Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 252: Fighting God Show (Part 2) [Fourth update, please subscribe]

Bai Su is obviously not someone to be trifled with.

Zhong Shenxiu was already ready to kill her, so how could Bai Su sit still and wait for death.

Seeing that an expert was helping him, Bai Su waited for the opportunity and took out the mysterious umbrella in his hand, killing Zhong Shenxiu.

It's too late, it's faster than that!

Bai Su's mysterious umbrella suddenly burst into black light, intertwined with the white arrows, and created a wonderful coordination.

"Still as still as water!"

I only heard the four words "quiet as still water" coming out of Bai Su's mouth.

The next second, the entire air suddenly became a little solid, and everyone felt that the blood flow in their bodies slowed down significantly.

"No, retreat."

Gao Yangxu grabbed Zhuo Bufan and quickly retreated hundreds of meters away.

Some slow runners move slower and slower.

Some people even cut off their hands and feet on the spot, but no blood flowed out of the wounds.

"what happened?"

Zhuo Bufan was shocked when he saw this scene.

"It is rumored that this woman cultivates Shuiyuan Dao. With her current cultivation level, she can already command all Shuiyuan within the range to obey her orders."

"This is the domain power of the powerful Great Perfect Golden Pill."

Gao Yangxu quickly explained. Zhuo Bufan also quickly understood what domain ability was.

"This woman is amazing. She is able to develop her domain abilities to such an extent. Domain abilities are very difficult to develop."

"Still as still as water. With this move, she solidified all the water elements in the air and stopped moving."

"It's like all the water suddenly turned into ice, but the water is invisible to the naked eye."

"The air is drying, so there is water. And the human body is mostly composed of water. Do you understand?"

Gao Yangxu tried his best to explain to Zhuo Bufan. After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan frowned slightly and nodded.

"Is that a water molecule?"

"Water molecules?" Gao Yangxu looked at Zhuo Bufan, obviously stunned.

"No, it's nothing."

Zhuo Bufan quickly changed his mind. In this world, water molecules are indeed very strange.

But he probably understood the meaning of what Gao Yangxu just said.

In other words, Bai Su's current ability can already command all water molecules in the range. She banned all water molecules, so that the human body would continue to solidify.

Because two-thirds of the human body is water, this water will slowly stop moving under the influence of white pigment.

As a result, people in the field will move slower and slower until they finally become completely still and die.

Of course, this move will have less impact on people with higher cultivation levels.

But that doesn't mean there is no impact.

After Zhong Shenxiu was affected by Bai Su's "quiet as still water", the movements of his hands were indeed slow.

But just this slow beat was enough to put Zhong Shenxiu into crisis.

The white tracking arrow and the black mysterious umbrella turned into two rays of light, one black and one white.

Just when Zhong Shenxiu hesitated.

The umbrella canopy of the Xuanji Umbrella, which can cut through the space force field, cut off Zhong Shenxiu's left arm.

And the white secret arrow shattered Zhong Shenxiu's hair crown with one arrow.

For a moment, his black hair was dancing wildly, his teeth were showing, and he was like a devil incarnate.

"You guys pissed me off."

The hair crown was shot down, and the beautiful hair of Zhong Shen was flying wildly.

On his forehead, veins popped out, and he was filled with anger.

Suddenly, a powerful and fierce aura was released from Zhong Shenxiu's body, and an obvious purple light shield spread rapidly in all directions.

Wherever the light mask passed, it was turned into ashes and smoke.

Countless sword energy exploded. Some silver elixir monks who ran slowly were cut to pieces by the invisible sword energy on the spot. Their bodies were cut into bones, and then the bones turned into ashes.

The whole process only happened in an instant.

Even Bai Su had to take back the mysterious umbrella and hide behind the fan to avoid the boundless sword energy that swallowed up mountains and rivers.

The Emperor of Kendo is the Emperor of Kendo.

Even if Zhong Shenxiu were to rank first among the four geniuses, he would still be among the four geniuses in the world.

The genius was so angry that he laid down millions of corpses.

He Zhong Shenxiu was so angry that he bled for thousands of miles.

"What a powerful sword energy."

Zhuo Bufan and the others had already fled a thousand meters away from the battlefield, but they were still frightened by the surging sword energy.

Gao Yangxu on the side felt it was not worth mentioning and said.

"This Zhong Shenxiu practices Wuji Sword Dao. Sword Dao is one of the most powerful and destructive techniques in the world."

"And Wuji Swordsmanship is even more particular about: Heaven and earth are infinite, Wuji generates polarity, and polarity transforms Tai Chi. Tai Chi generates one, one creates two, two generates three, three generates tens of thousands, and all transformations return to one."

"If you practice to the extreme, you can cut off the reincarnation of cause and effect."

"If you let this guy practice for seven or eight thousand years, he will definitely be the overlord of this world."

Gao Yangxu looked very disdainful towards Zhong Shenxiu, but in his heart he admired it very much.

This is the same as his evaluation of Xuanyuan Hao.

"Wuji swordsmanship, the reincarnation of cause and effect, what kind of swordsmanship does Brother Gao Yang practice?"

Zhuo Bufan didn't know much about kendo. He didn't understand swords and had no connection with kendo.

After hearing this, Gao Yangxu folded his hands and said.

"Me, what I practice is the Tao of the Undouble, and I am the only one. Let's call it the Tao of the Undouble!"

Gao Yangxu is very free and easy. He may not have a clear definition of his swordsmanship, but Zhuo Bufan can feel it.

Let this guy practice for four to five hundred years, and he will definitely be the unparalleled overlord of this world.

"After the Blood Wasteland trip is over, I'm going to kill Zhong Shenxiu."

Gao Yangxu said calmly to Zhuo Bufan on the side.

Zhuo Bufan was stunned by his sudden words.

"Why don't you kill him now?"

"Kill him and prove the truth!"

Gao Yangxu's four short words were divided into two paragraphs.

But it made Zhuo Bufan's soul sublime, feeling like he had received a baptism.

Madman, extremely free and easy madman Gao Yangxu.

He does not take advantage of others' danger now so that he can realize his true path in the future.

Zhuo Bufan benefited a lot from spending less than half an hour with Gao Yangxu.

Looking at the battlefield again, I saw the rising star of Wuji Kendo, who had now transformed into a god of swordsmanship.

The whole person was filled with a fierce sword power, and the sword energy reached the sky and penetrated the heaven and the earth.

"What a terrifying sword energy. The realm of the bell god, showman, and sword has actually reached this level?"

"White King Bai Su is in danger!"

Bai Su is in danger, and now Zhong Shenxiu is full of sword energy and arrogance.

The whole person is like a sharp sword, and the light of the sword pierces the sky.

Zhuo Bufan looked up at the sky and saw that only half of the solar eclipse had occurred until now. Bai Su, it is very likely that he will not live until the end of the solar eclipse.

Just when Zhuo Bufan was inexplicably worried about Bai Su.

Suddenly, nine more white secret arrows flew down from the spaceship in the sky.

This time, in addition to the white secret arrow, there was also an elf-like barefoot girl descending from the sky with a string of sweet bells.

"Sister Bai, let me help you."

I was afraid that people would say I was stupid, so I finished writing two chapters and posted them together. Chapter 2 is three thousand words long.

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