Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 337 Respect for others [3rd update, please subscribe]

In the next few days, Zhuo Bufan locked himself in his room.

Then he started writing his own "Petrification Spell" report.

This is a brand new talisman. If the Talisman Temple learns that Zhuo Bufan has discovered a new talisman, the temple masters will definitely be shocked.

Of course, the petrification spell was not Zhuo Bufan's first discovery.

Zhuo Bufan also learned about such a talisman from the mysterious killer, and after his own painstaking research, he discovered such a new talisman.

Zhuo Bufan used the petrification spell for his research report for two main purposes.

First, attract the attention of the temple. Let the temple know of his extraordinary talent and worth.

Second, bring out the mysterious killer.

Her spell was discovered by Zhuo Bufan, and it was also announced to the world, which would definitely cause a reaction from the other party.

Zhuo Bufan wanted to know who the killer was who wanted to kill him.

Five days later, Zhuo Bufan completed the research report on the petrification spell.

Then he walked out of the room with such a report.

Just at this time, the usually quiet Zunrenfang suddenly became agitated.

Immediately afterwards, the bell in Zunrenfang rang.

Then a loud voice came.

"Everyone, please rush to the Great Hall as soon as possible."

Someone shouted.

Upon hearing this, Zhuo Bufan quickly followed everyone to the great hall.

When Zhuo Bufan appeared in the Great Hall, he found that many people were staring at him.

"Xiao Zhuo!"

Teacher Zu Jiuling waved to Zhuo Bufan, and then Zhuo Bufan quickly walked to Zu Jiuling and sat down.

"Teacher, what's going on?"

"It's Lou Gai, the deputy palace master of Guang Palace. He came with the issue of respecting people."

"Respect for persons issue?"

"That's right, every venerable meeting is a big collision of ideas among the major sages. The Talisman Temple will pick a research topic, and then the major sages will start their own research based on this topic."

Zu Jiuling roughly described what the Zunren Meeting was.

"By the way, Xiaozhuo, your new discovery..."

Zu Jiuling knew that Zhuo Bufan was researching new spells and already had an idea.

When Zhuo Bufan heard this, he smiled and said, "It's done."

Zhuo Bufan took out a thick stack of research reports.

When Zu Jiuling saw this, his eyes widened.

"Done? No way, so fast?"

"Fortunately, I actually discovered this spell a long time ago and have been writing a research report on it these days."

Zhuo Bufan is not modest either. After all, from today on, he is destined to be at the forefront of the development of spells, and there is no need to hide it anymore.

But after Zu Jiuling saw the research report in Zhuo Bufan's hand, he was in disbelief and stunned.

He said excitedly with trembling hands and eyes full of yearning.

"Can I take a look?"

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan smiled and said: "Of course, I just want the teacher to see if there are any shortcomings in this report."

"It just so happens that Mr. Lou is here. I think we can announce the discovery of this new spell today. Then let him return to the temple with this report."

"I want to see what the temple thinks."

Everything Zhuo Bufan did was carefully planned.

Zu Jiuling took Zhuo Bufan's report and began to read it carefully.

At this time, all the dignitaries in the Great Hall began to take their seats.

Zhuo Bufan saw his little teacher, Lan Miaoren, in the front row.

Speaking of which, Zhuo Bufan was really surprised. He didn't expect Lan Miaoren to become a respected person and discover the Lingbo Talisman.

Zhuo Bufan could almost guess what the spiritual wave spell discovered by Lan Miaoren was. It was probably microwave.

Zhuo Bufan originally wanted to study microwave spells, but was delayed by various things, and eventually the research came to a halt.

Unexpectedly, this research was eventually conquered by Lan Miaoren.

"Genius girl."

Zhuo Bufan smiled.

Perhaps feeling Zhuo Bufan's gaze, Lan Miaoren looked back at Zhuo Bufan, who was sitting at the top, then pursed her lips and spoke to Zhuo Bufan.

"What are you looking at?"

Seeing this, Zhuo Bufan sighed, then turned his head.

At this moment, a tall old man walked into the great hall.

He was wearing a gray-white robe and was very tall. His hands were hidden in the robe, making him look extremely burly.

Zhuo Bufan laughed when he saw the two ravine-like nasolabial lines.

Lou Gai once crowned Zhuo Bufan as the deputy master of the Hall of Light. Seeing this elder again, Zhuo Bufan looked like a relative.

After Lou Gai walked to the podium, he scanned the venue and finally saw Zhuo Bufan on the high seat in the back row.

As a result, Lou Gai showed a wry smile.

It can be seen from his expression that the palace masters were not very happy with how to handle Zhuo Bufan's meeting.

"Everyone is here! Be quiet for a moment."

"I'll make a long story short. The main reason I came here this time is to follow the order of the master of the hall to convey the agenda of this distinguished meeting."

Lou Gai looked like a university professor and started his speech calmly and calmly.

"Now I announce that the topic of this honorable meeting is light waves and spiritual waves!"

As soon as these words came out, all the dignitaries present were extremely surprised.

They did not expect that the issue of the Talisman Temple this time would be so targeted.

In previous years, the topics of the Venerables in the Talisman Temple were generally about expressing their own opinions on certain phenomena.

For example, the topic of the Venerables in the last session was: What is a dream!

Regarding this topic, all the Venerables can be said to be free to speak and argue fiercely.

Because the scope is very wide, every Venerable can express his or her own opinions.

However, the topic this time is light waves and spiritual waves.

This makes it difficult for many Venerables who have not studied light to express their opinions.

In this regard, Lou Gai had to come forward to explain.

"It's like this. In the past two years, two things have happened that are worthy of our talisman world to celebrate."

"That is, our Talisman Temple has successively produced two Venerables. They are, the Light and Shadow Venerable and the Spirit Wave Venerable."

As soon as this was said, everyone looked at Zhuo Bufan and Lan Miaoren.

The two of them are the two new Venerables mentioned by Lou Gai.

"Interestingly, these two are both young and promising young talents. They are also the two youngest little venerables in the history of my Talisman Temple."

"This marks the beginning of the era when fresh blood begins to flow into my Talisman World. This is a blessing for my Talisman Temple and the entire Talisman World."

"The discoveries of these two venerables are of extraordinary significance. In particular, the light wave theory breaks the traditional photon theory. But it does not deny the photon theory."

"After discussions among the masters of the major halls, it is felt that the research on light waves can be further deepened."

"Perhaps there are more mysteries hidden behind this, which can explain the fundamental problems that have been plaguing our Talisman World for a long time, sighing the wall!"

When Lou Gai said the last sentence, all the venerables were shocked!

Breaking through the sighing wall is simply unimaginable.


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