Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 335 Lingbo Zunren [First update, please subscribe]

Su Yao's words benefited Zhuo Bufan a lot, but at the same time they made him feel terrible.

Zhuo Bufan hurriedly left Nong Yue Tower and met Ni Min who had been waiting for him early.

Then the two of them left the romantic field without stopping.

"God's will? God's will allows me to settle my destiny? Why do I feel like I am just sitting there waiting for death?"

Zhuo Bufan didn't think too much. He had a feeling that he would probably return to Nong Yue Tower. Next time, it won’t be as simple as just coming here to be cool.

"Where are we going now?"

After leaving Nongyue Tower, Zhuo Bufan asked Ni Min who was standing aside.

The ten days that Zhuo Bufan was trapped on the tower were the ten days that Ni Min was most at ease.

After hearing this, Ni Min replied.

"Little Master, let's go to the Master's Workshop!"

"The meeting of the hall masters is not over yet. Now all the lords are heading to the lord's workshop to wait for further instructions."

"Everyone?" Zhuo Bufan said blankly.

"That's right, the Venerable Meeting is about to begin. All the Venerables of the Talisman Temple will participate in this event."

"Now everyone is arranged in the Zunrenfang, waiting for the call from the temple. I heard that the new Zunren has also arrived."

Ni Min has been able to act as Zhuo Bufan's tour guide these days.

"A new venerable person? Is there a new venerable person in the Talisman Temple?"

"Yes, I don't know the specifics. I only know that the title of the new lord is Lingbo."

"Lord Lingbo?"

Zhuo Bufan didn't ask any more questions. He felt that this new lord might have something to do with him.

It couldn't be a coincidence that he discovered light waves with his front feet, and this new venerable person discovered spiritual waves with his back feet.

"So, the teacher should be here too. I just want to ask him something."

Zhuo Bufan didn't pay much attention to the new lord.

Then, under the leadership of Ni Min, he walked through a ten-mile street and came to a heavily guarded courtyard.

Outside the courtyard, there were heavily armed guards, three layers inside and three layers outside, surrounding it.

There are more than fifty elite guard handles on both sides of the courtyard gate.

"Stop, this is the Zun Renfang, and no one else is allowed to watch."

The two armed guards on the outermost floor shouted at Zhuo Bufan and the others.

"My dear Master, they want to see your Black Master." Ni Min reminded from the side.

Upon hearing this, Zhuo Bufan called out his Black Lord.

When all the guards saw this, they immediately knelt down on one knee.

"Greetings, Your Majesty!"

The magnificence of this person is extraordinary. Just one little black statue made all the guards change their attitude.

"Get up, can I go in now?"

Zhuo Bufan asked.


Then the guards opened a passage and lined it up to welcome Zhuo Bufan's arrival.

As for Ni Min.

"My dear lord, I can only send you here. No one can enter this place except your lord. In addition, I still have some important government affairs to deal with in District 11..."

Ni Min had already talked about this, so Zhuo Bufan naturally understood.

He quickly said to Ni Min.

"City Lord Laoni is here these days. I won't delay your important business. You can go back first!"

"Don't worry, I will stay at Zunrenfang."

Of course Zhuo Bufan understood why Ni Min followed him these days. I was just afraid that he would force his way into the temple.

Now that Zhuo Bufan is sent to Zunrenfang, he feels much more at ease.

Afterwards, Zhuo Bufan said nothing more and turned around and walked into Zunrenfang.

Zunrenfang is a courtyard that only Zunren can enter.

There are several lofts in the courtyard!

They are dormitory building, entertainment hall, Fu Bao Pavilion, etc.!

In fact, it is a place where respectable people exchange feelings with each other.

There are not many venerables in the Talisman Temple, and the total number of venerables now is less than ninety.

Every venerable person is a treasure, and it can be said that the Talisman Temple's protection for them is meticulous.

This small Zunrenfang has everything you need.


"Why is there no one?"

Zhuo Bufan was stunned for a moment.

"Didn't you say that there are already many respectable people in the Zunren Square? Why is there no one there?"

Zhuo Bufan looked at the courtyard. It was empty, not even a hair on it.

"What the hell? Are these respected people hiding in their dormitories and concentrating on research?"

Zunrenfang doesn't respect people. Isn't this just teasing him?

At this moment, Zhuo Bufan suddenly heard noise coming from a Fu Bao Pavilion in front of him.

Zhuo Bufan hurried forward and arrived in front of the gate of Fu Bao Pavilion. He saw that the hall was filled with old men with white beards.

It turned out that everyone gathered in Fu Bao Pavilion.

But why are they all gathered here?

Fifty or sixty venerable people were surrounded by three layers inside and three layers outside.

Every person here who takes it outside will attract thousands of people.

But now they were all just onlookers.

"looking at what?"

Zhuo Bufan asked outside the crowd, but no one paid attention to him, everyone was minding their own business.

"Who is it? Don't squeeze. Don't squeeze."

"Which old monster is so anxious? Have you never seen a female doll?"

"Hahaha, Lord Lingbo, who would have thought that Lord Lingbo is actually a female doll. How long has it been since there was a female doll in our Talisman Temple?"

"Hey, you old weirdo, aren't you a woman?" a mother-in-law said.

"Hey, Master Mengmai, you are an old woman, not a little girl! Hahahaha!"

"Who do you think is an old woman? I bet I won't be able to speak again."

These respected people's words to you and me are like the crowd of onlookers.

Zhuo Bufan stood outside the crowd, listening in confusion.

"Lord Lingbo, you're a woman?"

"Let me, let me see."

Zhuo Bufan tried to squeeze into the crowd, causing a commotion for a while.

"What kind of young boy is this? Why are you squeezing?"

"Monkeys are anxious, monkeys are anxious, haven't you seen a girl?"

"Hey, why would a kid appear in Zunrenfang? Who is this kid?"

Finally, after all the hardships, Zhuo Bufan squeezed into the crowd.

As a result, there was a woman in a blue dress sitting in the middle of the crowd, which made his eyes light up.

At this moment, the woman turned around and looked at the restlessness behind her.

When Zhuo Bufan saw her face, he was stunned.

"Blue, blue, blue..."

"What's blue? Why don't you call me sir when you see me as your teacher?" The woman also looked at Zhuo Bufan and couldn't help but smile.

"Lan Miaoren?"

Zhuo Bufan finally called out the other party's name.

He never expected that this Lord Lingbo would be his half-talisman, Lan Miaoren.

The female devil Lan Miaoren, this girl actually became a respected person.

"Xiao Zhuo, you're here!"

At the same time, Hunjue Zunren Zu Jiuling in the crowd saw Zhuo Bufan.

Zhuo Bufan raised his eyes and said happily: "Teacher, are you here too?"

Hunjue Zunren's ancestor was nine years old, and he had a high status among Zunren. After all, he became famous very early, and he was also the Soul Talisman Master.

You must know that the three most difficult spells to understand in the Talisman Temple are the Soul Talisman, the Universe Talisman, and the Universe Talisman.

"Brother Ninth, who is this guy? Your apprentice?"

People on the side looked at Zu Jiuling and asked.

Although Zhuo Bufan's name is very famous, so far, except for a few people who have seen him, no one knows that he is the Master of Light and Shadow.

After hearing this, Zu Jiuling smiled slightly and said.

"I am so virtuous and capable that I can become Xiaozhuo's master."

"He is my savior, and the one that everyone has been waiting for, Mr. Light and Shadow!"

As soon as this statement came out, the whole place was in an uproar.

The first few chapters are foreshadowing, so some book friends feel that they are in trouble! I am also very helpless! But he was very excited and no one noticed. Here comes the late first update!

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