Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 230: Secret Output [First update, please subscribe]

On the battlefield at this moment, Bai Su holds a black umbrella in his hand, fighting alone against eight powerful men, each with their own magical powers.

The two sides fought in a stalemate. It was obvious that Bai Su had encountered a formidable enemy.

No matter how strong she is, she cannot be strong enough to be surrounded and suppressed like this.

In fact, she had already experienced several large and small battles on her way to the Blood Desert.

Now, not only was her soul severely damaged.

Moreover, her right chest was severely injured by a natal magic weapon from the golden elixir power, using her will before death.

It was a half-meter-long green poisonous arrow, and its owner was the powerful golden elixir known as the Poisonous Old Ghost.

When Bai Su killed the opponent with one palm, he was hit by the opponent's death explosion and was severely injured.

There is no doubt that the arrow is poisonous. The poison penetrates into the bones and blood and will slowly melt and rot.

It can be clearly seen that at this moment, the blood seeping out of Bai Su's right chest has turned green.

But even so, Bai Su still showed the arrogance and arrogance that can only be found in the strong ones of the Great Wuluo Golden Pill.

Under the encirclement and suppression of the eight masters, she still had the upper hand.

"King Bai, you are at the end of your rope, why don't you just surrender?"

Outside the station, an old dwarf with gray hair stood with his hands behind his back, standing on a flying sword.

"As expected of the former Heavenly King of the Tianwu Alliance, how can he still be so powerful when fighting against trapped beasts? He was besieged by eight golden elixirs like us, and he was still able to deal with it with ease."

"It's a pity that you were poisoned by the old ghost Poison Shang before, and you were severely injured by the combination of Yunzhong Heren and Kumu Laochan."

"All the way here, you were blocked by twelve forces."

"We have determined that you are at the end of your rope, and there is nothing you can do to change the situation."

"Execute him!"

As soon as the gray-haired old dwarf finished speaking, he kicked his calves, and the golden flying sword shot out of the air under his feet.


The golden flying sword split into two, two into three, and three into ninety-nine, turning into ninety-nine pure yang fast swords. Without any explanation, it headed towards Bai Su to kill Bai Su.

"It's the Double Nine Pure Yang Sword Formation of Master Chunyang Sword, spread out."

As soon as they saw the ninety-nine Pure Yang Quick Swords flying towards them, the other seven people immediately retreated, leaving Bai Su alone.

For a moment, ninety-nine pure Yang swords surrounded Bai Su and began to circle around her.

Clang, clang, clang, clang!

Bai Su, who was in the sword formation storm, took out the mysterious umbrella in his hand.

"Xuanji Umbrella, go!"

That black paper umbrella once again demonstrated its unparalleled ability to protect the Lord.

When its umbrella is opened, it becomes an indestructible shield.

It flew around Bai Su and blocked countless murderous swords for Bai Su.

"Old Chunyang Sword! The elder of Chunyang Sword Sect?

At this moment, Zhuo Bufan was lying on the back of the hill, quietly watching the battle.

for him!

"This is an opportunity."

Zhuo Bufan was convinced that this was an opportunity, an opportunity to completely get rid of Bai Su's pursuit.

That is, kill Bai Su!

That's right, Zhuo Bufan had murderous intentions and wanted to take the opportunity to kill Bai Su.

This is the best time!

Only by killing Bai Su can he stop being hunted by this woman.

Although it was unethical to do so, she had been seriously injured and was surrounded by so many people.

However, this is the world of immortality, where there is no fairness or morality.

Especially when your life has been threatened.

As a result, Zhuo Bufan had the intention to kill, and he wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to kill Bai Su.

"The demonic eye of life and death, open!"

Now that he has decided to take this opportunity to kill Bai Su, Zhuo Bufan will never hesitate again.

He immediately opened the Demon Eye of Life and Death, and the world in front of him instantly turned into black and white.

In front of him, there were only nine white shadows, among which the white shadow in the center was particularly gorgeous and dazzling.

"What a powerful life force."

Zhuo Bufan was shocked.

His Demonic Eye of Life and Death can show the strength and weakness of life through the brightness of white.

The white light released by Bai Su at this moment is as bright and dazzling as the sun, as white and flawless as the bright moon, and radiant.

"This woman is seriously injured, but is her vitality still so strong?"

Zhuo Bufan was secretly shocked!

"It seems that we can only kill her with the help of these people."

Zhuo Bufan originally wanted to use his magic eye of life and death to make Bai Su's life wither in the dark.

However, it now seems that Bai Su's light of life is so brilliant that Zhuo Bufan can only secretly add a death BUFF to her.


Zhuo Bufan did not hesitate, his eyes focused all his attention on Bai Su.

Among them, the black death light in the right eye began to condense towards Bai Su.

Unlike the previous birds and trees, Zhuo Bufan can quickly make them die and wither.

Bai Su's radiance of life was too powerful, and he could only influence Bai Su little by little, allowing the seeds of death to slowly grow in the white radiance.

This process is definitely very slow.

Zhuo Bufan believed that if he just wanted to use his demonic eyes of life and death to kill Bai Su, he might stare at him for a year without any results.

But he can continuously influence Bai Su and make Bai Su feel the threat and fear of death.

No matter how strong you are in life, you can't resist me secretly injecting you with the breath of death.

The battle between masters sometimes happens in just a thought.

After being affected by Zhuo Bufan's death energy, Bai Su will definitely reveal her flaws and her fatal weaknesses.

At this time, if Chunyang Jian Lao and others come together, they can kill her.

Zhuo Bufan is killing someone with a borrowed knife.

And his approach soon received obvious feedback.

Bai Su, who was originally coping well in the Nine-Nine Pure Yang Sword Formation, suddenly felt a palpitation.

Then, she felt that her life was being deprived by a mysterious energy.

It was the energy of death, a familiar energy.

"The witch has revealed a flaw!"

At the moment when Bai Su paused, Chunyang Jian Lao found the opportunity.

Several flying swords passed through the cover of the Mysterious Umbrella and pointed directly at Bai Su's face.

Swish, swish, swish!

Although Bai Su was blind, she could feel the solemn murderous intent.

She moved lightly with lotus steps, changing her shape and shadow, and flying swords passed by her, flew by her jade neck, or tore the corners of her clothes...

Bai Su dodged several flying swords one by one, seemingly easily, but not easily.

After dodging the murderous intent of the flying swords, Bai Su clenched the Xuanji Umbrella again and blocked the next round of flying swords.

However, the murderous intent from the dark was affecting her vitality all the time.

Bai Su became weaker and weaker, and her right hand would even hesitate for a moment when she raised it.

Her body also gradually felt a paralyzing force.

What happened?

Bai Su frowned, looking a little heavy and anxious.

And all these negative emotions were because Zhuo Bufan's life and death magic eye was affecting her in secret!

"Okay, you can kill this woman."

Zhuo Bufan saw that Bai Su's body movements were becoming more and more hesitant, and a hope of victory grew in his heart.


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