Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 238: Loading the file, mass grave [Second update, please subscribe]

Lying in the archive space, Zhuo Bufan thought for a long time and thought a lot.

The question he thought about the most was why he came to this world.

Why couldn't he die peacefully on Earth?

Why did he come to this inexplicable world?

Zhuo Bufan thought he was the protagonist, but now he found that he was not even a supporting role.

He couldn't play in this world!

He stood up from the ground again, with some strength in his body.

It seemed that his mental state was no longer as crazy and demented as before.

After getting up, Zhuo Bufan looked at the three white archive doors in front of him.

Majestic, tall, solemn and solemn.

Reaching out to touch, the white wall had a cold touch.

He walked back and forth in front of the three doors, aimlessly.

"The west bank of the God-Devouring River, the bloody sand dunes, and the mass grave."

Zhuo Bufan walked back and forth in front of the three doors for a long time.

Finally, he stood in front of the door of the mass grave.

This archive door, which he had never opened from the beginning to the end.

This time, Zhuo Bufan was moved.

Standing in front of the archive door of the mass grave, Zhuo Bufan began to talk to himself again.

"If I could start over, if I could start over!"

"I'd rather be a salted fish! Eat and wait for death, live a carefree life, why not be happy?"

"I'm mentally retarded, so I went to the bloody desert to torture myself?"

"Zhuo Bufan, start from the beginning!"

"Let's go to Huoyun City Fubao, we will complete academic research."

"Why do I have to cultivate immortals? In this world, I can reach the pinnacle of life by casually proposing a few scientific theories."

"Don't be a superman who cultivates immortals, but be a pioneer in academics! How can you not live a wonderful life, how can you not live a life?"

Zhuo Bufan is now a complex of contradictions.

He kept persuading himself to open the door in front of him, but he didn't dare to raise his hand.

Because he knew that once he opened the door, he would lose everything he has now.

Lose cultivation, lose friends, lose power!

Is he really willing to lose everything and start all over again?

In just one year, although Zhuo Bufan has only experienced a short year in this world.

But Zhuo Bufan has many things that others can't even dream of.

The cultivation of the Divine Wandering Realm, the third-turned Life and Death Mysterious Body, the position of the Venerable in the Temple of the Mantra, the Altar Master of the First Camp in the Yunmeng Realm, and the successor of the Black Tower of the Emperor Xuan.

Each of these things is something that others may not be able to achieve in their entire lives.

However, Zhuo Bufan has everything.

There are two roads in front of him.

Open the door and lose everything. Turn back and sink into the sea of ​​blood.

People are creatures with difficult choices.

Because they always believe that the one they choose is not as good as the one they didn't choose. Even if he chooses the best one.

However, no matter how much there is, it's time to make up your mind.

Zhuo Bufan was silent for a long time, and finally, he slowly raised his right hand and placed it on the archive door of the mass grave.

"Load the file!"

Accompanied by Zhuo Bufan's heavy voice!

Boom boom boom boom!

The archive door of the mass grave slowly opened.

The brilliant white light projected from behind the door and shone on Zhuo Bufan's face.

Zhuo Bufan couldn't help but close his eyes slightly.

Step in?

Zhuo Bufan's legs stopped at the edge of the door.

"Since you have chosen, there is no way back."

"Zhuo Bufan, you coward."

As soon as Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he raised his right foot and stepped into the endless white light.

His last self-deprecating sentence was undoubtedly a contempt for his own choice.

In fact, Zhuo Bufan regretted it the moment he opened the door.

He had been convincing himself that choosing the mass grave meant starting over and having nothing.

However, until he opened the door, he realized that he was just finding a reasonable excuse for his escape.

Choosing the archive door of the mass grave meant choosing to escape.

He could not face the many crises facing the Blood Desert.

He chose to escape, chose to start over, and survived with peace of mind.

In the final analysis, Zhuo Bufan was a coward just as he mocked himself.

A coward with no way to retreat, stepped into the abyss of the inner demon.

When he opened his eyes again...

The scene in front of him was not what Zhuo Bufan had expected.

There was no cold moon, old trees, crows, or corpses!

This was not a mass grave, no!

It was an endless bloody rain.

Cold bloody rain, knee-deep blood river, restlessness in the body, and those floods and beasts.

The familiar scene once again poured into Zhuo Bufan's soul.

Zhuo Bufan stared blankly at another Zhuo Bufan who was lying on the ground not far away and stretched out his hand for help.

It turned out that he was still in the inner demon.

Zhuo Bufan was silent when he saw this scene!

Once again, when he saw himself being swallowed by the black and white monster snake, Zhuo Bufan realized that he had not escaped this reincarnation.

But for some reason, Zhuo Bufan felt relieved.

"Didn't you return to the mass grave? Those three archive doors were just illusions created by my inner demons."

"I almost did something irreversible."

"How could you bear to abandon Xiaomei, abandon Silly Brother, and abandon your friends?"

The regretful Zhuo Bufan suddenly had a lot of ideas.

This time, he did not escape, but walked towards another self who was being devoured by the black and white monster snake not far away.

Zhuo Bufan finally understood who the figure he saw walking towards him before was. It turned out to be himself.

"Black and white mysterious snake? It's just a monster created by the black and white mysterious energy in my body."

"My inner demon is the mysterious body of life and death. Because of the various weirdness of the mysterious body of life and death, I have doubts about it."

"I am worried that this is a trap set by the Emperor Xuan, and I am worried that I have embarked on a road of no return. This thought has grown in the depths of my soul and finally became my inner demon."

"Hehe, stupid Zhuo Bufan. You didn't even think through such a simple truth. You actually chose to escape."

"Now it seems that this black and white mysterious snake is not very cute?"

Zhuo Bufan looked at the corpse of another self and the black and white mysterious snake that was gnawing on the corpse.

They were really ferocious, eating the corpse clean, even the eyeballs and brains.

"To the previous self, stupid Zhuo Bufan. Your heart and soul refused to accept the mysterious body of life and death. That made the mysterious body of life and death become your inner demon."

"So, you died, died under the black and white snake transformed by the mysterious energy of life and death."

"If you can't even recognize your own body. Then what great way are you talking about? What immortal cultivation? What invincibility?"

Crazy Zhuo Bufan, wise Zhuo Bufan, at that moment, his thoughts were completely unblocked.

He stood in place, opened his hands, and then shouted at the mysterious snake of life and death that was gnawing at the corpse of another self.

"Come on, my little cuties!"

"Dad, I accept you."

All the mysterious snakes of life and death looked at Zhuo Bufan at once, and then pounced on him.


Was it a false alarm? Hahaha, I almost believed it! If I really start from the beginning, I really don't know how to write it!

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