Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 299: Su and Fan (VIII)

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The road to cultivating immortality pays attention to the land of Dharma and wealth.

Companion, a Taoist companion!

It is not a simple marriage contract.

It is a bond and lover who can support each other and rely on each other on the road to immortality.

The harmony of yin and yang is the unchanging law of heaven and earth.

Only by complying with the way of heaven and the laws can we benefit from the gift of heaven and evolve under the laws of heaven.

Cultivation of immortals naturally cannot escape this law.

Double cultivation, double relatives, twin lives, double benefits.

It is indeed possible to achieve common progress and achieve a great evolution of will and cultivation.

No wonder Taoist lovers are the most rare people to work with on the road to immortality.

On Zhuo Bufan's path of cultivating immortality, he will definitely meet a Taoist companion.

But he never thought it would be Bai Su!

He had a dual cultivation experience with Fengya, and he thought his Taoist companion would be Fengya.

In the end, he was killed by the woman in front of him!

Could this be God's will?

Zhuo Bufan didn't know clearly, but when he looked at Bai Su, he shook his head repeatedly.

"No, it's impossible to practice dual cultivation with her."

Zhuo Bufan couldn't imagine it.

"Why is it impossible? Hehe, what I thought of is indeed a unique and good solution."

"Speaking of which, the old and shameless Qing Emperor once put a lot of good things for dual cultivation in my clock."

"Boy, I will give you a gift first."

Donghuang Zhong said to himself.

Suddenly, two rays of star light fell from the Nine Heavens Galaxy and landed on the souls of Zhuo Bufan and Bai Su respectively.

At that moment, Zhuo Bufan's soul trembled.

There was suddenly a message from a mysterious scripture in his soul.

Deep in his soul, pictures of men and women cultivating each other kept flashing through.

The blending of souls, the movement of veins, the posture of dual cultivation...

"Yin Yang He Dao Sutra?"

Zhuo Bufan was shocked.

"Hahahaha, that's right. I didn't expect your kid to know the Yin-Yang Hedao Sutra. Now that you know this is the Yin-Yang Hedao Sutra, everything is easier to explain."

"You should understand what I mean, right? Come on!"

Donghuang Bell Spirit said impatiently.

Zhuo Bufan did not expect that what Donghuang Zhong gave him would be the "Yin Yang He Dao Sutra".

He has been working hard to find the "Yin Yang He Huan Shu", in order to combine the three dual cultivation techniques of "Yin Yang He Huan Shu", "Yufang Qingxian Jue" and "Su Nu Dong Xuan Sutra" into the "Yin Yang He Dao Sutra".

Unexpectedly, the "Book of Yin and Yang Hehuan" was not found, so he directly obtained the complete version of "The Book of Yin and Yang Hedao".

Not only Zhuo Bufan, Bai Su also got this "Yin Yang He Dao Jing".

Bai Su, who knew nothing about anything, suddenly felt a magical power appearing deep in his soul.

Immediately afterwards, a mysterious secret of dual cultivation appeared in her soul.

The pictures of dual cultivation are vivid and vivid. Let Bai Su Feifan compete, she can't even think about it or not.

"What's this?"

Bai Su gritted her jade teeth and asked with a blush on her face.

Zhuo Bufan glanced at her and said helplessly.

"Did you see it too? This is the dual cultivation technique that the shameless Donghuang Bell Spirit showed us."

"What does it want to do?"

Bai Su asked.

She could not communicate with Donghuang Zhong and could only ask Zhuo Bufan.

However, the smart Bai Su has basically guessed the intention of Donghuang Bell.

The purpose of introducing the dual cultivation technique into her soul was obviously to allow her to practice dual cultivation with Zhuo Bufan.

Thinking of this, Bai Su felt ashamed and annoyed.

"This guy's purpose is already obvious!"

"But I also need to tell you the truth. That guy thought of a way. He wants us to practice together and achieve the fusion of souls."

"We make a contract with it using our shared souls. This is the only way it can promise to let us out."

Zhuo Bufan couldn't let Bai Su be confused.

When Bai Su heard this, he gritted his teeth and said.

"Shameless, dreaming."

I don't know if she was scolding Zhuo Bufan or Donghuang Zhong.

But the image of dual cultivation in her mind could not be blocked at all. The more Bai Su tried to block it, the clearer the memory became, and she couldn't help but feel her heartbeat.

"That's a good scolding. I also think that guy is shameless."

"The way of dual cultivation is all about your own will. I don't agree with this guy's approach."

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he prepared to approach Bai Su.

As a result, Bai Su suddenly shouted.

"Go away, stay away from me."

Perhaps because he knew about Donghuang Zhong's dual cultivation method, Bai Su became wary of Zhuo Bufan again.

Upon hearing this, Zhuo Bufan took two steps back.

"There is no need for you to guard against me, and I will not agree to Donghuang Zhong's shameless behavior."

Zhuo Bufan made his position clear.

"Don't come close to me, otherwise I won't be able to help but kill you."

Although Bai Su no longer has murderous intentions towards Zhuo Bufan.

But if Zhuo Bufan really has evil intentions towards her, this does not mean that Bai Su will not kill him to protect herself.

Hearing Bai Su's words, the atmosphere in the picture became tense for a moment.

"Boy, what's wrong with you? It's your mother-in-law's fault! Do you still want me to teach you?"

At this time, deep in his mind, he still remembered the untimely sound of the Donghuang Bell.

"Shut up! This woman was just about to kill me, didn't you see?"

Zhuo Bufan said angrily.

Now he is in a dilemma.

On this side, Donghuang Zhong strongly requires him to practice dual cultivation with Bai Su.

On the other side, Bai Su is wary of Zhuo Bufan as if he is wary of a pervert.

What to do?

Zhuo Bufan is also angry.

On the other hand, the charm of the Yin-Yang Hedao Sutra in his mind is really hard to resist.

That is the Yin-Yang Hedao Sutra, a dual cultivation scripture that can achieve unity, the best dual cultivation technique in the world.

Zhuo Bufan got such a dual cultivation scripture, and his heart was itchy as if there were ten thousand ants biting.

He definitely wanted to find someone to practice with, but there was only Bai Su in front of him.

More importantly, Bai Su also got this scripture.

The two of them practiced together, which was a perfect match made in heaven.

To be honest, Zhuo Bufan's desire for dual cultivation was no less than his desire to get Donghuang Zhong.

Practicing dual cultivation with Bai Su and getting Donghuang Zhong at the same time.

What a great temptation this is for Zhuo Bufan.

Temptation, this is absolutely irresistible temptation.

"Boy, don't worry, I'll help you to imprison that little girl, she can't hurt you."

At this time, the god-assisting Donghuang Zhong obviously spared no effort to help Zhuo Bufan.

He also wanted to leave this ghost place.

Buzz buzz buzz buzz!

As soon as the voice fell, a powerful energy poured into Bai Su's body again.

This time, Bai Su was surprised to find that the water elemental power in her body was imprisoned by a powerful energy.

At the same time, a ray of light fell on Zhuo Bufan, but it protected Zhuo Bufan.

Zhuo Bufan was like a golden light, indestructible, and filled with holy light.

"Boy, the girl has been imprisoned by me, and I have also blessed you with a protection that is invulnerable to all methods. Now you can go up without worry, that girl can't hurt you."

Zhuo Bufan was really stunned when he saw this scene.

This is the most awesome god-assisting he has ever seen.

This time it is not a pig teammate, but a real god-assisting.

In order to allow Zhuo Bufan and Bai Su to practice dual cultivation, the shameless Donghuang Zhong was so worried.

"Still not moving? It seems that I have to use my ultimate move."

"Try the secret medicine left by Qingdi - the Smoke of Desolate Soul."

After Donghuang Zhong finished speaking, Zhuo Bufan had not yet come to his senses, and he only saw groups of pink smoke floating in from all directions, surrounding him and Bai Su...

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