Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 289: Grand Debut [Sixth update, please subscribe]

The appearance of Donghuang Qin caused quite a stir.

She led the demon army and surrounded the entire Qingxian Palace.

After the three elders of the Exiled Immortal Sect were pierced by her demon needle, the ancient and mysterious demon poison was poured into their bodies.

For a moment, the three elders of the Exiled Immortal Sect only felt that their internal organs began to fester and their blood began to decay.

The three of them quickly landed, sat cross-legged, and began to heal their wounds.

Zhuo Bufan opened the Eye of Life and Death and took a look at the situation of the three.

There was indeed a mysterious energy in their bodies that was devouring their lives.

The vitality of the three people began to fade, which shocked Zhuo Bufan.

The demon princess was indeed extraordinary.

Gao Yangxu had fought with her before, and Zhuo Bufan had seen how powerful she was.

But obviously, in the battle with Gao Yangxu, the demon princess did not show her true strength.

This time she came to the human territory, and her goal was this Qingxian Palace.

So when the major sects were fighting for the Qingxian Palace, the princess of the demon clan suddenly appeared and decided to dominate the Qingxian Palace.

Her appearance did make everyone in the whole cave feel great pressure.

After all, she was a great demon with nearly four thousand years of demon power.

Such an existence is equivalent to the realm of a small real person of human beings.

Compared with Xuanyuan Hao, she is not much weaker!

Dare to provoke such a demon princess?

On this side, the big and small Qiao of the Qingfeng Sect are still suppressing Dongfang Baida.

On the other side, the princess of the demon clan is so powerful that she can suppress the current situation.

"Princess of the demon clan, the things of the Qing Emperor, I'm afraid you demon clan can't touch them."

Accidents always happen when you think you have suppressed the situation.

Just when the princess of the demon clan was about to take the Qingxian Palace away.

Ten thousand lightning bolts bombarded from outside the water curtain cave.


There was a loud noise in the sky, and someone made a brilliant appearance.

A bolt of lightning struck the sky above the Qingxian Palace, and then a middle-aged man with blue hair and lightning appeared.

He was muscular, standing with his arms folded, with a serious face and clear contours, just like Super Blue!

Lightning and thunder crackled on him, making a hissing sound, shocking everyone who saw him.

"He is the head of the Shenxiao Palace, Nie Konghai, known as Nie Huanzhen!"

"No way, Nie Huanzhen, Nie Huanzhen in the Huanzhen realm has appeared?"

"The real person, the real person has appeared."

When this big man appeared, everyone in the audience was secretly shocked.

Nie Huanzhen is not his real name, his real name is Nie Konghai.

Huanzhen just means that Nie Konghai's realm has reached the Huanzhen realm!

Anyone who reaches the Huanzhen realm can be called this.

For example, Zhuo Bufan, if he reaches the Huanzhen realm, he will also be called Zhuo Huanzhen!

Huanzhen realm is commonly known as the real person.

In today's world, only the heads of some major forces have reached this realm.

All of these people are old monsters who have lived for three or four thousand years.

But this Nie Huanzhen is so young, and looks like he is in his prime, which is extremely shocking.

"I heard that Nie Huanzhen has just entered the realm of Zhenzhen for less than 30 years. His life span has increased to 5,000 years, and his appearance has naturally regressed, so he is so radiant."

Some people explained why Nie Huanzhen is so young.

But the more this is the case, the less people dare to underestimate him.

Nie Huanzhen!

This is a real real person, a person who understands the mysteries of the Tao.

Seeing him appear, everyone felt that their hair was standing up.

The air was full of the power of thunder and lightning, countless electrons were discharging, and some people's hair even stood up like Nie Huanzhen.

The big hair made the whole audience feel a little funny.

Even Zhuo Bufan found that his handsome 3:7 split hair had become a big hair at this moment.

"Does this big guy have a big hair effect when he appears?"

Zhuo Bufan was speechless.

He wanted to press his hair down, but it stood up immediately. In the end, he simply gave up.

"Even the real people are here. Is a real person war going to break out here?"

The elders of various sects before have completely become minor characters at this moment.

A real person has appeared in the void, which is creepy.

"It seems that today is really lively!"

Buzz buzz buzz buzz!

Everyone has not yet recovered from Nie Huanzhen's appearance, and the entire Water Curtain Cave Heaven trembled again!

Then, the air suddenly became cold.

A trace of black demonic energy began to condense in the air.

People with weaker cultivation suddenly found that even breathing became a little difficult.

Zhuo Bufan also felt it, as if a hand was strangling his throat, making him unable to breathe.

The battle between Xiao Qiao, Da Qiao and Dongfang Bai suddenly stopped, because the demonic energy that suddenly appeared in the air made them start to move stiffly.

"What a powerful demonic energy."

Nie Huanzhen stood in the air with his arms folded, and frowned slightly.

Then, only a black fog was seen flowing slowly in from outside the Water Curtain Cave Heaven.

The black evil spirit was so strong that it was suffocating.

Under everyone's confused and frightened eyes, a man wrapped in evil spirit slowly stood up from the black fog.

He was wearing a black armor, with black hair draped over his shoulders, and black cloud patterns wrapped around his eyes, looking full of enchantment.

His appearance made the momentum in the entire underground palace somewhat unusual.


Nie Huanzhen frowned and asked after seeing the man in black armor.

"Human Demon? Could it be that he is the owner of the Seventy-two Western Demonic Islands and the Human Demon Island?"

The appearance of the human demon caused panic in the whole place.

Since ancient times, good and evil have always been at odds with each other, and his appearance undoubtedly indicates that a war will happen at any time.

"Human Demon, you really dare to come here! Aren't you afraid that I will kill you here?"

"Kill me? Hahahaha, just like you chickens and dogs? What qualifications do you Nie have to scream in front of me? Killing you is like killing a chicken."

The demons speak eloquently and are extremely arrogant.

"you wanna die!"

Nie Huanzhen was about to take action, but at this moment, a white light suddenly fell in front of Nie Huanzhen.

Immediately afterwards, an old man with endless white light emerged from the white light.

He was dressed in white, and his light shone across the water curtain cave. The boundless demonic energy that filled the entire space was instantly dispelled by the white light.

Everyone raised their eyes and looked at the old man who was glowing like the bright moon.

At this time, the three elders of the Exalted Immortal Sect, who were sitting in the audience and trying to heal their wounds, quickly stood up and shouted.

"Master, you are here."


Dongfang Bai on the side also flew towards the old man with his own holy light.

"The leader of the Exalted Immortal Sect?"

"The person you call Ye is really Dongfang Ye!"

The mysterious identity is about to be revealed! He is the leader of the Exalted Immortal Sect, a world-famous real person.

"The King of Humans and Demons, long time no see! See you and be well!"

Dongfang Ye's appearance made the human demon smile coldly.

"Dongfang Ye, I didn't expect that this old guy like you is not dead yet! You can't hold on any longer!"

"Haha, if we can hold on for another two or three hundred years, we will have no problem shining the glory of our Immortal Sect for another three hundred years."

"Just blow it! I curse you to die suddenly tomorrow."

The human demon was ridiculing Dongfang Ye.

For a moment, people outside the venue were numbly watching the inexplicable situation in front of them.

At the beginning, there were the three elders of the Qingfeng Sect.

Later, the Banished Immortal Sect and Qinglian Sword Sect also joined the fight for Qingxian Palace.

Then the demon princess suddenly came to kill, and Nie Huanzhen, the head of Shenxiao Palace, came out of the blue.

Unexpectedly, there was a demon king following closely behind, and in the end even Dongfang Ye, the head of the Immortal Sect, appeared in person.

One by one, the big bosses appeared in this cave one after another.

With the gods and demons filling the sky, the battle is about to break out!

"Haha, there's something fun to watch now! Archive!"

Changed the previous title. Previously, Beidi was called "above the real person", but now it is directly changed to "the false saint". The false saint is also the highest level of cultivation in this book!

How to break Kavin? I coded too fast before, and I couldn’t keep up with my outline and ideas. It was screwed! These two days have been quite stressful!

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