Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 322 The Return of the Venerable [Third update, please subscribe]

Zhuo Bufan looked at the old man in front of him and asked.

"Are you Lord Ni?"

The other party nodded quickly when he heard it.

"I am Ni Min, Lord of District 11, and I am honored to meet you."

The other party was very polite. Although he was much older than Zhuo Bufan, Zhuo Bufan had the status of a venerable.

The so-called venerable is the most respected among people. When respected by all talisman masters, this is a venerable.

Zhuo Bufan was not used to the respect of his elders, so he replied.

"Lord Ni, you are polite."

"Now I am going to report to the Talisman Temple. If Lord Ni doesn't mind the trouble, can you help me get through?"

Going to the Talisman Temple, there are eleven walls and eleven checkpoints.

It is obviously impossible for ordinary people to walk from District 11 to the central Talisman Temple unimpeded.

But the words of the city lord are obviously privileged.

The other party replied when he heard it.

"Captain Meng has told me that the windmill is ready. If you are in a hurry, we can set off now. We should be able to reach the temple before nightfall."

"Then what are you waiting for? There is no time to lose."

Zhuo Bufan was in a hurry.

After saying goodbye to his brothers in the guard camp, he took Ni Min out of the camp.

Outside the camp, a four-wheeled vehicle appeared in front of Zhuo Bufan.

"Is this the windmill?"

Zhuo Bufan asked.

He thought it was just an ordinary carriage, but this car had no horse.

It looked more like a wooden car, and even had a driver.

No need to ask more, this is obviously another magical talisman. It uses a certain kind of power spell.

Since the name is windmill, it may be a kind of wind power.

In the magical world of spells, although Zhuo Bufan is a noble man, he doesn't know as much about spells as he imagined.

After getting in the car, Zhuo Bufan really felt like sitting in a BMW.

The seats inside are all leather and very comfortable.

There were dim lights and fine wines in the car.

Zhuo Bufan didn't ask more questions. He didn't want people to think that he, the Venerable, knew nothing. That would make him look ignorant.

Just like that, Zhuo Bufan got on Ni Min's windmill, waved goodbye to the guards of District 11, and headed for the Talisman Temple.

Along the way, the guard gates of the various walled towers did not block too much after seeing that it was the windmill of the city lord, and let it pass directly, which was considered unimpeded.

"Is this the first time for the little Venerable to come to the Talisman Temple?"

Ni Min sat next to Zhuo Bufan and asked.

"Yes, I think City Lord Ni knows more or less about my situation, right?"

This is the center of the world, the Temple City. Any news cannot escape the intelligence agencies here.

Ni Min smiled when he heard it.

"We are relieved that the little Venerable can return safely."

"By the way, did the little Venerable come back specially to attend the Venerable Meeting next month?"

Zhuo Bufan was stunned.

"The meeting of the respected people? Oh, yes, the meeting of the respected people."

Who knows what the meeting of the respected people is, but Zhuo Bufan pretended to come for the meeting of the respected people.

However, his little thoughts could not be hidden from Ni Min, an old fox who has lived for hundreds of years.

Ni Min has seen that Zhuo Bufan has no idea what the meeting of the respected people is. He did not point it out to avoid embarrassment.

"Then the little respected person should work hard. This meeting is a big explosion of the thoughts of all the respected people. The little respected person will definitely shine in this conference."

The other party believes in Zhuo Bufan very much.

"Haha, no problem, no problem."

Zhuo Bufan answered Ni Min.

Obviously, Zhuo Bufan did not want to say anything more to this Ni City Lord.

The experience in the world of cultivation for a year made Zhuo Bufan firmly believe in one truth.

Don't talk to people easily, and don't trust others by the way.

The Shanghang Dao, the owner of Fubao in Huoyun City, is an example.

Next, the two did not say anything more.

After driving for more than an hour, they passed nine levels in succession.

The time has changed from sunset to the lights coming on.

The scenery on both sides of the street has also changed from ordinary farmland and pasture to shopping malls, hotels, and high-end clubs.

The light at night is getting brighter and brighter, and dazzling.

When they arrived at the main city of District 1, Zhuo Bufan saw the most prosperous streets and night markets he had seen since he came to the world of immortal cultivation.

The main city of District 1, the area closest to the central talisman temple.

Here are rows of white jade castles. Under the embellishment of lighting crystals, a city that never sleeps is formed.

On both sides of the wide main road, the magnificent palaces show absolute luxury.

What Champs Elysees, what New York Times Square, what Broadway Avenue.

In front of this more than 200 meters wide and more than 200 miles long Temple Avenue, it is not worth mentioning at all.

What made Zhuo Bufan even more stunned was that there was a traffic jam on the avenue of this city that never sleeps.

At that moment, Zhuo Bufan felt that he was not in the world of immortal cultivation. It was like he was back on Earth, back in a bustling city.

After half an hour of "traffic jam", Zhuo Bufan's cloud car finally arrived in front of the last walled tower.

Behind this fifty-meter-high wall is the real talisman temple.

However, this time, Zhuo Bufan's windmill was intercepted.

"Why don't you open the door quickly? Don't you know that this is Lord Ni's windmill?"

The driver yelled at the guard.

As a result, the guards remained unmoved.

"What's going on?" Ni Min asked.

"Back to the city lord, they have closed the door to the temple."

"Go down and take a look." Ni Min said.

Then the driver stepped off the windmill and went to negotiate with the guards.

After a while, the driver came back helplessly and said.

"City Lord, they won't open the door. I reported your identity, and they said that they were following orders. No one can enter the temple tonight."

"By order? Whose order?" Ni Min asked.

"By the order of Lord Gao."

"Gao Youhai?" Ni Min frowned.

"Who is that?" Zhuo Bufan asked.

Ni Min replied: "It's the city lord of District 1, Gao Youhai."

"My dear sir, please wait a moment, I will go find Gao Youhai in person."

It took Zhuo Bufan and the others more than an hour of driving to get here. Now, if they told him they couldn't go in, how could they do that?

Zhuo Bufan didn't say much. It was more appropriate to leave this matter to Ni Min to negotiate.

After Ni Min stepped off the windmill, he came to the city gate and looked at the guards.

"Where is your city lord? Can't you even let me in?"

Ni Min yelled at the guards.

At this moment, someone's loud shout came from above the city.

"Who is it? Dare to yell in front of my city?"

As soon as the words fell!


A huge black shadow fell from the top of the fifty-meter-high city like a boulder.

Under the night lights, a muscular and powerful man stood up from the ground.

He was as strong as an orangutan, and with a piece of fang armor on his shoulders, he looked like a ferocious beast.

Facing the menacing "orc", Ni Min did not retreat at all, but took a step forward.

"City Lord Gao, it's good that you're here. You're fine!"

When the other party saw the visitor, he smiled and said, "It turns out to be brother Ni Min. Why are you coming to my city in the middle of the night?"

"I don't have to go to the Three Treasures Palace for anything! I want to go into the temple and ask City Lord Gao to open the door."

Upon hearing this, Gao Youhai took a step forward and said.

"Open the door? No, brother, no one can go in tonight."

"No one can enter? Why?" Ni Min asked.

"I am also following orders. I heard that another distinguished person has appeared in the Western Continent. The temple masters in the temple are holding a temporary meeting. They will not receive any foreign guests tonight."

"Another venerable person appears?" Ni Min asked in surprise.

"Yes, this matter is of great importance, so the Lord of Lei Palace asked me to close the city gate and not allow visitors for the time being."

"You really can't open it?"

"I really can't open it!"

The two sides were in a stalemate.

"That's not possible! There is a distinguished person sitting on top of my windmill!"

As a last resort, Ni Min had no choice but to reveal Zhuo Bufan's true identity.

As soon as these words came out, Gao Youhai was stunned for a moment.

"Is there a distinguished person sitting in your windmill?"

"Yes, there is a distinguished person sitting in my windmill. His title is Light and Shadow!"

Let’s talk about the update. There is usually one update in the morning. Then other updates are concentrated in the evening. So everyone can watch it together at night. No need to wait! The plot of this volume may not look like cultivating immortals, so please forgive me if I feel uncomfortable.

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