Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 332: Destroying the Qixia Sect with Bombs [3rd update, please subscribe]

Although Yunmeng Realm is just a world made up entirely of soul power.

But this world is no different from the world of immortal cultivation except that it will not really die.

Because Yunmeng Realm was destroyed once, all the civilizations that existed in Yunmeng Realm disappeared.

Now that Yunmeng Realm has been restarted, all the people who enter Yunmeng Realm are trying to figure out how to play around in this world.

Like all civilizations, the civilization of Yunmeng Realm will also go from development to war.

That's why the Soul Altar can be exchanged for a strategic soul weapon such as "Sky Battleship".

However, it takes a process to go from development to war.

After all, when Yunmeng Realm has enough resources and can develop peacefully, no one will easily start a war.

However, Zhuo Bufan is such a promoter of war.

In order to protect Bai Su, he had to start the second stage of Yunmeng Realm, the camp war stage, in advance.

He drove the strategic soul weapon, the primary "Sky Battleship", and appeared above Qixia Sect.

This primary Sky Battleship is equipped with 108 primary soul cannons, nine primary soul towers, and a primary destruction cannon.

Soul cannons use soul power as cannonballs and can cause large-scale destructive power.

Soul towers are devices that can release powerful black soul currents, which can form a battleship shield and directly ram.

Destruction cannons, an ultimate soul light speed that can specifically break through the camp's protective formation, require a long time to charge, and can only be used once at most in a war.

After Zhuo Bufan exchanged for the "Sky Battleship", he immediately mastered the situation and usage of the battleship.

It is worthy of the strategic soul weapon he exchanged for 50 million soul power.

When it appeared over the Qixia Sect, the people of the Qixia Sect were all shocked by this black battleship.

"Look, what is that?"

"I've never seen this before, go and report to the elders."

"Look at the sides of the ship, are there gun barrels? Isn't this a weapon?"

The disciples of Qixia Sect were furious after seeing the Sky Battleship.

The Qixia Sect's main altar is located on a hill.

After all, it is the main altar, and Qixia Sect has spent a lot of effort to manage it.

Many building walls have been built, and there are even palaces and markets.

It still looks very impressive, at least it can be seen that it is the main altar of a large sect.

The Yunmeng Realm has now become a battleground for the sects.

So generally, there are many elders in the Yunmeng Realm main altar.

After the elders came out of the hall, they saw the Sky Battleship located diagonally above their main altar, and they all blew their beards and stared, with a look of confusion on their faces.

"What is that?"

An elder even asked the disciple next to him, how could the disciple know?

"I don't know, but elder, you see, there are gun muzzles on both sides of the ship, which is likely to be a weapon."

"Weapon? No, you go back to the sect immediately and ask the sect master and the elders to come."

These elders could not make a decision, so they immediately sent people back to the Xiuxian world and asked the sect master to come and make a decision.

The other elders flew up with various flying soul tools and confronted the Cangqiong battleship.

Some people even opened the Xuanguang mirror to check the information of the Cangqiong battleship.

"I found it, the primary Cangqiong battleship, soul power exchange: 200 million soul power?"

Some people fainted after seeing this number.

The total soul power income of their headquarters so far is less than 100 million, and the value of this Cangqiong battleship has reached 200 million.

A soul altar can accommodate up to 10,000 disciples, and the total soul power earned by the disciples of Qixia Sect through hunting soul beasts so far is less than 100 million.

Hunting soul beasts is also the mainstream way to obtain soul power.

Because the disciples under the sect are of varying quality, some disciples often die tragically in the wild. It takes two or three months to recover after death.

So the total value is only about 100 million.

This is still the total value, 90% of which belongs to the disciples, and only 10% is presented to the master of the soul altar.

In other words, the surplus soul power of the Qixia Sect headquarters is less than 10 million!

What a pitiful number, they need to work hard for at least 10 to 20 years to get such a "sky battleship".

Of course, it is normal for a disciple of a soul altar to work hard for 10 or even 20 years to get a sky battleship.

But Zhuo Bufan has more than 2,000 soul altars, he is a BUG.

This BUG only needs seven days a week to get such a sky battleship.

Now Zhuo Bufan understands what the opportunity mentioned by the Holy Lord means.

He Zhuo Bufan has the biggest opportunity in Yunmeng Realm.

It can be said that this opportunity is not weaker than Donghuang Bell.

This allows him to be arrogant and do whatever he wants in Yunmeng Realm.


Soon, the leader of Qixia Sect came with all the elders, except those who were chasing Bai Su.

The leader of Qixia Sect, an elder with a long black beard, looked very prestigious.

He stepped on a soul cloud, held a staff, and flew up.

For a moment, many people surrounded Zhuo Bufan's Sky Battleship and were amazed.

"Sky Battleship, a strategic soul weapon exchanged for 200 million soul power. This is a soul weapon that can flatten the camp!"

"Master, look quickly, what does that guy mean?"

A group of elders pointed at the captain standing on the battleship with his arms folded. He was wearing a silver armor that covered his face and no one recognized him.

"Sir, what do you mean?"

The head of Qixia Sect slowly approached Zhuo Bufan's "Sky Battleship".

However, when he was less than a hundred meters away from the Sky Battleship.

Hiss, hiss, hiss, hiss!

Black arcs flashed in the air, and then the nine soul towers on the battleship began to release black arcs like Tesla's electric circles, wrapping up the entire "Sky Battleship".

For a moment, the air around the Sky Battleship became terrifying, and the space began to distort. The creatures that were close to the soul electric circle a hundred meters away were instantly wiped out.

The elder of Qixia Sect was shocked by this scene.

"I'm here to warn you Qixia Sect."

"Stop chasing Bai Wang Bai Su immediately! Otherwise..."

Zhuo Bufan said coldly, his tone without any emotion.

"Bai Wang Bai Su? Who are you? Are you Bai Su's accomplice?"

"Are you threatening me? Otherwise, what will happen?"

The head of Qixia Sect snorted coldly, and a soul book slowly emerged in front of him.

"What will happen otherwise? Hehehe, then I'll show you what will happen otherwise."

As soon as Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, the head of Qixia Sect had not yet opened the soul book.

Suddenly, all the soul cannons on the Sky Battleship were aimed at the Qixia Sect headquarters below.

And the huge primary destructive cannon in front of the battleship also calibrated its position.

Countless blue particles gathered in front of the muzzle.

"What is he going to do? What is he going to do?"

"I have a bad feeling."

"Me too, very bad, very bad."

The disciples standing at the Qixia Sect headquarters saw hundreds of cannons pointing at their Qixia Sect, and for a moment, everyone's scalp exploded.

The head also reacted immediately.

"How dare you!"

He shouted, ready to stop Zhuo Bufan's crazy behavior.

But it was too late.

Bang bang bang bang...

At once, hundreds of soul cannons fired at the same time.

The moment it landed, there was a huge pit with a diameter of two meters. Hundreds of cannons fired a soul cannon shell every less than one second.

In just a moment, the sect of Qixia Sect became a ruin.

And when the destructive cannon in front was fully charged, it shot out a blue light column with a diameter of half a meter.


Instantly, the whole land was destroyed and disintegrated in an instant.


Continue later!

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