Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 242 Three Steps to Heaven [Sixth update, please subscribe]

No wonder Zhuo Bufan associated the bloody body and bones in the Blood Bone Cave with the Red Emperor.

After all, the Blood and Bone Monument and the Blood and Bone Cave mentioned by Granny Qiu are too unified.

Moreover, inside the Blood Bone Cave, there is indeed a huge beast suppressing it.

Red Emperor, why did the Red Emperor suppress these ancient beasts?

"Is that ancient beast huge?"

Zhuo Bufan asked a stupid question.

After all, he is already called a giant beast, is he still a kitten?

But Granny Qiu didn't shout stupidity, she answered in a normal and serious manner.

"I can't answer this question for you. After all, no one has seen that giant beast, or even the entire monument. Everything is just a legend."

"It is said that there is a great beast suppressing the ancient beast under the monument. It is said that the great beast of the ancient world occupies the entire Blood Desert."

"In other words, all of us are on the back of this ancient beast."

Zhuo Bufan was shocked when he heard this.

It was as big as the entire Blood Desert. He simply couldn't imagine that there were such big creatures in this world.

When he recalled the giant beast in the Blood and Bone Cave, Zhuo Bufan looked down at the ground inexplicably.

How many ancient behemoths are suppressed under this earth?

Did the Xuan Emperor seal the sky, and the Red Emperor seal the land?

"Don't think about it anymore, Zhuo Bufan, these things are something you can't even imagine now. Take every step you take honestly!"

Zhuo Bufan knew that there were big secrets in this world, but now, even if he knew these big secrets, it would be of no use.

What he has to do now is to find the Xuan Altar, repair the Tianxuan Tower, and be honest and take every step he takes.

"Then what are these people doing around this monument?"

Returning to the topic, Zhuo Bufan asked Granny Qiu.

After hearing this, Granny Qiu replied deeply.

"They're waiting!"


"Yes, we are waiting for Wanlong to raise his head." Granny Qiu said.

"This blood and bone monument is now only less than thirty feet exposed. When it is exposed a hundred feet, a hundred dragons will raise their heads. When it is exposed five hundred feet, a thousand dragons will raise their heads. When it is exposed a thousand feet, it will be a thousand dragons. , is when Wanlong raises his head."

When Zhuo Bufan heard this, he suddenly understood what the so-called Wanlong raised his head meant.

It turns out that it was measured based on this blood and bone monument.

"Then why can't we get closer?"

Zhuo Bufan discovered that everyone kept at least a hundred meters away from the Blood and Bone Monument, and no one came closer, even a powerful person like Granny Qiu.

"This blood and bone monument is made of the blood and bones of the Red Emperor. Once it is touched, the energy of the Red Emperor will be unbearable to you and me."

Grandma Qiu explained patiently.

"But, will Wanlong really raise his head?"

Zhuo Bufan couldn't help but ask.

Wan Long raised his head, but everyone was spreading rumors, and there was no real evidence at all.

After hearing this, Granny Qiu shook her head and said.

"I don't know, but some people say that Xuanyuan Hao of the Ancient Temple drove his 'Sky Loulan' into the Blood Desert."

"Xuanyuan Hao will not come here for no reason. He must have calculated that thousands of dragons will raise their heads in the Blood Desert."

There are thousands of dragons raising their heads in the bloody desert. They are always spreading rumors and there is no definite news at all.

But even so, people from all over the world still flocked to it and came madly.

"Xuanyuan Hao, I have heard that he is a genius of the era, a genius of this era."

Zhuo Bufan sighed.

On the way to the bloody desert, he heard countless mythical stories about this genius.

Perhaps the most mythical thing is that this genius does not like to practice, but likes music.

He is that "student master" from other people's families who can take the first grade in the exam while you study while playing.

"Tianjiao? He is more than just a genius. Do you know what kind of cultivation he has?" Granny Qiu said.

"What cultivation level?" Zhuo Bufan asked.

"Xuanyuan Hao has reached the second step of the three steps to heaven, the Real Realm. He is also commonly known as the Little Real Person in the world."

To be honest, Zhuo Bufan still doesn't know what the golden elixir realm is.

After all, for him, that was still far away.

But now, he feels that he is qualified to know what realms there are in the second stage of cultivating immortality.

So, Zhuo Bufan asked.

"Grandma Qiu, what are the realms of the second stage of cultivating immortality? Can you tell me?"

Upon hearing this, Granny Qiu glanced at Zhuo Bufan, then narrowed her eyes and said.

"I see that your soul is unstable. You must have just passed the soul realm, right?"

"After the soul has reached the primordial spirit, it's time to form the elixir. You are qualified to understand what the three steps to heaven are."

Grandma Qiu admires Zhuo Bufan very much. After all, Zhuo Bufan is very young and can be considered very talented if he can reach the Yuanshen realm.

"Please ask Grandma Qiu to tell me. I'm all ears, kid."

Zhuo Bufan cupped his hands and said.

"Three steps to the sky are the three realms that can truly be called powerful in the world of immortality."

"It starts from the formation of the elixir to the creation of the Dao Fruit. This is a long process."

"The so-called three steps to heaven refer to the realm of pill formation, virtual truth realm, and Tao fruit realm. Three major realms, twelve small steps!"

"Among them, the first step is to form an elixir, which is divided into four stages: elixir formation, silver elixir, gold elixir, and the great golden elixir."

"Among them, if you reach the silver elixir realm, your life span will be increased to two hundred years. If you reach the golden elixir realm, your life span will be increased to five hundred years. If you reach the great golden elixir realm, your life span will be increased to one thousand years."

"And the second step of the virtual reality realm is also divided into four stages, seeing the virtual, returning to the virtual, seeing the real, and returning to the real. Each stage adds a thousand years of life, and the final real state is five thousand years of life."

"The third step of the Tao Fruit Realm is also divided into four stages, the Mongolian Earth Realm, the Tao Seed Realm, the Tao Tree Realm, and the Tao Fruit Realm."

"To realize the Tao and its fruits is to have a life span of nine thousand years."

"Nine thousand years of life is the life limit of this world of immortality. And some giants who defy the heavens can reach the threshold of the third stage of immortality, that is, false saints! They can have a lifespan of 10,000 years."

“That’s why the world of immortality regards every ten thousand years as a node and every ten thousand years as an era.

Zhuo Bufan kept every word of Granny Qiu in mind.

Obviously, the second stage of cultivating immortality is three steps to heaven and twelve small realms.

This is the true and complete path to cultivating immortality

In other words, Zhuo Bufan has just entered the door of cultivating immortality now.

"Grandma Qiu, is it because of Emperor Xuan's 'Jedi Tiantong' rules that people can't attain enlightenment, so they can't enter the third stage of cultivation, and can only live for ten thousand years?"

Zhuo Bufan's words were said to him by the Holy Lord.

The Holy Lord said that Emperor Xuan's ultimate heavenly power cut off the cultivation of the world of immortality and cut off everyone's dream of enlightenment. Let countless giants end with hatred.

"That's right!"

Grandma Qiu replied.

"Emperor Xuan has become a saint by himself, and his dictatorship lasts for eternity. The highest existence in the world of immortality today is just a false saint."

"Holy Lord, is he a false saint?"

Zhuo Bufan asked a very crucial question.

Grandma Qiu was silent. She looked at Zhuo Bufan carefully and finally answered.

"You care about the Holy Lord."

When Zhuo Bufan heard this, he smiled and said, "I just feel that I have a destiny with the Holy Lord."

"Whether there is a destiny or not, that doesn't depend on you, it depends on the Holy Lord."

"But it doesn't hurt to tell you that the Holy Master is still one step away from becoming a false saint. By then, the Holy Master will be the youngest false saint in history. He will break the situation of the four great saints in the world."

"No, it's not just about breaking the situation of the Four Saints. What the Saints want to do is to break Emperor Xuan's 'Jedi Heavenly Power'."

"The Holy Lord will be the greatest existence in the history of the world of immortality."

Grandma Qiu was extremely excited when she talked about the Holy Lord.

And Zhuo Bufan could also feel that the Holy Lord that Granny Qiu spoke of was indeed a great being.

The Holy Lord single-handedly consumed all the luck of the Four Seasons Mountains and Rivers, searched for the disappeared Yunmeng Pearl, and restarted the Yunmeng world.

The Holy Lord is doing something that Zhuo Bufan can't even imagine.

The sixth update, please subscribe! Welcome new book friends! !

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