Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 240 Bloody Monument (Part 1) [Fourth update, please subscribe]

"What an amazing boy, I was wrong!"

Looking at Zhuo Bufan standing in the middle of the God-Devouring River, he looked like a master with an arrogant demeanor.

The Taoist stroked his beard and sighed.

"It is true that a hero emerges from youth. He used the power of the inner demon of the God-Devouring River to break through the realm of the primordial spirit.

"It can be said that he used the most extreme method. If you are not careful, you will die."

Others now look at Zhuo Bufan with new eyes.

"He survived in the face of death. This boy's path to immortality is completely different from ours. His consciousness is far higher than ours!"

"The path to immortality is to seize the fortune of heaven and earth. To seize the fortune of heaven, you should be prepared to die at any time."

"This boy is worthy of our admiration. "

Seeing Zhuo Bufan hanging on the river, the Taoist who knows clearly took the lead and bowed to Zhuo Bufan with fists clasped, showing deep respect.

This world worships the strong, respects the strong, and fears the strong.

For those who cannot cross the river, Zhuo Bufan is the strong man.

He crossed the God-Devouring River with his divine wandering state. Such courage and bravery are admirable.

Looking at the posture of everyone bowing to him.

At that moment, Zhuo Bufan's soul seemed to be sublimated again.

"Is this the power of being feared and believed in? The belief in the ancient gods and the cultivation of the gods are indeed true. ”

Zhuo Bufan, who has the primordial spirit, has completely evolved to a higher level.

He can feel the awe and faith of everyone towards him.

That is indeed a kind of power, but Zhuo Bufan does not know how to cultivate this power, so he does not know how to use it.

That is the cultivation method of the ancient gods, which can use the power of people's faith to break the void and become immortals.

Feeling the power of being respected by everyone, Zhuo Bufan turned around and flew to the other side of the God-Devouring River.

Seeing Zhuo Bufan fly over the God-Devouring River, these people were still very emotional.

"What a vigorous young man, I am sure that he will have a place on the stage of the world of immortal cultivation in the next ten thousand years."

"Yes! We old bones should withdraw from this big stage."

"The stage for the next ten thousand years has been set up, let's sit back and watch these young geniuses make their debut! "

After witnessing Zhuo Bufan's feat of crossing the river, some elderly monks suddenly felt that they were old and should retire.

The future no longer belongs to them.

Almost everyone can feel that a new era is coming.


In fact, Zhuo Bufan did not expect to cause such a huge shock and response.

He forced the river to cross the river because he was confident that he had a save door, was not afraid of death, and wanted to find out.

I didn't expect that entering the God-Devouring River would cause such a terrible demon.

I didn't expect that he would take advantage of this opportunity to break through the most difficult Yuanshen realm in one fell swoop.

The Yuanshen realm is very difficult , some people cannot break through in their entire lives.

Zhuo Bufan thought that it would take him at least three to five years to break through this realm.

It can be said that the God-Devouring River helped him.

He was reborn after risking his life, which helped him to shatter the fear and demons in his heart.

He shattered his worries and confusion.

Now Zhuo Bufan, with his completely transformed soul, took firm and powerful steps.

He firmly believed that he would go to the end of this road! Even if it was a bottomless abyss.

After crossing the God-Devouring River, Zhuo Bufan set out on the journey again.

The next road will obviously not be as easy as before.

"Save! "

Zhuo Bufan saved the file in time, overwriting the second file.

The current three archives are: the west bank of the God-Devouring River, the east bank of the God-Devouring River, and the mass grave.

One east and one west, less than a hundred feet apart. But it became one of the most unforgettable memories of Zhuo Bufan's life.

After saving, Zhuo Bufan glanced at the magic weapons at his feet.

It looked golden, but with a slight touch, they all turned into powder.

The people on the other side of the river saw this scene and sighed deeply.

"No matter how powerful the magic weapon is, it can't resist the erosion of time?"

"Youth is easy to pass, only time is stainless. Let's go! The opportunity of ten thousand dragons raising their heads does not belong to us. "

Mingbai Taoist led a group of old monks and turned around, then left the shore and the Blood Desert.

Zhuo Bufan smiled faintly when he saw this, and then said nothing.

He lightly tapped his toes and flew up.

After breaking through the Yuanshen realm, the soul can take the body out of the shackles of gravity and fly freely in the air.

Mingbai Taoist said that the east of the God-Devouring River is the real Blood Desert.

That is to say, Zhuo Bufan has now truly entered the territory recognized by the Blood Desert.

Zhuo Bufan didn't know that his glorious deeds would soon spread throughout the Yunmeng Realm.

Some people who witnessed Zhuo Bufan crossing the river reported this incident to the entire Yunmeng Realm.

Everyone who heard it was amazed.

"I know that the Blood Desert God-Devouring River is a long river that can swallow up the soul and create inner demons. Only cultivators in the Yuanshen realm can cross it. ”

“A boy in the Divine Wandering Realm actually forced his way across the river, and even broke through to the Spiritual Realm in the middle of the river. It’s simply incredible. Who is this person?”

“I don’t know. The boy didn’t leave any name. But his feat of crossing the river was admired and respected by everyone.”

"Sure enough, is a great era for the younger generation coming? We old bones are afraid that we will have to leave."

More and more old cultivators feel that the times are beginning to change dramatically.

A new era of immortal cultivation is coming, and the stage for countless geniuses to compete for hegemony is about to begin.

Zhuo Bufan's small move actually caused a butterfly effect.

Of course, Zhuo Bufan himself is that little butterfly, and his arrival is to make the world change dramatically.

After crossing the God-Devouring River, Zhuo Bufan rushed all the way to his destination.

Under Xuanxuan's guidance, he was getting closer and closer to the Xuantan.

Along the way, he obviously saw fewer people.

After all, only those who can cross the God-Devouring River are above the Yuanshen realm.

Including Zhuo Bufan, he successfully crossed the river after breaking through the Yuanshen realm in the middle of the river.

In other words, everyone Zhuo Bufan sees now is not weaker than Zhuo Bufan in realm, and is even far stronger than him.

After flying for nearly an hour.

Zhuo Bufan suddenly saw a blood-red light at the end of the sky, like a wolf smoke, rising into the sky and penetrating the sky and the earth.

The desert smoke is straight, and the long river is setting in the round sun.

After seeing this scene, Zhuo Bufan accelerated his flying speed and rushed in the direction of the blood-red wolf smoke.

When he arrived, he saw a blood-red monument nearly 100 meters high standing on the earth.

It was a square obelisk, and the blood-red light that penetrated the sky and the earth was released from this blood-red obelisk.

A group of people surrounded the monument, as if waiting for something to open.


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