Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 278 Avenue Wine [Seventh update, please subscribe]

Next, Chu Mubai really became Zhuo Bufan's younger brother.

He followed Zhuo Bufan, serving tea and water, shaking the fan to cover the wind, trying his best to please Zhuo Bufan, hoping to get Zhuo Bufan to give him more discounts and discounts.

Zhuo Bufan ignored Chu Mubai and continued talking to the old drunkard.

The old drunkard knew a lot about the Qing Emperor, and Zhuo Bufan wanted to know more about the four great emperors.

"Senior, you said that Qing Emperor loved making wine! But this was two hundred thousand years ago, right? Even if there is wine, can you really still drink it?"

"Hahaha, haven't you heard of it? The wine is mellow and fragrant, and the ginger is spicy. The longer the wine is allowed to settle, the more wonderful it tastes."

Chu Mubai followed Zhuo Bufan and learned that the old drunkard was fond of drinking.

So he quickly pulled the old drunkard and said.

"Old beggar, you like drinking, don't you? I have wine here to ensure your satisfaction."

The old profiteer stood in front of the two of them. He raised his right hand and saw a white light flashing from the ring on his finger.

Then the ground was filled with wine gourds.

Even Zhuo Bufan was stunned when he saw it.

"Why do you have so much wine? Aren't you a seller of secret books? Why did you switch to the wine business?"

"Hey, my business has grown in scale now, and I sell everything. Have you seen the ring I got?"

The old profiteer shook his ten fingers, and each finger wore a ring, which was extremely grandiose.

When Zhuo Bufan saw this, he was extremely speechless. This is really the style of an old profiteer.

Looking at the old drunkard again, his mouth watered when he saw the wine gourds all over the floor.

Zhuo Bufan wanted to tell the old drunkard to pay attention to his image, but after seeing these wine gourds, the old drunkard was like a pervert seeing a group of beauties, and he couldn't control himself at all.

"Are these all wine?" the old drunkard looked at Chu Mubai and asked.

"Yes, this is the wine I have collected from all over the world. Poria fermented wine from Baihua City, osmanthus fragrance from Tianxiang City, Sanwei water from Liuxiang City, Yuntianhe from Fire Cloud City! As long as you can name the wine, Lao Chu Shop I have both here, what kind of wine do you want to drink?”

The old profiteer said with great pride.

Zhuo Bufan took one look and knew that this profiteer was deceiving people again.

"Senior, don't trust this guy's words easily!"

Zhuo Bufan reminded him kindly.

However, the old drunkard still heard Zhuo Bufan's reminder. He had already squatted on the ground regardless of his image, looking at the wine gourd on the ground, his mouth watering.

"My brother's plum wine just now made me interested in saliva wine in a different way. Do you have any saliva wine?"

asked the old drunkard.

"Saliva? Of course there is. Just wait, I'll look for it for you."

After the old profiteer wandered around on the ground, he finally picked up an orange-skin wine gourd, and then said to the old drunkard.

"This pot is the best saliva wine, Dao wine!"

"Dao Dao Liquor? This is a good name. It reminds me of an ancient sect that has disappeared for five thousand years, the Tiandao Sect."

"It is said that the Tiandao Sect cultivates a kind of Tao rice. Eating rice made from this rice all year round can improve people's understanding and make it easier to approach the Tao."

The old drunkard started talking nonstop again.

Chu Mubai laughed when he heard this.

"Old beggar, you know a lot! To tell you the truth, this is brewed with Dao rice from Tiandao Sect."

As soon as he said this, the old drunkard's slightly narrowed eyes suddenly widened.

"Is this saliva brewed from Da Dao rice?"

"Yes, this is saliva wine brewed from Da Dao rice."

"After drinking my Dao wine, your soul will be clear, your understanding will be greatly enhanced, and you may even gain enlightenment on the Dao."

"For a pot like this, it doesn't cost 1.8 million, or 30, 500, or 20,000. It only costs you 10,000 spiritual stones, and you can take it home beautifully."

The old profiteer started his sales pitch again.

This is his usual tactic, and Zhuo Bufan is used to it.

When the old drunkard heard this, he smiled shyly.

"Haha, I only have more than two thousand spiritual stones with me. Can you sell me two thousand?"

When the old profiteer heard that the old drunkard only had two thousand, he immediately looked away and hummed.

"Hmph, you poor old beggar, you want to drink my Dao Liquor even if you have two thousand dollars? Two thousand dollars are only worth one sip."

The old profiteer said with a look of disgust, despising the poor man in front of him.

Unexpectedly, after hearing this, the old drunkard happily took out the spirit stone and said.

"One bite is fine, one bite is fine!"

For a sip of wine, I didn't even take a breath.

People want face, trees want bark!

As a result, Zhuo Bufan discovered that profiteers have no shame and drunkards have no skin!

Everything I encountered was weird!

The old profiteer snorted when he saw the drunkard taking out the spirit stone.

"Then I'll give you a bite."

The old profiteer uncorked the bottle, and a strong aroma of wine suddenly hit his nostrils.

Zhuo Bufan took a sniff and found that the wine was so fragrant, sweet and delicious that even he couldn't help but salivate.

The old drunkard was a connoisseur of wine tasting, and he immediately applauded.

"Good wine, good wine!"

"This wine is not weaker than the plum wine before. Come on, come on, give it to me, I want to drink it!"

The old drunkard said longingly.

Seeing this, the old profiteer slapped the bottom of the gourd, and a stream of transparent wine spit out from the mouth of the gourd, then drew an arc in the air and fell into the old drunkard's mouth.

The moment it entered his throat, the old drunkard started dancing excitedly.

Then he slowly moistened his throat and drank it slowly.

"Good wine, good wine!"

"It's sweet and delicious, as if it's mellow. It feels like it's been accumulated for at least a thousand years, and it's full of a taste of vicissitudes of life. It also has a touch of sadness and sadness, as if it has a profound enlightenment and has seen through life and death."

"It's just a little bit off, a little bit off, give me another sip, I feel like I'm going to have an epiphany."

"No wonder it's called Da Dao Wine, it's such a great Da Dao Wine."

"This is the first time in my life that I have tasted this kind of saliva."

"Generally speaking, saliva wine should be filled with a faint fragrance of virginity. But this wine actually tastes of the vicissitudes of life, and has a spicy taste that tastes all kinds of things in the world, sweet, sour, bitter and spicy."

"Wonderful, wonderful! Dare I ask this little brother, is this really salivating wine?"

The old drunkard asked Chu Mubai in disbelief.

When Chu Mubai heard this, he hummed.

"Are you insisting on the integrity of this merchant? Of course this is saliva wine. It is genuine and fair."

Seeing that his words offended Chu Mubai, the old drunkard quickly changed his words.

"That's not what I mean. What I mean is, where does this Daojiu wine come from? Is it the work of that girl?"

An old drunkard not only drinks, but also knows the story behind every sip of wine he takes.

After hearing this, Chu Mubai said coldly.

"What's wrong with a girl? This old beggar is talking nonsense."

"This Daodao wine is brewed by me myself, bit by bit, by chewing Daodao rice, bit by bit, drop by drop of saliva."

Kiss, drink, brew, and make!

Kiss, drink, brew, and make!

Kiss, drink, brew, and make!

When Chu Mubai said that he brewed this Da Dao wine himself, the old drunkard's face immediately turned green.

He stayed where he was with a confused look on his face.

Zhuo Bufan on the side suddenly felt like he was rolling inside and almost vomited!

"Disgusting old profiteer, I am Cao!"

A minute's silence for the old drunkard! Here is the leader update!

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