Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 260 Imperial City Underground Palace [Fifth update, please subscribe]

The sky is getting darker...

An army of skeletons and ghostly soldiers.

In the eyes of Zhuo Bufan's life and death demon, these were completely black and non-life, and they spread all over the earth in the blink of an eye.

They rushed out from various ruins...

Some were wearing battle armor with uniform specifications and obvious organization.

Perhaps it was the resurrection of the terracotta warriors and horses built by a certain emperor during his lifetime.

Some of them were dressed in scrap metal, rusty and disorganized. It was obvious that after some former adventurers died here, their souls were imprisoned by this land and turned into these evil soldiers.

For hundreds of thousands of years, countless people have come to explore the Blood Desert.

It is unknown how many people died here and eventually became a member of these skeleton armies.

Some great figures with unparalleled fighting prowess died here.

In the end, even if he became a Yin soldier, he still had strong combat power in front of him.

You must know that those who can enter this land must at least be in the Yuanshen realm.

After their death, their souls had no time to escape from the bloody desert, so they were detained by some mysterious forces in the desert and turned into Yin soldiers.

These Yin soldiers, flying in the sky and hiding on the earth, are omnipotent.

And they also have a skeleton that is not easily destroyed.

It can be said that every Yin soldier here is extremely terrifying.

They can hold weapons, fly into the sky, and fight adventurers for hundreds of rounds.

You can also enter the underground palace and kill him until the sky is dark and the earth is dark.

Zhuo Bufan was secretly shocked when he saw these Yin soldiers emerging from the ancient tomb.

Look around and take a few breaths.

On the ground of the entire bloody desert, tens of thousands of soldiers and horses were neighing, their iron clothes flashing, and their murderous intent rising to the sky.

Like a flood rolling in, the earth is shaking and rumbling.

This scene is very shocking, with thousands of wild beasts galloping around.

The black cloud pressed down on a large area, crossing the horizon, turning into a torrent of steel, destroying all obstacles, turning everything in its direction into powder.

Countless monks were chased and fled in panic, running for their lives in a hurry.

The wind is howling, and the red sand is flying all over the field, messy and confusing.

"It's too scary, I can't stop it. There are too many evil soldiers, I can't stop it!"

Some monks with weaker cultivation were howling and screaming.

Not everyone is eligible for this opportunity.

In addition to being powerful, he can shuttle freely among the vast sea of ​​dark soldiers and horses, coming and going like the wind.

For ordinary monks, it is simply a disaster.

Nothing can stop these dark soldiers and horses. Wherever the spear points and the sword points, anything tangible will be easily defeated and trampled under the iron hoof.

"This place is so scary!"

Zhuo Bufan stood on the black dragon pillar in the sky and exclaimed.

The Black Dragon Pillar is the Taoist platform of Emperor Xuan. These Yin soldiers dare not approach it and can only stare at it from a distance.

Zhuo Bufan discovered that he had been noticed by dozens of Yin soldiers.

"It's not advisable to stay here for a long time. We must get to the Xuan Altar quickly and leave quickly."

Zhuo Bufan came to the Blood Desert with only one goal, and that was the Xuan Altar of Tianxuan Tower.

He needed the Xuantan to open the passage to the second floor of the Tianxuan Tower.

Zhuo Bufan looked at the ground beneath his feet. The mysterious altar he wanted happened to be underground in the Four Emperors Wheel Dojo.

There is obviously an underground palace beneath the Four Emperors Wheel Dojo.

Zhuo Bufan had already seen an abandoned palace appear on the ground.

Many people have already entered the palace.

Zhuo Bufan must do it quickly and not let others get there first.

He looked back at Bai Su and the three of them again and found that they had not returned yet.

So Zhuo Bufan no longer hesitated and jumped down.

As soon as he landed, in the sky, several Yin soldiers who had noticed him before suddenly attacked Zhuo Bufan with cold light.

Seeing seven or eight Yin soldiers slashing at him with their swords, Zhuo Bufan's sword eyebrows stood up and his eyes showed a cold light.

"Come on, I can fight ten thousand guys like you."

Zhuo Bufan summoned the Thousand Evil Sword and looked at the eight Yin soldiers rushing towards him.

Suddenly, his whole body burned with scarlet blood flames.

The blood is as strong as the gods, and the fighting spirit is as high as the sky.

Zhuo Bufan once fought against an army of tens of thousands of skeletons in the Black City.

He is already very comfortable dealing with this kind of guy.

Although these skeleton armies are very powerful, they are still far from human beings.

Their movements are stiff and their perception is weak. Apart from being able to withstand beatings, they are no better than humans at the same level in every aspect.

In addition, Zhuo Bufan has too many fighting skills against skeleton men. His claim that he can fight ten thousand is definitely not an exaggeration. After all, he once had such an impressive record.

With the Thousand Evil Sword in hand, the blood-burning magical power exploded, and Zhuo Bufan showed off his superb fighting skills.

Clang, clang, clang, clang!

Three times, five divided by two, the eight skeletons in front of him turned into ashes in the blink of an eye.

After dealing with these skeletal warriors, Zhuo Bufan rushed directly into the ruins hall without thinking too much.

As soon as he entered the palace, he saw someone getting into a hole in the center of the palace.

I don’t know who created that hole, but it can be seen that it was definitely man-made destruction.

In order to get the treasure underneath, these people resorted to all possible means and began to dig violently.

"It's not good. The Mysterious Altar is under this underground palace. We can't let others take it away."

Zhuo Bufan was delayed for five or six hours at least by his dream of traveling to the Holy Land.

He was the first to come to the ruins of the Imperial City, but now he has already fallen behind.

Although it is a pity, Zhuo Bufan has also gained a lot from the trip to the Holy Land.

"I hope it's not too late."

Zhuo Bufan didn't think much and jumped into the black hole.

He fell all the way down, and fell for nearly 300 meters. Zhuo Bufan fell into an underground palace.

The underground palace was filled with gloomy air, and some searchlight crystals left by predecessors were floating in the air.

Searchlight crystals are relatively cheap talismans, ten spirit stones each.

It is in the shape of a four-sided pyramid, self-luminous, and can float in the air, illuminating like a light bulb.

In the huge underground palace, a searchlight crystal can illuminate everything.

Zhuo Bufan glanced at the underground palace. The ground was clean and there was nothing. Even if there was, it must have been taken away by others.

Then he raised his head and looked at the front.

A staircase corridor sloping downward led directly to the depths of the underground palace.

Zhuo Bufan came to the entrance of the tunnel and looked down. He saw searchlight crystals left by people along the way.

I think these people did not recycle these searchlight crystals in order to find the direction when retreating.


Because he didn't know if there was any danger in the deep underground palace, Zhuo Bufan saved the file in time.

Now his three save files are: Imperial City Underground Palace, Imperial City Ruins, and Mass Grave.

After saving, Zhuo Bufan didn't think much and chased towards the depths of the underground palace.

Just after running a few steps, he vaguely heard bursts of miserable screams from the depths of the underground palace!

The screams like slaughtering pigs made people shudder.

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