Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 262: Subdue the Yin Soldiers [Seventh update, please subscribe]

Xuanxuan is in hand, Yin soldiers and horses are in hand, leave quickly!

Zhuo Bufan stayed in the tunnel for a while, testing the reaction of the underworld soldiers to Xuan Xuan.

The result was exactly as Zhuo Bufan guessed, these underhanded soldiers would inexplicably avoid Xuan Xuan.

This time, Zhuo Bufan was awesome.

In this underground palace filled with an army of skeletons, Zhuo Bufan had Xuanxuan in his hand. It was as if he had a life-saving talisman that was not afraid of anything.

But unfortunately Xiao Xuanxuan was used as a talisman by Zhuo Bufan.

Every time the Yin soldiers rushed over, Zhuo Bufan grabbed it and threw it at the Yin soldiers. Some of the Yin soldiers couldn't avoid it on the spot and fled in all directions.

As a result, Xuanxuan was made to scream every time.

Zhuo Bufan finally understood that this guy was really timid.

"Can we be stronger? Didn't I tell you? These guys are afraid of you, and you shouldn't be afraid of them. Do you understand?"

Zhuo Bufan's earnest education made Xuanxuan stronger.

Turns out this guy is as timid as a mouse.

It is obviously a tiger. The tiger roars in the forest, and all the beasts kneel down to worship it.

As a result, it was even afraid of a rabbit, and Zhuo Bufan was too embarrassed to admit that he was its owner.

"Don't cry. If you cry again, I'll tie you to the cross."

Zhuo Bufan threatened, which made the coward even more frightened and screamed, which made Zhuo Bufan's head grow big.

"I give up!"

Zhuo Bufan was extremely speechless.

Then he ignored Xuanxuan who was scared to death and continued to advance deeper.

This tunnel is very long and seems to have no end.

However, there is an arched doorway on both sides of the tunnel from time to time, allowing you to choose to leave the main tunnel.

Zhuo Bufan didn't know where those arched doorways led to.

"There is no way to go on like this. This tunnel seems to have no end."

Zhuo Bufan frowned.

At this moment, he suddenly heard a rumbling roar, and then the ground began to tremble.

"Hey, is the train coming?"

It felt like a speeding train approaching.

Zhuo Bufan took a closer look and saw another black mist coming in front of the tunnel.

This time, Zhuo Bufan actually saw a bronze chariot pulled by eight ghost horses in the black mist, crushing towards him with great force.

On top of the chariot stood a gray skeletal warrior wearing armor.

It holds a bronze iron chain rein, wears a golden crown on its head, and carries a golden sword on its back. He was also wearing a black cloak that was not decayed.

Next to the chariot, a group of dark soldiers came to escort it, and they headed towards the chariot to crush together.

"People who own cars?"

Zhuo Bufan couldn't help but his eyes lit up when he saw the bronze chariot approaching.

And Xuanxuan, who was holding it in his hand, howled again.

"Stop it!"

Just when the black mist was about to rush toward Zhuo Bufan, Zhuo Bufan grabbed the struggling Xuanxuan and stood in the center of the tunnel, blocking the chariot.


The Yin soldiers, ghost horses, and chariots all stopped at that moment.

Immediately afterwards, Zhuo Bufan grabbed Xuanxuan, pointed it at the general-like skeleton general on the chariot, and said.

"Come down, come down."

"What are you looking at? I'm talking about you. People who own cars are amazing, aren't they? Is this your horse racing track?"

"Get down here."

Zhuo Bufan grabbed Xuanxuan and yelled at the skeletal general on the chariot.

The skeleton general looked confused!

Obviously, these Yin soldiers were extremely afraid of Xuanxuan and did not even dare to get close.

After all, Xuanxuan was transformed by a drop of Emperor Xuan's blood. No matter how timid it is, it still possesses a drop of Emperor Xuan's blood and has the breath of Emperor Xuan.

The fear of Xuanxuan among these Yin soldiers was not beyond Zhuo Bufan's expectations.

It was precisely because of this that Zhuo Bufan dared to pick up Xuanxuan and threaten the Yin soldiers in the black mist.

The skeletal general was forced off the chariot by Zhuo Bufan, and then Zhuo Bufan jumped onto the bronze chariot and pulled up the bronze reins.

For a moment, I felt majestic.

"Is this what it feels like to be a car owner? Not bad, good, drive!"

As soon as Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he pulled the reins, took Xuanxuan with him, and drove the chariot toward the depths of the tunnel.

For a moment, black mist and dark soldiers were all chasing behind Zhuo Bufan.

"Hahahaha! Exciting, exciting!"

Driving a ghost horse chariot, Zhuo Bufan destroyed everything and ruthlessly crushed him along the way.

He has become a dandy!

After some cool moments, Zhuo Bufan stopped the battlefield. For a moment, all the black mist surrounded Zhuo Bufan.

In the black fog, there are many ghosts.

Zhuo Bufan had Xuanxuan in hand, and no Yin soldier dared to step forward.

Looking at these Yin soldiers with their own thoughts, Zhuo Bufan suddenly came up with a bold idea, that is, to conquer them.

"I wonder if the Soul Awareness Talisman is of any use to these skeletons."

Zhuo Bufan knew that these skeletal warriors were actually people who died in the bloody desert. Their souls could not escape and were detained in their dead bodies.

Finally, the body dried and only the bones remained.

As time went by, their souls merged into the bones, thus forming such a kind of undead soul that was lifeless but had thoughts.

However, these undead skeletons have been unable to communicate with each other for thousands of years.

When the soul was fused with the bones, many unimportant memories were erased.

Eventually, it led to the degeneration of thinking, and now it has completely become something like primitive people.

In other words, these skeleton armies are actually a group of beings without life but with simple thinking.

Their thoughts are simple, but the instinctive fighting skills hidden in their souls are very powerful.

As a result, Zhuo Bufan used the soul perception spell and found that he could really communicate with these skeleton warriors.

It must be said that the soul perception spell that Zhuo Bufan learned is simply the most practical spell he thinks.

The light and shadow spell he discovered is even more practical.

Zhuo Bufan first talked to the figure who looked like a skeleton general.

Its thinking is indeed degenerated, and it has not spoken for more than 500 years.

But it can still have a simple conversation with Zhuo Bufan.

From it, Zhuo Bufan learned that it was a great power of the Great Unleaked Golden Pill, and was once the chief elder of a certain sect.

As a result, he came here to seek opportunities and died tragically in the Four Emperors Discussion Field.

After his death, his soul could not escape from this land, and was confined in his own body.

In the end, it became like this.

It's not just him, the skeleton warriors present are basically like this.

"My biggest wish is to leave this land. We have been imprisoned on this land for too long."

"We want to go crazy in the outside world."

The spirit of the skeleton general said to Zhuo Bufan.

"I see, then you will follow me from now on! I will take you away from this land."

After hearing the demands of these skeleton warriors, Zhuo Bufan decided to take them away from this land.

Zhuo Bufan has already thought of a good destination for them, that is, Black City.

When the skeleton warriors heard that they could leave this land that imprisoned them, they decided to be loyal to Zhuo Bufan.

They were simple-minded, and they were fooled by Zhuo Bufan.


Thanks to [Guangxuanzi], [Under the Moon and Flowers, Drunk Alone], and [Eating Noodles Here] for their rewards. There is one more update, for the leader!

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