Zhou Yu, but before the delicious cod had even entered his mouth, a foul smell hit his nostrils.

Immediately afterwards, the cabin door was opened, and Oriole rushed in, covering his nose and shouting.

"Miss, something is wrong, something is wrong!"

"I'm so panicked. Miss is very good. What's wrong?"

Zhou Yu asked calmly.

She was not as exaggerated as the maid, but she frowned slightly, obviously smelling the stench.

"Go and see!"

Then the maid pulled Zhou Yu out of the cabin. Zhuo Bufan couldn't sit still anymore and got up and came to the deck.

As a result, when Zhuo Bufan came to the deck, the scene before him made him feel ashamed!

The entire deck is full of Dapeng golden eagle babies!

There are "bombs" all over the ground. The stench is overwhelming and disgusting.

Seeing this, Zhuo Bufan rushed to the Dapeng Golden Eagle, activated the Soul Awareness Talisman and asked.

"Silly brother, what's wrong with you? Can we talk about civility?"

After hearing this, Dapeng Golden Eagle looked at the twins on the side sadly and said.

"Those two bugs ate two fruits for me. My stomach hurts and I can't hold it in anymore."

Dapeng Golden Eagle said, puff puff puff!

When Zhuo Bufan heard this, he was very angry. He looked at Qiao Bei and Qiao Nan who were standing aside holding their noses and laughing.

"What did you two feed it?"

When Qiao Bei and Qiao Nan heard this, they were stunned for a moment.

Then he denied it.

"I do not know what you're talking about."

"Pretending to be stupid? It told me everything." Zhuo Bufan frowned.

"You're lying, I don't believe you can understand the language of birds!"

"That's right, you're not a birdman."

The singing and harmonizing of these two people almost made Zhuo Bufan so angry that he spurted blood.

When Zhou Yu heard this, he walked towards the two of them and said angrily.

"You two treasures really piss me off. You still don't admit it?"

Without even thinking, Zhou Yu directly suspected Qiao Bei and Qiao Nan.

These two guys are just childish.

Seeing Zhou Yu angry, Er Qiao quickly admitted.

"We were wrong, little fish. We didn't give it anything to eat. We just ate fruits that are good for digestion and can strengthen the body. It just has some side effects."

"What is it? Hurry up and tell me." Zhou Yu stepped on each of them.

"Zhu Yanguo, it's Zhu Yanguo!"

The two quickly admitted.

"Zhu Yanguo, what is that?" Zhuo Bufan asked.

When Zhou Yu heard this, he became very angry.

"These two treasures." Zhou Yu didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and then said to Zhuo Bufan, "Don't worry, the Zhuyan Fruit is a unique fruit of their Qingfeng Sect."

"After eating this fruit, you can strengthen your body and improve your qi and blood. It is very rare. It usually only bears fruit once every ten years, so one piece is rare."

When Zhuo Bufan heard this, he was stunned for a moment.

"Qingfeng Sect? Could it be the Qingfeng Sect ranked second in the Thirty-Six Mountains of Zhengdao?"

Zhuo Bufan looked at Qiao Bei and Qiao Nan again.

He didn't expect that these two people had such a strong connection.

You must know that Qingfeng Sect is a powerful sect with the inheritance of Qing Emperor.

He didn't expect that these two people were also weird.

The Zhuyan fruit, which only bears fruit once every ten years, was just given to "Silly Brother" to eat.

The purpose was to cause Dapeng Golden Eagle to have diarrhea and make Zhuo Bufan embarrassed.

But this is too much of a loss!

Upon hearing this, Zhuo Bufan was a little bit dumbfounded.

The Zhuyan fruit that the two of them gave Silly Brother was rare in ten years, and it was a spiritual fruit provided by the Qingfeng Sect.

Zhuo Bufan can't blame them! It doesn’t seem to make sense!

This was the first time Zhuo Bufan had seen such a heroic trick.

"I'm so disappointed. You two childish idiots still haven't apologized to my friend."

Like a big sister, Zhou Yu walked up to Zhuo Bufan, squeezing her two naughty brothers.

But the two of them obeyed Zhou Yu's words.

Zhou Yu asked them to apologize, and they apologized immediately.

"I'm sorry Brother Bird, we were wrong."

"I'm sorry Brother Bird, I won't punish you next time."

As a result, the two men apologized to Dapeng Golden Eagle without even looking at Zhuo Bufan.

Seeing this scene, Zhuo Bufan also sighed.

I didn't blame these two people, but I found them very interesting.

"Forget it Zhou Yu, why don't you introduce the two gentlemen of the Qingfeng Sect?"

"Hmph, do you have to tell yourself your family name before asking others for their name?" Er Qiao said to Zhuo Bufan.

Upon hearing this, Zhuo Bufan nodded.

"Yes, my name is Zhuo Bufan! Can you now know the names of the two young masters?"

After hearing this, Er Qiao snorted and said, "I won't tell you, you guess!"

"I guess your size is that!" Zhuo Bufan roared in his heart.

Fortunately, Zhou Yu was there, she said: "Don't pay attention to the words of these two treasures."

"The two of them are Qiao brothers from the Qingfeng sect, this one is Qiao Bei, and this one is Qiao Nan."

Zhou Yu pointed at the man on the left and said Qiao Bei, and pointed at the man on the right and said Qiao Nan.

Zhuo Bufan was stunned for a moment.

"Can you tell the difference?"

In Zhuo Bufan's view, the two people were exactly the same, as if they were looking in the mirror.

Zhuo Bufan believed that his parents might not be able to tell the difference.

At this time, Qiao Bei, who was standing on the left, spoke.

"Drink, this is the magic of Xiao Yu'er. She is the only one in the world who can tell the difference between us brothers."

That Qiao Nan also spoke.

"Otherwise we wouldn't like her. We two brothers have never sworn that any woman who can tell our identities will be married to her."

When Zhuo Bufan heard this, he was speechless.

"But there is only one Zhou Yu, how do you divide it between the two of you brothers?"

"Why should we separate? Xiaoyuer can have both of us at the same time."

"Okay, I was defeated by you two."

Zhuo Bufan could tell that the two brothers were serious. They really want to have Zhou Yu alone at the same time.

"Damn it, you two treasures really piss me off."

Zhou Yu was also defeated by these two living treasures.

"You two, clean up my boat, or else don't think about me talking to you two again in the future."

Zhou Yu was extremely angry at these two living treasures.

"Don't worry about them two, let's continue eating."

Then she pulled Zhuo Bufan and walked towards the cabin.

When he walked to the door of the cabin, Zhou Yu looked back at Er Qiao and said.

"Don't bully that bird anymore. If I find out, go back to your Qingfeng faction. Also, clean up my ship right away."

Sister Yuyu's appearance when she gets up this week is also quite unique.

Seeing this, Zhuo Bufan chuckled.

"Da Qiao, Xiao Qiao, Zhou Yu, interesting!"

Zhuo Bufan and Zhou Yu returned to the cabin and continued to have lunch together, leaving Qiao and Qiao standing on the deck.

The maid Huang Oriole on the side covered her mouth and snickered.

"Little girl, laugh your ass off."

"That's right, is it that funny? Why don't you get some water?"

Upon hearing this, Oriole continued to laugh.

"I understand, gentlemen, please clean up well, otherwise the lady will be unhappy."

No one could have imagined that the two young masters of the Qingfeng Sect, the second largest sect in the Western world of immortality, would one day be reduced to lying on the deck cleaning bird poop.

The Dapeng Golden Eagle looked at Er Qiao lying on the deck cleaning his own cakes, with a confused look on his face.

"Why are these two bugs lying on the ground grabbing my shit?"

"Don't grab it, don't grab it, I still have it here."

Ever since, the Dapeng Golden Eagle poofed again!

These two pictures are a bit boring, but I’m not interested, they are just to introduce Er Qiao, two very important supporting characters!

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