Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 294: Su and Fan (Part 3)

After a long time, a group of people got up from the ground and looked at the Donghuang Bell on the altar.

"What's going on? Why did the Donghuang Bell ring suddenly?"

"I don't know. I feel like Donghuang Zhong is angry. It's not appropriate to stay here for a long time."

"That's right, the Donghuang Bell is angry. So many of us have caused its resentment. It might just be a warning."

"Then let's go quickly! It was a warning just now, but the next step is likely to be a disaster."

After thinking twice, a group of people decided to leave.

Since we can't get the Donghuang Bell, it will be useless to stay.

Moreover, the Donghuang Bell has already issued a warning. If you continue to watch, you will most likely be obliterated by it!

For a moment, everyone began to fly out of the abyss.

No one noticed that one of their hundred or ten people was missing.

"Huh? Where is my little brother? Why is he missing?"

The old drunkard looked around and found that Zhuo Bufan was nowhere to be seen.

"Could it be that you went up first?"

After making sure that no one was around, the old drunkard also flew into the abyss.

Suddenly, more and more people flew out of the abyss.

No one wants to die, and they don’t want to experience the thunderous sound of the Donghuang Bell again.

"Am I dead again?"

At this moment, Zhuo Bufan woke up from a coma and opened his eyes.

His head was very heavy, as if it were filled with lead, and he just couldn't lift it.

"Cao, it hurts me to death."

Zhuo Bufan rubbed his eyes, but found that in front of him was not the save door he imagined, but a world he had never seen before.

The ground beneath your feet is white, emitting a faint white light.

Above the head, there are nine Milky Ways, and countless stars are embedded in the dark sky like gems.

All around, there are white giant pillars that can only be embraced by ten people.

There is one like this at every distance, which looks extremely majestic.

"Where is this?"

Zhuo Bufan said in shock.

He thought he was shocked to death by the sound of the Donghuang Bell, and he was already ready to read the file.

In the end, he didn't die, but fell into a coma.

But after waking up, he found that he was no longer in the abyss, but in this mysterious world that he had never seen before.

"Hehehe, little darling, you are in my body now."

At this moment, Zhuo Bufan's soul heard the sound of the Donghuang Bell.

His soul still maintains contact with the soul of the Donghuang Bell, so he can hear the words of the Donghuang Bell's weapon spirit.

When Zhuo Bufan heard this, his neighbor was confused!

"I'm inside the Donghuang Bell? Is this what the inside of the Donghuang Bell looks like? It's too big!"

Zhuo Bufan was surprised.

The inside of Donghuang Bell is simply another world!

"Little darling, tell me quickly how you can talk to me!"

"Aside from that little bastard Qingdi, you are the second human being who can communicate with me. It's so interesting."

"Your voice is better than Qingdi's. I like it so much. Can you sing? I want to hear you sing a song."

The weapon spirit of Donghuang Bell can now be unbridled and excited.

Outside the abyss, many people heard the soul-stirring ringing of the Donghuang Bell under the abyss.

Everyone fled the abyss because the Donghuang Bell was about to go berserk.

Zhuo Bufan, who was inside the Donghuang Bell, was spared from the evil sound.

However, the instrument spirit of Donghuang Bell asked him to sing a song, and Zhuo Bufan didn't know how to respond for a while.

Zhuo Bufan perfunctorily sang a children's song to it, "Two Tigers."

Unexpectedly, this guy was even more excited.

"It sounds good, it sounds good, little darling, let's play one more, play one more."

Zhuo Bufan wanted to cry but had no tears. Was he captured by Donghuang Zhong and raised as a myna?

What he didn't expect was that a children's song could make it so exciting.

But this was the first time Zhuo Bufan sang with his soul.

What is a soul singer? He is a soul singer.

Really singing with your soul.

At Donghuang Artifact Spirit's repeated request, Zhuo Bufan sang another children's song for it - Little Rabbit Be Good.

"It sounds good, little darling, are you singing like yourself? One more song, one more song."


Zhuo Bufan now seriously doubts Donghuang Zhong's mind.

He felt like he was coaxing a child.

"Brother, can we be serious? You put me into the Donghuang Bell just to make me sing for you, right?"

Zhuo Bufan didn't know what the Donghuang Weapon Spirit's intention was in getting him into the Donghuang Bell.

But Zhuo Bufan felt uncomfortable singing children's songs so tirelessly!

After hearing this, the Donghuang bell spirit replied.

"You sing one more song, and I will tell you if you sing one more song."

"Um, can you please stop talking like this? If you scold me again, I will stop singing!"

Zhuo Bufan actually acted arrogantly.

"Did I scold you? I didn't scold you! What Qingdi told me is what I mean! Do you think what I said is right?"

Zhuo Bufan held his forehead. He could already imagine how Qingdi taught this weapon spirit to curse.

It seems that Qing Emperor is indeed an irregular person.

"Okay, then I will sing you another song."

The advantage could not be taken advantage of by Donghuang Weiling alone, so Zhuo Bufan simply called himself Lao Tzu.

Let’s hurt each other!

This time Zhuo Bufan did not sing another children's song, but sang a popular song "The Chrysanthemum Broken" that he remembered.

After the song ended, Zhuo Bufan was satisfied and performed steadily.

"Can you tell me now?"

After a while, the Donghuang Bell spirit replied.

"Well, this song is not as good as Little Rabbit, it's not good."

Zhuo Bufan was speechless. It seems that with the mind of this spirit, it is only suitable for listening to children's songs.

"The song is over. Now can you tell me what your purpose is?"

Zhuo Bufan asked seriously.

After hearing this, Donghuang Bell smiled.

"I asked you to come in because I want you to make a human for me."


Zhuo Bufan almost spurted blood.

"You want me to make a human? Make a human for you? Oh no, I can't imagine that picture."

A picture that was not suitable for children flashed in Zhuo Bufan's mind, and then he vomited first.

He wondered if he had heard it wrong.

"Make a human with you? I choose to die!"

Zhuo Bufan couldn't imagine the "beautiful" picture of him twisting his waist and fiddling with his body while holding a bell.

"Don't get excited, kid! I have a beautiful lady here!"

"Beautiful lady?"

Zhuo Bufan was stunned for a moment.

It turned out that he had misunderstood. It turned out that he was not having sex with Donghuang Zhong.

"You should have told me earlier that there was a beautiful lady!"

Zhuo Bufan could accept it as long as it was not having sex with Donghuang Zhong.

At this moment, a ball of white light suddenly appeared in front of Zhuo Bufan.

A white jade bed appeared from the light.

On the jade bed, there lay a woman with a smile on her face and her pretty eyebrows tightly closed, sleeping soundly.

Zhuo Bufan took a closer look and took two steps back in fright.

"Bai Su?"


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