Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 291: The Might of the Eastern Emperor [Additional chapter 4 for the leader

Zhuo Bufan followed the news of Donghuang Bell and came to the Water Curtain Cave on the far left.

That was the cave the old drunkard chose to enter in the first place.

Each of Qingdi's three caves naturally has its secrets.

The bronze temple in the center is a "Green Immortal Lamp". No one discovered this object, and it was finally obtained by Zhuo Bufan by chance.

In the Qingxian Palace on the far right is a "giant bronze dragon". This thing has now aroused competition from many forces. It is obvious that a great war is about to break out.

In the cave on the far left, rumors of the birth of the Donghuang Bell were heard at this time.

What is Donghuang Bell?

That is the most famous ancient artifact, and it is one of the artifacts that the Qing Emperor has continued to use even after he became a saint.

If you want to rank all the ancient artifacts, Qingdi's Donghuang Bell can definitely be ranked in the top ten, or even the top five!

This thing is coveted by everyone in the world.

However, no one dared to take it for himself. After all, the word Donghuang already indicated that this object was the artifact of his Donghuang Dynasty.

Whoever dares to snatch it will have to weigh it carefully whether they dare to withstand the wrath of Demon Lord Donghuang Taiyi.

After the demon princess heard the news of the birth of Donghuang Bell, she didn't even have much reaction.

Obviously, their Donghuang Royal family has regarded the Donghuang Bell as their own.

So many people just watched the excitement. If they really wanted to go and grab it, they would be afraid of fighting.

Of course, even just watching the fun is enough.

After all, the Donghuang Bell is a legendary artifact. Who doesn't want to see what this legendary artifact looks like.

Zhuo Bufan also wanted to see who would be better, the legendary Donghuang Bell or Emperor Xuan's Tianxuan Tower?

Zhuo Bufan believed that the Tianxuan Tower was the most powerful artifact he had ever seen. It could speed up the flow of time, which was incredible when he thought about it.

And what ability does the Donghuang Bell have that makes Emperor Qing love it so much?

Qing Emperor has many artifacts, but the Donghuang Bell is the most famous.

Soon, Zhuo Bufan arrived at the Cave Heaven Wonderland on the far left.

At this moment, the territory of Dongtianxian is already overcrowded.

Different from the scenery and pictures of the first two caves, there are no buildings or anything in this cave, only a sinkhole.

It was a bottomless sinkhole, so dark that nothing could be seen.

The entire abyss entrance is as big as a stadium, and on the other side of the abyss is a white stone gate.

Obviously, that stone door is the White Emperor's Gate, and behind it is the world where the White Emperor once lived.

The White Emperor's Gate has not been opened, and obviously no one can pass through this gate now.

No one is paying attention to the White Emperor's Gate now, everyone is paying attention to the mysterious Donghuang Bell.

"Donghuang Bell, where is the Donghuang Bell?"

Some people were hanging above the abyss, looking around.

There is nothing in this cave except an abyss.

At this time, someone shouted: "Down below, the Donghuang Bell is under the abyss."

The sound came from beneath the abyss.

For a moment, everyone was flying into the abyss.


After the archive ended, Zhuo Bufan also joined the army of this abyss adventure.

Each person took out an illuminating crystal and illuminated their surroundings.

Entering the abyss, Zhuo Bufan remembered the abyss he had descended into in the Blood and Bone Cave.

It turned out that there was a huge beast hidden under the abyss.

So under this abyss, will there be a giant beast waiting for them to go down and eat them in one bite?

Zhuo Bufan saved the file in advance, and followed dozens of people slowly into the abyss regardless of the situation.

As a result, there is actually another world under the abyss.

Hundreds of lighting crystals illuminate the entire bottom of the abyss, making it look like daylight.

No one thought that there was a jungle underneath this dark abyss.

And in the center of the jungle, there is a huge circular altar like a pyramid.

It's just that the pyramid is a four-sided pyramid, while this bronze altar is a stepped ring cone.

From bottom to top, there are hundreds of steps. This is a huge altar that no one present has ever seen.

At the top of the altar, there is a simple and heavy ancient bronze bell.

Outside the body of the ancient bronze bell, the sun, moon, stars, earth, water, fire and wind surround it. In the mountains, rivers and land, thousands of ethnic groups loom among them.

Five-colored rays of light illuminate the heavens, and the holy power of chaos shakes the world.

This ancient bronze bell is so powerful. Just by looking at it, I feel like my soul is being swallowed up again and again.

Everyone present dared not look directly at the bell. After taking a look, you should immediately close your eyes and wait for more than ten breaths before you dare to open your eyes again.

Then take another look and close your eyes for another ten seconds. These people want to see it but don’t dare to see it.

And some people with weaker cultivation didn't even dare to get close.

The ancient bronze bell has infinite mysteries and endless creations.

"Is this the Donghuang Bell?"

Zhuo Bufan glanced at the Donghuang Bell and suddenly felt that his soul was beginning to be swallowed up, so he immediately closed his eyes and let his soul slowly calm down.

An artifact that makes people dare not look directly at it, this is the legendary Donghuang Bell.

"How was this discovered? Ordinary people probably don't dare to enter this abyss, right?"

Zhuo Bufan said.

"Hey, I found this out as an old drunkard."

A familiar voice suddenly came to his ears. Zhuo Bufan looked back and couldn't help but be surprised.

"Senior, is it you?"

Isn't this guy who calls himself an old drunkard the same old drunkard who asked Zhuo Bufan for a drink?

"Brother, you're fine!"

"Haha, you are the one, senior. You are fine. But didn't you come here looking for wine? How did you find it here? There is no wine here!"

"Who said no? Look."

The old drunkard pointed to a colorful old tree in the corner of the abyss.

The branches of that old tree were full of all kinds of strange fruits.

In the middle branch of the old tree, there was a hole as big as a washbasin, which was filled with rotten fruits and transparent liquid.

"That is not the wine made by Qing Emperor, but a naturally formed fruit wine."

Seeing the small wine pond in the middle of the tree branch, Zhuo Bufan nodded drunkenly.

"Actually, I didn't notice this Hong Zhong at first. After all, I rely on my nose, not my eyes, as an old drunkard."

"But then I suddenly heard a bang, like something fell from the sky and fell on the bell behind me. Then I took out the lighting crystal and discovered this thing."

"It's a pity that this treasure is too powerful. Not to mention taking it as your own, the moment you touched it, it almost killed half of the old drunkard's life."

The old drunkard said regretfully.

Zhuo Bufan couldn't help but frown after hearing this.

"So powerful? You can't even touch it?"

"That's not the case! No matter how many people you look at, you can't even take a second look. This Donghuang Bell is no longer an ordinary treasure. It is an artifact that even the Qing Emperor values ​​​​very much."

"It is said that the Donghuang Bell can imprison time, suppress space, and block all attacks. Every time the Qing Emperor fights, he puts it on his head and becomes invincible first."

"Its sound was majestic, the universe was brilliant, the sky and the earth were eclipsed, and the universe was shaken. Its original name was the Qiankun Wuji Chaos Bell. Later, because it fell into the hands of the Qing Emperor Donghuang, later generations called it the Donghuang Bell."

"But this artifact was born before chaos, and it is truly an innate artifact."

After writing the additional update of the alliance leader, the author is almost stunned. He has used up all his brain power today! Tomorrow will usher in an important turning point in this book. Go to bed early and think about how to write it!

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