Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 292: Su and Fan (I)

When the Donghuang Bell was born, people from all over the world gathered in panic!

Everyone who cultivates immortality knows about Donghuang Bell! Even if you don’t know it, you have at least heard of it.

Each of the Four Ancient Emperors has his or her own divine weapon.

Qingdi’s Donghuang Bell!

Bai Di’s Good Fortune Bead!

The Red Emperor’s Xuanhuang Cauldron!

Except for Emperor Xuan's natal artifact, which is still unknown, the natal artifacts of the other three great emperors are all things that can defy the heavens.

Emperor Xuan swept across the world and basically did not borrow any artifacts.

The only famous Tianxuan Tower was only made by gathering the black sand of time, and was not born innately!

In short, many people come here to admire the Donghuang Bell without any blasphemy.

Of course, even if they wanted to take away the Donghuang Bell, they would be powerless.

This clock is so captivating that even one look at it will engulf the soul, and half of the soul will be swallowed up by just touching it.

Who dares to take this thing away?

Even after 200,000 years, no one dares to touch the Holy Emperor's artifact.

More and more people gathered in the abyss, surrounding the Donghuang Bell, watching with piety and not daring to get close.

"I'm afraid no one would dare to touch this thing!"

The appearance of Donghuang Bell here is indeed shocking.

After all, the Four Emperors' Dojo in the bloody desert was the place where the Four Emperors were before they became enlightened and became saints.

After becoming saints, they all flew to the Holy Land to prepare for ascension.

Logically speaking, all the relics of the Four Emperors should be in the Holy Domain.

After all, ascension is the ascension of the soul!

After ascension, nothing will be taken away.

The rings, artifacts, and even the body that were once used will remain in the sanctuary.

When ordinary saints ascend, in order to resist the catastrophe, they will sacrifice various artifacts.

However, the Donghuang Bell is here, which means that the Qing Emperor did not use it when he ascended!

This makes it even more incredible that the Qing Emperor is so powerful that he dares to resist the catastrophe without any magical weapons.

"Not to mention that it belongs to the Eastern Royal Family, just because of its ability to capture people's souls, I'm afraid I wouldn't even dare to touch it if I were not in the realm of real people."

"That's right, and the Donghuang Bell can imprison time and suppress space. Ordinary Najie, there is no way to take it away!"

"According to legend, this object can open the Gate of Chaos, causing the world to become desolate and civilization to collapse in an instant!"

Some people told the legends they heard one by one.

What they heard before was just a legend, but when they saw the true appearance of Donghuang Zhong today, they found that it was no longer a legend, because the legend had become reality.

The current situation is that no one dares to touch it, and no one wants to leave!

Everyone surrounded the Donghuang Bell, and their admiration was like a taboo ritual. They seemed to be waiting for the Donghuang Bell to respond to their inner desires.

These people dare not touch it, but they dare to think about it!

"Qing Emperor's Donghuang Bell, let me take a look."

At this moment, a tall and burly man suddenly rushed down from the abyss.

He was wearing black armor, and when he fell in the air, the whole abyss could feel the powerful aura on his body.

Next to him, followed closely by a man in Tsing Yi, the appearance of the two shocked the whole place.

"It's the Black King and Qing King of the Tianwu Alliance. They are finally here."

Upon hearing this, Zhuo Bufan raised his head slightly and looked at the two people who had fallen from the sky.

Zhuo Bufan had met these two people in Yunmeng Realm, and they seemed familiar.

"The Black King and the Blue King are here for Bai Su?"

He had long heard that the Tianwu Alliance sent two kings, black and green, to hunt down Bai Su.

I thought it was the Tianwu Alliance who was deliberately being cunning and making a joke. Unexpectedly, they actually showed up.

The Eight Heavenly Kings of Tianwu, the eight heavenly kings of the Tianwu Alliance who command thousands of armies.

Each one has a strength that is not weaker than Bai Su, or even stronger.

Their appearance indeed caused a powerful reaction from heaven and earth.

Of course, this is mainly due to the fact that the Beidi they follow is the most domineering person in the world.

Therefore, their appearances often have a domineering air.

The Black King is very domineering.

He fell in the air, stretched out his right hand, and reached towards the Donghuang Bell.

For a moment, a big hand made of black energy grasped the Donghuang Bell.

Nuoda's Donghuang Bell was as small as a bell in front of the black hand.

"What a domineering big black hand. Is he planning to use his big black hand to take away the Donghuang Bell?"

"Behind the Tianwu Alliance is the Northern Emperor. In today's world, I am afraid that only the Northern Emperor dares to touch the Eastern Imperial Bell."

Everyone held their breath and silently watched the Black King showing off.

If he could pick up the Donghuang Bell, everyone in the world would obviously look up to him.

However, the big black hand just touched the Donghuang Bell!

Suddenly, the big black hand instantly collapsed and turned invisible!

"What's going on? My 'Black Dragon Hand' has been defused?"

The black king used his big black hand one after another. As a result, every time the black hand touched the East Emperor Bell, it was instantly wiped out and disintegrated.

"I still don't believe it, start it!"

The Black King gathered an even bigger black hand and grabbed the Donghuang Bell.

As a result, the black hand has not touched the Donghuang Bell this time.


The East Emperor Bell rang, and a powerful energy shot from the wall of the East Emperor Bell toward the Black King.

"not good!"

Seeing this, the Black King held his hand in the air, and a huge black round shield appeared in his hand.


The moment the black buckler stood up, the energy of Donghuang Bell's counterattack hit it.


The entire black buckler exploded into flying ash.

And the Black King was blasted onto the wall of the abyss hundreds of meters away.


A shocking sound erupted in the entire abyss.


The Black King failed to show off, and a mouthful of old blood sprayed out.

"My Qiankun Xuan Shield, my Qiankun Xuan Shield!"

The Black King howled. He was not seriously injured, but his black round shield was a genuine secret treasure of heaven and earth, an ancient artifact.

It was broken and turned to ashes in front of him.

He should be grateful for that secret treasure. If it weren't for the black shield, it would not be the shield that was broken, but the Black King.

The Donghuang Bell was too powerful. It only released a ray of light, and it almost killed a great Jindan strongman in seconds.

Ordinary natural secret treasures were not vulnerable in front of it.

Another failed case of showing off!

After everyone saw the miserable appearance of the Black King being ravaged by the Donghuang Bell, the restlessness in their hearts finally settled down.

Donghuang Bell, it turns out that not everyone can get it.

"Damn, this broken bell!"

The Black King was still not convinced, but at this time, Donghuang Bell began to release nine colors of light again.

The Black King was frightened and quickly shut his mouth.

"Dong, Senior Donghuang, I was wrong, I will never dare to talk nonsense again, please calm down, calm down."

The Black King quickly apologized, fearing that Donghuang Bell would give him another destructive light.

He no longer had a second Qiankun Xuan Shield to save his life.

Zhuo Bufan, who saw this scene, couldn't help but brighten his eyes.

Donghuang Bell, woke up!


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