Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 310: Strange Things on the Ice [Second update, please subscribe]

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Because of the Chaos Clock, Zhuo Bufan aroused public outrage.

Obviously people are jealous, and these people do not want Zhuo Bufan to obtain such an innate artifact.

Under the guise of regaining the Donghuang Bell for the Eastern Royal Family, they began to hunt Zhuo Bufan in the underground world.

"Damn, these hypocrites and moral defenders! You can't stand me, okay?"

Zhuo Bufan was forced to run away. With his current ability, he was chased by dozens of golden elixir masters without dying, which was something to be proud of.

"Damn it, when I get out, I'll settle the accounts with you one by one."

Although he couldn't compete in a group challenge, Zhuo Bufan still had confidence in a solo challenge.

After escaping from the underground palace of Baidi City, he entered a long corridor.

The deeper he went, the more he felt a biting coldness.

The purpose of Zhuo Bufan's visit to the Four Emperors Forum this time was to obtain Emperor Xuan's Xuan Altar.

Unexpectedly, after going through so many turmoils, Xuan Tan has not yet been obtained, but it has made him feel sexy.

"Old Zhong, I have offended everyone in the world because of you!"

"Do you know what those guys were talking about?"

"They said that you are called the Donghuang Bell and that you belong to their Donghuang Palace. I am a thief who stole the Donghuang Bell."

"They want me to put you back on that altar, otherwise, you will die."

Zhuo Bufan informed Chaos Clock of the whole story.

When Chaos Bell heard this, he immediately became angry.

"Are these guys going to put me back on that altar?"

"Fuck them."

The Chaos Clock was finally freed from that altar. Now if anyone puts it back on that altar, the Chaos Clock will hate him to the bone.

"I can't do it!"

Zhuo Bufan smiled bitterly.

Afterwards, Chaos Clock calmed down and answered.

"Don't worry, kid. Since I have chosen you as my new master, from now on I will have nothing to do with Qingdi."

"If people from the Eastern Royal Family come to find you, I will protect you."

The Chaos Bell is very loyal. After all, it was Zhuo Bufan who rescued it from the dark abyss.

Zhuo Bufan is not only the benefactor who rescues it from the sea of ​​suffering, but also the master he is willing to accept as his master.

The Chaos Clock cannot burn bridges.

With the words "Chaos Clock", Zhuo Bufan felt relieved.

"Don't worry, I will never put you back on that cold altar."

"I, Zhuo Bufan, am your new master. I will take you to escape from birth and see the sky, earth, sun, moon and stars 200,000 years from now."

Zhuo Bufan said confidently.

Zhuo Bufan was recognized by Chaos Bell, and Chaos Bell also received Zhuo Bufan's promise.

One person, one hour, more trust.

"The exit has arrived!"

"Wait a minute, what is this place?"

Just when Zhuo Bufan passed through the exit of the corridor.

Suddenly, he discovered that there was a vast world of ice and snow in front of him.

On the ice, there are strange ice sculptures erected.

They have different shapes, such as horses and tigers, wolves and lions, eight-clawed octopus, and hundred-eyed basilisk.

All the ice sculptures are arranged irregularly in a fan shape, especially at the exit of the corridor, where dozens of ice sculptures maintain the same attacking posture.

It seemed as if Xiang Zhuo Bufan was going to be killed in the next second.

"There is something inside this ice sculpture."

Zhuo Bufan's eyes widened in shock.

Inside each ice sculpture, there is a black monster with a different shape.

Their black color is different from ordinary black, so black that it can absorb all light.

They seemed to be frozen in an instant, so they maintained various attacking postures.

It was like a powerful man who was good at using ice and snow, facing the incoming monster army.

She stood majestically and independently at the door of the corridor.

The moment a group of monsters pounced on her, she waved her hand and froze thousands of miles, freezing all the monsters in an instant.

"This should be Bai Di's doing. I heard Qing Di say that Bai Di practices the art of sealing. She is best at freezing, and her freezing can even freeze time."

When Zhuo Bufan heard this, he was secretly shocked.

Being able to freeze time is such a terrifying skill.

As expected of one of the Four Emperors, no one is weak. Even the most mysterious White Emperor is a terrifying existence that is frozen for thousands of miles and frozen in time and space.

"Then what are these?"

Zhuo Bufan looked at the vast expanse of ice sculptures in front of him.

The entire ice and snow world is nearly as big as ten football fields.

There are at least ten to twenty thousand similar ice sculptures.

They were all frozen by Bai Emperor in an instant, and even the cliff at the end of the ice and snow was completely frozen.

On the cliff at the end, there is a huge black door.

That black door shocked Zhuo Bufan.

"The Gate of Emperor Xuan?"

Obviously, the black door is the Xuan Emperor's door. Behind that door will be the monastery of the most mysterious man in the world, Emperor Xuan.

"I don't know, I have never seen such a monster."

Chaos Clock answered Zhuo Bufan's previous inquiry.

Zhuo Bufan frowned slightly after hearing this.

"Are they dead? Why do they feel like they are still alive!"

Zhuo Bufan said.

"No matter, those guys are catching up. I'll open the door."

Zhuo Bufan no longer thought about it, and passed through the dense and irregular ice sculptures, heading towards the Xuan Emperor's Gate.

As the inheritor of Emperor Xuan, Zhuo Bufan's heart was beating very fast at this moment.

Behind that door, he will have a deeper understanding of who the legendary Emperor Xuan is.

Just as Zhuo Bufan rushed to the door, the people chasing him also rushed out of the corridor.

When those people rushed into this frozen world, they were obviously shocked by the scene in front of them.

"What are these things?"

Everyone was suffocating and observing the ice sculptures in front of them.

In the ice sculptures, there were frozen monsters that had never been seen before.

"Do you think the creatures inside are still alive?"

"They look lifelike, as if they are not dead. But, they should have been frozen underground for more than 200,000 years, right?"

"These ice sculptures are worth taking back for research."

Some people paid attention to the ice sculptures in front of them.

In the underground world, anything related to the four emperors may be a treasure.

They didn't care about anything and put these ice sculptures into the ring.


At this moment, suddenly there was a loud noise at the end of the ice and snow space.

Then, the huge black door was seen to be opened with a bang.

"It was that kid, he opened the door of the Xuan Emperor."

"Oh my God, he not only opened the door of the Xuan Emperor, he also stole the door of the Xuan Emperor."

A group of people were shocked to see Zhuo Bufan put the door of the Xuan Emperor into the ring.

What a rude act.

"Isn't that kid afraid of being punished by God?"

"Let's chase him and kill him."

"Forget it, chase him if you want! That kid is a little venerable of the Talisman Temple after all. We don't have to worry about the Donghuang Bell of the Dongjia Family."

"That's right, anyway, the Donghuang Bell can't be ours. There's no need to offend the Talisman Temple for the Dongjia Family."

"These ice sculptures in front of us are probably the relics left by the White Emperor. Instead of chasing that little venerable, it's better to grab more ice sculptures."

Some people have figured it out. It's meaningless for them to chase Zhuo Bufan.

There is no use for these ice sculptures in front of us.

Bringing these ice sculptures back to the sect and studying them will definitely yield huge gains.

As a result, there are fewer people chasing Zhuo Bufan.

Most people began to fight for the ice sculptures.

These ice sculptures are obviously not ordinary ice sculptures. Even if they are hit by the full force of the silver elixir masters, they are still motionless.

The more magical they are, the more these people think that the creatures in these ice sculptures are extraordinary.

As for Zhuo Bufan, he had already rushed into the world behind the door after taking away the Xuandi Gate.

The Blood Wasteland copy is about to end!

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