Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 249 The Demon Princess [First update, please subscribe]

The purple enchantress, stunning the world!

Everyone's eyes were fixed on the woman in purple clothes with wings on her shoulders.

"Who is she? A beautiful enchantress."

"The twelve tribes of the demon race, could she be the leader of the tribe?"

Everyone was suffocated by the beauty and temperament of the enchantress. Apart from the beautiful, noble and majestic purple wings, the woman was no different from a human woman.

What was even more amazing was the kingly aura emanating from her body.

Everyone inexplicably felt like kneeling down and submitting.

However, in Gao Yangxu's eyes, no matter how stunning and beautiful the woman was, she was still a thousand-year-old enchantress.

"You dare to insult the princess of the demon race, human, you are seeking death."

Above the sky, the leader, an eagle-faced demon wearing black armor and holding a steel fork, rushed towards Gao Yangxu in anger.

Everyone was shocked when they heard it.

"The princess of the demon clan, is she the princess of the demon clan?"

"The princess of the demon clan, is she the sister of the demon lord Donghuang Taiyi, Donghuang Qin?"

"Oh my god, it's the demon princess Donghuang Qin who has come in person. What is she doing here? Is she here to compete with Tianjiao on behalf of her nephew?"

While everyone was excited, the eagle-faced demon had already swung his fork to attack.

As a result, before he landed in front of Gao Yangxu, he was nailed to the ground by a sword falling from the sky.

Gao Yangxu, that's also a madman!

He dares to speak, shout, fight and scold. If he doesn't agree with someone, he will do it.

Not to mention the princess of the demon clan, I'm afraid that if the demon lord is here, he will also confront him.

Gao Yangxu nailed the eagle-faced demon to death with a sword, and the demons in the sky were terrified.

"You, you bastard."

The eagle-faced demon who was nailed through the body and suppressed on the ground was not dead yet.

As long as the demon pill of the demon clan is not destroyed, the body and soul will not die.

Gao Yangxu saw this and raised his right hand in the air, and a sword of extreme yang fell into his hand.

"As cultivators of our generation, we should slay demons and exterminate monsters. So what if I am a princess of the demon race, or a supreme demon race? I, Gao Yangxu, will not change my name or surname. If you have the guts, come and mess with me!"


Without saying a word, Gao Yangxu cut off the head of the eagle-faced demon with a sword.

The head rolled to the ground, spurting blood, which was shocking.

But in a moment, the eagle-faced demon grew a head again.

"Ahahahaha, you can't kill me, damn human, you can't kill me."

The eagle-faced demon regenerated his head and roared wildly at Gao Yangxu.

The demon pill is not destroyed, and the demon is not dead.

This is the same as the immortality of the life and death of human cultivators.

"Where is the demon pill?"

Gao Yangxu frowned.

At this time, Zhuo Bufan opened his life and death magic eye and unexpectedly saw a ball of intense light on the chest of the eagle-faced demon.

"Brother Gao Yang, the demon pill is in his chest."

As soon as these words came out, the eagle-faced demon was surprised and looked at Zhuo Bufan who made the sound.

"Stinky boy, you..."

Before he finished speaking, Gao Yangxu stabbed him in the back with a sword, directly shattering the demon pill hidden in his chest.

The demon pill is the source of life, so Zhuo Bufan's life and death magic eye can see where the demon pill is.

The demon pill was destroyed, and the eagle-faced demon finally could not be resurrected and fell to the ground.

"Crazy, have you killed enough? Do you really want to be the enemy of my entire demon clan?"

The demon princess looked expressionless as she watched her men being slaughtered by Gao Yangxu.

She didn't care about the death of the eagle-faced demon, she cared about her royal power being challenged by a mere human.

After killing the eagle-faced demon, Gao Yangxu felt much better and smiled.

"You, the old demon, started it first, and now you want to turn the tables?"

"Then you killed one of my generals now, can you settle the matter?"

The demon princess didn't expect Gao Yangxu to be so fierce.

In today's world, who doesn't know that she is the most beautiful princess in the world, and her beauty is beyond description.

From birth to now, she, Donghuangqin, has only two titles, Her Royal Highness and Peerless Demon.

As a result, when she came to Gao Yangxu, the madman, she became a thousand-year-old demon.

How could Donghuangqin not be angry, how could she not be angry, how could she not have the desire to kill?

But she didn't expect that Gao Yangxu was not simple.

This madman was very crazy, but he had the ability to be rampant.

She might be able to win the fight with him, but it would definitely be a lose-lose situation.

She came all the way from the southern demon world, not to go to war with humans, but for a more important mission.

She didn't want to cause a big war here, after all, this was the territory of humans.

So the demon princess sacrificed one of her generals to calm the situation.

Gao Yangxu shrugged and smiled when he saw the demon princess admit defeat.

"I feel much better after killing an eagle-faced demon who doesn't know how to live or die."

"I won't offend others if they don't offend me. If they offend me, they will be punished even if they are far away.

Gao Yangxu left this sentence, which made everyone present admire this boy who was just unknown.

"Gao Yangxu, this boy is extraordinary. He can even make the demon princess show weakness."

"What is the origin of such arrogance?"

"Gao Yangxu, I have never heard of this person before. Just like the little venerable in the talisman temple, he suddenly appeared out of nowhere and ascended to the sky in one step."

The people around him looked at Gao Yangxu with new eyes.

Zhuo Bufan also recognized Gao Yangxu, a madman with a proud and arrogant attitude.

Seeing that Gao Yangxu and the princess of the demon clan had stopped fighting, Zhuo Bufan fell down.

"Brother Gao Yang really opened my eyes!"

Zhuo Bufan was not flattering, he was indeed shocked by the amazing fighting power displayed by Gao Yangxu.

"Brother Zhuo, please forgive me. I can feel that Brother Zhuo is also an extraordinary person. He can actually see through the location of the demon clan's demon pill at a glance."

"You should know that the demon clan's demon pills are all covered by dusty light. It is difficult for humans to find them by means."

"That's why the demon clan can stand in the southern demon world, and no one dares to move."

Zhuo Bufan heard it and hurriedly said modestly.

"It's just a trick, a trick."

In fact, Zhuo Bufan didn't expect that his life and death magic eye could actually see through the location of the demon clan's demon pill.

This is an unexpected surprise!

The demon clan princess saw that Gao Yangxu had no intention of continuing to fight, so she let him go for the time being.

Afterwards, she glanced at Zhuo Bufan.

Zhuo Bufan could also feel the burning eyes of the demon clan princess.

Then, the purple enchantress flapped her wings and flew to the Purple Cloud Palace in the sky.

"Have you been targeted?" Zhuo Bufan frowned slightly.

The fact that he could see through the demon pill was obviously noticed by the purple enchantress Donghuang Qin.


Just after the battle between Donghuang Qin and Gao Yangxu stopped, the sun in the sky finally showed a strange reaction.

A black light fell from the sky and began to spread over the land.

Everyone couldn't help but raise their heads and look up at the sky.

Only to see a black crescent arc appear on the edge of the sun in the sky.

"It's a solar eclipse, the solar eclipse is starting to happen."

Everyone exclaimed.

When the solar eclipse occurs, the ten thousand dragons look up and the future is coming...

Sorry, I got up a little late. I haven't drunk like this for a long time, and I still have a headache now.

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