Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 296: Su and Fan (V)

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"Xuanji Umbrella, where are you taking me?"

In the foggy world, Bai Su, dressed in a white dress, chased Xuanji Umbrella and cleared away the heavy fog.

Soon, Xuanji Umbrella brought her to a hill.

This is a lonely and ancient hill, on which there are some nameless stone tablets everywhere.

Some stone tablets have long been weathered into dust. Some stone tablets are still illuminated by the light of the stars.

They are messy and inserted diagonally on the ground without any rules.

These stone tablets are not ordinary stone tablets, but tombstones.

This hill is not an ordinary hill, but an ancient cemetery.

How old it is, no one knows.

In this cemetery, there are two closely connected tombs, both empty!

Bai Su was shocked, because the tomb on the right was the tomb she crawled out of more than ten years ago.

"I'm back!"

Bai Su said coldly without any expression.

Looking at the empty tomb, she felt so mixed up that she didn't know where to start.

The past ten years were aimless for her.

She crawled out of this lonely tomb, with blank memories, and broke into the chaotic world.

One person, one fan, not knowing where to go!

Take one step at a time. Wherever you go, stop there.

Finally one day, she met a man.

Her calm heart was rippled, like an autumn wind rippling a cold pool.

It was a very strange feeling, as if the man was the same kind of person as her, both of whom crawled out of the cemetery.

They did not belong to this era.

Their sudden appearance would disrupt the order and rules of this era!

"What exactly is the memory I got in the Holy Land? What is my relationship with Baidi?"

"In ancient times, why did the most mysterious Baidi guide me to find the Creation Pearl!"

Bai Su looked quietly at the empty tomb in front of her and the lonely grave next to it.

At this moment, a ray of light suddenly fell from the sky and poured into Bai Su's head.

With a bang, Bai Su's soul was pulled back from the confused cemetery.

Breathing the cool air in her nose, Bai Su's soul suddenly trembled, and "Destiny" attacked her again, warning her that Zhuo Bufan, whom she was going to kill, was right next to her.

"Xuanji Umbrella!"

Bai Su shouted softly, and her right hand grasped in the air. The Xuanji Umbrella placed next to her jade bed flew into her hand and pointed at Zhuo Bufan.

Seeing this, Zhuo Bufan immediately took three steps back.

"Hey, hey, hey, Miss Bai, calm down, calm down."

Zhuo Bufan didn't expect Bai Su to wake up suddenly, and actually killed him without saying a word.

"Why did you wake her up? Don't you know that this woman is specifically killing me?"

Then Zhuo Bufan shouted at the Donghuang Bell Spirit.

Donghuang Bell Spirit was stunned when he heard it.

"Do you have a grudge against this girl?"

"No, but this woman was hit by some bullshit 'Saint's Rule' and was ordered to kill me. So if you lock us up together and want to create a human for you, it's impossible."

Zhuo Bufan said.

"Where is this, why are you here?"

Bai Su didn't continue to move, because she couldn't feel the breath of other people.

In other words, there was no third person here except Zhuo Bufan and her.

In addition, not only was there no other life in this place, even her five-finger Xiaoyanshu was completely unusable in it.

"Miss Bai, can we call a truce first?"

"Let me tell you, we are now in the Donghuang Bell. That is, the artifact of the Qing Emperor, the Donghuang Bell. That shameless artifact spirit kidnapped us."

Zhuo Bufan cursed the Donghuang artifact spirit, anyway, it couldn't understand human language.

"Donghuang Bell, why am I here?"

Bai Su covered her eyes and frowned.

"How should I know? This question should be asked to you, right? I was caught by that shameless guy, what about you?"

Bai Su supported her forehead and shook her head.

"I don't know, I fainted."

After escaping Zhuo Bufan's questioning, Bai Su violated "heaven's will" and was bombarded by "heaven's will". Finally, she fainted and fell into a dark abyss.

Bai Su only had these memories.

Obviously, the abyss she fell into was the abyss where the Donghuang Bell was.

The old drunkard once said that he heard something falling from the sky and hitting the Donghuang Bell, so he found the Donghuang Bell.

In other words, it was the Donghuang Bell that Bai Su fell and hit.

Then this shameless bell actually hid Bai Su secretly.

"Hey, stinky boy, what are you two talking about?"

The Donghuang Bell couldn't understand human language, it could only communicate with Zhuo Bufan.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan quickly answered with his soul.

"Why did she say she was here? Did you get her consent to bring her in?"

"Why would I need consent to kidnap someone? Did you get your consent to kidnap you?"

This shameless Donghuang Bell spirit was still able to argue, leaving Zhuo Bufan speechless.

"You win, now she wants you to let her out."

"Don't force us, a forced melon is not sweet, we two can't make a baby for you."

"This woman has no other thoughts except to kill me."

Zhuo Bufan and Bai Su had sex, which he himself could not imagine.

"Saint's rules, right? In my body, I can help you suppress it!"

The Donghuang Bell is a divine weapon that can suppress the heaven and earth, and it can also suppress the saint's rules.

"Then why don't you hurry up, if you want me to be with her, you have to let me build feelings with her first, right?"

As soon as Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, another ray of light suddenly fell from a star in the Nine Heavens Milky Way in the sky.

Finally, it poured into Bai Su's head.

In an instant, Bai Su felt that the "destiny" shackles deep in her soul were imprisoned by a more mysterious energy.

At the same time, in the Tianwu League of the Northern Territory tens of thousands of miles away, the Northern Emperor Xing Badao was suddenly stunned.

"My 'destiny' has been cut off!"

"Interesting, Bai Su, you really surprised me!"

After the "destiny" rule was suppressed, Bai Su's killing intention towards Zhuo Bufan was reduced a lot.

She slowly put down the mysterious umbrella in her hand and sat on the jade bed.

Obviously, her soul was hit again and again, and she was a little tired. She didn't want to say anything at this moment.

"Brother Qiling, let's make a deal! Let me go, and I'll find you another strong man."

Zhuo Bufan has not given up yet. Even if Bai Su no longer has the intention to kill him, it is impossible for him to have sex with Bai Su.

Bai Su doesn't know anything now. Once Zhuo Bufan has that intention, even if there is no "fate" rule, Bai Su will be killed.

Zhuo Bufan can see that this is a pure, cold, and quite arrogant woman.

However, how could Donghuang Qiling let him go.

"Don't dream, I won't let you go. You are the only one who can talk to me. No matter how many men there are, they are not as important as you."

Zhuo Bufan only realized now how stupid it was for him to take the initiative to talk to Donghuang Zhong.

"What do you want, this broken bell? What's the point of trapping me in it?"

Zhuo Bufan didn't understand Donghuang Bell's behavior. If he really couldn't get out, he would rather die.

However, this time, Donghuang Bell didn't answer him immediately.

After a long time, it slowly spoke.

"I hate it!"

Donghuang Bell suddenly became sad. There was a lot of helplessness in his tone.

"Hate? Who do you hate?" Zhuo Bufan asked quietly.

"Qingdi, Donghuang!"


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